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oregon militia-stop sending us bags of dicks

Why It's Crazy That Han Solo Doesn't Believe In The Force

22x22 final assembly livestream! (sad sad ending)

jmd says...

Actually this mess seems pretty easy to clean up.. just sweep it into the garbage.

Considering build quality and size specifications, and his choice of internal structure. Just a whole lot of /fail

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...


Not so much here. I come through and take out the trash. Actually, it's what I have been doing the last months in my real up after a flood.

It was very nice hearing from you. I am still very bummed about schmawy. Lovely being.

How are you?

inflatablevagina said:

Your badges say you've been busy!

Guns with History

bremnet says...

Congratulations. You've managed to capture the entire diversity of the US by visiting several times and not get shot or had a gun pointed at you. This is like forming an opinion about whether sharks will bite humans after you've laid on the beach once or twice and have never been bitten. Searching for some relevance here... and ... nope, none.

Agreed, if your gun is in a traditional safe, it's not much good when the burglars or home invasion psychos kick in your front door at 2 a.m. Jim Jeffries is indeed a funny guy, but like many who don't understand what "for protection" means to some homeowners here in the US, you might want to cite a bit more credible source or at least educate yourself.

Thanks to biometric safes and locking devices, it is quite easy to have a secured gun in a safe at arms reach, accessible to only one person, that can be unsecured, ready to fire in about 4 seconds. I know this to be true, because I have such a setup, and we practice what to do when the home alarm goes off just like we practice fire drills.

The distressing part is I absolutely hate having to be in such a situation. I'm no cowboy and this isn't the wild west, but when families around me are having their doors kicked in in the middle of the night by armed thugs, or having one or two fuckheads follow them up the driveway for an easy push-in robbery accompanied by beatings, shootings, molestation and sometimes killing, I decided that there would be no way I could live with myself if something tragic ever happened to my family at the hands of these nut jobs, knowing I might have been able to do something to stop it. And no, one can't relay on the local police to take care of these crimes. Around here, even with a top notch alarm system in the house that goes directly to dispatch, the cops usually arrive to clean up the blood and take statements, and almost never in time to stop the crime or catch the criminals.

Do you have house, car, fire or life insurance? Sure, but you hope you'll never have to use it. So, what's so unbelievable about a gun for protection? What do you suggest? You appear to think it's silly to state it's for protection... so does one simply relying on hope, faith or good luck in never having to witness your wife or child being duct taped to a chair while criminals rummage through your house, or having their head kicked in or bloodied on the end of a baseball bat?

Just a suggestions, but try to spend some time as an actual resident in a country before you pretend to understand it, consider yourself fortunate that you don't live in such a situation, and for fucks sake stop with the snide, morally superior judgement of those who do. If you can muster that, on a guess that you might be from NZ but really don't know, I'll stop telling everyone that Kiwi's really do fuck sheep, especially on National Lamb Day when it's a competition rather than just a hobby.

Have fun.

ChaosEngine said:

It always amazes me whenever someone says they want a gun "for protection".

The U.S. is not the wild west anymore; I've been there several times and no one shot me, shot at me or even pointed a gun at me.

In NZ, if you want to buy a gun, you have to apply for a firearms license. If you don't have mental illness or a criminal record, you then state your reason for applying:
Hunting? Sweet, get some venison!
Target shooting? Awesome, have fun on the range!
Protection? Licence denied. We're all good without amateur idiots running around being paranoid.

Because of this, if you have a gun it is legally required to be secured in a gun safe. As Jim Jeffries puts it, a gun in a gun safe isn't much good if you want it for "protection"

FIFA Bribe for North Korea 2026 World Cup

Jinx says...

Haha, he has to clean up because its dirty money. Oh Sepp, always promising to clean things up, never actually doing any cleaning up. To be fair, he probably has quite an aversion to touching money. His M.O. is/was turning turning a blind eye to the rot within his organisation in order to remain at the top of the festering pile.


Payback says...

OMG, clean up his eye boogers.

If you massage the ducts, they'll usually unclog and his eyes will drain into his mouth properly.

My JRT had the same problem. Not only does it work, They freaking love it.

GTA V - Semi Truck Stunt

Waspp says...

Too bad this expertise is not applied to the real world problems. Let's see some gamester clean up the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" - for real.

Poland Came Up With This!

Police Chase Suspects Who Toss Bales of Pot Onto Highway

Chopper Down, Send In The Drone

How fracking works

newtboy says...

Agree with @Fairbs...this is total self serving fracking propaganda and nothing more.
It is good they take some steps to not pollute.
It is ridiculous and terrible that they pretend the steps they take are fool proof and all inclusive. They have failed repeatedly (almost consistently) causing irreversible damage FAR more expensive than fracking is profitable. If they had to pay to really completely clean up even one contaminated aquifer, it would cost more than they could ever make off of the entire US gas reserves, and would never be completed because it's impossible to do.

15% of the fluid recovered means up to 85% of the toxic fluid is being pumped up through fractures, some of it into the water system. Even if only 10% makes it there, that's millions of gallons of unknown, poisonous contamination of our water systems.
True, aquifers may sit mostly at higher levels, but they have channels and fractures that reach below the level of the fracking, making a channel for the toxic drill fluid to enter the water table. Pretty simple to understand.
Also, the method used to fracture the rock is pulsing huge pressures through the tubes. Under those conditions, steel 'casings' flex (and sometimes rupture) and concrete fractures, destroying any 'seal' it could have made or, at best, creating channels outside the casing for the toxic fluid to travel up and out of.
I see many reasons this is not a viable industry without exemptions from legal and environmental regulations, which should never be granted to anyone.


lucky760 says...

No mistaking that. Looks like there's one bit of paper trail that Dave forgot to clean up.

chicchorea said:


User's / Member's / Serial Self Linker's Picture half way down the page w/ vid in an April 2011 comment identifies member in member's submissions here @ the Sift in which he himself performed:

Member is showcased in the preponderance of the vids @ YT acct,, the videos of which are heavily represented in members submissions at the Sift as well as at several other sites(eg.,,,,

Epic christmas caroling

newtboy jokingly says...

Is someone going to clean up all that 'snow' that 'Santa(s)' threw all over the yard?
The idea with caroling that I was taught is you are supposed to 'pay' them by offering warm drinks (wassail, nog, cider). Better get a BIG pot on.
Bring it Target...I'll gladly pay up, and I'll even clean up the snow myself!
Loved it!
*commercial ...but I didn't even mind

*backup=[...snipped...]? (Wtf Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

This was a desperately desired change by at least one sifter who was sick of seeing a whole comment with a whole video within the *backup=[] braces who would always go in and edit to remove the embed manually.

In short, it cleans up the comment listing and removes content that's not really necessary because either it's still in the list of backups on the video or it has been used to replace the video.

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Beggar's Canyon