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Bill Maher New Rules 5/6/11

criticalthud says...

wow, even the elite left are perfectly sure our government is telling the whole story with bin laden. maybe i'd believe the tale too if it wasn't for the this:
and the fake "confession":

not saying bin laden didn't hate america, or take action against this country. and maybe he was the "mastermind"...the ultimate boogey man. but i'm not so sure things are so tidy. and i'm pretty sure that the image of bin laden has been well crafted in both life and death.
and where has saudi arabia been in the discussion (ever?)
why is it that we accept that bush lied to get us into Iraq but we can't equally consider that our government lied to get us into afghanistan (some of the richest mineral deposits in the world)?
Our government is in the business of perception management and largely communicates to its people through crafted propaganda.
something is rotten in denmark

Henry Rollins on Evolution

Sagemind says...

Not sure if this is a dupe!
1). the other one is dead so we can't compare.
2). Read the comments: Things that just don't even come up in this video:
a). History of Bush
b). Slavery
c). Talk about the Civil War in general
d). Creationism museum
e). "...this video starts off by attacking a creation museum, then goes off on a tangent about nations, crazy denials of various people and then... Bush lie-berry? Going on about Iraq? Winning the war on terror? Where to start? What connection do they have?" --user #9684

Just doesn't sound like the same video to me! *notdupe

Rare Bill Hicks Clip

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Bill Hicks, bush, lies, lets give them more power' to 'Bill Hicks, bush, lies, lets give them more power, ronald reagan, george bush' - edited by rasch187

Congressman Yells "Liar" At Obama During Health Care Speech

Nithern says...

Once one removes 'fear' and 'racism' from conservative playbooks, one removes 90% of what conservatives have to talk about. Mr. Pennypacker and Mr. Quantumushroom are easy examples of this concept. Last night, we say a republican unconscously lash out to the president, on something that was not true to begin with. The individual in question, has since asked for an apology. Most likely threaten by his congressional superiors, since no one seemed to come to his side. Even though THIS, is the subject they seem to promote in the conservative styled ads on tv, and the talk show hosts.

Two thumbs up to Diogenes for putting up the information.

And yes, Mr. Bush lied about a great number of things. Back in 1999, then Gov. Bush of Texas was saying 'as president, I will not conduct nation building on foreign soil'. Yeah, we all know that was a lie. And the one in 2003, about promoting fair and honest business trade, was over shadowed when he had the leading energy giants together, behind closed doors and off the record, to talk about the energy crisis at the time. Finally, my personal favorite: WMDs. Maybe Mr. Pennypacker or Mr. Quantumushroom could point out to us all those weapons of mass destruction we were suppose to find in Iraq. You know, the 'massive stockpiles' of 'WMDs', like nuclear warheads we (the USA) accussed Saddam of having? Yeah, defend Bush, go ahead, I dare you.

Immediately after the President gave his speak, a Republican rebutal was made. This idiot said, Republicans are ready to come to the table in a biparistan fashion, to work on health care reform. I say "To bad", they had their chance, and just like with EVERYTHING else they have had to deal with in the last two decades, they pissed away opportunity to serve the public good. They had their chance, and they blew it off, and NOW, they get to pay for it.

The President has some really good ideas. He explains them as a professor would on an issue. He uses education, decency, patience, and fairness. Its to bad his Republican opponents behave like children so often. But then again, are we to expect Republicans behaving any other way anymore?

Obama is a Fascist!!...Why?

volumptuous says...

You people just don't get it

• Bush lying the country into an illegal occupation of a sovereign nation = Hero
• Obama rolling tax-rates back to Reagan era = Fascist

Jeez guys, watch Fox a little more please!

Powell Disputes McCain's Russia/Georgia Response

Sketch says...

It's really too bad that Powell ruined his career by throwing his hat in with the Bush lie machine. At least he knew enough to get out.

Bush "truly not concerned" about bin Laden

CNN reporter criticizes TSA, finds self on terror watch list

aaronfr says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
If you ever wonder why no one takes you seriously, it's this. This is why.
You got a 'P' next to your handle. I was annoying libs 'round here when you were in your crib shitting yellow mustard.
Raz me over pointing out a rather blatant "subliminal" sticker, which could just as easily have been out of the shot? Go back and count the number of anti-Fox sifts--no matter the content--and tell me with a straight face how I'm being nitpicky. HA.
ACLU? With its anti-religion agenda based on a fraudulent interpretation of the 1st Amendment, it's been making many people's lives miserable over nothing for decades. What do I care that this doof has been inconvenienced by the Big Government he craves? So has the "reporter"! Imagine a reporter with terminal cancer reporting on terminal cancer victims.
BTW, the misleading title of this sift makes one believe the TSA deliberately singled out the CNN reporter because he described them in an unflattering light, yet he has NO evidence, only an implication, kind of like "Bush lied." No evidence of a crime, therefore no impeachment.
Since over one milion people are also on the list "by accident", we can conclude they're all liberals working for the ACLU and/or CNN.

Wow! QM, I'm impressed. Reading that, you actually sounded reasonable and unprovocative. I think that's the first time I've actually seen some logic showing through in your arguments. Not that it hasn't been there all along, just nice to see it. Cheers! (no snark intended)

CNN reporter criticizes TSA, finds self on terror watch list

quantumushroom says...

If you ever wonder why no one takes you seriously, it's this. This is why.

You got a 'P' next to your handle. I was annoying libs 'round here when you were in your crib shitting yellow mustard.

Raz me over pointing out a rather blatant "subliminal" sticker, which could just as easily have been out of the shot? Go back and count the number of anti-Fox sifts--no matter the content--and tell me with a straight face how I'm being nitpicky. HA.

ACLU? With its anti-religion agenda based on a fraudulent interpretation of the 1st Amendment, it's been making many people's lives miserable over nothing for decades. What do I care that this doof has been inconvenienced by the Big Government he craves? So has the "reporter"! Imagine a reporter with terminal cancer reporting on terminal cancer victims.

BTW, the misleading title of this sift makes one believe the TSA deliberately singled out the CNN reporter because he described them in an unflattering light, yet he has NO evidence, only an implication, kind of like "Bush lied." No evidence of a crime, therefore no impeachment.

Since over one milion people are also on the list "by accident", we can conclude they're all liberals working for the ACLU and/or CNN.

Renowned Attorney Wants BUSH Prosecuted For MURDER

shuac says...

I never thought I'd long for the days of Nixon but my current president is so much more malevolent.

In his new book, Bugliosi presents his case very well: he shows exactly where and how Bush lied (citing example after example), and he satisfies the legal requirement for murder beyond a reasonable doubt. It would be a simple case once introduced to the courts...

...and that's the big hurdle. There is no way in hell Bush will ever be charged with murder. Talk about changing hearts & minds! You do not have to walk the earth very long to realize that life just isn't that poetic. So relax, Neocons, W. is safe.

To paraphrase Frank Zappa: "I'm not from any other country, but there's a whole lots a times I wish I could say I'm not American."

New report officially states Bush lied us into Iraq

shuac says...

>> ^RedSky:
Due to the sketchy and highly sceptical media coverage of the evident untruths and deceptions of the Bush administration there simple never will be an outcry for vengeance from the masses.
Perhaps more pertinently it is also a matter of nationalistic pride and reputation. Clinton's misdemeanors essentially amounted to the perceived moral failings of one individual. In comparison what you're faced with is an entire administration implicit in committing war crimes. In that sense it is certainly palpably contemplatable why even Democratic leaders, particularly in the shadow of a looming election are unwilling to submit a country to the trial and tribulations of legal proceedings, let alone the ramifications on international justice that such a ruling may produce.


President Bush Lied About Giving Up Golf: Video Proof

Trancecoach says...

>> ^critttter:
He said it sends the wrong message for him to be SEEN playing golf. Thus golf, minus cameras, no problem...Bush logic.

Yeah, it's a real sacrifice for Bush to play golf in hiding -- where's the glory if no one's watching? But, in solidarity with the troops, the sacrifice is worth it.

President Bush Lied About Giving Up Golf: Video Proof

kronosposeidon says...

You could have saved yourself a little trouble by titling this and all other videos about the Chimperor as "Bush lied about_____________"

The man lies like we breathe. If he said the sky was blue I'd call up the folks at Wikipedia to let them know that blue no longer means this.

Of course in Iraq blue skies look more like the right side of this image, thanks to El Presidente.

Why Bush Stopped Golfing

Henry Rollins Tees off on Creationism

9684 says...

Unfortunately I couldn't ignore this video. Funny - while this site claims to provide quality videos, it only seems to provide the vast majority's view when it comes to issues of creationism vs evolution - usually ending up in evolutionary bias. No surprise there though, considering the public essentially sets the standard.

Strangely, this video starts off by attacking a creation museum, then goes off on a tangent about nations, crazy denials of various people and then... Bush lie-berry? Going on about Iraq? Winning the war on terror? Where to start? What connection do they have? I was wondering if this video's script would ever come back to the initial topic in a more logical manner. Guess not.

The initial reason why I'm posting this message is that the script in this video is very shoddy to say the least and I'm certainly no scholar when it comes to good writing (this post is a great example). But it becomes clearly apparent, even for a basic man like myself, that this is rabid, maniacal insanity of the most common order.

...and by the way, Bush does not share the same beliefs that Christians do.

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