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Raveni (Member Profile)

mintbbb (Member Profile)

NHL Cameraman Finds Something He Likes

Lucky To Be Alive Tow Truck Driver In Norway

Fireball is much more exciting than Football!

We Need Royal Commission on Election Fraud

5 Police Officers vs A law knowing Citizen

Sagemind says...

Some background?
I have no idea what is going on here.

Yes, he knows lots about the law, but for the purpose of this video, what is happening?
Why is his child in the car. What is the cameraman protesting?

What are the police doing, other than patiently listening to the cameraman quote all kinds of laws that may or may not be valid in this situation?

Porsche stuck in wet cement! Really!? Really..

D.I.Y. Car Reverse Parking Sensor.

One Cop Keeps Another From Getting Out Of Control

Fletch says...

>> ^jonny:

Not that differently. I don't care what his motives are, as long as he's doing the right thing. Should he have let the guy continue filming? Yeah, probably so, but I can see why he'd want to tell the cameraman to put it down. >> ^Fletch:
I think we see this differently. I think he was trying to keep his partner in check because they were being recorded.

I care what his motives are, and I think everyone else should as well. If he's doing the right thing ONLY because he is being filmed, then he isn't doing it because it's the right thing. This is exactly why people everywhere need to record the police in public and REFUSE to stop recording when ordered to do so. Maybe I just have a less optimistic view of the police than you do.

One Cop Keeps Another From Getting Out Of Control

jonny says...

Not that differently. I don't care what his motives are, as long as he's doing the right thing. Should he have let the guy continue filming? Yeah, probably so, but I can see why he'd want to tell the cameraman to put it down. >> ^Fletch:

I think we see this differently. I think he was trying to keep his partner in check because they were being recorded.

The Bourne Legacy trailer

Up Close and Personal with Mountain Lion

Cameraman films crash then goes to the rescue.

ghark says...

>> ^sadicious:

I'm very certain this isn't the case, but it looks like it landed on someone. Looks like a reflective vest and a bloody arm under the wreck.

Yea that's what I thought too. Everyone was helping the old guy, then I got quite a shock when I saw the body looking thing under the chopper.

Cameraman films crash then goes to the rescue.

Mammaltron says...

>> ^sadicious:

I'm very certain this isn't the case, but it looks like it landed on someone. Looks like a reflective vest and a bloody arm under the wreck.

It didn't. The only injury was a small graze on the pilot's hand, and possibly a few pairs of ruined underwear

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