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Trancecoach (Member Profile)

Glenn Beck's Argument For Marriage Equality is Best One Yet

Glenn Beck's Argument For Marriage Equality is Best One Yet

ChaosEngine says...

I know. Honestly, my whole world view is shattered and I can feel my brain trying to escape through my nasal cavity.

Glenn Beck is making a sane argument? WTF is going on? Somebody explain this shit to me! I DEMAND TO KNOW!!!

notarobot said:

I.. er.. um.. I just agreed... with a central argument... made by Glen Beck.. ...


Glenn Beck's Argument For Marriage Equality is Best One Yet

Glenn Beck's Argument For Marriage Equality is Best One Yet

Glenn Beck's Argument For Marriage Equality is Best One Yet

Glenn Beck's Argument For Marriage Equality is Best One Yet

Ch4 How Video Games Changed The World PDTV

alcom says...

Violence is touched on in the 90's at 43:00 but the focus is on the innovation of Street Fighter 2 and Doom and again it 47:45 with Mortal Kombat, Night Trap and the US Senate Hearings that led to the ESRB rating system. The pace of the narrative is still compelling as this was an important leap forward where game graphics could be represented by photographic imagery. Let's face it, the violence controversy formed a major part of the evolution of video games.

If you can't stand to hear about Columbine again, skip 52:00 to 54:00. Glen Beck chimes in on GTA at 1:11:00, but he doesn't steal the spotlight.

The Space Lady ~ Major Tom

chingalera says...

Some of the best music I've ever heard came form the street performers in SF-Two in particular stand out: One guy on Haight St. played acoustic guitar and all of his arrangements he had learned by ear by spinning 78rpm rarities in his personal collection. His technique was reminiscent of each of the artists (all from the 20s-30s) he appreciated. Carl Kress, Dick McDonough, and Django Reinhardt . Guy was genius.

Another lady in her late 50s would camp out in front of the Castro theater and play musical saws. She was a hit with the gay boys and gals in the Castro, always had a fat saw-case fulla semolians.

One cat, in a wheelchair, played this modified electric slide guitar he had made himself, with the amp and battery supply all included in his wheelchair. His groove sounded like an amalgam of many great rock guitarists from the 60s, Hendrix, Beck, Page....that guys groove was SICK! Always tossed him those dillies on his watch.

Raise The Minimum Wage -- Robert Reich

VoodooV says...

If corporations acted with honor as Glenn Beck likes to argue, we wouldn't need to raise the minimum wage. But we keep attempting this time and time again, we give corporations all this influence and power hoping they use it wisely and fairly. But they don't. They never have. They use it to make themselves more wealthy than they need to be, masking their selfishness under the banner of "rugged individualism"

I guarantee you that no one *wants* to artificially raise the minimum wage, but it's a necessary step to lessen the income gap and offset inflation.

The right wing talking point is always "a poor person never offered me a job" Well my response is "I never met a rich person who didn't get their money from poor people buying their stuff"

where do you think any business who makes a product gets their money from? Do they just will it into existence because of the power of their ego? They get it from a poor person buying their stuff. But yeah, the corporate apologists don't like to talk about that particular reality.

There is always going to be poor people and always be rich people, but we can be a nation that decides as a whole that we're not going to piss on our poor people so that even the poor can led happy healthy lives.

The right wing talking point is that the poor have rich people envy. The poor don't envy the rich, they don't want McMansions and Hummers and all the stupid bling rich dolts buy. they just want to have their needs met. They just want to not go broke if there is a major illness

If corporations acted with "honor" then the free market idea *might* work, but as long as greed rules the day, there will always be the need to put measures in place like raising the minimum wage and other regulations.

Yes, Mr Beck, Let's Trust the Honorable Capitalists

Trancecoach says...

I'm sure I'm going to elicit the ire from the sift for saying this but, for all of Beck's usual nuttiness, I actually think he's correct in this instance: we actually do not need an FDA to tell us what "organic" does or does not mean. At this point, the FDA has co-opted the label "organic" such that it doesn't mean anything anymore. In fact, the FDA now prohibits the use of the term "organic" unless it meets their lobby-prone restrictions (thereby driving up the costs). Even the (private!) Berkeley Ecology Center* (which keeps track of these kinds of issues and whose Farmer's Market Manager is actually a good friend of mine) agrees that the government-owned "organic" labeling system means little to nothing anymore.

So, as Beck is suggesting here, having private institutions that you trust can (and in many instances already do) provide you with the information that you'd want/need to get organic food at affordable prices.

For example, the Non-GMO Project (again, a Private organization) that lists and labels GMO-free foods are doing a great job, much better than the FDA care to or even could.

*The Berkeley Ecology Center are a private (!) "ecological think tank" and do not actively publish, but they will give you as much documentation as you'd like, if you request them, of any references, legislation, regulations, etc. and where to find them. If you need documentation, check out their public archive found here.
I'd say that their existence alone helps support Beck's argument here. The Ecology Center can tell you anything you'd want to know from the FDA (and much more that the FDA -- or even the EPA -- wouldn't want you to know) or they can tell you where to go to find out. They don't yet have the resources to conduct studies on their own, so at this point they are more like an "environmental 411" to point you in the right direction to do your own research.

In my opinion, having thousands of these centers throughout the country can do a much better job of tracking these issues than the centralized agencies could ever do.

Yes, Mr Beck, Let's Trust the Honorable Capitalists

newtboy says...

Uhhh, how is Whole Foods supposed to do the 'right thing' and find 'organic' foods if there's no standard and the producers can simply claim 'organic'? Is he suggesting that all companies that want to sell 'organic' must do their own testing on each item? How else would they know? With the major food manufacturers insisting they not be forced to label their products (at least GMO's or organics), how is the consumer supposed to make an informed decision, Mr. Beck? (...or is it that they are not supposed to make informed decisions, but instead are being asked to make un-informed decisions based on 'trust' of a company that hides what's in it's products from it's customers based on the idea that the customer won't buy the product if they know the ingredients?)

isreals new racism-the persecution of african migrants

hamsteralliance says...

The thing is though: Glenn Beck can't deport anyone. The Westboro Baptist church can't lock people up for being gay. Fox News has no control of anything, they're just a news outlet.

In Israel on the other hand, it looks like there are actual people in power who do have the power to imprison the Sudanese in a specially-built prison just for them, where they stay until the Israeli government is ready to deport them. That's what's show in the video.

So, the comparison to US television isn't all that fitting. Sure, it's not showing you or your ilk, but it's still not an apt comparison. It's nothing like this.

NinjaInHeat said:

Sorry to burst your bubble people but this "report" is biased beyond belief.

It's quite similar to the type of bullshit you see every day on networks like Fox and to the unbearable ignorance of Christian Republicans. Showing video clips of religious leadership and right-wing mobs expressing that ignorance as if it represents the Israeli society as a whole is retarded. It's the equivalent of showing Glenn Beck videos as a portrayal of the US's stance on immigration.

isreals new racism-the persecution of african migrants

NinjaInHeat says...

Sorry to burst your bubble people but this "report" is biased beyond belief.
I live very close to this problematic area. I don't deny for a second this is a problem and I don't presume to have solutions for this issue.
A few things to keep in mind though:

1. Tel Aviv is pretty much the Israeli capital of left-wing liberals, there is no shortage of people calling out for a humane and democratic solution to the problem here and no shortage of local criticism for the racism expressed here.

2. There's a lot of racism, ignorance and bigotry in Israel. Much of it is directly tied to "religious nationalism". It's quite similar to the type of bullshit you see every day on networks like Fox and to the unbearable ignorance of Christian Republicans. Showing video clips of religious leadership and right-wing mobs expressing that ignorance as if it represents the Israeli society as a whole is retarded. It's the equivalent of showing Glenn Beck videos as a portrayal of the US's stance on immigration.

Honestly it's these types of videos that make me wonder how deluded I am in thinking I have any semblance of understanding of American politics, being a foreigner exposed mostly to left-wing friendly content.

penn jillette-glenn beck is a nut-but i like him

VoodooV says...

did he say Glenn Beck lives outside the law??

I may not care for Mr Beck, but as far as I know he's not a criminal.

People like Beck, Jillette, and Howard Stern are ultimately attention cravers. and craving attention doesn't care if you're left or right.

If you gave these people enough money to say an opinion that runs counter to what they actually believe, they'd do it as long as they got their attention. There's an old Daily Show clip back when the Health Care debate first started where Beck was praising the health care system as being second to none, Ole Johnny Stewart easily finds a clip of Beck doing a "documentary" where Beck himself had to go to the hospital and he's complaining about how bad it is. So you just pay these people enough money and you'll get them to say whatever you want them to regardless of what they've said in the past.

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