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Everything We Think We Know About Addiction Is Wrong

poolcleaner says...

You do realize the people who have the whole world as their oyster are in an entirely different form of isolation, right? You're oversimplifying the concept of isolation in an effort to push your Jesus drug.

I understand this because I have lived that life; being both the life of the parties at fortune 500 companies and a solitary hermit, addicted and lonely in a world that no one else fully understands. Not because of a lack of Jesus drug, my friend. I tried the Jesus drug and it is the cause of much of my cognitive dissonance.

The love of a God didn't save me from trauma, sexual and gender identity issues, clinical depression, and the ever looming bipolar disorder. Living is hard, even if it's also simultaneously fun and easy for me to succeed; because the concept of my personal identity isn't flush with the expectations that society and my family have. Being myself almost always gets me in trouble and is misunderstood with sometimes violent repercussions. This forms further cognitive dissonance which is a psychological isolation that has physical isolation as a matter of course. Depression runs in my family, despite all of their love and adoration of Jesus. Southern Baptists, bless their hearts.

There are so many other factors you're ignoring just so that you can present the lamest of analogies of seeds on dry soil and sin cages.

Sin cages. Ignorant science versus the logical sin cage. Nuff said.

There's almost nothing logical about anything you say. The only logic is that you make things make sense according to the Bible. If it's scientifically logical but goes against the teachings Christ or God, it's wrong. If the Bible can support the science, it's good!

But that's not how science works. Scientists do not make stupid excuses in order to support prior written works which lack evidence. If something doesn't make sense, a scientist no longer uses it as a basis to explain the world around them.

You, on the other hand, make every excuse to prove your stupid philosophy is true and that science is wrong for not agreeing upon the truth of your hippy God love cult. Prove me to be objectively incorrect in my perspective and I will give up on my convictions. Because what is a conviction if it's a false one based upon circular logic and feel good analogies? Oh, them feels. Them Jesus feels. Jesus hippy love.

shinyblurry said:

I disagree because God.

Honest Trailers - Back to the Future

Nebosuke says...

It sorta follows the circular time travel idea (wibbly wobbly timey wimey) used in Doctor Who. You know something in the future because you went to the past and told someone to do something because you knew it from the past because... yeah.

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Lmao. You're so ignorant it hurts.

"All was cool".. BECAUSE YOU'RE WHITE! Duh.

@_@ omg it's not that difficult a concept to understand.

Let's play a game. Spot the difference:

Sandra Bland - a black women - was violently detained.

Her head smashed into the ground & held down with a knee in her back by two officers. She was held in jail for 3 days before her mysterious death.

Her crime? Failure to signal while changing lanes.

The Charleston shooter - a white male - was detained & arrested without incident.

He - a wanted, armed & dangerous criminal - was handled gingerly.

Approached calmly by officers who almost immediately holster their weapons.
He's politely removed from the vehicle & arrested.
He's even brought fast food as to not violate his rights.

His crime? The hate-based mass-murder of 9 people.

Tell me, Bob.
Can you spot the difference?

Do you really think the media or 5-8% of blacks & their behavior "influenced" the cops in Sandra Bland's arrest?

If so, why didn't the 5-8% of lazy stupid savage whites influence the arrest of racist roof?

Do you really think that white people have absolutely NO advantage in: getting a job, a loan, or not being immediately brutalized by cops?

It's okay. Your stupid, racist, circular-logic answer doesn't matter.
Just want you to think about that for while.

bobknight33 said:

I remember as a kid pulled over and all was cool. Heck I ran from the cops in my car and when they finally got me all they ask was for ID and they let me go. They were looking for someone else. Now it so black and white serious.

What is this thing and what's it doing?

eric3579 says...

UPDATE below also see new video description and original video

The caption is in Thai and describes the creature as a Nemertea, or a ribbon worm, which shoots a proboscis (elongated nose) out of a hole above its mouth to capture prey.

Presumably, that is what is going on here.

When not stretched out like an alien life form, the proboscis normally sits in “a fluid-filled chamber above the gut,” according to Encyclopedia Britannica.

And here’s a description of how it works from NCSU:

"When the animal senses a prey organism nearby, a circular muscle layer around the proboscis sheath rapidly and vigorously contracts. This contraction forces the fluid from the proboscis sheath into the proboscis and, in the process, literally turns it inside out, blowing it out of the proboscis sheath. The proboscis will rapidly (within a second or so) wrap itself around the prey, which is then drawn to the mouth and eaten."


Spinning A Top In A Vacuum Chamber

robbersdog49 says...

It depends a huge amount on the shape of the top. The one in the original video has a lot of bits sticking out around in to catch the air and cause drag. The one in the space video doesn't, it's a smooth circular shape so its drag will be a lot less.

Drag and friction are just two forces acting on an object in motion. If they were equal forces surely the top would spin for twice as long if either one was removed? The fact that it spins for a lot, lot longer once drag is removed makes me think that in the case of that particular top the air resistance is a much higher force than the friction with the table.

MilkmanDan said:

That space video from @oohlalasassoon tends to proves you right -- there there is no friction on the pivot point, but the top is still surrounded by air. It isn't clear exactly how long it would take before the air resistance would stop the spin, but it seems like it would be quite a bit longer (orders? of magnitude) even than the top in a vacuum.

I wouldn't have called it that way; the pivot point is so small that it has an very small surface area. And the vacuum chamber would leave that variable close to constant, but still resulted in a lot longer spin time -- so the air resistance (friction with the air instead of friction with the pivot point) clearly does have an effect.

Interesting stuff!

The Fine Tuning of the Universe

RFlagg says...

I couldn't even make it to the full minute mark. I think the video posted and related where Sean Carroll responds to the idea of a fine tuned universe is a good response.

This video is likely made by the same sort of people who once argued that "just a few feet in either direction and life on Earth couldn't exist". Of course the Earth doesn't have a circular orbit, and our Sun's Goldilocks zone extends from just past Venus (Earth side) to past Mars. Leaving both Earth and Mars well within the habitable zone.

My bigger problem with the video is you are trying to get to point Z, and saying it had to go through A-Y first in specific order. This is an argument used frequently against Evolution. The huge odds you'd have to go through to get to a modern human in the time allowed is greatly against modern humans forming when they did. Problem is you are working from the end result back, rather than the starting point and going forward, and it you are also discounting some other forces of nature. I used to quote the mathematical problem myself when I was a Creationist, though an Old Earth one as I was long of the opinion that Young Earth Creationist make Christians look stupid.

I may be an atheist, but I have no problem with a God of the Gaps if people want to believe that. I however don't believe that Jehovah is that God (there's too much evidence against Him, such as the fact He couldn't or wouldn't reveal himself beyond a tiny little backwater tribe, not to people in the Americas or Asia or Europe, but to one tiny group of people, either He's a Racist, which makes Him unworthy of serving, or He's not any more real than any of the other so called Gods). Whatever, or Whomever may have kick-started the Universe into existence didn't do it for some divine plan for mankind. The arrogance that it takes to assume the Universe in all it's glory was created just to awe man, or for whatever other reasons related to man and our involvement with Jehovah is arrogance beyond belief.

EDIT: Perhaps the better related video would have been

World's Simplest Electric Train

dannym3141 says...

I'm going to assume that this is the Lorentz force, because it's the principle that involves magnetic and electric fields. But there are setups that can use subtleties of magnetic and electric fields, it can be very complicated. Any physicist rather than astronomer might be able to explain this better... or spot subtleties.

If you notice, it only starts moving once the back magnet has touched the wire. Which i think means that the wire is used to carry the current from the battery, with the magnets providing the magnetic field for the Lorentz force to drive the train. Effectively the force is felt by the electrons travelling in the wire (F = q(E + v x B), x being vector product, cross product), but there is an equal and opposite force to be felt by the 'train'; so it travels along. If you watch, it does look like the wire is responding - i'm pretty sure the small track would have shot off to the right if he hadn't held it, and it moves as the train approaches in the longer track.

So, circuit is set up by the the wire contacting between battery terminals, current flows in a circular fashion (mostly, assuming adjacent loops don't short). Magnetic field will emanate out from the battery on average radially, i assume (this is a simplification but a reasonably safe one), so the resulting cross product - and therefore direction of the force - acts along the remaining perpendicular direction to those, ie. straight up or down the loop depending on which terminal is leading.

If you want to see how that works, you can use the right hand rule. First finger is the direction of the electron's velocity (which is traversing loops so constantly changing in a circular manner), middle finger the direction of magnetic field which always comes out radially from the middle of the coil or track, thumb F the resultant force always points along the loop - make your first finger point in all directions of a circle, keep your middle finger pointing radially out relative to your first finger, and you will notice your thumb always points the same way, no matter how v changes circularly.

It is reasonable to assume that other factors are involved, probably a current is induced into the coil as the battery moves - the battery carries a magnetic field cos of the magnets, so we then have a moving/changing magnetic field in the presence of a wire; it should induce a current which would create a magnetic field in opposition to the field of the magnets.. and so on. But i think the Lorentz force is what provides most of the motion.

Laniakea: Our home supercluster

nanrod says...

Then consider it completely awesome since with the scale and perspective presented there's no way you could differentiate the actual elliptical orbits from perfectly circular orbits. Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus all have an eccentricity of about 5% while Neptune's is less than 1%.

kfunk said:

this was awesome until the circular orbits of our solar system at the end ಠ_ಠ

Laniakea: Our home supercluster

Amazing optical illusion and Spirograph

draak13 says...

This is a really nice example of sinusoidal motions and Lissajous trajectories! The center of mass of all the points makes a circular 1:1 Lissajous trajectory, which gives the false impression that the points are curving:

However, to mark this as an 'illusion' is a bit of a stretch. Illusions are created by a failure of our assumptions about a system we are viewing, and strong illusions maintain this failure upon viewing even when the mechanism of the illusion is revealed to the viewer. Many people may have the 'illusion' that the balls were traveling in arcs in the beginning, but once it was pointed out that the balls were traveling in straight lines, viewers have no problem viewing the original movie without being deceived. To call this an illusion would be like calling horse galloping an illusion:, which is another case where people were just incorrectly applying their intuition, rather than properly observing the details.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

enoch says...


your comment is the definition of circular logic.
ignoring the meat of my commentary to actually repeat what i said,and for what?

i was pointing out your lack of humanity.
i was pointing out that you use the very same tactics of former sifters that got banned because of their:harrassing,belittling and personally derogatory commentary directed at other sifters.

i watched you cry like a little girl and call dag out on multiple occasions when it was done to you.yet you feel it totally acceptable to do it to others you disagree with.

hypocrisy in action and you are totally oblivious to that fact.

other sifters criticize bob and lantern,myself included,for the exact same reasons i posted in my commentary (which you just regurgitated) but i dont see them following them from thread to thread to ridicule,belittle and berate, but YOU do.

i was not defending lantern.i was pointing to your hypocrisy and lack of humanity.
i was pointing to the fact that when YOU were the object of ridicule and harassment,you cried for bannation.

so how come when YOU harass it is somehow some social justice issue?
that your golden-honeyed words are really for the betterment of mankind but when its done to you..well..they are just being big meanies to you.

irony seems to be lost on you.

since your commentary reveals 2 dimensional thinking i can only assume you will take my commentary as somehow being a hateful attack against you.i assure,this is not my intent,nor does my commentary indicate an abstract support of lantern.quite the opposite.lanterns commentary was never my point to begin with friend.

i have offered multiple times for you and i to clear any grudges or disagreements in private.which were always ignored.

so i have said it before,and i will say it again:love your commentary.hate your high horse.

hypocrisy makes my eyeballs itch.
and you ARE a hypocrite voodoo.

How to make a Batarang like "The Dark Knight"

Drag Queen Gives Impassioned Speech About Homophobia

BoneRemake says...

You are a troll, or traul or troller or sometong with a stupid poopy pants opinion.

That is my opinion to have. Anyone on this site other than you can have whatever opinion of you as they seem fit, you can have an opinion but that would be a biased one to express.

I think you are just having a problem with it because of that status, but let it be known, he is a user, he has an opinion. Nothing wrong with having an opinion as long as you do it in a fairly respectable manner, pretty sure that has been explained here.

The fact you are making an issue out of it solidifies your panties are in a wad and are just picking at something inert and trying to make it flammable.

" You calling me a troll is wrong " is an opinion, what you express their is exactly what you are saying Dag should not have.

Although I do not give much hope to those that worship idols to understand circular logic and logic in itself.

LETS BE FRIENDS BOB! do you like to barbeque ?

bobknight33 said:

you calling me a troll is wrong. It shows your bias.

Life is a lonely place without decent.

Don't buy the large beer.

ravioli says...

If you calculate the volume of a circular truncated cone (, it shows that at low angles the resulting volume doesn't increase so fast as to justify this explanation.

They should definitely fill both glasses to the rim and weigh them.

lucky760 said:

Because the lip fans out, that last little bit can hold those other 4 oz.

This is like those videos where they show how much liquid the top half of a martini glass can hold, which is like twice what the bottom half can hold.

Shake That Pussy

chingalera says...

Goddamn, MilkmanDan-It's not a violation, it's simply a foo-pax by a user who doesn't wipe his ass with a Q-tip in a circular rotation thirty times counter-clockwise after each bowel movement.

Mordhaus, simply edit your offering to reflect the correct time (manually as indicated) and the "long" designation will miraculously vanish.

Anyone else have a cricket in their trousers regarding this wonderful video embed??

MilkmanDan said:

What about the {LONG} notification and the duration reading as 12:42?

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