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schmawy (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

awwwwww, cute. Schmawy brought me a present. Bad kitty for going outside, though. Bad.

Wait... did you claw through the screen again -- Oh, Jesus Christ, all the other kitties followed you outside and I'm gonna have to track em all down AGAIN.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
* puts decapitated mouse in poolcleaner's shoe *

In reply to this comment by poolcleaner

You're such a cute kitty, but you keep posting these horrible things that reveal the world for what it really is. Stop being relevant and do cat stuff! Make me go "awwwwwww cute" and not "awwwww crap."

poolcleaner (Member Profile)

Baptist Pastor Beaten and Tazed By Border Patrol

poolcleaner says...

>> ^schmawy:
Heh. Gawker says "This is not the civil libertarian you were looking for".

I think we can conclude that this is a man who doesn't lack conviction.

You're such a cute kitty, but you keep posting these horrible things that reveal the world for what it really is. Stop being relevant and do cat stuff! Make me go "awwwwwww cute" and not "awwwww crap."

Know Your Meme: Boxxy

JAPR says...

Awwwww, I downvoted for the video having her in it, but then wanted to upvote for him saying "flamewars erupted between the boxxy baiters and the boxxy haters, both noobs."

Tom's Resume

Penn Jillette on Morning Joe: "White Bitch Month" reactions

Man trades 14 year old daughter for beer and beef

Dupes and blocks (Terrible Talk Post)

STOP NOW.... and take a Basset Hound Break with me?

Payback says...

Ever notice there's never been a Bassett Hound character portrayed in a movie as evil? That's because as they're ripping out your spleen, you still go "awwwww, id da widdle puppy ang-wee?".

Most mobile ref you will ever see in the ring

Happy Sirrus The Pug ( Weird Screaming)

Geelong Celebrities Fight Internet Bullies

NetRunner (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

critttter (Member Profile)

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