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What is happening in Iran? (Military Talk Post)

geo321 says...

Juan Cole's site Informed Comment ( always has good links to analysis of events in the middle east generally.

Iran's official results...

The more info that comes out it appears that this election wasn't just indirectly manipulated by screwing with communication systems, putting out false news stories, false announcements, falsely canceling opposing political speeches and rallies. It was most likely directly falsified. The ballot counting doesn't seem to make sense.

Bruce Springsteen has a cool Chuck Berry story

Obama Speech In Cairo University, Egypt - 6/4/09 (Full)

volumptuous says...

From John Cole @

"I know a lot of the blame for the tensions between the Arab Muslim world and the US lies with the Israeli/Palestinian issue, but I think an awful lot of the blame could also be traced to the fact that we have supported ruthless dictators and corrupt autocrats and just turned a blind eye on the horrible things they were doing to their own people just so long as we got whatever we wanted in the short term and the oil kept flowing. We aren’t too big on that big picture thing."

Former Interrogator Rebukes Cheney for Torture Speech

iaui says...

Oh Winstonfield, yet again building straw man arguments with your facetious logic. When will you learn.

This guy is clearly talking about the post-9/11 war in Iraq and how Amurica responded to the attacks in such a hateful way. He specifically states that in many of the cases in which he interrogated terrorist (of which he interrogated over a thousand, IIRC) the number one stated reason for them coming to attack US soldiers, the number one stated reason for them joining the terrorist army, is because of the abuse they have witnessed of their fellow man.

ALSO, and I think this is actually a MORE important point than recruitment, one of the stated goals of those in charge of the 9/11 attacks (and whose lose organization probably perpetrated Mogadishu and Cole) is that these people are attempting to prove that the US is _not_ a civilized nation. Your rhetoric about torture being okay just works grandly into their plan. Can you not see that? I just don't believe that you can't. Perhaps you choose not to see that, but I implore you, as a fellow human, try.

Former Interrogator Rebukes Cheney for Torture Speech

curiousity says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Doesn't even pass the most basic test of logic. If 'torture & abuse' was the foundation of terrorist recruiting methods, then why did terrorists attack on 9/11? Or at Mogudishu? The Cole? Torture isn't the reason; it's just a convenient scapegoat.
This guy may believe in his position, but that doesn't mean he's accurate. He's selling books, and targeting the anti-war left as an audience. Whether because that's his own personal ideology or whether he's just a smart business guy doesn't matter. What matters is the veracity of his argument. His position is opinion based. For every Matthew Alexander, there is one who has the opposite opinion. Who you pick as 'right' entirely depends on your political persuasion.

Seriously... How do you talk about logic, but completely lack your own?

He is talking about his experience in Iraq. He is talking about very recent history. Did you miss that? Or did you latch onto the one thing that, in your mind, created an inconsistency? "Oh, oh... no he didn't! If I interpret what he said the way I want... Checkmate, bi**hes!" Yes, why use context when it doesn't fit what you believe in?

-- Starting at 1:25 --
-- --
"At the prison where I conducted interrogations, we heard day in and day out, foreign fighters who had been captured state that the number one reason they had come to fight in Iraq was because of torture and abuse.

So my team of interrogators realized that torture and abuse was counterproductive to what we were trying to accomplish in the long run. We were basically handing Al Qaeda it number one recruiting tool."
-- --
-- end --

He is talking about his time in Iraq. When he was the senior military interrogator, arriving to Iraq in 2006. (Hint: that's in the video description and he says it too.) Sweet J, do I have to transcribe everything for you? The video is right there. Try watching it again, actual listen, and don't include a time machine in your explanations.

Former Interrogator Rebukes Cheney for Torture Speech

brycewi19 says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Doesn't even pass the most basic test of logic. If 'torture & abuse' was the foundation of terrorist recruiting methods, then why did terrorists attack on 9/11? Or at Mogudishu? The Cole? Torture isn't the reason; it's just a convenient scapegoat.
This guy may believe in his position, but that doesn't mean he's accurate. He's selling books, and targeting the anti-war left as an audience. Whether because that's his own personal ideology or whether he's just a smart business guy doesn't matter. What matters is the veracity of his argument. His position is opinion based. For every Matthew Alexander, there is one who has the opposite opinion. Who you pick as 'right' entirely depends on your political persuasion.

Except that this guy isn't some average Joe off the street trying to sell a book who has an opinion.

He was the SENIOR military interrogator for the Air Force in charge of tracking down Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who conducted/supervised over 1000 interrogations.

I think this guy has a bit more credibility and first-hand knowlege of the topic. Even more-so that Cheney.

Or you.

Former Interrogator Rebukes Cheney for Torture Speech

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Doesn't even pass the most basic test of logic. If 'torture & abuse' was the foundation of terrorist recruiting methods, then why did terrorists attack on 9/11? Or at Mogudishu? The Cole? Torture isn't the reason; it's just a convenient scapegoat.

This guy may believe in his position, but that doesn't mean he's accurate. He's selling books, and targeting the anti-war left as an audience. Whether because that's his own personal ideology or whether he's just a smart business guy doesn't matter. What matters is the veracity of his argument. His position is opinion based. For every Matthew Alexander, there is one who has the opposite opinion. Who you pick as 'right' entirely depends on your political persuasion.

The golden age of sepia-toned sepatown (Happy Talk Post)

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

Nat King Cole Impersonates Sammy Davis Jr. Impersonating Him

silvercord says...

I love both of those men. My mom and dad introduced me to Cole through their record collection and Sammy Davis, Jr. through the television shows they watched. Marvelous!

SlipperyPete (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Six Questions for Juan Cole on Engaging the Muslim World (Islam Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Wow I think you just proved Cole's point about homogenizing an entire population just because it follows a religion. Islam is the largest religion in the world, do you see an entire violent uprising all over the world. No. Its an minority.

Glenn Beck's Awkward Forced Blubbering

thinker247 says...

Oh, and how about starting the 910 project, where we go back in time and stop bin Laden from carrying out the acts of September 11th? Or maybe other projects where we stop the USS Cole bombing, or the embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya, or Lebanon...or Hiroshima and Nagasaki...or the Civil War...or...

Oscar Peterson, Nat King Cole, Coleman Hawkins

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