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John Oliver - Harding

Honest Government Advert - Visit Puerto Rico

MilkmanDan says...

I think that until relatively recently, there was a pretty even 3-way split amongst Puerto Ricans to:
A) Stay a commonwealth / territory
B) Go independent
C) Become a US State

But recently (likely thanks to shit like the video is describing), "stay the same" support has been dropping dramatically.

From the US population in general, I think poll results (on the rare occasions the question gets asked) tend to remain a pretty even 3-way split.

I think the 3-way division of options wasn't doing them any favors for a long time; status quo remained because none of the 3 options could get a majority. So I guess here's hoping that their situation will improve now that they seem to have largely cast aside that 3rd choice.

(I should note that I am by no means an expert or even particularly clued in on this topic. I've been to PR twice, and loved it. My "info" comes largely from a High School report I did on the topic like ~20 years ago, and a continuing genuine interest that has motivated me to keep vaguely informed *read - I wikipedia it once every few years. But although I may be way off or out of date on my info in the post above, my hope that their situation improves to their satisfaction is sincere.)

Power lines electrical arching due to car accident

Trump Russian connection proven.

bobknight33 says...

Your are woefully making a mountain out of a molehill. That is water you are drinking day in day out from the lying elitist media. Keep drinking.

Bur never mind the actual FACTS of the video and that they are mountain and not molehills.

Look both of us want truth/ and honesty in our positions. Americans are sick of political BS. That is why Bernie and Trump bubbled to the top.

Trump won. Does he have faults - yep. Has he had some miss steps yep. Has he committed undeniable collusion with Russians-- Unknown and under investigation.

Has the media cast him in a negative light day in day out in. Absolutely.

Is the media biased? 100% yep - Should the media be so biased? NO-- Honest not biased.

last 4 months -CNN MSNBC CBS ABC 93% anti trump stories---FOX 50% -

newtboy said:

Member that time Trump said he wants to fuck his daughter?

I member.

Member when Trump hired a known foreign agent as his national security advisor and kept him there with full clearance for weeks?

I member.

Member when Trump fired the man investigating his administration's ties to Russia then had the Russians in the white house celebrating and sharing top secret intelligence?

I member.

Member when the right pulled out every stop to try to distract from the fiasco?

I member.

Foo Fighters - Run

bamdrew says...

lyrics, weirdness, and general rocking of this reminded me of the much heavier song by Liars called 'Plaster Casts of Everything' - - ... chorus : "I wanna run away, I wanna bring you too, I wanna run away, I wanna bring you too..."

Bernie Sanders shows support for aims of Jeremy Corbyn

dannym3141 says...

So this is relevant because of a recent surge in support for "radical left" (i.e. democratic socialist, centre-left) Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who has had a huge surge in popularity in recent weeks in a general election campaign he was expected to catastrophically lose by all mainstream sources.

Since winning two Labour party leadership elections in 2015, voted in by historic margins by ordinary members having their say for the first time, he has faced hostile criticism from all mainstream media sources and most politicians including his own party.

The grass roots, which helped drive his earlier victories, appears to be doing the same thing for him in this general election campaign. The grass roots involvement has included youth musicians, artists and activists coming together from multiple campaigns (Save The NHS, WASPI, most unions, including teachers, fire, police and transport, and far too many other interest groups to mention, including multiple disability campaigners). As well as individuals, parents, elderly, and Momentum - a group formed in the afterglow of his leadership win.

On the other hand, Theresa May's and the Tory party's campaign has gone from disaster to disaster. After claiming to be the party of economic security, they released an entirely uncosted manifesto (Labour's was fully costed, other party's included some costings). After trying to make it a match of personalities, she has gone from robotic gaffe to robotic gaffe, dodging questions whilst Corbyn's easy charm and honesty has gone quite a way to show those weaknesses up. She has claimed to be stable and strong, and the best hand to negotiate Brexit, but performed u-turn after u-turn and is now avoiding all but mandatory press contact because her and her brand have become toxic, thanks to things like the "Dementia Tax" and a promise to vote again on allowing barbaric fox hunting. She has been caught out, and regardless of the results of the general election, Theresa May is finished as Conservative leader. Potentially, the back of austerity has been broken and exposed. A movement has been started and even if the Tory's win, watch out for a mass people power'd intervention over their heinous plans.

God i could go on, this has been amazing to watch. Obviously i'm biased towards Labour, and whilst a centre-right opponent might describe things differently, the facts are the same.

Significant things are happening in the UK right now, not wholly dissimilar from the rise of Sanders, only this time it's for the actual prime minister position - Corbyn managed to outmaneuver the corruption of his party. If the election was 2 weeks longer i would predict a huge Labour landslide. After being so ridiculed by a hostile media for so long, election bias rules have forced the press into giving Corbyn a fair hearing and the more people see, the more they appear to like. The question is, have people already cast their vote by post? Will people turn up and vote? A big turnout is expected to favour Labour. A strong youth turnout will be hugely beneficial to Labour.

Murder on the Orient Express

Greg Gianforte, Trump and the First Amendment

newtboy says...

It shows us a pitfall of early voting. Most, the vast majority of votes, were cast before he assaulted the reporter.
He was always expected to win by a landslide both before and after he lost it on tape and blatantly lied about it assuming the Fox reporters would lie with him, but they didn't.
Because of early voting, last minute surprises like this barely matter....unless he gets the maximum sentence, which is appropriate. If ever there was someone the courts should use to set an example with, it's a violent elected official.

That's not to say he would have lost if early voting wasn't the norm there. Republicans have totally sacrificed their morality and rationality on the altar of partisanship. Like Trump said, they could murder people publicly in cold blood and not lose votes. This means they're fine electing people who display this kind of total lack of self control and poor decision making processes along with a proven willingness to bold faced lie to the public to represent us as long as the tie they wear is red.
It's far less about Democrats, the minority there, than it is about a total lack of civility, honesty, or basic self control in Republican leaders and their voters accepting that, even relishing it.

And btw, Democrats ARE Americans....since you're confused again.

bobknight33 said:

Gianforte won even with the body slam. How funny.

Just shows how much the Democrats are out of touch with Americans.

New Rule: The Lesser of Two Evils

MilkmanDan says...

I voted 3rd party (Stein, but Johnson would still have been a better option than Trump or Clinton in my opinion). I'm comfortable and happy with my decision.

Hillary would have gotten some good-on-the-surface stuff done, compared to Trump's bad-on-the-surface stuff. But I simply don't/didn't trust her to not do dangerous and terrible stuff on the sly. She's a corrupt weasel. Trump is an incompetent blowhard that has been and will continue to be under a massive amount of scrutiny. I think the long-term damage he can do will be limited.

...Except for the Supreme Court. If there's one "lesser of two evils" argument that gives me pause in favor of Hillary, that's it. But even including that, I'm still comfortable with the way I cast my vote.

Basically, things have to get worse before they get better. Revolution, upheaval, something's gotta give. Trump has the "advantage" of making that more obvious, more quickly than Hillary would have. So, uh ... yay Trump?

THE DARK TOWER - Official Trailer

Mordhaus says...

I like the casting choices, but it looks like they took a lot of liberties with the story. I'll have to watch more trailers before I get a solid idea.

How sanctuary cities actually work

Tank Restorers Discover Gold Bars Hidden in ex Iraqi Tank

newtboy says...

I think I might report finding ONE (but not turn it over to anyone until the courts decide the owner, possession is 9/10 of the law), see what happens, and if I'm OK with the outcome, report the other 4. If it's just confiscated and disappears, keep the other 4 and consider it a free tank.

Since they paid for the tank (I assume) anything in it belongs to them, no? That's certainly how every auction I've attended worked.

How could you possibly trace rough cast gold bars? Those looked like they were smelted into sand molds with NO markings. Forcing the government to prove who's it is before getting their hands on it sounds way better to me than handing it over and hoping at some point they admit they can't.

My gold. I stole it, it's mine.

First 5 minutes of Ghost in the Shell Movie.

jmd says...

Really? That's kuze? But this wasn't part of his storyline. Hmmm... I mean he could be some new character who is also fully cyber which seems to be the rarity in this film. Did you see an cast list to verify the name?

The Little Mermaid 2017 - Official Trailer

poolcleaner says...

You're right but at the same time I have quite enjoyed television movies and low budget films with that special someone in the cast. For example, I thought the Amityville Horror with Patty Duke (the 4th movie, I believe) was pretty interesting, and not even despite its low budget, because of it.

Besides you're not 100% correct about how the single star drains the pool of resources. Oftentimes these stars act as investment magnets, so people are more willing to help produce the film if it has a star such as Shirley MacClaine. Look at Reservoir Dogs -- did Harvey Keitel detract or attract from the success of the film, and the long term successes of Quentin Tarrantino, Steve Buscemi, Tim Roth and Chris Penn? Like international acclaim -- for a low budget flick from a nobody.

I'm always very curious about these types of films. It requires, for me, an almost scientific, socioeconomic evaluation of the film making process to fully appreciate, or just a curiosity of film and social interactions portrayed in film and around film sets and the bureaucracy of generating the funds and jerryrigging devices to fulfill smaller budget scenarios which drive such a project as this to fruition.

I'm very interested in seeing this movie because it looks like it could actually be good and not just a thing to pan because of the limitations.

I had a film professor who wrote a couple Jean Claude Van Damme direct to DVD movies and his view of film projects was that they are nearly impossible to complete objectives that require self sacrifice and a warrior spirit to fully realize.

Films remind me of how different societies growths are based upon resource allocation, so some societies become empires and some remain scattered tribes and disparate families. Same as in film; this is like a missing link. Strange and curious to behold but human.

Besides, you don't give a fuck about mermaid movies. This is being made for kids that like mermaids lol -- I grew up watching Disney's Little Mermaid, had every word of the film memorized, but I'm certain it didn't matter that it had a better staff and bigger budget because I also had a made for tv dinosaur movie's rap song memorized and written down in phonetic child sound language.

EMPIRE said:

This looks... absolutely terrible. And with that special someone in the cast, I think we all know where the majority of the budget went to.

The Little Mermaid 2017 - Official Trailer

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