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Bill O'Reilly amazed that Black restaurant is civilized

jmzero says...

Was it that ridiculous for him to expect this restaurant to be a little different? Not like "the waiters are going to swear at you and everyone will breakdance" but "a different atmosphere or vibe or food or something".

When I go to a restaurant in a primarily Indian neighbourhood (even if it's not an "Indian restaurant") all sorts of things are different - the tables, the waiters, the course of the meal, the music, the atmosphere. Obviously the food. It's not shocking that different cultural and ethnic groups routinely like things different ways and this shows up in how a restaurant operates.

I don't think it's horribly racist to imagine that black people might like certain things different in a restaurant in a black neighborhood patronized primarily by black people. In fact, I think it'd be a bit racist to go into a black restaurant expecting them to run everything exactly the same.

Honestly, I think it is a bit interesting and surprising that there wasn't differences that a guy like Bill would have noticed.

And sure, this is giving Bill the benefit of some doubt, but watching his remarks a few times this does even seem to be the sense he's trying to get at. That said, he should be smart enough to know how this is going to sound and not say it.

best break dancing baby

Shamu hits one over the fence

HistNerd gets gold 100. In mother Russia, 100 gold get you! (Sift Talk Post)

25 Month Old Breakdancing Baby

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

Weirdest and Coolest break dancing I've seen

rottenseed says...

you do realize that you need "breaks" as in the rhythmic breakdown to have actual break dancing. You can't just be a cirque du soleil freak and call it break dancing just because you spin every once in a while. I'd say neat to watch but DEFINITELY not breakdancing.

Maybe if they put it to music that actually contained breaks I could see it.

Weirdest and Coolest break dancing I've seen

Weirdest and Coolest break dancing I've seen

Breakdancing Facial Expressions Lesson

Bboy Battle - Just Watch What He Does With the Kleenex

Rodney Mullen on live tv...Damn he's good

bamdrew says...

Rodney was cool... then came pool and vert skating, which was pretty rad,... then street skating took to the air... handrails and tricks over gaps... combining technical skating with huge-balls, giving us the glory that was Jamie Thomas in 'Welcome to Hell'...

Not that its fair to compare guys from different times, and its also kind of like comparing breakdancing to parkour, very different things. If Mullen's invented it on the flatland, Jamie did it while flying at 20mph down a set of 15 stairs... I know which one I think is cooler.

Break Dancer Loses At Life

8800 (Member Profile)

Zifnab says...

The first rule of VideoSift is absolutely no self-linking. Please read the posting guidlines before posting again. We are happy to see new members join the sift but we ask that you adhere to the rules and the no self-linking rules is the primary rule of the sift.

In reply to this comment by Slaphead:
Just wondered why you'd banned my breakdancing video? I'm new to videosift - and a bit bemused why you did that. It's been really well received on YouTube - loads of positives. What did I do wrong?

Jason aka Jasonb80s (clip url:

Extreme Caterpillar Breakdance

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