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Low-Tech Solution To Gulf Oil Spill Looks Surprisingly Good

ridesallyridenc says...

Yes, this.

It's a great idea that's in the works, but that has practical issues to overcome before it's implementable on a large scale. However, without doing the legwork to understand the issues, it's easy to say, "Look how great it works in the bowl, let's do it nownownow!!"

>> ^modulous:

It might be worth noting that these guys haven't stumbled upon a radically amazing idea. Using sorbents for oil spills is a long standing technique. Seeking low cost, environmentally friendly and easily deployed sorbents is an active research area.
Further - using hay as a sorbent is not unique either. It is so well established that sometimes highschool students perform a similar experiment as shown in the video above. There are several papers about its efficacy, the effects of layering, cleanup, recycling etc:
Availability of barley straw application on oil spill clean up
Investigation of Oleophilic Nature of Straw Sorbent Conditioned in Water

Low-Tech Solution To Gulf Oil Spill Looks Surprisingly Good

modulous says...

It might be worth noting that these guys haven't stumbled upon a radically amazing idea. Using sorbents for oil spills is a long standing technique. Seeking low cost, environmentally friendly and easily deployed sorbents is an active research area.

Further - using hay as a sorbent is not unique either. It is so well established that sometimes highschool students perform a similar experiment as shown in the video above. There are several papers about its efficacy, the effects of layering, cleanup, recycling etc:

Availability of barley straw application on oil spill clean up
Investigation of Oleophilic Nature of Straw Sorbent Conditioned in Water

Is produce from 'Whole Foods' truly organic?

Nithern says...

And I was going to shop at Whole Foods as a new buyer. I guess I'll have to stick with my previous grocery store. Yes, my previous grocery store doesn't have much gluten free products (a protein found in Wheat, Rye, and Barley), but they would post 'Product of ....." Right next to the price. Once you stroll through the fruits and vegitables, you find which items not to buy. I'll buy Canada, and sometimes Mexico. Their standards are alittle better then China.

Also, dont buy from Wal-Mart. They represent 1/4 of China's export to the USA. Why give china US dollars?

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

ctrlaltbleach says...

1. I was sent to a behavioral hospital for saying I would kill myself and stabbed the table with a large kitchen knife.

2. I thrive to be the kindest person I know but still end up being an ass without even trying.

3. I'm Socially retarded. I have trouble talking to friends I've known for years.

4. When I was 19 I had an affair with a twenty year old woman. I felt guilty about her husband but I was in love.

5. I often feel my social awkwardness is the #1 contributer to feeling that my life has been kind of dull.

6. I work in the IT industry and I'm building a web site for my dads company which I still have no confidence in.

7. I love everything French and wish there was a French channel. Although I cannot speak French fluently even after studying three years of it.

8. I play piano and guitar.

9. I adore women.

10. When I was young I told my brother that there was a twenty dollar bill behind a fence in a coke can so I could steal the front seat of my moms car. He came back with a twenty dollar bill and a coke can.

11. I used to work security for a event arena. I sat next to Lars Ulrich all night and did not recognize him. I've also said hi to Phil Collins, Eddie Van Halen, Bonnie Raitt, Natalie Merchant, Ericah Bahdu, and the guy from Matchbox 20.

12. ^ I've also been back stage and watched Metallica warm up for the show and was the sole reason a popular disc jockey was thrown out of the same concert.

13. I have celebrity crushes on Drew Berrymore, Dolores O rirden (I know I did not spell that right), Kelly Osborne, Audrey Tautou, Natalie Portman, and Lisa Loeb.

14. I always stick up for Jewish people when the chance arises.

15. When I was young I cried because a younger man was picking on and beating up an older man in an old western movie.

16. I always wanted to be famous but only because I wanted people to like me.

17. I did not have sex until I was 19. (and it was the affair 4.)

18. I married the second person I had sex with.

19. I once had a beagle named Snoopy. (I know so original)

20. I wish I worked for a gaming company.

21. I still feel like a kid.

22. I spent two weeks in France.

23. I kissed a girl I barley knew in Paris, she was from Richmond Virginia. I also was became lost there with two others who did not speak French and between the three of us had to find our way to the hotel. Luckily I know how to say where is the Metro?

24. I just recently purchased a house.

25. I cannot seem to be able to turn off love. Once I've fallen in love with someone I always love them.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Home foreclosures - How big is the problem?

choggie says...

The inevitable shitstorm of people letting the few lead the debtor's prisons???...damn, it's gonna take a lot of internment camps to corral the disenfranchised-as the empire shrinks again to rule the many, from their bunkers-

And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and [see] thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
-Rev 6:5-6

jimnms (Member Profile)

therealblankman says...

We Canadians have a standard joke about American Beer.

What does Budweiser have in common with making love in a Canoe?
They're both fucking close to water.

In reply to this comment by jimnms:
Did you know Budweiser isn't considered beer in Germany because the Beer Purity Law of 1516 limits the ingredients of beer to yeast, barley, hops and water, and Budweiser uses rice as a main ingredient. Germans also call Budweiser (and other American beers) "dishwater."

Techno toddler is raving with Bud girls

therealblankman says...

>> ^jimnms:
Did you know Budweiser isn't considered beer in Germany because the Beer Purity Law of 1516 limits the ingredients of beer to yeast, barley, hops and water, and Budweiser uses rice as a main ingredient. Germans also call Budweiser (and other American beers) "dishwater."

We Canadians have a standard joke about American Beer.

What does Budweiser have in common with making love in a Canoe?
They're both fucking close to water.

Techno toddler is raving with Bud girls

jimnms says...

Did you know Budweiser isn't considered beer in Germany because the Beer Purity Law of 1516 limits the ingredients of beer to yeast, barley, hops and water, and Budweiser uses rice as a main ingredient. Germans also call Budweiser (and other American beers) "dishwater."

Jeopardy! Teen contestant says "Fuck"

Arsenault185 says...

Downvote reason #1 Recording of a TV = BLEHHHH. Downvote reason # 2: you could barley hear anything at all. Now if he really dropped an F-bomb, then i could overlook the shitty cam-quality and upvote. Oh well.

Surströmming is a delicacy in Sweden. Apparently

Eyes Wide Shut teaser

Arsenault185 says...

I think the key thing that we are missing here is what porn is. Sex is not porn. Rule 7 about porn does not bar sexuality. (sure we dont want to see the act of sex, but thats besides the point.) The clip from the other day was not porn. Hell it barley belonged in the sexuality channel. Who acres what the clip came from, the clip t self was not porn. A pornographic film is designed to make me happy in the pants. Its for sexual gratification. Im alost positive, that clip itself does not do that. (well considering that 2g1c gets soem people off, theres always the exception)What I'm saying is, If people dont want to see something thats "edgy" then they dont have to click. There was sufficiant warning. Yesterdays clip shoud have stayed.

I'm just not drunk enough - Catherine Tate

Thylan says...

That can at the end was Special Brew, which has a reputation over here for being cheap and high alcohol. From the wiki:

At 9% alcohol Special Brew is one of the strongest lagers freely available in the United Kingdom, without going to a specialist shop. Some people will say that Special Brew should more properly be described as a Barley Wine, rather than a lager.

In the UK Special Brew is occasionally available in bottles in pubs, but it is almost never served draft. Most pubs refuse to sell it because its high alcohol content leads to excessive drunkenness and unwarranted behaviour among customers. However it is widely sold in off licences and supermarkets nationwide. Special Brew is extremely popular among the homeless and travelling community, and off licence owners will often say it is their best selling item. Its reasonably low price and high alcohol content allow users to become extremely drunk quickly at a low cost should they desire to do so.

Ehren Watada refuses to de deployed to Iraq

Arsenault185 says...

I barley got 10 comments down and chose to skip here. Granted I'm a new sifter, but sometimes i think you guys argue for the sake of argument. I saw one comment from MINK about how it is illegal according to certain things. the constitution. Have you read it? Has anybody here? I might have missed it granted, and if you can show me where ill back down, but i didn't see anything in there about what makes an occupation illegal. Geneva? this deals with POWs. Not entrance and occupation regulations. Nuremberg? well this one i am honestly unfamiliar with, but after a quick Google, i found this:

The Nuremberg Trials are a series of trials most notable for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military and economic leadership of Nazi Germany.

I fail to see how that applies. At any rate, there is specific documentation, which clearly states that we will go where we are needed to free others of tyranny and oppression. If you must know where, i can find it for you. Its nearing midnight, so i don't want to be up to much longer.

At any rate, thought this might be good to toss in.

Its the enlisted and officer oaths of enlistment. MINK, I know I singled you out, but your comment stood out to me. But for everyone, I know MG and myself know the military, and if anyone else in here does they can say what they will, but please don't talk like you know what we are or aren't allowed to do, unless you've served or are serving.

BTW mink in regards to you last post, that very specifically talks about country governments, whereas Al-Q is not a government, there fore we cannot declare "war" on them. Second, Doc_M, your kinda right with the wrong words. Consciouses objector only means you don't believe the war is right, and that you do not have to operate a weapon. you can still go and fuel trucks. The whole losing citizenship and all that, no. Yeah if you back out of a war by just saying "no dude, fuck that" your going to get what we affectionately call "the big green weenie." yeah you'll get a DD and all that but the U.S. isn't going to exile you.

My last big gripe is people saying bush this bush that. PEOPLE! BUSH did not send us to 'war'. YOUR CONGRESS did. Thats right, the people you voted for to take your place sent you. your state reps and senators. BUSH cannot declare war. CONGRESS can declare war. And no one ever said anything about this being illegal when it kicked off. if i remember right, everyone was pro war.

I whole heartedly agree with MarineGunRock in that this waste of a uniform KNEW that war was going on, and whats worse, he was in an infantry unit! IF he wanted to avoid going, he should have joined the band. You cannot in all decent common sense look at the army THE FUCKING ARMY and say to yourself, hey, i don't want to go to war, but that shit looks like fun! and expect not to go. He might have wanted to change his mind afterwards, i got it, but like Lurch said, there was a legal way to do it, and the illegal way.

last thing i promise.... These one or two soldier protesters here and there might be bitching and "thats why we need to pull out. look how bad it is when our soldiers say no" but in all truth for every 1 service member that is publicly protesting, there are 2 or 3 reenlisting in IRAQ. And on top of that think of all the THOUSANDS of other guys that never said shit about having to go. The opinion of the couple of douche bags here and there is not going to sway the opinion of the governing bodies of our military forces.

P.S. ALLLLL the above is what makes our Country so Damn great. All of us (service members included) can bitch and argue all we want about public policy, war, religion etc. Thank a Vet. Thank you MG)

Captain Tractor "The Last Saskatchewan Pirate"

calvados says...

Ta for that, Linz, an' you're a fine lookin' filly too!


I used to be a farmer, and I made a living fine,
I had a little stretch of land along the CP line
But times were hard and though I tried, the money wasn't there
And bankers came and took my land and told me "fair is fair"

I looked for every kind of job, the answer always no
"Hire you now?" they'd always laugh, "we just let twenty go!"
The government, they promised me a measly little sum
But I've got too much pride to end up just another bum.

Then I thought, who gives a damn if all the jobs are gone?
I'm gonna be a PIRATE on the river Saskatchewan!!!

Cause it's a heave-ho, hi-ho, comin' down the plains
Stealin' wheat and barley and all the other grains
It's a ho-hey, hi-hey farmers bar yer doors
When ya see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores

Well, you'd think the local farmers would know that I'm at large
But just the other day I found an unprotected barge
I snuck up right behind them and they were none the wiser,
I rammed their ship and sank it and I stole their fertilizer!

A bridge outside of Moose Jaw spans a mighty river
Farmers cross in so much fear their stomachs are a-quiver
Cause they know that TRACTOR JACK is hidin' in the bay
I'll jump the bridge and knock them cold and sail off with their hay!

Cause it's a heave-ho, hi-ho, comin' down the plains
Stealin' wheat and barley and all the other grains
It's a ho-hey, hi-hey farmers bar yer doors
When ya see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores

Well, Mountie Bob he chased me, he was always at my throat
He'd follow on the shoreline cause he didn't own a boat
But cutbacks were a-coming and the Mountie lost his job
And now he's sailing with us, and we call him Salty Bob!

A swingin' sword, a skull and bones, and pleasant company
I never pay my income tax and screw the GST (SCREW IT!!)
Prince Albert down to Saskatoon, the terror of the seas
If you wanna reach the Co-Op, boy, you gotta get by me!

Cause it's a heave-ho, hi-ho, comin' down the plains
Stealin' wheat and barley and all the other grains
It's a ho-hey, hi-hey farmers bar yer doors
When ya see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores

(*spoken* Arrrr! Ya salty dog!)
(*spoken* Arrrr! Ya salty gopher!)
(*spoken* Arr.. ya.. salty bale of hay!)

Well, Pirate life's appealing but you don't just find it here,
I've heard that in Alberta there's a band of buccaneers
They roam the Athabaska from Smith to Fort McKay
And you're sure to loose your Stetson if you have to pass their way!

Well, winter is a-comin' and a chill is in the breeze
My Pirate days are over once the river starts to freeze
I'll be back in springtime but now I have to go
I hear there's lots of plunderin' down in New Mexico!

Cause it's a heave-ho, hi-ho, comin' down the plains
Stealin' wheat and barley and all the other grains
It's a ho-hey, hi-hey farmers bar yer doors
When ya see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores

Cause it's a heave-ho, hi-ho, comin' down the plains
Stealin' wheat and barley and all the other grains
It's a ho-hey, hi-hey farmers bar yer doors
When ya see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores

When ya see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores...

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