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MASSIVE hail turns swimming pool into a seething maelstrom

Cami Secret - When You Don't Want to Show Off Your Boobs

Cami Secret - When You Don't Want to Show Off Your Boobs

Payback says...

>> ^dag:
There are these weird opposing forces at work in human sexuality. At the same time females try and accentuate and draw attention with push-up bras and cleavage- they are also trying to hide, strap-down and de-accentuate.
An alien would think it weird.

Unless it was a female alien, then she would understand completely.

Cami Secret - When You Don't Want to Show Off Your Boobs

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

There are these weird opposing forces at work in human sexuality. At the same time females try and accentuate and draw attention with push-up bras and cleavage- they are also trying to hide, strap-down and de-accentuate.

An alien would think it weird.

Cami Secret - When You Don't Want to Show Off Your Boobs

A tribute to doing it wrong

A tribute to doing it wrong

A tribute to doing it wrong

Robot Girlfriend - Texas Cheerleaders Try-outs 2010

Djevel says...

I like hot chicks dancing about as much as the next guy...but adults and cheer just seems like a practice that should have died at out soon after it's peak...say in high school.

From what I recall (fyi, I'm an old fart), cheerleaders were there to pump up the crowd and get some school/team spirit flowing. Cheer leading in professional sports seems like an waste effort since the group tends to be huddled away at the far ends of the sidelines and the only reason you know they are there is when the camera pans to them occasionally to show off some cleavage or booty shots.

Though this isn't a rant for folks making a living, however. I just skimmed through the video wondering what the point of all that was (besides the electronica!).

Forehead Tittaes w/ Marion Cotillard

Gabe_b says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
You can dress however you want, but understand there are consequences for your choices. When you go out to clubs, bars, or even just around town during the day, go ahead and show off that body you are proud of. You want to feel attractive, and that's cool. It doesn't really matter if the barista sees you as a professional or as a tart.
However, in the workplace women need to cover that cleavage if they want to be taken seriously. Unless you are purposefully trying to distract men and make them underestimate you, there is no reason to show cleavage or have that dress shirt open down to your sternum. Similarly, tight clothing serves no purpose.
This discussion keeps popping up every now and then. There are some women who want to have their cake and eat it too. Either you sexualize yourself in the workplace, or you don't. It's really your choice as to how to arrange your clothes, hair, and makeup. You don't get to look hot and then complain that men can't focus on business. It's just dumb, and I'm tired of hearing the complaint.

Yep. Unfortunate but true. My girl has great boobs but doesn't dress in a way to play them up. Never heard her make this specific complaint. She has plenty of other groans about guys, but not that one.

Forehead Tittaes w/ Marion Cotillard

MaxWilder says...

You can dress however you want, but understand there are consequences for your choices. When you go out to clubs, bars, or even just around town during the day, go ahead and show off that body you are proud of. You want to feel attractive, and that's cool. It doesn't really matter if the barista sees you as a professional or as a tart.

However, in the workplace women need to cover that cleavage if they want to be taken seriously. Unless you are purposefully trying to distract men and make them underestimate you, there is no reason to show cleavage or have that dress shirt open down to your sternum. Similarly, tight clothing serves no purpose.

This discussion keeps popping up every now and then. There are some women who want to have their cake and eat it too. Either you sexualize yourself in the workplace, or you don't. It's really your choice as to how to arrange your clothes, hair, and makeup. You don't get to look hot and then complain that men can't focus on business. It's just dumb, and I'm tired of hearing the complaint.

Forehead Tittaes w/ Marion Cotillard

Blondie - Call Me by "In This Moment" - Check It Out

Zero Punctuation: Dark Void

mizila says...

Personally, I think that was one of his best damn reviews. Going from, "cleavage that could hold up a fucking Christmas tree," to, "all it's teeth fell out into my mouth and it gave me scurvy" is some of the most vivid writing I've ever heard. Suck it Hemingway.

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