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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

ChaosEngine says...

Oh fuck man, those are some of my favourite vices, but you forgot lust, you sexy dumbass.

The people aren't innocent. We have brought this on ourselves. At least I recognise that. Unlike your holier than thou stance, I recognise that I am a part of the problem, I recognise that there is a problem, and I recognise that the solution is going to be incredibly hard work either way.

Like @newtboy, I try to do my own small part, I grow some of my own food and I try to source what I can't as locally and sustainably as I can. I don't have kids, and I have plenty of trees on my property.

But I also like to snowboard and camp and lots of other things where I need a 4wd. I hate the fact that I drive it to work everyday, but it's really my only option (I don't have room for a second car, I live 15kms from work and there's no shower at my office, otherwise I'd bike.).

Despite your pathetic little insinuation to the contrary, I went to university, and I'm a highly paid professional. That means that as someone who's better off than most people in the first world country I live in, I am probably among the worst in the world in terms of resource consumption. Unless you're dirt poor and living in the third world, you are too.

I've travelled in Europe, Asia, Oceania and a small part of North America. The carbon footprint of that is massive, but I still want to see more of the world.

These are all my contributions to fucking up the environment. I recognise them, and I do what I can to mitigate them, but if I'm honest with myself, I know I'm having a net negative effect. The fact that it's less of a net negative effect than others in my socio-economic bracket is irrelevant.

But the fundamental difference between us is that I believe that if the problem can be solved (and at this stage, I'm dubious that it can) it will be solved by working together, not individually. If we are going to fix this, it will only be fixed by efficiencies of scale.

And the only way that we encourage clean industry is to level the playing field with regulation. Until there's no competitive advantage to polluting the environment (and it's always cheaper not to clean up after yourself), business will continue a race to the bottom.

But hey, you know what will fix this? Go downvote a bunch of completely unrelated videos because the nasty man was mean to you.

Trancecoach said:

(And lest you think "the people" are innocent victims, know that they seem more like willing participants; the extent to which they can be "victimized" depends on the extent of their own personal vices: anger, greed, pride, envy, laziness, etc. I'm looking at you @ChaosEngine.)

A collection of corn for silage harvester with 15m adapter

visionep says...

The corn has already been harvested. This process is just cleaning up the stalks and leaves. This is all ground up and then put in piles to ferment.

That's what "silage" is. It's usually used as a livestock food for farms over the winter. But can also be used for the creation of biofuel. Check out the Wikipedia page.

BicycleRepairMan said:

I'd love to see a close-up of the harvested corn, are they ready-peeled? , they look like they are pulverized, but its probably just that there are so many that look small next to the large machines.. Also, dont they get damage at that speed?

1.5M Balloons Released At Once Looks Like Alien Ship Attack

grinter says...

I wonder if the fundraiser was considered a success after they paid the bill for clean up, the fines for littering, and served their time in purgatory for obscene disrespect shown towards the natural world? was really neat looking though.

Ultimate Close Call Compilation 2014

Mammaltron says...

So many of these are a combination of two fucking idiots meeting at the wrong time.

Drivers going way too fast for the conditions, and oblivious pedestrians with zero situational awareness. The lady who almost got her kid cleaned up at that crossing is exhibit A.

Anyone Else? No Option to Repair Embeds (Wtf Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Well thanks kinna dag. You pm'd me AFTER the fact and after I posted this to the sift-talk....THANKS, for the fucking heads-up.

If it's "sort of" a one time thing deal, Not fine. The only way anyone knows if the embed is not spot on is if another user (either the original submitter or someone else that sees and remembers it different, alerts someone.) WHY then, would not the person who cried foul contact the person who raised it from the dead and TELL THEM, rather than (and this is what i suspect) tattle to the admins (because they have a particular hate-stick lodged in their assess towards another user, or were never taught manners by their abusive mothers and fathers) who then unilaterally FUCKS MY POWERS AWAY) to the giggles and squeaks of the internet DOUCHEBAG who brought it to your attention? Which is what I KNOW has transpired, the cowardly little fucks whoever you are, suck it.

Cowardly. infantile, sophomoric douchebag bullshit thuggery.

Now, how do I get these powers back, and now codify these arbitrary "sort of" rules??

By bringing this mishap to the sift's attention, and perhaps *cough, put it to vote??

Voting only works for those who use it for evil apparently, just look at the state of the planet.

I would appreciate again, the ability to clean-up dead videos. I regularly fix dead embeds and then immediately give other videos a chance by *promoting them to the front foster a spirit of courtesy and joy and good will in the hearts of the original submitter.....GOOD THING

I even deaded all of Kronosposidens dead shit since he's AWOL, and am bringing his back tto life slowly but surely, even though that charlatan gentle-man was the biggest prick in the universe to me, and set-out on a similar quest, to burn me at ever turn...

(like copper-dan the resident ban-hammer obsessive-compulsive) regularly peruses the sift for violators, to satisfy his badge-point quest to be head NARC of the site). GOOD THING?? I consider it not, but I suppose everyone needs their little jobs.

Can you...People who don;t recognize the hatred in your hearts, act as civilly as you accuse me of acting the opposite of?? Look in the fucking mirrors and stop lying to yourselves, it's getting really fucking old..

Or how bout this.

Let's take a fucking vvote, or pole (like the one in so many assess) and vote whether or not to let love rule...Just tell me to fucking leave and I will....Don't keep playing the the punk-ass bitch card about it why doncha??....Bare your true natures and use small words if you have to. please. A single sentence will do.

The Wire creator David Simon on "America as a Horror Show"

Trancecoach says...

It wasn't me who first pointed out Simon as a hypocritical "liberal bully."

"Here’s why I assert Simon is a bully. His own words reveal him to be a petty, nasty, mean-spirited guy. “…anything I've ever accomplished as a writer, as somebody doing TV, anything I've ever done in life, down to, like, cleaning up my room, has been accomplished because I was going to show people that they were [bleeped] up, wrong, and that I was the [bleeping] center of the universe and the sooner they got hip to that, the happier they would all be.""

Statist narcissism.

There's as much as you'd like on this. How about...?

"David Simon, a multi-millionaire writer for Time-Warner, one of the largest corporations in the world and a cultural leader, jetted across the globe to speak in front an audience of people with both the financial means and free time about the horrors of “unchecked” capitalism and the tragic loss of the social compact."

"It is rich that a leading light of Hollywood, that of unpaid interns, unmatched inequality of pay, tax-avoidance schemes, exploitation of public subsidies, industry scheming, etc., would criticize a “broken social compact.”"

"Meanwhile, in the real world of unchecked, no-social-compact capitalism, the WSJ is reporting that the “Burger Wars” are expanding to Africa. The heartless capitalist system is stepping in where communism, socialism and other authoritarian systems have failed, bringing with it the digging of new wells, food production systems, jobs, etc. All that awful stuff that comfortable capitalists take for granted."

EDIT: To be clear, I have no specific interest in advocating for Koch, or Simon, or whomever, or in prosecuting them or @radx or anyone else. But I do think this kind of pernicious thinking/bullying can and does spread and causes much harm, even to those engaging in the thinking/bullying, it distorts them in an undesirable way, so I point it out.

Remembering Some Of the Most Notorious Videosift Shills (History Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Why would I?? Because after i was banned as choggie I was canned with no recourse but to lurk and read the COMPLETE HORSESHIT the mob talked about me with me having no way to defend myself...I was righteously pissed. You obviously are not a student of history here, i don't forget shit, but I DO FORGIVE.

Plus, the sift needs a douche of all the wholesale crap that got posted during that bogus election, and I'd love to see the AWOL unseated from prominent places.....get some perspective instead of talking more shit perhaps>???

How about cleaning up some tired dead rhetoric on the sift and gang-up on someone who isn't sincere, thoughtful, and full of empathy.\??
TO answer your question directly Sarzy, "Because I CAN and will to do so.

I miss a lotta folk here, especially the ones who slinked-off after they fired-up torches against me and then passive-aggressively bailed when I was allowed to return..Believe me, i extended olive branches to some of the worst of offenders here. ...and they call ME a hater-

NR admitted he was shill....and I have made ammends with his old-lady

Yo u need some context before you startin' with the same program...I love everybody, it simply looks like shit to some.

Can't stand pep-rally mentalities, and won't suffer charlatans with a single program.

That's why-

Sarzy said:

Why would you start a thread just to shit-talk people who aren't even here to defend themselves? How about a "people we miss" thread? Now that I could get behind.

enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

The December update highlighted an issue that has been driving me insane for years now, an issue that makes me want to punch my fellow citizens right in the kisser for not looking beyond the facade.

His illustration of the price you pay for a t-shirt can be applied, without alteration, to our energy sector in Germany. The old, centralised infrastructure, primarily coal/gas/nuclear power plants, were subsidized heavily over the years, both directly through interest-free public loans and the privatisation of the energy grid as well as through indirect means, such as tax/insurance exemptions, R&D financing. Hell, the clean-up at Sellafield in the UK alone is expected to cost just shy of £100B. All this outsourcing of costs made it possible to keep the price of energy comparably cheap.

Meanwhile, all the subsidies for renewable energy are added on top of the energy price for consumers. No smoke screens, no outsourcing, no legacy costs. You get the price tag on your energy bill. A decent level of transparency, at last. But now people get pissed at the high prices of energy and demand a stop to the renewable energy program, which ironically pushed prices to a record low on the energy exchange. On-shore wind and solar are now cheaper than heavily subsidized coal and gas. My home town in the middle of nowhere generates wind power at 0.08€ per kwh, all year long, with minimal operating costs. Even solar works splendidly, despite the abysmal central European weather.

I think I might just try his Walmart explanation on some people, it's much easier to understand.

So cheers again for pointing out this wonderful series of lectures.

Miss Universe - Parade of National Costumes (Sift Talk Post)

It's raining rocks in Sicily

oritteropo says...

*backup=[...snipped...] and thanks to for finding the original video, which I hadn't.

p.s. The filmmaker posted a comment to liveleak:

I'm the filmmaker, I'd like to share a couple of notes.
The "raining" of ashes from Mt. Etna is not rare, but this time it was unusually intense. Some towns nearby were hit even harder.
It lasted more than 30 minutes.
Yes, cars got scratched, some windshields got chipped. But no Ferrari's or Lamborghini's around!
The biggest pain is to clean up, we have to collect ash into sacks and stash them at the corners for a special service to collect them. It will take weeks to get rid of it all.
We have to wear masks while cleaning because thin ashes are believed to hurt your lungs.
Pompei was not covered with the same kind of ashes, but with a massive cloud of gas and burning ashes that can be found only at the top of Mt.Etna. We're safe down here (~60Km from the volcano.)
@caar1970 at 1:27 I'm wiping ash from a tiled floor, not a car.
@Joxed My vespa can handle dirt very well. It's not unsafe if you drive slow like I did.

This is the original URL of the video: Less..
Posted 12 hours ago By turisc

Fantastic Toy Commercial For Future Girl Engineers

Trancecoach jokingly says...

Girls, all I really want is girls
And in the morning it's girls
Cause in the evening it's girls

I like the way that they walk
And it's chill to hear them talk
And I can always make them smile
From White Castle to the Nile

Back in the day
There was this girl around the way
She liked by home-piece M.C.A.
He said he would not give her play
I asked him, "Please?" he said, "You may."
Her pants were tight and that's ok
If she would dance I would D.J.
We took a walk down to the bay

I hope she'll say, "Hey me and you should hit the hay!"
I asked her out she said, "No way!"
I should have probably guessed their gay
So I broke North with no delay
I heard she moved real far away
That was two years ago this May
I seen her just the other day
Jockin' Mike D. to my dismay

Girls - to do the dishes
Girls - to clean up my room
Girls - to do the laundry
Girls - and in the bathroom
Girls, that's all I really want is girls
Two at a time I want girls
With new wave hairdos I want girls
I ought to whip out my girls, girls, girls, girls, girls!

eric3579 said:

You think you know what we want, girls.
Pink and pretty it's girls.
Just like the 50's it's girls.

You like to buy us pink toys
and everything else is for boys
and you can always get us dolls
and we'll grow up like them... false.

It's time to change.
We deserve to see a range.
'Cause all our toys look just the same
and we would like to use our brains.

We are all more than princess maids.

Girls to build the spaceship,
Girls to code the new app,
Girls to grow up knowing
they can engineer that.

That's all we really need is Girls.
To bring us up to speed it's Girls.
Our opportunity is Girls.
Don't underestimate Girls.

Homeless Veteran Timelapse Transformation

braindonut says...

It's pretty easy to be negative about this - but I'm sure every single one of you nay sayers have experience that moment when you cleaned up real nice and thought to yourself "Daaaamn. That's me"

Now multiply that by a thousand. That's what that dude must have felt. I bet he saw himself in that suit, with that cut and trim and thought "Holy shit. This is me." I bet he saw himself in a new light and felt absolutely awesome, if only for a little while.

Sure, it's not a quick solution. Sure, it's a coat of paint. But it could be a great start.

I say bravo to these guys. Even if it doesn't pan out, they gave that guy a wonderful wave of emotion.

Ducks Invade a CVS Store

Can you absorb mercury with a sponge?

Sagemind says...

From Reddit:
"This can be explained through the principles of cohesion and adhesion. Water has strong cohesion to itself and strong adhesion to the sponge. Mercury has strong cohesion to itself but weak adhesion to the sponge.

Cohesion arises from attraction between something and itself. Cohesion is strong in water due to the large amount of hydrogen bonding between water molecules, causing water to stick to itself. Cohesion is strong in liquid mercury due to something called metallic bonding between metal cations and delocalized electrons in the liquid metallic liquid, causing the mercury to stick to itself.

Adhesion arises from attraction between something and something else. Since water molecules are polar, they can hydrogen bond with the polyurethane sponge. Mercury's metallic bonding, however, does not interact with the non-metallic sponge. Mercury will, however, adsorb to other metals such as gold or silver and form an amalgam.

Basic mercury clean up kits usually contain metal sulfides, which can react with the metal, disrupting metallic bonding, and permitting other forms of intermolecular forces to facilitate clean up."

A different way to unload a truck

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