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Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War

Truckchase says...

I see what you're saying, but it does more harm than good. For example, the video wraps up by saying "Somehow, we have to break this circle." While it isn't called out explicitly the implication is that "we" represents anyone other than ISIS/ISIL, etc. My contention is that "we" need to stay out of this mess; this whole region is carved up in a way that served the British empire prior to World War 2. Until the people that occupy that region have the ability to carve out their land for themselves the very circle he refers to will keep occurring.

Main point: This video serves to support an undeclared media bias towards more "intervention" and softens the public to additional western military action.

aimpoint said:

I don't think a short attention span is enough justification to say this is a bad example of a video. If people aren't interested in a subject you can't force them to be interested, but at the same time, the video's visualizations showed without telling where someone who wanted to know more where to look. Even in the video they annotated that this is more of a research jumping off point, that it is indeed a compressed version, and even paid a little lip service to other complications if only to get you going on your own.

I spent a good few hours looking at ISIS, trying to figure it out myself a week before this video came out, now that this video is out it did the same in about 4 and a half minutes. Granted, this is without on demand sourcing of sources, but like I said above, its a great primer. For people that want to know and don't, this is a good place to start. For those who don't care why does it matter?

Drew Carey - 101 Big Dick Jokes

notarobot says...

I couldn't find a video that didn't cut the sound off at then end, but I found a list for you and posted it here:

1. My dick is so big, there's still snow on it in the summertime.
2. My dick is so big, I went to The Viper Room and my dick got right in. I had to stand there and argue with the doorman.
3. My dick is so big, I have to call it Mr. Dick in front of company.
4. My dick is so big, it won't return Spielberg's calls.
5. My dick is so big, it graduated a year ahead of me from high school.
6. My dick has an elevator and a lobby.
7. My dick has an better credit than I do.
8. My dick is so big, clowns climb out of it when I cum.
9. My dick is so big, it was once overthrown by a military coup. It's now known as the Democratic Republic of My Dick.
10. My dick is so big, it has casters.
11. My dick is so big, I'm already fucking a girl tomorrow.
12. My dick is so big, ships use it to find their way into the harbor.
13. My dick is so big, there was once a movie called Godzilla vs. My Dick
14. My dick is so big, it lives next door.
15. My dick is so big, I entered it in a big-dick contest and it came in first, second, and third.
16. My dick is so big, it votes.
17. My dick is a better dresser than I am.
18. My dick is so big, it has a three-picture deal.
19. My dick is so big that the head of it has only seen my balls in pictures.
20. My dick is so big, Henry Aaron used it to hit his 750th home run.
21. My dick runs the 440 in fifteen seconds.
22. My dick is the Walrus, koo koo ga joob.
23. No matter where I go my dick always gets there first.
24. My dick takes longer lunches than I do.
25. My dick contributed $50,000 to the Democratic National Committee.
26. My dick was once the ambassador to China.
27. My dick is so big, it's gone condo.
28. My dick hit .370 in the minors before it hurt its knee.
29. My dick was almost drafted by the Cleveland Browns, but Art Modell didn't want a bigger dick than he was on the team.
30. My dick is so big, I use the Eiffel Tower as a French tickler.
31. It's so big, when it rains the head of my dick doesn't get wet.
32. My dick is so big, I could wear it sas a tie if I wasn't so aftaid of getting a hard-on and killing myself.
33. My dick is so big, I have to use an elastic zipper.
34. My dick is so big, it has feet.
35. My dick is so big, a homeless family lives underneath it.
36. My dick is so big, it takes four fat women and a team of Clydesdales to jack me off.
37. My dick is so big, my mother was in labor for three extra days.
38. My dick is so big, they use the bullet train to test my condoms.
39. My dick is so big, it has investors.
40. My dick is so big, it seats six.
41. My dick is so big, I use a hula hoop as a cock ring.
42. My dick is so big, we use it at parties as a limbo pole.
43. My dick is so big, King Kong is going to crawl up it in the next remake.
44. My dick is so big, it has an opening act.
45. My dick is so big I can fuck an elevator shaft.
46. My dick is so big, it has its own Wheaties box.
47. My dick is so big, I have to cook it breakfast in the mornings.
48. My dick is so big, the city had to carve a hole in the middle of it so cars could get through.
49. My dick is so big, every time I get hard I cause a solar eclipse.
50. My dick is so big, it only plays arenas.
51. If you cut my dick in two, you can tell how old I am.
52. My dick was once set on fire for a Dino DiLaurnetis movie.
53. My dick is so big, it needs an airplane warning light.
54. My dick is so big, Trump owns it.
55. My dick is so big, that we're all a part of it, and it's all a part of us.
56. My dick is so big, I can never sit in the front row.
57. My dick is so big, it has its own dick. And even my dick's dick is bigger than your dick.
58. My dick is so big, you can't blow me without a ladder.
59. My dick is so big, it only does one show a night.
60. My dick is so big, you can ski down it.
61. My dick is so big, it has an elbow.
62. My dick is so big, I have to check it as luggage when I fly.
63. My dick is so big, it has a personal trainer.
64. My dick is so big, that right now it's in the other room fixing us drinks.
65. My dick is so big, it has a retractable dome.
66. My dick is so big, it has stairs up the center like the Statue of Liberty.
67. My dick is so big, there's a sneaker named "Air My Dick."
68. My dick is so big, I'm its bitch.
69. My dick is so big, it's against the law to fuck me without protective headgear.
70. My dick is so big, I could fuck a tuba.
71. My dick is so big, Stephen Hawking has a theory about it.
72. My dick is so big, it has its own gravity.
73. NASA once launched a space probe to search for the tip of my dick.
74. My dick is so big, it's impossible to see all of it without a satellite.
75. The inside of my dick contains billions an dbillions of stars.
76. My dick is so big, it has a spine.
77. My dick is so big, it has a basement.
78. My dick is so big, movie theatres now serve popcorn in small, medium, large, and My Dick.
79. My dick is more muscular than I am.
80. My dick is so big it has cable.
81. My dick is so big, it violates seventeen zoning laws.
82. My dick is so big, it has its own page in the Sierra Club calendar.
83. My dick is so big, it has a fifty-yard line.
84. My dick is so big, I was once in Ohio and got a blow job in Tennessee.
85. My dick is so big, Las Vegas casinos fly it into town for free.
86. My dick is so big, I can braid it.
87. My dick is so big, than when it's Eastern Standard Time at the tip, it's Central Mountain Time at my balls.
88. My dick is so big, I painted the foreskin red, white, and blue and used it as a flag.
89. My dick is so big, I can sit on it.
90. My dick is so big it can chew gum.
91. My dick is so big, it only tips with hundreds.
92. My dick is so big, the Carnegie Deli named a sandwich after it. Actually, two sandwiches.
93. My dick is so big, the city was going to build a statue of it but they ran out of cement.
94. My dick is so big, Michael Jackson wants to build an amusement park on it.
95. My dick is so big, when I get hard my eyebrows get pulled down to my neck.
96. My dick is so big, you're standing on it.
97. My dick is so big, it only comes into work when it feels like it.
98. My dick is so big, it plays golf with the president.
99. My dick is so big, it charges money for its autograph.
100. My dick is so big, it has an agent. My dick's people will call your people. Let's have lunch with my dick.
101. My dick is so big, it's right behind you.

lucky760 said:

Hey, I got robbed. Was that all 101? It seems to be cut off.

A First Drive - Google's Self-Driving Car

RedSky says...

Reaction times yes, but I think having a sufficient degree of certainty that the correct decision will be made is hard to conceive.

Imagine the legal liability of a clear software failure. Even if average accident rates were lower for automated cars, a clear incidence of failure would be a huge monetary legal risk. Whereas, if legal exceptions were carved out for the likes of Google, I doubt there would be very good consumer uptake.

I would suspect their automation algorithm are highly based on visual inputs. Pre-available GPS mapping data would get them only so far. These visual inputs are hugely variable. The number of different car makes, times of day, weather and road conditions among other things, would make for a incredible amount of scenarios to envisage.

I think voice recognition is very similar, if anything more constrained. The deciphering of combination of pitch, accent and pronunciation is a far simpler and smaller domain that we haven't mastered. That would seem to me to be demonstrable proof that automated cars to the level of reliability we would expect, are currently inconceivable.

HenningKO said:

But millisecond life or death decisions are what computers excel at. Unraveling the vagaries of human speech is a different problem. And the vagaries of human vision another.

Uber WTF: Astro Defenders & the Goose - Cyclone of the Stars

chingalera says...

Man or Astroman? carved-out and rode the punk-surf-space-schtick for years and is still goin' strong-The future of rock and roll will be carved-out in garages and basements once again, this next wave fleshed and transcribed from small home-studios through YT, ITunes-hits, and WOM.
Radio is dead, rap/hip-hop is as deflated and over-cooked in an oven of unwatched souffles, and pop and country???.....Complete shit without a soul. Time for another fat wave of rebellion and focused anger at establishment in music.

Stormsinger said:

I think I'm seeing a trend over the last few bands attempting to redefine what a band does, with lo-tech FX and trippy/space/cheesy videos. Shaka Ponk comes to mind, although they're a bit higher energy (and quality?) than this bunch.

Most Shocking Second a Day Video

JAPR says...

Amusing, as many people who have spent any real time examining economic issues and social justice would call your dismissive attitude the naive one. Try actually arguing on a point by point basis against the economic exploitation that lies at the basis of current capitalist systems where jobs = survival and the whole system's been carved up into little feudal kingdoms instead of just accepting claims on their face simply because you've been told your whole life how wonderful our way of living is for all of us.

If you approach the task with any sincerity, you'll first realize that there's a metric fuck ton of awful things that we have done in the name of economic domination to preserve our power over others (as a nation, as a collection of businesses, as a herd of lazy people buying products made by child labor simply because it's convenient), and you'll likely then also realize that your history book was just as rose-tinted as the Japanese governments' when they refuse to talk about Japan's war crimes.

Edumacate yourself and then see if you can still just throw out trite dismissals like that.

A10anis said:

Lol, without looking I just knew there had to be a tired, anti-capitalist, naive, rant by chin.

Into The Mind Of Reginald D Hunter - Cambridge Union Society

chingalera says...

Awesome set, this kid's union society moment carved in stone (kids' so damn nervous about hosting the best guest ever, being the class clown that he is!) WHO do think can relate better than anyone who tries to 'speak-out' being tense or intimidated approaching and encountering social media as a greenhorn?? Uhh, ME!? Chinagaloggie loves to talk about assholes and idgits, and they STILL follow protocol that enhances their own asshole....Imagine the levels of chagrin and the energy fed the universal grid encouraging one so-inclined to re-engage??

Everyone can be their own worst enemy and their best friend's nightmare.

Oh, and their own girlfriend (Rosy Palm and her five sisters) or their best friend's friend's wet dream

Oh, I'm great at parties btw...

Proud To Be -- The Best Super Bowl Ad you'll never see

bareboards2 says...


This says it better.

People, Native American people in particular, in my limited experience, have the ability to ignore all manner of historical insults — like the Medals of Honor still on record for the soldiers who perpetrated the Wounded Knee Massacre, or the faces of U.S. presidents carved into a site the U.S. government took through warfare, forced starvation, and treaty violations. That resiliency, though, seems a pretty poor excuse for heaping on much smaller insults — like “Redskins” — and justifying them with “See? They’re cool with it.”

14 year old girl schools ignorant tv host

chingalera says...

We must correct the original submitter of this offering-The host is far from ignorant-As a venture capitalist and entrepreneur, O'Leary has made quite the bankroll during his career especially with his Softkey project which enjoyed a great deal of success carving his niche in the so-called, " educational software market." I would venture to guess that his prime motivator is amassing more money, power, and influence over the minds and hearts of potential customers of his brand of indoctro-information with this business-oriented programming schlock and it's obvious he's passionate about one thing in particular-Getting the O'Leary brand model and into as many heads and homes as possible.

Good luck with that Canadian, you're a minor player and will never get invited to the big-people's table for the dinner of the Blood of a Thousand Million Saints and Sinners.

We can also tell from your manner and body-language, that you're most-likely a massive, egotistical doucheprick.

Making a Huge 300mm Sphere out of a Log

Mordhaus says...

I would want one just to play around with it, I know I lack any skill necessary for carving.

chingalera said:

As far as wood lathes go Mordhaus, this one shown here is one you'd find in an enthusiast's home shop or a light industrial shop-Had one in 8th grade wood shop that was a bit more formidable that this one that you could have mounted a larger round of wood upon with a much larger electric motor with way higher RPM's.
Love to try a couple of solid wood or other spheres for some speaker enclosures-Always coveting an industrial lathe.

Check this one for scale:

oohlalasassoon (Member Profile)

Working Pair of Pliers Carved from Wood

Awesome Haka Face Off by Schoolkids

ChaosEngine says...

@tomspeed, yes and no. There are certain parts of Maori culture that have definitely been adopted, various Haka, some waiata (songs), pounamu (jade) carvings

But there's still a lot of racism and resentment toward Maori as well.

If you want to see an example, here's a story on one of the largest media sites in NZ about a local Maori tribe who had the audacity to charge a fee to have a commercial event run on their property. Read the comments.

Tig Notaro Bombs Onstage, Then Things Get Worse

Handcrafting a Remake of Conan's Father's Sword

Patton Oswalt's Star Wars Filibuster - Animated

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