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Prosecution of Julian Assange/Attack on Freedom of Speech

slickhead says...

Glen Greenwald 's Intercept has long had bias here. It doesn't surprise me they are trying to spin this a a free speech issue . I give him extra points for attempting to leverage anti Trumpian sentiment in order to further Trump/Putin's agenda.

Putin's propagandists couldn't have written this better.

Oh wait......

It's Not Okay

greatgooglymoogly says...

Actual racists only use these new symbols when the mainstream recoils in horror and labels the trolls incorrectly as racists instead of as trolls, or just ignoring them. I think many spreading the "it's ok to be white" slogan are trolls too. They enjoy seeing people freak out at a phrase that says nothing negative about anyone, but many people will read into it a hidden meaning. You can't discern intention in these cases, only assume based on your personal previous exposure. I seem to understand it as a response/analog to "black lives matter" which most people don't think secretly means white lives don't matter, and the posters think the disproportionate response is racial bias.

newtboy said:

I agree with not accepting their usurping common terms and gestures, but I cannot accept ignoring what them mean by them. Just because I don't mean anything racist when I use the OK hand symbol, I'm not going to pretend the white supremacist assholes flashing it behind the black sports announcer wasn't blatantly a racist move. Thankfully, neither are the stadium owners who banned those people for life.
Recognizing their racist intentions is not the same as condoning their racist usurpation of language. Ignoring their racist meaning and usage is condoning it. I will call them out when I think they're being racist, which these people undeniably are. "It's ok to be white" is a slogan used EXCLUSIVELY as a racist taunt, not a factual statement of equality.

Don't ignore racism in an effort to deny it power, that doesn't only allows it to fester and grow. Bright sunlight is the best disinfectant.

shinyblurry (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

Romans 10:9-10

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved

When you do that, believing that Jesus died for your sins, God will save you and make you a new person. You're good if you don't care where you are going after you die, if you leave it as you believe up to chance. Yet the evidence that God exists is undeniable, and the coming of His Son Jesus Christ was predicted by prophecies going back thousands of years. So you're not really leaving it up to chance because the scripture tells you that you have no excuse for ignorance.

Romans 1:18-20

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse

You would say, I am sure, that you haven't seen any evidence for God but the scripture says you have and you have suppressed the truth about it. I believe scripture and in our conversations I am sorry to say you are always poisoning the well of reasoned debate with mockery and ridicule. What is behind that is a heavy bias and angst which keeps you from seeing who God is. Being obstinate against the truth of Gods word is foolish. Why not give God the benefit of the doubt and at least ask Him to show you if what I have been telling you all of these years is true?

newtboy said:

I believe in a guy named Jesus, he could walk on water when it freezes, and turn water into wine using his vineyard, but his mom was no virgin and his dad was a human being. Am I good?

Mueller Report

JiggaJonson says...

"if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state."

They didn't state as much, aka they don't feel that obstruction of justice didn't occur.

"Finally, we concluded that in the rare case in which a criminal investigation of the President’s conduct is justified, inquiries to determine whether the President acted for a corrupt motive should not impermissibly chill his performance of his constitutionally assigned duties. The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the President’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."

Or, in other words, the justice department doesn't have the legal authority to pursue charges against a sitting president; that job lies constitutionally with congress.


Bob, understand something, please,

I'm not opposed to changing my mind, but when I read "The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

And he says "SEE! Total exoneration!!!" It's not bias to call a spade a spade, saying the report SAYS what it SAYS is not Anti-Trump. >>>>>>It's pro-facts.<<<<<<<
Stop the bullshit that the report found nothing. That is simply not true.

bobknight33 said:

Mueller’s job was to muddy the waters, not clear it up..

If Mueller found criminal dirt on Trump He would have included it. 30 $million nothing burger. Free at last. Free at last. But Democrats can't let a free man free. He must be punished. We will find a way if only to drag his name through the dirt for another 6 years.

ZERO collusion. No illegal obstruction. Trump - Bitch and moan-- yes. Yell and scream - yes. But when Muller asked for documents or testimony 100% un-obstruction cooperation. Except for a personal meeting-- Which any good attorney would tell you not to.

Democrats/ Main stream media can't admit they lost, again.

Earth at 2° hotter will be horrific. Now here’s 4° +

newtboy says...

Oh don't even know what the word "disproving" means, do you?

This twaddle only disproves the notion that you can discern actual information from snidely delivered propaganda.
He is right about one thing, he's not a scientist, he's a comedian who's jokes aren't funny, just like he says. He's not a journalist however, he's likely hoping he can be an internet opinion influencer.
America Uncovered....a spin off of the insane China Uncensored channel, dedicated to China bashing.

This new smattering of random right wing YouTube videos are not "proof" of anything but your bias and willingness to repeat nonsense you enjoy but don't understand.

Put your money where your mouth is, go buy some cheap ocean front property in Miami Dade or the Keys, and don't worry about the fact you can't get flood or hurricane insurance, those are leftie hoaxes and nothing to worry about. You're really going to show us! Odd that those properties are losing value with all those smart rich right wing investors fighting over them, isn't it?

bobknight33 said:

More disproving the man made climate warming hoax.

The EAT-Lancet Launch Lecture

newtboy says...

You didn't dispute their science, did you? Are you pretending this was reviewed by outside scientists who aren't card carrying vegan zealots...or even by non contributors to the paper they've presented? Do you know who funded it, since that does matter? Any meat producers among them?
You know they neglected to include a list of possible conflicts of interest the authors had, too. Could that be because the vast majority made/make their living selling veganism in one way or another?

I gave specific points of contention with specific details of eat lancet including it's scientific validity, with specific data you failed to address at all.

I'm just pointing out the deficiencies in your movement's new attempt at may have some good points none the less.

I'm much less concerned with the messenger than the science. Veganism pushes out these new claims so often that it takes an army to keep up with debunking them, it's no surprise some soldiers are less than perfect, I don't know these two enough to care....but do you contradict their article's scientific points, ignoring the authors likely bias?

All that said, I don't disagree that red meat once a week is a decent limit, or that less sugar and processed grain would be even more beneficial to average people's health (not everyone)...and that's far from suggesting veganism...but those three suggestions seem to be the main takeaways from the synopsis I've read, but the devil is in the details, which seem to need serious work.

transmorpher said:

I mean sure, you can claim bias. But I just hope you are claiming it both ways, because guess who the Nutrition Coalition you linked is funded by?

The EAT-Lancet Launch Lecture

transmorpher says...

And I'm going to assume you don't know who Zoe Harcombe is, because I know a person like yourself who hates bias, would never willingly post something from her blog, since:

"Zoë Harcombe is an author, nutritionist and cholesterol denialist from Wales. Harcombe disagrees with mainstream medical advice on dieting. She has been criticized for promoting misleading health advice that is not based on scientific evidence.[2] She sells a fad diet known as the "Harcombe Diet".[3]"

Because I know you hate it when there are unproven claims and so on.

The EAT-Lancet Launch Lecture

transmorpher says...

I'm sure an honest fellow like yourself, would also call out bias where ever you see it right? Like if the link you posted was from an organisation posing to be a non-profit diet advisory, but was really just a front created by meat and dairy industries to help sell more of their products. You would call that out too right?

The EAT-Lancet Launch Lecture

transmorpher says...

I mean sure, you can claim bias. But I just hope you are claiming it both ways, because guess who the Nutrition Coalition you linked is funded by?

Unprecedented Partnership between Fox News and Trump

newtboy says...

A few points....
1) PBS

2)slant and outright zealous bias are different, if related. The level of falsehoods, the number of falsehoods, the importance of those falsehoods, the influence gained by those falsehoods, the destruction done to the U.S. by those falsehoods, by every measure Fox outpaces it's competition by > a factor of 10.

3)Fox is the leader in biased, hyper partisan opinion presented as news, always has been. They aren't playing catch up or follow the leader, they are the undeniable and clear leaders of propaganda as news, and have been since inception. The left leaning outlets are decades behind and still have this silly notion that outright lies are crossing the line, not so at Faux.

So yes, it exists on both sides, and the left is getting worse, but Fox/Rush/Beck/Jones and the right are driving this bus and have been in that seat for decades, please don't try to imply it's anywhere near equal, it simply isn't.

MSNBC viewers still gain actual factual information by watching, Fox viewers lose it....that's a verified and continuing fact.

shinyblurry said:

I want to preface this comment by saying that I am a political independent, and exhibit A of that fact is that I did not vote for Donald Trump. The reason I didn't vote for him is because I had serious reservations about him considering what I knew about his character.

I know a lot of Christians voted for Donald Trump because they knew he would side with them in the culture wars. And he has, to a large part. But that isn't the issue with me. I do not fight the culture wars even though I find abortion abhorrent and I lament the deepening darkness that pervades our culture. It is moral and spiritual darkness which will eventually lead to the one world government of the Antichrist.

My issue has to do with the church waking up, and stop thinking the solution is in fixing the culture because the culture is influencing the church more than the church is the culture. The solution is to get right with God and show the love of Christ to a lost and dying world.

So, here is the comment:

It's obvious that the entirety of news media is corrupt; if 2016 didn't make that obvious I don't know what would. They pick winners and losers, as supporters of Bernie Sanders realized. They all have a political agenda and will write either negative or positive coverage based on that agenda. They will present a certain slant to every issue which is favorable to their political aspirations. It is patently obvious and I think most of the country realizes this.

So, this outrage over Fox doing what every other news media company has done in the past, is pretty lame. Maybe Fox is better at it than MSNBC but the point is, the both function as the arm of their respective parties, and manipulate their media coverage to brainwash people into believing their worldview.

Unprecedented Partnership between Fox News and Trump

RFlagg says...

What @newtboy said. Seems all the Conservatives forgot the Golden Rule of do unto others... they treated Obama like shit for 8 years. Fox couldn't go 15 minutes without bashing Obama or the Democrats. The MSM doesn't have a bias, it is the fact that Trump keeps inserting foot into mouth, because he tries his best to keep in the front page of the media headlines, even if it is negative, because he knows he can spin that to his followers like Bob, who'll believe 100% everything coming out of his lying mouth. So to Trump, even the negative is great, because it is great for Fox who can spin it like, look how negative it all is... oh we got one guy who's almost negative about Trump on at a time nobody watches, so we can pretend we are "fair and balanced" but reality is, we are 100% pure propaganda, America's own Provda.
Of course this is all for not, Bob and Trump's other followers (because it is cult) will never change their mind, and nothing they can say will change the mind of free thinking people.

Wise Beyond Her Years

transmorpher says...

This video has nothing to do with veganism. It's a message from the World Health Organization, two other leading cancer institutes.

If you want to put your anti-vegan bias away for a minute, then notice how the message isn't saying "go vegan", it's simply saying don't eat processed meat. Hardly vegan.

drradon said:

can we give the vegan proselytizing a rest on this channel???


transmorpher says...

Allow me to demonstrate your bias in this situation.

Q: if instead of bacon, what if they had 800 studies showing that, say, carrots cause cancer. Would you be arguing about the stats, or would you stop eating carrots?

I'm pretty sure you'd stop eating carrots. But because you enjoy bacon so much, it's having a impact on your reasoning. That is your bias.

I can prove this further by asking you what it would take to make you give up bacon. And I'm quite sure you would say nothing. Perhaps short of some instant effect, I know you would never stop eating it, no matter strong the evidence. In fact many people don't. They rather go blind and hav their legs amputated from preventable diabetes than give up their instant comfort foods. They are so biased they lose their own limbs, and still refuse to accept the reality.

You also you like to claim that me being vegan makes me biased. But the truth is that the Science made me vegan. And not the other way around. The reduction of animal cruelty is just a bonus.

newtboy said:

It's not time you lack, I got an A in statistics which I took after advanced placement B/C calculus, thank you.
Please stop hyper exaggerating the danger of all animal products and the benefits of veganism.

No, we're acting like +1% lifetime risk of one type of cancer, from 5%-6%, is a totally acceptable level of risk to trade for a lifetime of pleasure when taken knowingly, and is a far cry from +18% every time you eat bacon. It's probably far less than the additional risk of drinking municipal water, or breathing anywhere East of the West coast, certainly exponentially less than breathing air in any major metropolitan area, or living within 25 miles of a military base or airport.

I'm also acting like people who lie about or misrepresent the stats only prove their position is untenable and that they're untrustworthy. If 1% total increased lifetime risk is enough to make your point, why erroneously claim +18% per serving? It makes it so easy to dismiss and overlook any real point you might have had.

Nothing is unanimous, and that goes double for nutritional advice. Somewhere there's a doctor that insists you can't possibly get enough nitrates, most would say if you're healthy go ahead and have some moderation. My doctor and numerous documentaries say the stress of worrying incessantly about every little risk factor is a much bigger risk factor than almost any other for innumerable disorders and diseases. I'll take his advice, thanks.


Can Alcohol Cause Cancer?

transmorpher says...

Video Title: Slurring guy on the internet defends alcohol consumption, jesus wept lol.

And let's talk about bias for a minute. Nobody is drinking alcohol for the protective effects for the 3 cancers it apparently protects against.Aaron is clearly trying to make himself feel better about his bad habits.

Moderate alcohol is not protective against 3 types of cancers, it's merely associated with it, because people who drink moderately are in a certain demographic, age, class, social/economical, education etc. and the studies that are shown in the video control for these kinds of things.

I'm not sure if you watched the video , but they show research which says that the alcohol industry use the same tactics as big tobacco do (that Aaron is perpetuating) to keep the public confused.

The tactic Aaron is using, is cherry picking a weak study, debunking their shitty method, and then using it to dismiss all other credible evidence. It's effectively a strawman, because he did nothing to address the hundreds of studies with strong evidence.



eric3579 said:

From Jan, 2018

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