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bleedmegood (Member Profile)

Kleptones-Come Again: Great Dance Mashup by Crumbs Chiefs

Things a naked guy can do to a cat

GenjiKilpatrick says...

hehheh. I like his honest melancholy look of: =/ Yeah. I was - I was definitely gonna do all that..

Tho that's gotta be some sort of entrapment.

I'm pretty sure he'd have been at home fappin' to cat fancy if not for Operation Imaginary Teen Beasty Girl. For cereal! =/

oxdottir (Member Profile)

Battlestar Galactica Vs. Beastie Boys

Battlestar Galactica Vs. Beastie Boys

If the Beasty Boys watched Battlestar Galactica: Sabotage

If the Beasty Boys watched Battlestar Galactica: Sabotage

If the Beasty Boys watched Battlestar Galactica: Sabotage

cybrbeast (Member Profile)

Spending New Year's Eve on VS is... (User Poll by Fusionaut)

Introducing the Beastie Boys

SlipperyPete says...

That girl on drums is Kate Schellenbach. She was the drummer for The Beastie Boys from 1981 to 1984, and later drummed for Luscious Jackson.

She is currently a segment producer on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.


Inappropriate Soundtracks - "Return of the Jedi"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Star Wars, Ending, Party, Fight, Ewoks, Cut that hair' to 'Star Wars, Ending, Ewoks, Cut that hair, beastie boys, fight for your right to party' - edited by dystopianfuturetoday

Converting a Young Earth Preacher to Atheism (Blog Entry by dag)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Bible not been refuted, eh?

The Bible actually refutes itself in the very first section of the very first book by giving two separate and contradictory accounts of the creation story.

Here is a summary for those too lazy to look it up for themselves.

Genesis 1:1 - 2:4 summary:
God creates the heavens and the earth. He separates the light from the darkness (whatever that means). He creates a dome to separate Earth water from space water. He creates land, fruit and vegetation. God makes 2 lights; the sun for a day light and the moon for night light. He creates water life, bird life, sea monsters and animals (all at once without any type of evolution), and then tells them all to fuck the shit out of each other. God creates humans in their (why is this plural?) image and gives them dominion over the other beasties, and then tells them to bone up a storm too. God tells the humans and animals to help themselves to all the plants, fruits and vegies they like (but makes no mention of eating meat). On the seventh day, God orders a pizza, smokes some weed and plays Xbox all day. These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created.

Done deal, right!? But wait, there's more...

Genesis 2:4-2:22 summery
On the day that God created the heavens and the earth, back before there were plants, rain and people to work the land, God forms a man from dust on the ground and breathes life into his nostrils. After that, he creates plantlife, the garden of Eden and a tree of knowledge of good and evil. God puts the man in the garden of Eden and tells him not to eat from the tree of knowledge. Then God creates all of the animals and tells the man to name them all. Finally, he creates a woman out of the man's rib.

Can you spot the differences in these two contradictory creation myths?
-The first myth spans 7 days, the second spans one day.
-The plants and animals are created before man in the first myth, and after in the second.
-In the first myth humans are created all at once, in the second the man is made first - the woman second.

Did God forget to proofread?

It is theorized that these two competing creation stories - which were passed from generation to generation through oral tradition before being written down - were both so popular, that the creators of the version of Genesis that ended up in the book that we now call 'the Bible' decided to include both.

Another interesting discussion is how the Bible was assembled from many stories written by many different people over hundreds of years, and even after it was codified, was (and still is) edited and translated and manipulated, which explains its many shifts in mood, tone, and content. If you read the Bible as literature, it is full of some great stories. The stories of David and Lot are juicy. Ecclesiastes was written by a total nihalist and is pretty bad ass. Revelation is fun too, in its own sociopathic way.

MC Trebek mashup

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