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Star Wars Lego Disassembly Prank

Payback says...

He seems to understand the effort put out to (nicely, tidy) take it all apart.

I would have bought another kit, half-assed it together for an hour or two, then left it and the rest of the bricks on the floor beside the table.

1) More evil than merely hiding it, like he initially thought.
2) Takes far less effort than what they did.
3) He gets another Falcon.

eric3579 said:

He's quite the good sport.
I love that he said he was already looking forward to putting it back together.

Oakland CA Is So Scary Even Cops Want Nothing To Do With It

Trancecoach says...

> "I don't think most libertarians agree with you that libertarian government is anarchy."

Yeah, many who use the label seem rather confused.. So sure, many libertarians are not libertarian anarchists.

> "So, there is no utopian free market, just the real, regulated one you're complaining about."

This is what the crony-capitalists, the pluto-klepto alliance thinks -- and it's one of the reasons why they don't bother doing away with it but rather just continue to exploit it. Which is also an option available to some.

> "Better safeguards could make better politicians (yes, that's regulation, of politicians)."

Haha, go ahead, 'regulate' them. I'm not stopping you. "Regulate" the politicians all you want. See how it goes for ya!

> "I do, I vote, and I pay my taxes. I don't have these problems, or over-regulation problems where I live."

Then maybe you are happy with your situation.

> "I might hope you DO need the police to help you (with something minor, but enough to create your 'need'), then you might realize they are not all your enemy or useless and not far worse than anarchy."

I've had a number of experiences with the police, that were supposedly for "my benefit" but were in reality much worse than anarchy, and were, in fact downright detrimental to me.. Like for example, getting hit by a car during an irresponsible and unnecessary police chase in which I had no involvement until I got hit.

> "It's sad to think that it would take a personal need for you to realize that, but apparently it would."

Since you seem to be cursing me to have a "need" for police, I doubt you really feel "sad" about it.

> "because private ownership does NOT mean better management."

If I was a gambling man, I'd bet that you're not a landlord.

> "I don't pay much in taxes, only my fair share."

Of course. It's usually folks like you who pay little to nothing who want everyone else to pay for your "services."

> "Send me the URL to a company that gives actual security for $35 a month that isn't simply a guy you call on the phone who then calls the police."

Sorry, no freebie for you. You'll have to do with the "services" you get from other people's taxes.

> "I don't see a difference between paying taxes for services and paying 'homeowner fees' for services, except homeowner fees are usually far more expensive for fewer services and more regulation."

Homeowner fees are voluntary. You can choose not to live there and you don't get thrown in jail for not paying them.

But you did have to mention the roads, didn't you? There's an epidemic of "road zombies!" I tend to take Satochi Nakamoto's point of view when it comes to this kind of nonsense. Like "John Galt," Nakamoto thinks that socialists dislike Rand so much because Galt actually scares them.

But then again, somehow I've given you the impression that I actually care about that you think or not. But "all in all you're just another brick in the wall." (Kinda crazy, arguing with bricks. As a psychologist, I'm rather selective about these things.)

Suffice it to say that, for folks like you who "like" the Leviathan or think you're going to somehow control it, I have little if anything to contribute.

newtboy said:


Rebecca Vitsmun, The Oklahoma Atheist, Tells Her Story

chingalera says...

@SDGundamX Excellent point and personally guilty on both subjects of discourse, as I have hit numerous brick-walls and spent way too much time in my lifetime arguing semantics with both the police (who will never change) and in the realms of religion vs atheism, an equally as banal and dead-end exercise.

Oh and newt? Fuck a thesaurus and your assumptions-I have a larger vocabulary that most volumes will hold wielded like a coach gun with a hair trigger. Fuck yours and y'alls, didactic adherence to unlikely plausibles. Logic be damned, befaced as we are with the exponential rate of changes coming down the pike. Riiiight. You live in a world whose boundaries reside in logic, intelligence, reason and order. The illusion being, you haven't a clue and none of us do.

Everything we believe true is wrong, a healthy mantra.

In the realm of civility? Civility begets the same with me, uncompromising unshakeable, late-stage, hydrophobic atheists haven't discovered what that means yet.

186 mph motorcycle gets passed by a station wagon (Audi)

skinnydaddy1 says...

An insane amount but I guess if you can do it why not. The old saying, Put a big enough engine on it and even a brick can fly fits really well. Still would hate to see what would of happened in cross winds.

SFOGuy said:

No way! I wonder how much horsepower that Volvo had to have push that barn door aerodynamics (or lack thereof) through the air at that speed!

Russell Brand's Spiritual and Political Awakening

chingalera says...

He is offering as practical an answer to a serious question as can be digested or objectively considered. Deriding politicians is a universal license and you don't have to approach intelligence to decry the futility and decay of that profession. He's got bills, commitments, responsibilities and a shit-load of work chum, to stay imbedded in media as he has been doing lately.
I used to be down on Brand for his sophomoric humor until he started blithering about the nature of existence and telling the world about his personal rock-bottom-

Most of his solutions are idyllic like any artist's and in-kind, some are quite simple and universally practical. He's sharp and witty, and much more charming when he's not doing straight comedy.

When he dumped Katy Perry like a brick is when he began to appeal to myself-

A10anis said:

His tenet is an old one. And, like so many pseudo intellectual thinkers, his "solutions" are wishy washy, glib, and infantile. He offers no practical answers to serious questions. In fact, he appears to be as clueless as the politicians he derides. Oh, and he said all he had to say in the first two minutes, making the remainder of the video somewhat surplus to requirement. Right, I'm off to meditate, which will put me on a level where I can say; "F*ck work, bills, responsibility and commitments........"

Man Films Tornado Coming Directly at his House

aaronfr says...


Seriously though, a cement or brick house isn't going to make any difference if it takes a direct hit from a tornado. It will handle the debris flying around at 200+ mph much better, but cannot sustain a direct hit. There are a few structures (like steel frame houses) which might fare a little better, but the cost is prohibitive.

I think it is also important to consider the size of the region we are talking about here. According to Wikipedia, "Tornado Alley can also be defined as an area reaching from central Texas to the Canadian prairies and from eastern Colorado to western Pennsylvania." That's an area of approximately 1.5 million square miles. Where exactly do you draw the line on enforcing extremely expensive building codes? How do you justify the increased building costs in one town but not the town 2 miles down the road?

The building codes in the core of Tornado Alley (north Texas to Nebraska) are more restrictive than you imagine. They focus on strengthened roofs and secure foundations that can take a fair amount of straightline wind. But really, the odds of any given house in Tornado Alley sustaining a direct hit are extremely low (about 1 in 10 million in any given year) so it is much more cost effective and reasonable to require storm cellars which protect life instead of worrying about property. Notice how not a single person was injured in this house despite the destruction.

This is a video of a WIN not a FAIL.

G-bar said:

Shewww... The TV survived... But seriously... Anyone knows why most of the houses in the tornado belt are made of paper? Wouldn't a cement house work better?

Ultimate Martial Arts Fails Compilation 2013

jmd says...

3:09 had me rolling and wondering if it was faked. Still it is hilarious to see people fail to understand that not all boards and bricks are created equal.

Man Builds Rocking Chair Using No Power Tools

chingalera says...

Foot-powered....ya missed it-

@BicycleRepairMan-He's using some dense, seasoned hickory, I'm thinking the material's grain and density covers a good portion of the Fred Flintstony design integrity. This isn't the standard Windsor-style rocker for frail, featherlight granny-asses either-This is a brick-shithouse, truck-driver's-ass, Rockerthing.

Payback said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but last I heard, an electric lathe is a power tool.

Black Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC

Chairman_woo says...

So just to throw it straight out there; I'm a massive biker (though mostly solo so I can't really relate to the gang mindset here). You have no idea what this whole debacle does to my priorities!

So on the one hand provoking the man in the big metal cage (no matter how good the perceived reason) is basically never a good idea if your on a bike. And moreover beating someone to within an inch of his life and cutting him up is very very rarely a good or condonable solution to anything, even if he did just run over a couple of your buddies....

On the other hand......well (and this might only really find any sympathy from fellow motor-bicycleists)..........I can fill in some of the gaps that might explain why one biker felt the need to brake hard in front of him etc. from my own experiences.

Some (very few) drivers go out of their way to fuck with you sometimes over little shit, they get a big head tucked away safely inside their big metal cages and they take it upon themselves to cause you grief in some way or another.
On a regular basis for instance I have car drivers deliverately pull their cars out to try and stop me filtering (lane splitting) despite the fact that A. its totally legal and featured on my fucking licence test! and B. It actually speeds their miserable existence in the traffic flow up as we don't have to take up a car's space (and were fucking gone before most cars are even in gear when the lights change anyway)!

Fortunately I have the perfect solution to this problem, I ride a cheapish looking bike and don't show any signs of stopping for them as they veer over deliberately into my path! You'd be amazed how often they just back off :-D (if not I'm only ever doing 5-10mph so stopping is always an option for that odd psycho)

Not saying I remotely condone the bikers responses, but I do understand how this thing probably escalated. I suspect the bikers had a legit frustration but clearly they dealt with it very poorly. The biker side of the story seems to be that this guy had been deliberately blocking lanes and exchanging insults for a while leading up to when the braking biker escalated things,a situation I've witnessed myself before. Normally prudence makes you leave it alone and back off/accelerate away (or if they are being an extra special twatbag knock off a mirror and accelerate into the distance :-D (never actually done that, but it's seriously crossed my mind a couple of times, Kevlar knuckles are the shit!)). In this case the extra courage that only a 1000 or so fellow kinsmen stood at your side can bring had the usual effect..........Mobs will be the death of us all.

@newtboy is right though, bikers totally killed their own case reacting so aggressively. If they'd followed at a reasonable distance and waited for police to show up things would probably have gone completely the other way legally. Sure the dude that brakes in front of him might get charged but it'd be nothing on attempted vehicular murder/manslaughter running over a handful of bikers. Chasing down and then beating a man half to death in front of his family unfortunately rather overshadows your defence.

Sadly the only sensible conclusion I seem to be able to find is this was ultimately douche nozzles with no self control baiting other douche nozzles with no self control. But I do get it. I also totally get the drivers response once it escalated, I'd have shit bricks and maybe made a run for it through them by that stage too!

I really really really wish I could hear what was actually said between them oh well, back to the fence I go!

EDIT: I just wanted to come back and make it absolutely clear that I also acknowledge that bikes in groups (especially sports bikes and supermoto's as featured here) are just as capable of acting like power drunk fucknuts too. It's entirely possible the bikers started it a way's back and the driver was essentially an innocent man driven to extreme lengths by fear (though I'm still going with straight up hot douche on douche action for now)

Speed Kills Your Pocketbook

shatterdrose says...

So really the issue is people are doing something illegal and getting busted for it. The government is aware that people will routinely break said law and are profiting off it.

So the real issue is that the government is acting as a for-profit organization, right? That still doesn't negate that people are breaking the law and getting busted for it. If the drivers followed the speed limit, then the government couldn't profit off them, now could they? *smacks forehead*

See, with red light cameras there's a legitimate argument to be made. If a driver is following the speed limit, and break safely, there is a set time the yellow light should progress in order to insure compliance and safety. So for instance, if a vehicle traveling at 30MPH takes 10 seconds to come to a slow, controlled stop, the yellow should last for 12 seconds to ensure the drivers a reasonable time to notice the light change and react. (Normal human reaction time is between .3 to 2 seconds.)

So if the government sets the yellow to only 5 seconds, this creates an unsafe and unreasonable margin. And then, if the safest and more sane thing to do is "run the red" and are subsequently ticketed, then that's entrapment. That is wrong, and is something someone can complain about.

Complaining that you got caught speeding, well, boohoo for you. Don't speed. No one is forcing you to speed. So it's your own damn fault, no matter if the government is profiting off it or what video is posted.

If what you're really complaining about is that the actual design of the road triggers a natural response to travel at a "perceived safe speed" (which is a real thing) and the limit is set to a lower than needed limit, then that's something you can complain about. Still doesn't mean speeding isn't illegal.

Speed traps don't work in general. All they trigger is a momentary change in behavior and once the negative force is removed, the behavior continues. But because of the quota systems placed by "hard on crime" Republicans, real change isn't going to happen. Instead what you're seeing is a systematic failure of a rewards and punishment system that has long been proven to be ineffective and counter-productive.

Instead, if they really want to slow speeds, they should redesign the road and perhaps do a road diet, re-stripe the lanes, use bricks or plant trees (which is illegal by DOT standards btw - they hurt cars if they crash, but people don't, so it's better to hit people than trees - no joke, literally their logic.)

Or, if you're worried the police force is resorting to the quota and a misguided broken windows policy, then that's something to address. You're lack of ability to lay off the gas pedal is not a "liberties" issue or the "man putting you down."

The focus is totally misguided and the video is proof.

LiquidDrift said:

Governments are profiting from unnecessary ticketing of speeders? I must have missed that somewhere. Oh wait there's a whole video about it at the top of the page!! *smacks forehead*

How to Lay Cinder Blocks Like a Pro

HUGE boulder nearly crushes car

Pot Delivered to Shelby County Man in Gun Safe

Dumdeedum says...

While I'm hugely opposed to the war on drugs, I suspect I'd probably have turned the weed in too - if the seizure has been on the news then I'm less likely to have some scary cartel dudes coming after me wanting their stuff back.

Well... maybe keep one brick. Y'know, compensation for my time.

Pot Delivered to Shelby County Man in Gun Safe

"Don't F**k with New York" - Lewis Black Slams Texas

chingalera says...

Uhhh,the states' big and beautiful-Best roads anywhere and self-sufficient as her own country should the necessity arise-Plenty of thicket, lotsa places to hide....Multicultural, hip, with a few fuckers who give it a bad name, not unlike (insert your shit state here) most places......except for Rhode Island.

Rick Perrys' a solid piece of shit, cured in a brick oven.

Austins' getting polluted with posers and hipsters and it grew to fast, it used to be cool about 30 years ago....clusterfuck of traffic and pretentious hipsters now.

poolcleaner said:

Austin's alright.

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