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Man Jumps White House Fence 8/2/11

Memebusters: The bin Laden Edition

enoch says...

bill whittle=revisionist and apologist.
george bush may 1st 2003 on the deck of the abraham lincon:
"major combat operations in iraq have the battle of iraq,the united states and her allies ...have prevailed".
whittle is correct that bush never once says "mission accomplished".do i need to point out the semantics here?

then he goes on to conflate that somehow iraqis ability to vote (while ignoring the massive amount of data concerning fraud,intimidation and outright scandal) is the very thing which inspired epypt,syria and jordan to rise up against their theocratic,oppressive regimes.
this is patently false and the reasons are well documented and not one of them is iraqs ability to vote.

waterboarding was the reason we got positive intell on bin laden?
ok now he is just making stuff up to fit his own premise.there is NO documentation to back that statement fact the intelligence has revealed the exact opposite.

article 3 of the geneva convention CLEARLY states that waterboarding IS considered closed.end of discussion.

this video is so chock full of disinformation that my head may explode due to the sheer volume.
bill whittles bush-love is well known.
the only satisfaction i get from this video is the fact that bin laden was assasinated under obama and must keep this tool up at night crying into his pillow.
poor poor whittle.

Freedom Watch: Usama and US

enoch says...

i like the judge and agree with him sometimes (other times..not so much) but his synopsis here is seriously flawed.
maybe due to the fact that he is no longer a standing judge and missed this particular abomination:
so lets give a huge middle finger to the dynamic evil duo of addington and woo who helped write this fascist piece of crap.
with the insistence of cheney these two fuckwads helped usher in presidential powers unheard of in our entire history and the complicit (wussified) media, never bothered to inform the public.
obama has not recinded ONE of these newly attained powers under bush.
the president CAN order an assasination AND deem YOU an enemy combatant.

Obama Death Threat at Townhall

Psychologic says...

>> ^longde:

This false equivilancy tactic is getting tiring. Please show me a protest sign that said kill Bush. It doesn't exist. Please show me a public event where a constituent threatened assasination of Bush, and was met with laughter by the federal official, and delight by the audience.
This shit is extreme to the max, and trying to normalize hate speech and sedition won't work on the non-Fox News set.

I specifically remember a liberal commentator on Countdown suggesting the killing of several conservatives in a rather graphic manner and Olbermann just laughed uncomfortably and said something like "I don't know about that" before moving on.

Olbermann doesn't hold public office, but the situation was similar. He obviously didn't agree with the statement, but he also didn't call the other guy out for saying it.

It was posted here on videosift a while back and I had posted a comment about how Keith just glossed past the comment, but no one else seemed to care. I wish I could remember which clip it was.

Edit: As far as signs suggesting violence against Bush, I found several on a quick Google search. The problem is that you can never tell if they're serious or just someone from an "opposing" view doing it to make a group look crazy/extreme.

Obama Death Threat at Townhall

longde says...

This false equivilancy tactic is getting tiring. Please show me a protest sign that said kill Bush. It doesn't exist. Please show me a public event where a constituent threatened assasination of Bush, and was met with laughter by the federal official, and delight by the audience.

This shit is extreme to the max, and trying to normalize hate speech and sedition won't work on the non-Fox News set.

Julian Assange on Oslo Freedom Forum 2010

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

FTR, Assange hasn't been accused of anything like rape. I think it's important to get this message out:!/dag1/status/10461299813126144

>> ^ambassdor:

Is Wikileaks a big enough inconvenience for someone to have Julian Assange whacked? Tho the rape accusations do sound like they could be conspiracy to shut him up and only just saw that video of the Canadian official 'jokingly' say he should be assasinated. And this might be a crap comparison, but just for devil's advocate sake, if someone was to leak private information about my personal feelings about another for 'freedom's sake', which would result in more conflict as a result, as opposed to not revealing anything, and just having to put up with an animosity, then surely, the latter would be the lesser of two evils? For the main part, I do think it is a good platform for press freedom, but if (perhaps reckless) freedom of information causes the loss of human life, sounds like one step forward, two steps back.

Julian Assange on Oslo Freedom Forum 2010

ambassdor says...

Is Wikileaks a big enough inconvenience for someone to have Julian Assange whacked? Tho the rape accusations do sound like they could be conspiracy to shut him up and only just saw that video of the Canadian official 'jokingly' say he should be assasinated. And this might be a crap comparison, but just for devil's advocate sake, if someone was to leak private information about my personal feelings about another for 'freedom's sake', which would result in more conflict as a result, as opposed to not revealing anything, and just having to put up with an animosity, then surely, the latter would be the lesser of two evils? For the main part, I do think it is a good platform for press freedom, but if (perhaps reckless) freedom of information causes the loss of human life, sounds like one step forward, two steps back.

Alien_concept gets crown, royal consort (British Talk Post)

Fusionaut says...

spit spot! tally ho and all that, wot!

God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen!

O lord God arise,
Scatter our enemies,
And make them fall!
Confound their knavish tricks,
Confuse their politics,
On you our hopes we fix,
God save the Queen!

Not in this land alone,
But be God's mercies known,
From shore to shore!
Lord make the nations see,
That men should brothers be,
And form one family,
The wide world ov'er

From every latent foe,
From the assasins blow,
God save the Queen!
O'er her thine arm extend,
For Britain's sake defend,
Our mother, prince, and friend,
God save the Queen!

Thy choicest gifts in store,
On her be pleased to pour,
Long may she reign!
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause,
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen!

E3 Trailer - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

ant says...

>> ^Offsajdh:

>> ^ant:
Looks nice, but will the game be fun? I heard the first game was repetitve, bloated, etc.

Correct .. the first one was more of a nice looking prototype then a game. However, Assasins Creed 2 perfected it. If you havent already played AC2, then I strongly reccommend that you pick it up. Well crafted through and through. You should be able to jump straight into it without having played the first one and still enjoy it immensly.

I haven't played ANY, but Ubisoft sucks for its DRM though. I only have Windows/PC since I am not a console fan (haven't owned one since Atari 2600). I wished there were playable demos.

E3 Trailer - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Offsajdh says...

>> ^ant:
Looks nice, but will the game be fun? I heard the first game was repetitve, bloated, etc.

Correct .. the first one was more of a nice looking prototype then a game. However, Assasins Creed 2 perfected it. If you havent already played AC2, then I strongly reccommend that you pick it up. Well crafted through and through. You should be able to jump straight into it without having played the first one and still enjoy it immensly.

E3 Trailer - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Geometry Lesson: How to Assassinate the President

LarsaruS says...

@NetRunner this wall of text of mine was not to defend that teacher but rather to get some answers for some questions I had about MaxWilder's post. But to clarify my stance, using your numbers:

1. Completely agree with you.
2. Completely agree with you again, that is called terrorism iirc.
3. In principle you are absolutely correct. Here though I don't see the implied notion that it is ok as there is not enough context to know how the lesson was and what words were used. If there is a source that I have missed regarding this that shows that he, the teacher, advocates it I will then of course condemn the man/his actions.

I am pro-Obama for the record, I believe he was the best president you could get at the time. If he was assasinated it would be a great loss for not only the US but the world as he has brought the US away from being so isolationistic. If McCain had won you would probably be in 3 wars now and since he is old and frail he might have died in office and I shudder in fear at the notion of Sarah Palin with nuclear launch codes. But then again global warming would probably not be a threat anymore as we would have a nuclear winter to worry about instead but that is off topic...

*edit for trying to get a fubar'ed quote to work. Doesn't seem to work for some reason... maybe it is the @ above that does it?

>> ^NetRunner:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since December 27th, 2009" class="profilelink">LarsaruS you went into wall of text mode to defend a teacher who wanted to give a geometry lesson about how to assassinate the President.
Here's a list of reasons why there's a fuss, since you think this is totally defensible.

  1. Killing people is bad
  2. Using violence to influence politics is bad
  3. Teaching a bunch of kids that 1 and 2 are actually okay by implication is bad

There's a difference between engaging in a discussion about politics with a class of students, and framing their math questions in such a way that the only question is how they go about assassinating the President, not whether doing so is moral, or even vaguely justifiable.
I don't get why this is something you want to defend, even if you don't like Obama.

Geometry Lesson: How to Assassinate the President

Quill42 says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:

Love that redneck lady at the end:
"I don't really think there's any big deal about it. I think there's much worse things going on in the schools today..."
And what are those? Sex education? Evolution being taught? STFU before you make yourself sound even dumber, if that's possible.

The problem is that we're only seeing a small portion of the school's curriculum out of context. As Ms. Hughes points out, this wasn't really suprising and there's a lot worse going in in the school. Here's a typical day:
Geometry - how to use angles and geometry to hypothetically assasinate the president.
Chemistry - how to use bunsen burners and test tubes to hypothetically create a fertilizer bomb to blow up the IRS.
English - how to use pursuasive writing to hypothetically write a terrorist bomb threat.
Biology - how to use petri dishes to hypothetically smuggle explosives past bomb-sniffing dogs.
Drivers ed - how to use proper signaling to hypothetically drive a truck filled with explosives through a government checkpoint.

Geometry Lesson: How to Assassinate the President

LarsaruS says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

You're missing the point. To you, Hypotheticals may just be a string of words. But those words hold meaning.
Words represent pictures that pop into your head. Those pictures trigger emotional responses which in turn effect our attitudes and actions.
If it's okay to talk about presidential assasination in hypotheticals, it's okay to talk about rape and robbery and homocide of fellow students and teachers in hypotheticals.
They're just hypotheticals, right?
>> ^LarsaruS:
Yes. It would be. I don't let hypothetical statements bother me... there are a lot more stuff to be bothered by in real life. And if it works and the students learn (more than they would have otherwise)... I say go for it.

First up: Yes they are just hypotheticals. As long as you use them to trigger meaningful debate and clearly define the actions as abhorrent I don't see a problem with it, rapes happen and so do murders. Students kill and rape other students and teachers get raped and murdered too, shit happens as life is not fluffy pink clouds and unicorns farting rainbows! (school shootings anyone?). To ignore facts do not make them go away it only allows these things to sit undisturbed and fester. Or are you a subscriber to the idea that if you don't talk about horrible things they don't happen? "Out of sight, out of mind" or as Aldous Huxley so succinctly put it: "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."

To use murders and rapes and other criminal actions to discuss and bring up the values we as a society have on these issues and contrast them with the students own views on these things can bring about meaningful insights on these issues. And it is not something to be done lightly of with a flippant attitude as they are people with emotions, I agree with you on that.

Secondly: Would you prefer it if we censor what teachers are able to bring up in classrooms and/or start to self-censor ourselves the way people in oppressive regimes do? Only happy things are allowed to be discussed or else you disappear/become a pariah? In almost all repressive regimes the teachers are the first to be murdered/sent to be "re-educated" about the grandeur of the new ways. Knowledge is power and the people who give other people knowledge are the most dangerous of all. They define how we see the world and ourselves in relation to it.

*Disclaimer, written when tipsy/drunk, grammar and spelling might be a bit off. And I don't mean to flame.

Geometry Lesson: How to Assassinate the President

GenjiKilpatrick says...

You're missing the point. To you, Hypotheticals may just be a string of words. But those words hold meaning.

Words represent pictures that pop into your head. Those pictures trigger emotional responses which in turn effect our attitudes and actions.

If it's okay to talk about presidential assasination in hypotheticals, it's okay to talk about rape and robbery and homocide of fellow students and teachers in hypotheticals.

They're just hypotheticals, right?

>> ^LarsaruS:

Yes. It would be. I don't let hypothetical statements bother me... there are a lot more stuff to be bothered by in real life. And if it works and the students learn (more than they would have otherwise)... I say go for it.

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