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Bladeless Wind Turbines

newtboy says...

I also thought it looked extremely unstable, and has way too much noncaptured motion to work long term. It looks like it would shake itself apart in under a week. I hope that is not how they intend the final version to operate, but the pole was already much larger than a similar size bladed turbine would need. Maybe good for direct to structure/ground mounted systems, but likely not for pole mounts without some serious redesign.

Portia Spiders Are Capable of Learning and Problem Solving

Here's Why You Should NEVER Stand Behind a Tablesaw!

Digitalfiend says...

...that and maybe use your tools properly (or a different one)?

Fingerboards or rollers work great, especially ones that mount to the fence that you can use to apply pressure from the top to help keep the piece of tipping. A sled/jig would have helped too.

But yeah, I learned the hard way how powerful table saws can be when a piece of 1/8" mdf I was cutting somehow skewed a bit, rode up onto the saw blade and was flung back into my abdomen. It felt like I got hit with a baseball bat and the welt it left was impressive. Never made that mistake again. It was frustrating too because I'm super cautious when it comes to hand placement, etc (push sticks, rollers, fingerboards all get used) - but I didn't really think about a piece of 1/8" mdf turning into a projectile!

The Tech That Could Fix One of Wind Power's Biggest Problems

newtboy says...

It's a guess, but I think because the blades are so short and wide, they produce more torque at much lower speeds, so yes, likely gearing is needed, but most turbines have some sort of transmission these days. Because the blades are so short and wide, they also don't go as fast under strong winds, there's more air resistance and far less tip speed. That means far less vibration and stress on the hub/trans.

SFOGuy said:

Why is this more auto governing for high wind conditions and yet effective at low wind speeds (and therefore avoidant of overspeeding or stressing the axle/mounting)? Because it's so much more compact? Lower forces over all?

And does the low wind/high wind envelope mean that someone has to be clever somewhere else? Like in forcing a transmission to gear up the speed at low wind speeds?

Sorry, not an engineer.

The Tech That Could Fix One of Wind Power's Biggest Problems

Drachen_Jager says...

That was my first thought as the problem this fixed. Because it's a solid cylinder visually, birds would be far less likely to get caught, rather than by the fast-moving blades of a normal turbine that chop through apparently clear sky.

Payback said:

Looks like it's more wildlife friendly too.

Kansas City police helicopter autorotates like a boss

SFOGuy says...

That would be AWESOME if he was. But in actuality---because of the tail rotor still spinning and then how the main rotor blades droop as they slow down (at just about the right height-with no visual profile end o- to chop someone driving a semi or a bus in half)---the entire helicopter is a rotating engine of death until everything comes to a halt...
Thus, the duck and run of people getting out from a chopper. And not duck and run towards the tail rotor specifically.

diggum317 said:

I thought he was raising his hands to say "Hell yeah! D'ya see what I just pulled off?!"

Burning Wind Turbine Makes Smoke Vortex

SFOGuy says...

Same fail point, I bet; overspeed condition with no ability to automatically stop the blades and turn them into the wind so that they don't turn too quickly and burn up (no auto feather, or auto feather parameters exceeded).

Could have been either a software failure or a hardware failure---or perhaps an unholy combination of both.

skinnydaddy1 said:

Ummm So why are there TWO of them burning? Did they both fail?

BMXer Vs. THE MAN ;)

MilkmanDan says...

I can see this one from both sides. The potential for litigation -- which could be truly catastrophic for a school / business / private person / whatever -- is real. It's fucking retarded, but it is a real danger.

In the early 2000's, I was living in a trailer park with a buddy while we were going to college. We lived right next to a movie theater that had a nice, huge, paved asphalt parking lot in the back. We used to take roller blades, sticks, and a PVC hockey goal into that lot and play roller hockey after closing time -- like 2AM or so. Nobody there, no parked cars, no property around to damage with errant shots or whatever.

One night we went a bit earlier than usual, and the manager had happened to stay late to close. He saw us as he was driving out and started driving towards us. I figured "well, there goes this spot". He asked us what were were doing, we explained. He asked us if we had asked anybody for permission, and we admitted we hadn't. He asked if we knew that companies sometimes got sued by people who wiped out and broke a leg or whatever, and we said yes.

And then he surprised me. He said "OK, consider this me, the manager, giving you permission to keep on playing here, on these conditions:

1) Never play there if there are parked cars in that part of the lot behind the theater.
2) Come in and ask for permission again if we want to play with more people, or if any other conditions change.
3) Look me in the eye and give me your word as a man that you wouldn't sue me for being an idiot and falling down and breaking your arm or whatever, and shake my hand to seal the bargain."

Awesome theater manager. Not sure if things have gotten enough worse in litigation-crazy USA that he'd be willing to make that same bargain again. But that wouldn't be his fault, it would be an outcome of our crazy legal system.

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

Westworld: Teaser Trailer (HBO)

LiquidDrift says...

Wow, this has a lot more potential than the original movie. They can go Ex Machina on it, or Blade Runner depending on whether it's bots or symbiants. Maybe some Matrix or Inception like stuff, or Strange Days. Wow, can't wait to see what they do!

Bill Maher: Who Needs Guns?

scheherazade says...

You should read the prince. Look at what people did throughout history, and look at what we and other nations do today.

At some point, you have to realize that nothing has changed. Technology has moved on, but we're still the same monkeys that were around before, and we're still behaving the same way.

Nations don't last. You can be on top for a couple centuries, but afterwards you fall down the totem pole. Most places on earth spend most of their time getting crapped on. It's a special time when they get to crap on others.

Regardless, the 2nd amendment was made with the awareness of the human condition. The perpetual dissatisfaction that drives people to strife. Peace is not everlasting. Even if you behave well, there's always a group that comes along to bring trouble.

A gun behind every blade of grass is the best possible method for national security there is. A nation with a broke government in turmoil will not have an organized military. But an armed people still represent a massive discouragement to any candidate occupier.

The west has had a good run for the past few decades. But it's never lasted before, and it won't last this time. It may not be in our lifetime, but things will eventually go belly up.

Then again, it could be in our lifetime. Europe is getting rapidly nationalistic under immigration pressures. US/Europe are poking Russia in the eye with missile installations and military exercises (maybe to rile them up and get people focused more on Russia and less on the immigrant crisis - common enemies are the best unifiers). You never know. Historically, when things go to hell, they were ~always fine not so long prior.

You don't have to worry about these things. They'll happen when they happen. History doesn't care either way.

2nd amendment can look like an anachronism during a period of quiet. But eventually it will make perfect sense again.


EMPIRE said:

Look... let's all agree on this...

The american founding fathers did some really great stuff. Wonderful.

But they're fucking human, and the 2nd amendment was unbelievably short-sighted.

The constitution is not something to mess with willy-nilly, but it CAN and it SHOULD be updated from time to time.

Molten Copper vs Dry Ice

Tool: Right In Two (fan-made music video)

MilkmanDan says...


Angels on the sideline
Puzzled and amused.
Why did Father give these humans free will?
Now they're all confused.

Don't these talking monkeys know that Eden has enough to go around?
Plenty in this holy garden, silly old monkeys,
Where there's one you're bound to divide it
Right in two

Angels on the sideline
Baffled and confused
Father blessed them all with reason.
And this is what they choose.
Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground

Silly monkeys give them thumbs,
They forge a blade, and where there's one they're bound to divide it
Right in two.
Right in two.

Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground
Silly monkeys give them thumbs, they make a club
And beat their brother down.
How they survive so misguided is a mystery.
Repugnant is a Creature who would squander the ability
To lift an eye to heaven, conscious of his fleeting time here

Cut and divide it all right in two
Cut and divide it all right in two
Cut and divide it all right in two
Cut and divide it all right in two

Fight over the clouds, over wind, over sky and
Fight over life, over blood, over air and light,
Over love, over sun, over another.
Fight for the time, for the one, for the rise and

Angels on the sideline again
Been so long with patience and reason
Angels on the sideline again
Wondering when this tug of war will end

Cut and divide it all right in two
Cut and divide it all right in two
Cut and divide it all right in two
Cut and divide it all right in two
Right in two
Right in two

If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans

enoch says...


and now we move to stage two of the predictable vegan argument:


oh fuck me with a razor bladed dildo this is some tiring and facile shit.

look man,you are seriously missing my main point:
pretentious twattery and a morally and philosophically inconsistent stance.

so you can keep quoting anybody and everybody because it is apparent you really do not understand what you are quoting,and it is not adding anything to our all.

just something to consider...
you approach expressing the values and benefits of being a vegan sans the self-righteousness,the pretension and condescension?

that maybe because YOU became a vegan for moral and ethical reasons,others may have come to it from other means and for other reasons,and allow those who are NOT vegan to come to their own conclusions and make their own choices?

and maybe not be so judgey mcjudgerface if they choose differently than you?

look man,we all do something that gives us the "feel goods".

some recycle obsessively,even though there is little evidence that actually makes a difference.

others drive a hybrid and feel that is their contribution,even though it is actually worse.

some will only buy organic and/or shop locally.(thats me btw)
and even though this brings some coin to the local farmers,taken on a whole it is barely a blip against the monster that is wal mart.

i have friends who do beach clean up every year,even though it gets destroyed within a month.

so we all try to do something that fits our perceptions of the world and how we can make it a better place.

and yes..if we ALL got together we could make a massive change in the current dynamics,not only locally but globally.

so i get it mate..i really do.

i guess what i am suggesting at it's core is this:
stop acting like a newly converted jehovahs witness who just wants us all to hear about your new buddy jesus.

i also think i should share that my long time girlfriend is vegan.
not your judgey,self righteous,pretenscious type vegan..but a vegan.

and that girl can't cook worth a damn.
which means that cooking falls on ME.
do i still eat meat?
yep,but not that often and rarely..raaarely red meat.
and to my girls credit she never gives me shit,i may get the upturned nose but never actual verbal shit.

red curry anyone?

Smarter Every Day - How Helicopter Autorotation works

vil says...

This should be easier to balance in reality because you can feel the rate of fall changing and hear the rotation speed of the blades changing. Doing this with instruments is probably an order of magnitude more difficult.

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