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Anne Robinson (Weakest Link) Meets Her Match

All The Doctor's Companions & Friends 1963-2010 (Doctor Who)

nanrod says...

@Boise_Lib without reading your comment I paused at 2:43 and thought exactly the same thing. Billy Piper and David Tennant renewed my interest in Dr. Who and were my favourite combo. (damn you siftbot spellcheck, that spelling of favourite is appropriate given the subject matter)

"Domestic Extremist" not "Conservative Terrorist", per Fox

MaxWilder says...

>> ^TheGenk:

I like how she starts to describe the Tea Party/Fox News combo @1:33.

Exactly! I think that's what is happening in American politics right now. The nutjobs are isolating themselves from rational people, become more insular and surrounding themselves with echo chambers. Their loudness and passion (and media support) are pulling more people into the cliques, and it's becoming a vicious cycle.

It's just not healthy to be surrounded by people who all think like you do.

That's probably also what happened with the Westboro wackos.

"Domestic Extremist" not "Conservative Terrorist", per Fox

"Domestic Extremist" not "Conservative Terrorist", per Fox

Al Franken shreds anti-gay witness

Porksandwich says...

I haven't heard of any poor folks adopting kids unless they are related to them or have something in the will of the biological parents saying it can be done upon their death or disability.

That means on the whole adopted kids are going to have access to a lot more resources than a non-adopted....assuming the adoptive parents don't suddenly go broke or illegally adopt to bypass the financial concerns.

That also means those adoptive parents can decide where to live, where to send their kids to school...and generally make sure their kids are raised in a place where the typical public school is not going to offer an environment able to deal with them being adopted by homosexual couples, mixed race couples, couples who are of a different race than the adopted kid, any other combination I haven't thought of. They on the whole have the finances to shape the environment their kid will grow up and the people whom they live near and associate with. Hell there might even be communities out there where they cater specifically to adoptive parents and adopted kids of "unconventional" varieties.

I mean in general, adoptive parents aren't just on a whim deciding they want a kid to keep their marriage together or whatever else. They have to spend a long time, a lot of money, and go through many checks before and after to make sure everything is it's very unlikely they are going to go through that just to get a kid and turn around to raise it into a psychopath or whatever.

So....there's a chance the study could have ignored homosexual couples due to the marriage thing, but I suspect they chose that definition so they wouldn't have to break down each case to describe the race of the child, the race of the parents, ages of all involved and whatever else. Although I really doubt they excluded gay couples.....I don't think someone at the adoption agencies and decided to filter them out because while married (at least marked in their system as married) but aren't the traditional man/woman combo.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I know this is long and off topic. I found it linked on a male friend's facebook page and found it interesting.

I thought the combo of sex and science and violence might pique your interest, too.

This is NOT related to our previous exchange, except in the general sense of how it is different to be a man in our society versus a woman.

Cat Space Odyssey

Baby's pressure regulator works perfectly.

Slow-motion oil fire -- don't pour water into hot oil!

MonkeySpank says...

Milk and cookies is even a deadlier combo!

"Let me tell you what really happened... Every night before I go to bed, I have milk and cookies. One night I mixed some low-fat milk and some pasteurized, then I dipped my cookie in and the shit blew up." - Richard Pryor

Should I feel bad for laughing at this???

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^viewer_999:

"It also an unhappy truth that the cheapest food is the least healthy, so poor people are much more likely to be malnourished into obesity."

Big Mac: ~$3.50
Large fries: ~$1.89
Can of tuna: ~$1
Box of macaroni: ~$0.79
On the contrary, it's generally much cheaper to buy and prep for yourself than to buy such convenience/fast/prepped foods. You can make an entire tuna casserole for less than the cost of the fries alone, and for 1/3 of the total cost of the fast food combo.

Man, as horrific as tuna casserole already is, I would hope you put more in it than just tuna and mac.

Should I feel bad for laughing at this???

viewer_999 says...

"It also an unhappy truth that the cheapest food is the least healthy, so poor people are much more likely to be malnourished into obesity."

Big Mac: ~$3.50
Large fries: ~$1.89
Can of tuna: ~$1
Box of macaroni: ~$0.79

On the contrary, it's generally much cheaper to buy and prep for yourself than to buy such convenience/fast/prepped foods. You can make an entire tuna casserole for less than the cost of the fries alone, and for 1/3 of the total cost of the fast food combo.

Canon Pixma: Bringing Colour to Life

spoco2 says...

@blankfist We also have a pixma, and have had none of the issues you speak of. It certainly doesn't stop the other functions from running. Also, there's a simple key combo you can do (holding two of the buttons on it or something) which will make it keep printing past when it says it's run out of ink.

Yeah, they're inks are overpriced, but no moreso than the entirety of the printing industry. In fact my wife just recently said how much she liked the printer, how it just does what she wants, easily and quickly. And she's studying at present and prints out a lot, and photocopies a lot on it.

Aggressive Shoelicker - What The Holy Hell?

FPSRussia Shows Off Assorted Shotgun Rounds

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