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House MD - Dr Cameron & Cuddy - Trashy Valley Girls Version

Road Rage: Cyclist Ends Up on Hood of Car

Pushkill says...

yeah the bicyclists here are a bit much sometimes, they have a militant attitude about biking which is some regards is nice but a lot view it as a way to just be a dick on the road. I've come very close to accidentally hitting people just because they are morons and don't obey traffic laws, (or bike lanes for that matter). It's not as bad as it is in NoPo as it is in the SE side but still, give me a break. Its the same in California, especially north of San Francisco. My grandma was driving once and this biker kept veering in front of her, she beeped just like you would to a car that did the same thing and this guy jumped on her hood and started spitting at her, I mean seriously, she is an elderly lady, she might not be the best driver in the world but you gotta bike defensively, not like a pompous douchebag.

Someone Finally Stands Up to Bush

11807 says...

The government should have contracted Bill Gates to develop the phone tapping software.

"Then when I handed her a drink she...

*The government wants to listen to this conversation...
Press 1 to allow...
press 2 to deny..."

"Still there? Ok, so anyway..."

Six Jerks In A Jeep

Unnecessary Censorship: The TF2 Soldier

Epic Strip Tease Fail

Hearing Test

sillma says...

I'm pretty sure the high ends don't work well, if at all in this test. The sounds seem to break around 14k, I can hear slight beebs at every k after that, but I'm sure that they're not nearly as high frequency as they should be, and the sound isn't continuous at all, just very short beeps on each k.

"Am I Being Detained?"

doogle says...

I asked an expert if this could happen in Canada:

We're not aware that Canadian Border Services is carrying out any such operations in Canada. The only thing that comes close is breathalyser roadblocks conducted under the authority of the provincial highway traffic acts.

Having said that, I wouldn't recommend this guy's approach for anything more serious than a store clerk approaching me because the shoplifter detector beeped when I left the store.

Here in Canada, it's a pretty good bet that if a cop asks you to identify yourself, he or she has reasonable grounds to do so. And if you give him or her a hard time, you're likely to come out the loser.

Sleeparchive - Live at Bloc Weekend

I'm F*cking Obama - Hillary Clinton

How to power your computer with car batteries

Reporter Owned By Tube

Kimmel's Response to "I'm F@cking Matt Damon"

TheSofaKing says...


I could not agree with you more. The problem with the beeps in this video is the way they are done...the beep is not the right tone, too loud, and placed incorrectly over the offending word. When beeped properly, it is MUCH funnier then actually hearing the word. I'm going to try to remember a really good example of this and sift it.

Kimmel's Response to "I'm F@cking Matt Damon"

Kimmel's Response to "I'm F@cking Matt Damon"

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Beggar's Canyon