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Planet Of The Apes Trailer (1968)

Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion

MIT Digital Drawing Board: Computer Applied Physics

LadyBug says...

it has been here before ... i know i posted it once and it was discarded as a dupe ... but looking in my history only shows that the vid was discarded ... all the comments on the thread are gone!!! POOF!

i say ... let it stay unless the original submitter comes back to prove this video does exist here!!!!

~*We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.*~Sir Winston Churchill~*

Can't delete profile replies? (Sift Talk Post)

LadyBug says...

why delete comments? they're not harming anyone ... what did they ever do to you?!?!? huh!??!

~*We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.*~Sir Winston Churchill~*

Robot Ride

LadyBug says...

i was waiting for that arm to take on life-like qualities and start pounding him up and down while saying: malfunction ... malfunction!! eeeeeeeeeeek!

~*We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.*~Sir Winston Churchill~*

Over 100 Horses Rescued From Island - Amazing!!!

go ninja go ninja go! go ninja go ninja go! go! go! go! go!

Nicholas Cages' "The Wicker Man" - Best Scenes

Saving Private Ryan: D-Day

LadyBug says...

i saw this the weekend it came out ... i was really moved when i saw men (my grandfather's age) weeping in the audience ... that was harder to see than this movie

~*We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.*~Sir Winston Churchill~*

Glen Campbell + Full Orchestra: William Tell Overture

The Art of Bubble Blowing (VS HomeSchool)

LadyBug says...

i would have to say that blowing bubbles is one of the hardest things i've ever had to teach my children!!! lmao and they are still not really proficient in it ... this may be coupled by the fact that they don't chew gum that often, but ...

~*We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.*~Sir Winston Churchill~*

This was just a really bad place to park

Sifter's Coffee House is coming to town! (Sift Talk Post)

LadyBug says...

well looks like it's a 'go'!! i hoped this would be the overall consensus, but you know when you plan a party you get nervous that no one is going to show up?? that's how i've been feeling today!!! lol

this forum will be what we make of it ... ideas i have floating in my head are: 2 initial forums: general & current events (we can add more as we evolve), gallery, chat room ... just flying by the seat of my pants at the moment though! lol

alrighty ... back to planning!

~*We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.*~Sir Winston Churchill~*

Airbus A300-600ST Beluga - It's amazing it can take off

Oh Noes!!! A real life addiction to World of Warcraft!!

LadyBug says...

too bad the game is installed on his hard drive and he doesn't need those cds anymore!!! *giggles*

~*We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.*~Sir Winston Churchill~*

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Beggar's Canyon