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Game Of Thrones Season 2 Trailer HD

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^obscenesimian:
Looks really crappy. Low budget and sort of weak.

Have you seen series one? It's one of the best pieces of television ever. It's wonderfully shot, fantastically acted, funny, shocking, beautiful... it's just an awesome series.
And this is coming from someone who hasn't read the books, had no vested interest in it at all.
I'm almost certainly buying it on Blu Ray, and that's saying something as I'm really not into re-watching tv shows as a rule.

I just assumed he was being sarcastic. The possibility that he might actually believe that never occurred to me!

Game Of Thrones Season 2 Trailer HD

spoco2 says...

>> ^obscenesimian:

Looks really crappy. Low budget and sort of weak.

Have you seen series one? It's one of the best pieces of television ever. It's wonderfully shot, fantastically acted, funny, shocking, beautiful... it's just an awesome series.

And this is coming from someone who hasn't read the books, had no vested interest in it at all.

I'm almost certainly buying it on Blu Ray, and that's saying something as I'm really not into re-watching tv shows as a rule.

John Cleese Carefully Considers Your Futile Comments

Sarzy says...

That History channel reference is quite out of date at this point (they've pretty much entirely replaced Hitler with random reality shows), and I don't think he really understood the Blu-ray question, but John Cleese is awesome and will always be awesome.

How Digital Is Your World

eric3579 says...

Introducing the new Apple iPerson complete with multi touch and volume control, doesn’t it feel good to touch, doesn’t it feel good to touch, doesn’t it feel good to touch.

My world is so digital, I have forgotten what that feels like.
It used to be hard to connect when friends formed cliques, but now it’s even more difficult to connect now that clicks form friends.

But who am I to judge…

I face Facebook more than books face me hoping to book face to faces, I update my status 420 space to prove Im still breathing; failure.
To do this daily means my whole web wide world would forget that I exist. But with 3000 friends online only 5 I can count in real life, why wouldn’t I spend more time in the world where there are more people that LIKE me. Wouldn’t you?

Here it doesn’t matter if I am an amateur person, as long as I have a pro-file, my smile is 50% genuine and 50% genuine-HD, you will need blu-rays to read the whites of my teeth, but im not that focused.

Ten tabs open, hoping, my problems can be resolved with a 1600 x 1700 revolution, this is a problem with this evolution, doubled over, we used to sit in tree tops, till we swung down and stand up right, then someone slipped a disc, now we’re doubled over at desktops.

From the Garden of Eden, to the branches of Macintosh, Apple picking has always come at a great cost.
iPod, iMac, iPhone, iChat, I can do all of these things without making iContact.

We used to sprint to pick and store Blackberries, now we run to the Sprint store to pick Blackberrys, it’s scary.
I can’t hear the sound of mother nature speaking, over all that Tweeting, and along with it is our ability to feel as it’s fleeting.

You would think these headphone jacks inject in the flesh the way we connect, the disconnect, power ON. So we are powerless, they got us love drugged. Like e-pills, so we e-trade, e-mail, e-motion like e-commerce because now money can buy love, for 9.95 a month – click!

To proceed to checkout – click! To X out where our hearts once were – click!
I’ve uploaded this hug, I hope she gets it – click!
I’m making love to wife, I hope she’s logged in – click!
I’m holding my daughter over a Skype conference call while shes crying in the crib in the next room – click!

So when my phone goes off in my hip, I touch and I touch and I touch, because in a world where there are voices that are only read and laughter is never heard or I’m so desperate to feel that I hope the technologic in reverse the universes so the screen can touch me back, and maybe it will, when our technology is advance enough to make us human again.

Umm..... Quentin, Can You Leave The Dancing To Uma & John??

budzos says...

QT is the most awkward big name director. There is a Brad Pitt + Quentin Tarantino interview on the Inglourious Basterds blu-ray which I watched last night (it turns out IB is one of those movies that gets better with repeated viewings). In the interview it's clear that Pitt finds Tarantino's energy irritating and draining. Apserger's + coke habit = very irritating to stoic potheads.

The Louis Experiment - What does it mean? (Standup Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

OK, my two cents:

* The Louis CK thing: I think the biggest reason for me to pay for it was the $5, and that there wasn't any DRM involved. I hate, hate, hate the idea of paying for something, but then having to worry about how many devices I've loaded it onto or played it on etc. I bought it, I want to play it on my 'stuff'. $5 is bugger all, and as I'd said, I've watched a lot of his stuff online and thought he deserved some of my cash for the enjoyment he's given me. There are plenty of artists who if they give me that low entry cost I'll bite.

* Piracy in General: I do torrent. TV and Movies. TV I do because I figure it'll be on free to air at some stage here in Australia, so I could watch it for free anyway if I could be bothered noting when it's on. OR I could pay exorbitant pay TV prices and get it that way, but I'll be buggered if I'm going to pay a huge sum of money every month for 90% of crap I don't want to watch... and still have the problem of having to work out when it's on to record it etc. So the TV thing is justified that way. Give me a way to 'subscribe' to just the shows I want, on demand... and I'd probably take it.

Movies, movies I absolutely use it as a preview to purchase method. I refuse to buy movies on DVD/Blu-Ray site unseen. I've done it in the past based on glowing reviews from all and sundry, only to find I didn't much care for the flick. Now, I download and watch a movie, and if I like it I honestly do go and buy it. I do go to the cinemas to see movies too as a preview method, but I hardly ever get to do that with 4 kids under 9yrs. And the idea of still going to a DVD rental store is just laughable to me

So that's where I stand on both things. I think there's still a place for the big companies, but they have to lower the prices they think we should be paying for digital delivery of goods. Seriously, $25 fucking dollars for a digital download, what the FUCK are they thinking? Who pays that sort of money for no physical media, and $6 for a rental? Seriously fucked up ideas of what prices should be.

Make the rentals be a $1, make the downloads be $5, and you might have a hope. I don't like paying more than $20 for a Blu Ray, I'm certainly not going to pay more than that for a digital download.

So, yeah, I torrent because I am given no decent other option I'm afraid. But I definitely buy what I like afterwards.

Immigrant Song - Cover

Skyrim timelapse: "World in Motion"

poolcleaner says...

>> ^Yogi:

Looks like Plastic to me.

Yes, but this is the actual gameplay. This level of detail is amazing! The smoke coming off of the fire and blowing in the direction of the wind. The clouds. Look at Morrow in 2002. Your judgement is out of context. I read a book but it only had words and in my head I see nothing so I watched a Blu-ray.

Book < Games < CGI < Video of real life < Real life. Or Games < CGI < Video of real life < Book < Real life, if you want to be philosophical.

Where do we get our music from? (Rocknroll Talk Post)

Drax says...

I'm kind of an audio quality snob. If I wrote the word they call us types you'd think I'm supposed to be in jail. When I find something I like (and that can come from any number of sources, but I don't listen to any streaming stuff) I track down their physical CD's and purchase them.

First service to offer non-lossey format audio, I'm there. Till then it's CD, Blu-Ray Audio, Whatever ripped to FLAC.

Steven Spielberg presents "Oscar Bait"...I mean, "War Horse"

westy says...

Although I enjoyed your discussion home cinimas are infinetly better than going out to watch a film evan if you only have a 42" 2 year old LCD tv and bog standard surround sound system.

maybe you have super awesome cinemas where you are but in the uk there is always something objectively wrong and not in a "charming way" ( listed above in my other comment )

>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^budzos:
Skipped through it. Stunning cinematography. Hope nobody wants to go see it with me so that I can enjoy it on blu-ray. Here's a big fuck you to almost everyone at the movies who won't stop talking and kicking my seat. Even the people I go to movies with manage to annoy me to hell and distract me from the movie with their weird stunts. The person I went to see Captain America (mediocre film, good comic-book movie) with fricking disappeared for the last 20 minutes of the movie. When they reappeared afterwards they said "when I went to the bathroom I didn't want to pass in front of the audience again so I just sat over here." Meanwhile I spent the entire last 20 minutes wondering where the hell they were, and I'm sure the people in the seats around their new seat were also scratching their heads. Just come back to your fucking seat.

True, the theatrical experience can suck sometimes (and your friend is a weirdo), but no home theatre can match the experience of seeing a great movie on the big screen. That's why, even as home theatre technology gets better and better, I'll never stop going to the movies.

Steven Spielberg presents "Oscar Bait"...I mean, "War Horse"

westy says...

The cinema is so shit its not funny and if you are seeing more than 40 films a year you might as well get a HD projector and decent surround sound system it will be infinetly better than what a cinema can offer.

even though technically a cinema should be able to do things better they muck it up getting sound levels wrong , focus wrong , marks on scree, idiots in room with you WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO WATCH A FILM IN A ROOM FILLED WITH PEOPLE you don't know !? , noisy food , uncomfortable seats , adverts before film , trailers that show whole fucking plot of future films , anti piracy bullshit messages , waiting in-line for a ticket , 60% of the seats in places that are a detremnt to the viewing angle and the sound.

for $3500 you can get a home system that avoids all the shit of the cinema and delivers things to a higher quality than what would happen on average when you see a film at the cinema.

Granted you might just "enjoy the cinima" for no real objective resoins purely its an engraind thing you have done from a young age and then regardless of all the shit you will probably enjoy it more than a home cinima , and there are definelty some cinimas around that actualy have a degree of charm and add something to the exsperance , but if you are talking about your average multiplex cinima when a new film is out or when its normaly operating the cinima is utter wank.

sorry if you read all that !

Cinimas drive me mental every now and again I fall for the trap and go along thinking oh hay this time it might be ok and every time there is always some shit.

If sum one said you can see a film for free at a cinama or pay £2 not to see it and you had to chose I would pay £2 not to see it.

>> ^budzos:

I came close to that pace in 2001 and 2002 and 2003, seeing 75+ movies theatrically in each of those years...
Drive is showing in the local VIP auditorium, which charges a premium for nicer seats (basically leather recliners) and reserved seating. You can also have a beer in the licensed lounge beforehand, and have drinks delivered to your seat, as it's age restricted to 19 years and up (the legal drinking age here). You can usually count on less miscreants being at those screenings than say the Friday midnight screening of Transformers 3 that I attended in a town that is, shall we say, closer to the airport. However, you still can't count on actual conscientious comportment. In fact I would say most of the most eggregious cases of talking or what I call cinema calisthenics have occured in VIP screenings. Not to mention the actual screen is garbage and I always forget to check but I'm pretty sure they leave the 3D lens on at all times.
I'll probably go see Drive tonight or tomorrow night, and keep my fingers crossed. Because I do really want to see it, and I haven't seen a movie for at least a month.
>> ^Sarzy:
>> ^budzos:
I know what you're saying but I honestly can't remember the last movie that was both really good and unspoiled by the audience and or exhibitors. My best movie-going experiences of the past five years can only be described as tolerable. The best ones were probably when I was going through an alcoholic phase in early 2008 and seeing lesser-grade movies while drunk and sneaking beer and cider in there with me (helps when it's winter).
I'm currently having the dilemma that I really want to see DRIVE, especailly after loving the shit out of VALHALLA RISING by the same director on blu-ray. But I know if I see the movie in theatres some jackass will be there on a first date, or with his little brother, or having some other reason for non-stop jabber.

As someone who sees something like a hundred movies theatrically per year, I definitely feel your pain. There's nothing worse than having your theatre-going experience ruined by some no-good douchebag who thinks it's okay to talk, or to text, or to generally be an asshole in the theatre. But it is possible to have a good movie-going experience. Sometimes it's even in your control -- one big tip is to be willing to move, which seems obvious but a lot of people aren't willing to do it, for whatever reason. Obviously this doesn't work when the movie is packed, but otherwise, even just moving a couple of rows away from a talking douchebag is generally far enough to be able to enjoy the movie again.
There's also some theatres that, for whatever reason, seem to attract a certain group of people. Figure out what these theatres are, and avoid them. Then of course, there are going to be times when you're going to have a bad experience no matter what. But, to me at least, the good experiences make up for the bad ones.
And see Drive. That is a seriously good movie -- probably one of my favourites of the year so far.

Steven Spielberg presents "Oscar Bait"...I mean, "War Horse"

budzos says...

I came close to that pace in 2001 and 2002 and 2003, seeing 75+ movies theatrically in each of those years...

Drive is showing in the local VIP auditorium, which charges a premium for nicer seats (basically leather recliners) and reserved seating. You can also have a beer in the licensed lounge beforehand, and have drinks delivered to your seat, as it's age restricted to 19 years and up (the legal drinking age here). You can usually count on less miscreants being at those screenings than say the Friday midnight screening of Transformers 3 that I attended in a town that is, shall we say, closer to the airport. However, you still can't count on actual conscientious comportment. In fact I would say most of the most eggregious cases of talking or what I call cinema calisthenics have occured in VIP screenings. Not to mention the actual screen is garbage and I always forget to check but I'm pretty sure they leave the 3D lens on at all times.

I'll probably go see Drive tonight or tomorrow night, and keep my fingers crossed. Because I do really want to see it, and I haven't seen a movie for at least a month.

>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^budzos:
I know what you're saying but I honestly can't remember the last movie that was both really good and unspoiled by the audience and or exhibitors. My best movie-going experiences of the past five years can only be described as tolerable. The best ones were probably when I was going through an alcoholic phase in early 2008 and seeing lesser-grade movies while drunk and sneaking beer and cider in there with me (helps when it's winter).
I'm currently having the dilemma that I really want to see DRIVE, especailly after loving the shit out of VALHALLA RISING by the same director on blu-ray. But I know if I see the movie in theatres some jackass will be there on a first date, or with his little brother, or having some other reason for non-stop jabber.

As someone who sees something like a hundred movies theatrically per year, I definitely feel your pain. There's nothing worse than having your theatre-going experience ruined by some no-good douchebag who thinks it's okay to talk, or to text, or to generally be an asshole in the theatre. But it is possible to have a good movie-going experience. Sometimes it's even in your control -- one big tip is to be willing to move, which seems obvious but a lot of people aren't willing to do it, for whatever reason. Obviously this doesn't work when the movie is packed, but otherwise, even just moving a couple of rows away from a talking douchebag is generally far enough to be able to enjoy the movie again.
There's also some theatres that, for whatever reason, seem to attract a certain group of people. Figure out what these theatres are, and avoid them. Then of course, there are going to be times when you're going to have a bad experience no matter what. But, to me at least, the good experiences make up for the bad ones.
And see Drive. That is a seriously good movie -- probably one of my favourites of the year so far.

Steven Spielberg presents "Oscar Bait"...I mean, "War Horse"

Sarzy says...

>> ^budzos:

I know what you're saying but I honestly can't remember the last movie that was both really good and unspoiled by the audience and or exhibitors. My best movie-going experiences of the past five years can only be described as tolerable. The best ones were probably when I was going through an alcoholic phase in early 2008 and seeing lesser-grade movies while drunk and sneaking beer and cider in there with me (helps when it's winter).
I'm currently having the dilemma that I really want to see DRIVE, especailly after loving the shit out of VALHALLA RISING by the same director on blu-ray. But I know if I see the movie in theatres some jackass will be there on a first date, or with his little brother, or having some other reason for non-stop jabber.

As someone who sees something like a hundred movies theatrically per year, I definitely feel your pain. There's nothing worse than having your theatre-going experience ruined by some no-good douchebag who thinks it's okay to talk, or to text, or to generally be an asshole in the theatre. But it is possible to have a good movie-going experience. Sometimes it's even in your control -- one big tip is to be willing to move, which seems obvious but a lot of people aren't willing to do it, for whatever reason. Obviously this doesn't work when the movie is packed, but otherwise, even just moving a couple of rows away from a talking douchebag is generally far enough to be able to enjoy the movie again.

There's also some theatres that, for whatever reason, seem to attract a certain group of people. Figure out what these theatres are, and avoid them. Then of course, there are going to be times when you're going to have a bad experience no matter what. But, to me at least, the good experiences make up for the bad ones.

And see Drive. That is a seriously good movie -- probably one of my favourites of the year so far.

Steven Spielberg presents "Oscar Bait"...I mean, "War Horse"

budzos says...

I know what you're saying but I honestly can't remember the last movie that was both really good and unspoiled by the audience and or exhibitors. My best movie-going experiences of the past five years can only be described as tolerable. The best ones were probably when I was going through an alcoholic phase in early 2008 and seeing lesser-grade movies while drunk and sneaking beer and cider in there with me (helps when it's winter).

I'm currently having the dilemma that I really want to see DRIVE, especailly after loving the shit out of VALHALLA RISING by the same director on blu-ray. But I know if I see the movie in theatres some jackass will be there on a first date, or with his little brother, or having some other reason for non-stop jabber.

>> ^Sarzy:

True, the theatrical experience can suck sometimes (and your friend is a weirdo), but no home theatre can match the experience of seeing a great movie on the big screen. That's why, even as home theatre technology gets better and better, I'll never stop going to the movies.

Steven Spielberg presents "Oscar Bait"...I mean, "War Horse"

Sarzy says...

>> ^budzos:

Skipped through it. Stunning cinematography. Hope nobody wants to go see it with me so that I can enjoy it on blu-ray. Here's a big fuck you to almost everyone at the movies who won't stop talking and kicking my seat. Even the people I go to movies with manage to annoy me to hell and distract me from the movie with their weird stunts. The person I went to see Captain America (mediocre film, good comic-book movie) with fricking disappeared for the last 20 minutes of the movie. When they reappeared afterwards they said "when I went to the bathroom I didn't want to pass in front of the audience again so I just sat over here." Meanwhile I spent the entire last 20 minutes wondering where the hell they were, and I'm sure the people in the seats around their new seat were also scratching their heads. Just come back to your fucking seat.

True, the theatrical experience can suck sometimes (and your friend is a weirdo), but no home theatre can match the experience of seeing a great movie on the big screen. That's why, even as home theatre technology gets better and better, I'll never stop going to the movies.

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