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Spy camera shows PC Repair scams and privacy violations

spoco2 says...

I just think it mental that if you have a device that you use daily for very important things that you wouldn't understand its basic operation. Evan the most retarded of car users should know how to change a car tire , refill it with fule , lock the dores,check oil. the basic functoins of a laptop are as simple if not more simple."

Except with those basic things... like... lock the doors, you're talking about Turning the pc on and off, opening Word and Excel, sending email, running their virus scanner etc.

Opening up a pc and changing the ram is more like opening up your car and changing an oil filter. Not rocket science by any means, but you can't expect everyone who drives a car to know how to do those sorts of things.

In a perfect world you might, but each and every car does things differently, and things are in different places, use different tools to get to etc. etc.

Same with PCs, different brands (or the same brand over the years, Dells keep mutating their insides) have different layouts and different methods of getting things in and out.

Just because YOU find doing those things on a PC easy DO NOT assume that everyone does, or should.

Plenty of people who do not know how to do those things with a PC know a damn sight more about science or other technology than you ever will, so don't think that they are stupid or ignorant for not knowing, they just spend their time knowing other things.

The point being is that we have service stations and garages to take our cars to when they need a service and we SHOULD be able to trust them.

Same with computers.

And trying to suggest that people know what the beeps mean when a computer doesn't POST is ridiculous. I have to look them up because every damn motherboard/BIOS is different and if it's your only pc that's just done it, how are they supposed to be able to look it up?

It's insane assumptions like that which show that you expect ridiculous things of people, just because YOU happen to know about a certain field.

Spy camera shows PC Repair scams and privacy violations

westy says...


You seriously expect the average Joe to be able to look into their pc, at something like this and know where to even start?
@ spoco2

I have never said thay should be able to fix it 100% and all problems I said thay should sunderstand its basic operatoin , and im sorry but changing the ram on the laptop or identifying it is not working is very simple. the PC BEEPS at you in a sertain way to tell you + doenot start up , and laptops have a compartment u simply open and replace rescure ram, that is more simple than i dentifying a plbming propeblem / problem with a car,

that's all besides the point


"I just think it mental that if you have a device that you use daily for very important things that you wouldn't understand its basic operation. Evan the most retarded of car users should know how to change a car tire , refill it with fule , lock the dores,check oil. the basic functoins of a laptop are as simple if not more simple."

its as if you didn't read my comment and then made something up.

Stormsinger (Member Profile)

inflatablevagina says...

If i had a penny for everytime someone said that to me....
I am a fan of just about all of those songs. Check out the song "Aint No easy Way"

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
Funny, gmail just beeped me about this comment as I was surfing Youtube for more clips. This one seems to be pretty representative, at least among the three I've watched so far. Good find, and thanks for the turn-on.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
yay!! a convert!!

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
I was going to say they had too many guitar players... But I have to admit, I really like they way they sound.

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

Stormsinger says...

Funny, gmail just beeped me about this comment as I was surfing Youtube for more clips. This one seems to be pretty representative, at least among the three I've watched so far. Good find, and thanks for the turn-on.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
yay!! a convert!!

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
I was going to say they had too many guitar players... But I have to admit, I really like they way they sound.

Billy Mays Dead at 50

Edgeman2112 says...

Billy Mays here for Helmet Helper! Tired of getting hit in the head by falling debris? Can't stand crazy shit falling from the ceiling when your airplane pilot wants to take a nose dive? Then you need Helmet Helper!

The secret is our patented space age polymer foam. It even stands up to a freight train barreling down the tracks!

Order now and receive a second Helmet Helper at no additional cost to you. But wait, that's not all. We'll even throw in the Concussion Buddy! If you get hit in the head, the Concussion Buddy beeps like a motherf-cker and says "Get to the hospital!!" All this for 19.95!

Kaguya Probe Transmits Final Video as it Crashes Into Moon

Peggle - 18.35 Million Points in ONE SHOT! AMAZING!

Using a 1960ies modem to dial into the internet

ReverendTed says...

Well, today I learned where the term modem comes from. I was thinking to myself, "oh, this isn't really a modem, it's more like a simple modulator\demodulator...

...oh, heh. Duh." *facepalm*

>> ^pmkierst:
He is not "on the net" on the modem. He has simply made a terminal connection to a machine that is on the net. Now if he fired up something like SLIP and brought back IP to that machine, and fired up a browser (totally possible), I'd be more impressed.

I fail to see how that would be any more impressive. This device does two things: it turns bits into beeps, and it turns beeps back into bits. It wouldn't be doing that any differently regardless of the specific application.

Buffy explains Breastfeeding to Big Bird

Sagemind says...

Thank you for calling Citizens Against Breast-Feeding, a grassroots organization that persuades women to abolish this incestuous act of immoral perversion. We are privately financed and therefore not seeking donations. However, you may wish to apply for a position with one of our field offices in New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, now hiring. If so please leave your name, address and phone number after the beep.
- Actual recorded phone message

There are places in the world where breast-feeding a child in public is as unremarkable as a stroll in the park or chatting with a friend; where people aren't discomfited by the sight of a bared breast being employed for its natural purpose.

America is not one of those places.
Since I can't Promote Breastfeeding right now, I'll just *beg!

E_Nygma (Member Profile)

More CSI bullshit: Digital Zoom

Incredible emergency landing on tape - Cockpit view w/ audio


Richard Nixon Talks "Fags, Hot Pants, Archie Bunker & Dope"

Richard Nixon Talks "Fags, Hot Pants, Archie Bunker & Dope"

Trancecoach says...

Too bad no one told him he was being recorded...

What do you think was erased by that 14 second beep when Nixon was getting candid?

Oh, and I'm sure glorifying gays on television warps children's minds.. unlike a decade and a half of war and bloodshed for satellite purposes at best...

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