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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Dicks are always dumb, just look at Trump, biggest dick (with the smallest misshapen penis) dumbest and worst president ever by far, that's why smarter people use their big head for thinking. You might try it someday.

Know nothing Don couldn't read a script, couldn't say English words, couldn't complete a thought. President Biden has him beat by an easy 40 IQ points, likely more. It would be no surprise at all to find that Biden's IQ is more than double dumb Donald's. Donald Trump dumb-dumb dumb-dumb, President Biden Smart, smart-smart 🎵
Take it from someone who DID graduate from middle school.

I'm not paying any extra. California gas prices didn't go up because Trump left all critical infrastructure totally unprotected from cyber attacks because he doesn't understand computers at all....only the East coast got hosed by Russian hackers and oil companies who do the bare minimum of safeguards. You know them Sergei?

bobknight33 said:

Compared to dumb dick Joe it was excellent.

How do you like paying extra $20 30$ bucks to fill you car?

Response to Trump's Video Game Montage - #GameOn

ChaosEngine says...

I'm glad they went this route.

There's a certain attitude that says that only cute, indie games about children with big heads lost in a scary world can be art (shamelessly stole that from Zero Punctuation), but big-budget action games are disposable nonsense.

And there certainly ARE plenty of good, clever, indie games and insanely dumb, tone-deaf, "press f to pay respects" AAA games.

But you can have violence be a part of your story and still be a good story. Hell, your story can be about violence and what it does to you. Spec Ops: The Line is a great example of this.

It's disingenuous to say that video games are nothing but sadistic murder simulators, but it would be equally disingenuous to pretend they're all sweetness and light.

The first God of War is as brutal and sadistic as they come and it's a great game. "Hatred" sets out to be the most brutal and sadistic game ever but it's terrible.

newtboy said:

Ok, it just seemed odd in a video responding to Trump's m rated game video. It made sense to me to counter that with a g rated game video with no violence at all. Granted, this is more honest in it's depiction of games in general, but doesn't juxtapose as strongly.

"Wow", Understatment of the Century. Wait for it.

dannym3141 says...

You don't need to literally out-run the fastest moving particulate matter, as long as you've got a big head start you may be able to make it to what would eventually be a safe zone.

Surely you've got to die TRYING to run away!? What sort of "It's a Wonderful Life" wretched acceptance of your horrendous fate is that? Ah well, all things must end, and it appears in a fiery inferno of pain and suffering as my skin melts off my bones. I think i shall sit here with a feeling of nostalgia and a single tear in my eye, face my camera - which will soon be ash - towards the irresistible harbinger of my demise, and reminisce of old. I have lived a good life, and all that remains is for me and my trusty hip flask to salute the end.. An englishman will not flee in the face of uncertain odds!

Fuck that - LEG IT!

lucky760 said:


His last line translates as "fuck your mother."

I like him for the understated "wow," but I hate him for catching an exploding volcano on his camera then pointing it at the ground and turning it off.

Maybe he was afraid for his life, but you can't outrun a volcano. Ever hear of Pompeii, amigo? Keep the camera rolling!

(P.S. Didn't have to wait for it. Thumbnail spoils the surprise.)

Come Snuggle with Cute Girls at the Snuggery!

chingalera says...

SO my question would be, where can I place my wood in the event of full-staff encroachment and how many dildos does big-head-Betty here keep ready for after work??
OH, and when we snuggle can we talk dirty to each other??

@gorillaman-The only problem I see is the growing niche for such a service-It screams western culture's developmental-disability at an all-time high. The fact that Billy here needs the comfort of another human and has to PAY for it tells me that Mum n Dad most likely FUCKED a key imprint stage in his development, ALLLL the fuck up!

Orz said:

From the Snuggery website:
Q. What if I become sexually aroused during my session?
A. Don't worry, it happens! Although sexual activity is not permitted, arousal is perfectly normal and should not make anyone feel uncomfortable.

I'm sure at last one person is going to feel uncomfortable in that situation.

Black Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC

Chairman_woo says...

So just to throw it straight out there; I'm a massive biker (though mostly solo so I can't really relate to the gang mindset here). You have no idea what this whole debacle does to my priorities!

So on the one hand provoking the man in the big metal cage (no matter how good the perceived reason) is basically never a good idea if your on a bike. And moreover beating someone to within an inch of his life and cutting him up is very very rarely a good or condonable solution to anything, even if he did just run over a couple of your buddies....

On the other hand......well (and this might only really find any sympathy from fellow motor-bicycleists)..........I can fill in some of the gaps that might explain why one biker felt the need to brake hard in front of him etc. from my own experiences.

Some (very few) drivers go out of their way to fuck with you sometimes over little shit, they get a big head tucked away safely inside their big metal cages and they take it upon themselves to cause you grief in some way or another.
On a regular basis for instance I have car drivers deliverately pull their cars out to try and stop me filtering (lane splitting) despite the fact that A. its totally legal and featured on my fucking licence test! and B. It actually speeds their miserable existence in the traffic flow up as we don't have to take up a car's space (and were fucking gone before most cars are even in gear when the lights change anyway)!

Fortunately I have the perfect solution to this problem, I ride a cheapish looking bike and don't show any signs of stopping for them as they veer over deliberately into my path! You'd be amazed how often they just back off :-D (if not I'm only ever doing 5-10mph so stopping is always an option for that odd psycho)

Not saying I remotely condone the bikers responses, but I do understand how this thing probably escalated. I suspect the bikers had a legit frustration but clearly they dealt with it very poorly. The biker side of the story seems to be that this guy had been deliberately blocking lanes and exchanging insults for a while leading up to when the braking biker escalated things,a situation I've witnessed myself before. Normally prudence makes you leave it alone and back off/accelerate away (or if they are being an extra special twatbag knock off a mirror and accelerate into the distance :-D (never actually done that, but it's seriously crossed my mind a couple of times, Kevlar knuckles are the shit!)). In this case the extra courage that only a 1000 or so fellow kinsmen stood at your side can bring had the usual effect..........Mobs will be the death of us all.

@newtboy is right though, bikers totally killed their own case reacting so aggressively. If they'd followed at a reasonable distance and waited for police to show up things would probably have gone completely the other way legally. Sure the dude that brakes in front of him might get charged but it'd be nothing on attempted vehicular murder/manslaughter running over a handful of bikers. Chasing down and then beating a man half to death in front of his family unfortunately rather overshadows your defence.

Sadly the only sensible conclusion I seem to be able to find is this was ultimately douche nozzles with no self control baiting other douche nozzles with no self control. But I do get it. I also totally get the drivers response once it escalated, I'd have shit bricks and maybe made a run for it through them by that stage too!

I really really really wish I could hear what was actually said between them oh well, back to the fence I go!

EDIT: I just wanted to come back and make it absolutely clear that I also acknowledge that bikes in groups (especially sports bikes and supermoto's as featured here) are just as capable of acting like power drunk fucknuts too. It's entirely possible the bikers started it a way's back and the driver was essentially an innocent man driven to extreme lengths by fear (though I'm still going with straight up hot douche on douche action for now)

Ted - Restricted Trailer (NSFW)

spoco2 says...

>> ^DrewNumberTwo:

This isn't what you'd do if you were on a flight that you knew was going to be intentionally crashed in order to kill everyone on board and everyone where it would hit? If you don't like the guy, fine. But it's been 20 years and, to me, he seems to have changed.
>> ^spoco2:

"If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn’t have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, ‘OK, we’re going to land somewhere safely, don’t worry.'"

It was that he is big headed enough to think that he is all fucking powerful and too damn tough for words that even if he did man up and try to stop it, it would have actually worked out better. On Flight 93, where they did rush the cabin, they still crashed and died.

He's a big headed, self righteous dick.

Puppy Totally Pumped About Eating

Fletch says...

Selective breeding gave him a big head so we can laugh at him on YouTube.

EDIT: @joedirt - You are just way wrong. His feet pop into the air every time his head extends too far in front of his shoulders. He compensates by shrugging his neck down. If you are just trolling, well... I guess you got me hook, line, and sinker.

Puppy Totally Pumped About Eating

Zero Punctuation: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

GOP Occupy Wall Street Flip-Flops!

Mauru says...

If things go lucky, you might actually go back to the separation of the financing/investment and private banking sectors like before Nixon (he abolished that to "thwart" a recession post NAM - though it had been watered down by lobbyists before).

The big problem is that partisan media hasn't even started working on this movement (marginalize->politicize->obfuscate) yet and the larger it becomes, the higher the danger that whatever bill/governmental process comes out of it will be just another paper-doll with a big head-line (99%, yo) and lots of fine-print.

Saddam's WMD were moved to Syria

chipunderwood says...

kiddies tittering^^

if Saddam used rat poison or propaganda on the Kurdish, he had and used, weapons of mass nurr-dum-ba-bum! Listen to the man's words. -All hatred for the patsy interviewing ol' big-head here-Hannitys' a tool and the generals' more believable.

Help! I've Fallen and I Can't Roll Over!

Curse this gravity!!!

"Look How Dangerous These School Teachers & Nurses Are!"

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:

"Learning about stuff" is great; never said I had a problem with it. I just don't want people like you, who think they're smarter than the rest of the population, getting a big head and trying to plan our lives. That's exactly what you want though. That's why I call you Veidt. Because you're the worst kind of central planner. You're the kind that thinks he's smarter than everyone else.

I just say what I believe, based on what I think is solid reasoning. I'm always happy to walk through my reasoning, and respond to challenges to it. I'll even change my mind, if someone makes a compelling counterargument.

I don't have any more political power than you do. I choose to deploy what little political power I have differently than you. I don't expect to get my way on everything, or even most things. I expect to have to argue and persuade and work to get even incremental steps towards a better society. If something I want happens, it's not because I made it happen, it's because millions of people, of which I was one, chose to make it happen.

As for thinking I'm smarter than everyone else, I'll certainly concede to being a know-it-all. But that's a pretty minor personality flaw compared to what you're really accusing me of, which is being willing to kill innocent people and engage in mass deception if it only brings about a world I think is best for everyone, like Veidt did.

Is that really how you see me, after all these years? As some sort of Machiavellian superman, intent on imposing his will on the world for its own good?

I have to say I find that flattering, if a bit odd.

"Look How Dangerous These School Teachers & Nurses Are!"

blankfist says...

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^blankfist:
^Thank you, Adrian Veidt.

I'm touched that you think I'm comparable to a superhero/supervillain, even if he was a left-wing straw man to be torn down by a right-wing cartoonist.
Seriously though, you seem to have bought into this idea that actually learning about stuff is for suckers, because everything in life is intuitive, and never requires more than a couple simple aphorisms to explain.
For example, right wing economics: Debt bad, strong currency good, unions bad, low taxes good, non-defense spending bad, free trade good, regulation bad.
All of those things are wrong at least some of the time, based on any actual objective look at economic history.

I'm not interested in your narrative. But I'm glad you think Moore is a right wing cartoonist. He's a regular George W. Bush to you, I'm sure.

"Learning about stuff" is great; never said I had a problem with it. I just don't want people like you, who think they're smarter than the rest of the population, getting a big head and trying to plan our lives. That's exactly what you want though. That's why I call you Veidt. Because you're the worst kind of central planner. You're the kind that thinks he's smarter than everyone else.

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