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Understanding the Refugee Crisis in Europe and Syria

bobknight33 says...

This is America fault. Leadership from behind has failed the wold. From the Arab spring to this disaster. 7 years of failed leadership of President Obama.

Obama drew a line in the sand and Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons and my pussy president did squat just as he did for Ukraine.

Leadership from behind has failed the wold.
My American President sits back and lets ISIL rape, kill and destroy with out impunity.

The world needs a super power to keep peace. This lesson has been well taught under the Obama legacy.

A kid uses a lighter in a car full of anti-static clothes sp

eric3579 says...

Laughing gas (Nitrous Oxide) Is not flammable.

From reddit comment:
The title of the video says "Fid-fad leak" in arabic, which is an anti-static clothes spray.

"Me and my brother are both fine thank god, I got 6% burns, what happened was that we were having fun in the car filming a video with the windows closed and we smelled something funny but we didn't know it was Fidfad and we didn't give it much attention, then my brother used the lighter which set the gas on fire, and I'm glad to say we are safe and all the rumours that got out are not true, and be careful of gas leaks anywhere".

The Walk movie trailer

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

GenjiKilpatrick says...

I swear to the god i don't believe in, Bob. You have the mental capacity of a 6 year old.

"Update, 2:05 p.m. – Buzzfeed News spoke to Brandon Brooks, who uploaded the video to Youtube. “I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,” he said. “Everyone who was getting put on the ground was black, Mexican, Arabic,” he said.

“[The cop] didn’t even look at me. It was kind of like I was invisible.” Brooks is white."

I'll even concede the whole "cops needed to gain control of the situation"

Tho.. literally the only people handcuffed on the ground were black kids.

Why are you pretending like cops aren't racist, @lantern53

Explain why - even tho, as you stated @bobknight33, the cops didn't know WHO was fighting white, black or indifferent - only black kids where chased, thrown to the grown and handcuffed?

Did democrats brutalize and arrest them?
I thought dems love suckin' up to the black vote.
So.. ?

Care to explain? Either of you?

bobknight33 said:

Since the cop was gathering up black kids it appears that they were the uninvited guests and some broke out in fighting.

The girl was as the wrong place at the wrong time. The cop was in no mood to play around.

Once again obey, let the cop do what he needs to do and everyone moves on.

Real Time with Bill Maher: What Happened to Rand Paul?

bobknight33 says...

I liked Ron Paul but did not really know how to view his non interventionist views..

Then we got Obama and he lifted the American hand off the Middle East and Arab Spring sprang and a new age of terrorism came forth. Obama calls it leading from behind but is just the same as saying non interventionist.

Where are the aliens? KurzGesagt

newtboy says...

@shinyblurry, respectfully,
The bible lies. It's stories were probably not meant to be an 'explanation' of reality in the first place, but more likely were created as fables to explain morality...thanks Constantine. (So you know, he's the emperor that ACTUALLY compiled the bible together from various oral traditions, as a political ploy to consolidate religions to make them easier to control.)

You and I have been over this claim repeatedly...Not a whit of EVIDENCE has ever been provided to me, only idiots regurgitating nonsense from 2000+ years ago-
(nonsense made up mostly by Arab/Semitic nomads thousands of years before they were written, likely made up as morality tales, also to 'explain' how they thought certain things worked before the scientific method came around to actually explain reality...examples, the sun and universe spin around the flat earth, the sun rides on a chariot, witches and demons are responsible for any bad thing that happens, etc.)
-idiots who change their interpretations when their current interpretation is shown clearly and undeniably to be completely wrong and indicative of a lack of basic understanding. As evidence goes, that's evidence that religion is wrong and harmful, not that it's correct and helpful.

If god is going to provide evidence of his existence to me, he's taking his sweet time and allowing the issue to be confused with 'facts' and 'reality'. (I'm assuming that's what you meant, and not that there would be proof of polytheism, as you wrote).

The sooner you come to grips with all that, the sooner you can stop saying ridiculous things as 'fact' and ignoring fact as either 'willful suppression of god's grace' or 'Satan tricking you'. It's odd to me that no religious people ever think the bible itself might be a creation of Satan, tricking you into terrible behavior and hatred of 'infidels', encouraging and causing behavior it specifically forbids (Eg-stoning to death/thou shalt not kill...worshiping crosses and or statues of Jesus/thou shalt not create any graven (carved) images).

I hope reality will provide everyone with evidence of it's existence, and people will stop suppressing the truth because they love their religion.

shinyblurry said:

The bible says that everyone is provided evidence of Gods existence, and that people suppress the truth because they love their sin.

Jim Jeffries predicts the future

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'family, stories, future, arabs, chinese' to 'family, stories, future, arabs, chinese, Jim Jefferies' - edited by eric3579

Scythe vs. Weed Whacker

LooiXIV says...

Did Lars Anderson discover ancient weed whacking techniques not used since the in invention of the riding mower? I wonder what ancient Arab book he discovered all this from!

Bill Maher and Fareed Zakaria on Islam and Tsarnaev

Asmo says...

To a certain extent, but when you look at the most radicalised Arab/Muslim countries, they share a common factor.

Destabilisation due to western, and to a lesser extent USSR, influence prior to radicalisation. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine etc. Most of the Middle East has been a proxy battleground between the US and USSR, a target for "stabilisation" to ensure the oil can flow, or an incidental and unwilling participant in the establishment of Israel post the British ownership of Palestine stemming from WW1...

I'm not religious but the old adage "reap what you sow" comes to mind. You burn someones house to the ground with his wife and kids inside, how dafuq does he not become radicalised?? Religion offers the only succour in what is a horrible situation, it offers vengeance and the idea that you'll see your loved ones again in paradise. With nothing else to lose accept a painful life of loss, are we surprised that they strap on bombs and are willing to die?

Muslims killed 5k+ odd people in 911 and we haven't heard the end of it for over a decade. It was the trigger that caused at least 2 pointless and expensive wars, killed/displaced/destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people including American and other countries armed forces personnel, led the US down the path of openly torturing people and breaking even more humane laws that it claims separates it from the terrorists. But they aren't allowed to be angry in return?

Their standard of living is a direct result of Western intervention. Western intervention is kryptonite to the high standards of living that would allow education and comfort, but it's the perfect fertiliser for radical religious types and discontent. I am not religious in the slightest, and deplore what mobs like ISIS are doing, but I can understand why these people have landed where they are.

ChaosEngine said:

I suppose it's a bit of a chicken and egg question. I'd say that the reason you can make fun of the pope without repercussions is because of the relative prosperity and subsequent education levels in the west. It certainly wasn't always the case (the Inquisition, etc).

I tend to think that Islam would follow a similar course if it's adherents had a better standard of living. Education and comfort are kryptonite to religion

The Wrong Way To Demolish A Wall

Saudi people 'shaking hands' with the royal family

oritteropo says...

There is a youtube comment from Mustafa Jaha which says:

OK so im from Saudi Arabia and the description of the video is wrong.
Here is the truth:
this is a small school in a some area in KSA which wanted to give condolences to the royal family. Thus coming up with this not so brilliant idea. and how the hell do you think that this place is the royal palace ?!? have you ever seen a place that looks like this? its a public school. I'm not very fond of the idea but the thought is what counts.

The first comment in Arabic that I saw was along the lines of "epic fail" (and the others weren't translatable by google translate).

(Also @lantern53)

Sagemind said:

Show respect for Royalty that can't respect the people enough to show up and shake people's hands personally.

If anything this is a slap in the face to the people/dignitaries there, who are too scared to not go through with the scam.

They deserve to be mocked.

Saudi people 'shaking hands' with the royal family

Sagemind says...

That's kind of a silly thing to say.
Do you really think they could say anything even if they wanted to?

They have no choice but to return respect, even when it's not given in return. It's their Royalty. And in cultures that are so closely ruled by the system, no one would ever dare speak up against them. (out of fear)
You never speak out against those who rule you. Speaking up against the Saudi Royalty would mean instant death.

Saudi Prince Khaled Bin Farhan Al-Saud, who spoke to RT from Dusseldorf, Germany, confirmed reports of increased prosecution of anti-government activists and said that it’s exactly what forced him to defect from his family. He accused the monarchy of corruption and silencing all voices of dissent and explained how the Saudi mechanism for suppression functioned.

“There is no independent judiciary, as both police and the prosecutor’s office are accountable to the Interior Ministry. This ministry’s officials investigate ‘crimes’ (they call them crimes), related to freedom of speech. So they fabricate evidence, don’t allow people to have attorneys”, the prince told RT Arabic. “Even if a court rules to release such a ‘criminal’, the Ministry of Interior keeps him in prison, even though there is a court order to release him. There have even been killings! Killings! And as for the external opposition, Saudi intelligence forces find these people abroad! There is no safety inside or outside the country.”

lantern53 said:

The people shaking hands don't seem to mind, so why do you?

A Response to Lars Andersen: a New Level of Archery

messenger says...

She was referring to the quote from that Arabic text at 3:15 which states that the practitioner must master horsemanship as well.

draak13 said:

Additionally, she mocked Lars a bit, calling out, 'where's his horse?', as if his technique wouldn't work on a horse.

Conflict in Israel and Palestine: Crash Course World History

bcglorf says...

I never said weak nations 'should' be invaded, but instead that they would, it's a distinct difference. I very much disagree with what human nature leads to more often than not, but I won't deny it is as it is. If a nation has anything valuable and isn't willing and able to fight to keep it, any nation that is willing and able to fight to take it will take it the moment they judge that the taking will gain them more than they lose fighting for it.

I think it is important also to note that the original fighting in 1948 was not Israel vs. Palestinians, but instead a civil war between Jewish Palestinians and Arab Palestinians. It was a war over land and rights. It was a war both sides thought they could win. When the UN proposed a two state solution, the Jewish side declared it's independence and accepted the borders. The Arab side though gained the backing of every neighboring Arab state who all jointly committed to driving the Jews into the sea. This was in 1948, just after the holocaust, and each Arab country badly outnumbered the newly declared state of Israel. Israel none the less triumphed in the war. Some of it through straight up fighting, but most of it was simply agreement with the neighbouring states of Syria, Jordan and Egypt to simply not try and fight to protect large portions of Palestinian territory along their borders. As in, Syria, Jordan and Egypt happily seized and picked up portions of land for themselves at the expense of the Arab Palestinians too.

The relationship between Israel and it's neighbours is layered beyond belief. I still stand by the observation that they absolutely do face a life/death decision in maintaining military superiority. They must walk the line of having enough ability and will to fight to make it simply not worthwhile for it's enemies and neighbours to try and attack it. To suggest or claim otherwise is simply absurd and in contradiction to all of human history.

newtboy said:

If Israeli attacks weren't fully funded proxy attacks from larger nations like the USA, you might have a point.
If Iran and Syria had not 'supported' Hezbollah, there would be no Palestinian area today, only Israel.
The reality is that if "Palestine" could defend itself like any other nation, Israel would be 1/2 it's size and not constantly expanding, and there would be hundreds of thousands more Palestinians who had not been killed by Israel and the isolation/starvation they caused.

It seems you're saying that any nation not busy expanding into it's neighbors is 'weak' and should be invaded? Maybe I read wrong?

Conflict in Israel and Palestine: Crash Course World History

RedSky says...

I'm surprised he glosses over Israel's supposed right to expand land through military conquest. That's what perpetuates this conflict, civilian settlement in West Bank land with evictions of current Palestians using dodgy means.

The argument that the occupation is about security concerns is clearly hollow, it's been a process of gradual civilian settlement with the intent of the West Bank becoming part of Israel de facto for decades.

The trouble is, Arab population growth in both Israel and the West Bank will continue to outpace that of Jews and instead it will soon become an apartheid regime increasingly at conflict with itself.

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