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Ben Stein Stuns Fox & Friends By Disagreeing With Party Line

shinyblurry says...

What your analysis is missing is any kind of cultural context. These things don't just happen in a vacuum, and nor are all ideas created equal. In many cases you are just trading one type of chain for another. Yes, mass media certainly has the ability to create and shape the prevailing social norms, and this can inspire counter cultural movements within a society. That's what happened in the 1960s with the sexual revolution, which is a root cause for the sexual immorality we see in society today. But it didn't just happen because people 'gained more knowledge', it happened because there was already a fundamental shift in the cultural ethos. An idea does not begin to grow unless its seed lands on fertile ground. The social mores of this nation were always decidedly Christian, but were steadily eroding by the beginning of the 20th century (for various reasons). The deeper truth is that people rejected traditional morality because they wanted to be free to indulge their carnal desires without restriction. Transcendent moral values were being replaced with moral relativism, fueled by the notion that man was a higher primate and had no moral responsibilities to a creator, leaving people free to invent whatever style of living pleased them. It was only the world wars that temporarily reversed this trend and brought the nation back together under the banner of an American moral imperative. But the foundation, weakened as it was by radical liberal ideology, was thoroughly rotten. America snapped back like a rubber band, bursting open the flood gates during the 60's, and changing the cultural landscape forever. Now traditional values are viewed as archaic, a throwback to a bygone era, and it is the "new" thing which is touted as "enlightenment".

Yet, this new thing is simply what is old in different packaging. The behavior of human beings today isn't noticeably different from anything that hasn't been tried in countless failed civilizations in the past. The song remains the same, despite the shiny new backdrops. Bible prophecy predicts that knowledge will increase in the last times, but it mentions nothing about wisdom. The human condition hasn't changed; men are ruled by their passions, and no matter how much knowledge they gain, the same mistakes are repeated endlessly. Look at the world today and tell me that isn't true. If humans are learning anything it is something they've always known and loved; rebellion. This is certainly the age of self-glorification, but history will tell you that is nothing new either. You're right in that "the church", ie, the catholic religion, tried to impose (a caricature of) Christian morality on the masses, with horrific results. That is a nightmare any decent person should be awoken from. However, as it pertains to describing the essential human condition, it was entirely correct. Sin is increasing in the world, not decreasing. Human nature is inherently sinful.

Everyone has a different way of describing the problem. Most look to place the blame and hand wave everything on to a particular condition. They say it's because of overpopulation. They say it's because of religion (an atheist favorite). They say it's because of ignorance. They say it's because (insert your favorite reason here). The reality is, it's because human beings are corrupt sinners, and always will be corrupt sinners until the end of time; that's why Jesus Christ came. He came to restore us to right relationship with our Creator. Don't place your faith and trust in man, because man cannot save himself, and all men are headed for a day of judgment. As scripture predicts, there will be a one world government headed by the antichrist, a seven year tribulation where all the world will become deluded and follow after the beast. Those who refuse to love the truth will believe the lie that the antichrist will be selling. At the end of the tribulation, Jesus Christ will return as the Lord and judge of all the earth. No amount of knowledge will prepare for you that day; only a saving faith in Jesus Christ.

>> ^Sagemind:

In the past era, we hit a communications Boom.

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

shinyblurry says...

You'll find no argument from me about whether our government has been rattling the hornets nest over there for some time. However, I don't place the blame for Muslim outrage on America, or the KGB, I place the blame on Islam. The reason they are so stirred up is because their religion teaches them to hate Jews, Christians, and anyone else who isn't a Muslim. In their eyes we are all the devil and need to be destroyed, or subjugated.

What's going on in the middle east right now, specifically in Iran, cannot be understood unless it is seen through the lens of their particular eschatology (beliefs about the end times). What the Iranians believe is that the coming of their Messiah, called the Mahdi, or the 12th Imam, is imminent. They believe what ushers in the Mahdis return is a series of great wars at the end of time. They also believe that Iran will be the spark to that flame. This is what Irans top general said recently:

"With having the treasure of the Holy Defense, Valayat (Guardianship of the Jurist) and martyrs, we are ready for a big war Of course this confrontation has always continued; however, since we are in the era of The Coming, this war will be a significant war

The Islamic republic is going to create a new environment on the world stage, and without a doubt victory awaits those who continue the path of martyrs. … we can defeat the enemy at its home and our nation is ready for jihad. Martyrdom has taught us to avoid wrong paths and return to the right path. Martyrdom is the right path, it’s the path to God"

So what you have here, essentially, is a doomsday cult looking to acquire a nuclear weapon so that they can start a global war to usher in the coming of their Messiah. They believe that their Messiah will subjugate every nation under Islam and bring about worldwide sharia law.

So, everyone who thinks that the middle east is a problem we can straighten out with diplomacy, or instituting democratic reforms, is extremely foolish. It's the same with these sanctions; Iran is not going to break or change their mind. Their top general stated it in very clear terms; that they believe martyrdom is the only true path to God. It is reported that their leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, ascends to the sky (in the spirit) once a year to meet with the Mahdi, and that the Mahdi ordered him to continue the nuclear program because it would be what facilitates his coming.

If you look at Ahmadinejad's speech to the UN last week, it was all about the soon coming of the Mahdi:

This is why our policies in the Mideast fail again and again. Everything we try to do there ends up creating the exact opposite effect. Even when they themselves overthrow repressive governments, they end up electing even more repressive governments. It's not a problem we can solve. This is the way things are headed, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. Their Messiah is most likely our Antichrist and regardless of how it all comes about, the end result was predicted over 2000 years ago;

There will be a one world government, one world economy and one world religion, with the Antichrist at the head. There will be some kind of global calamity in the near future, such as an economic crisis, or perhaps a war, involving Israel, and that is when the Antichrist will enter the world stage. He will come preaching peace and safety, and will head off the calamity by establishing a 7 year peace treaty between Israel and the rest of the world. At around the 3.5 year mark the Antichrist will take off his mask and declare himself to be God, and cause the entire world to worship him. Anyone who doesn't know Jesus Christ at this time will follow the antichrist. Anyone who takes the mark of the beast will be eternally condemned. If you're curious about what the mark of the beast is, it will probably be something like this:

The purpose of the mark is to control who can buy and sell. Anyone without the mark will be unable to participate in the economic system.

Don't count on believing later, or that you won't be deceived into taking the mark, because it will be under threat of death. Today is the day of salvation, so do not harden your heart because He is calling to you. The fact is that He loves you and is knocking on your door:

Revelation 3:20

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

>> ^Stormsinger:

The problem with that claim is that the animosity goes back well before Pacepa's time. We overthrew the elected government of Iran in 1953, because they were threatening oil company profits. By 1967, the KGB was doing very little except throwing gasoline on a fire we'd already started and built up to four alarm status. It's not reasonable to try and put the blame on the clearly belongs on our own government agencies, which have proven over and over again to be extremely shortsighted and unwilling to accept any ethical boundaries.

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

Stormsinger says...

The problem with that claim is that the animosity goes back well before Pacepa's time. We overthrew the elected government of Iran in 1953, because they were threatening oil company profits. By 1967, the KGB was doing very little except throwing gasoline on a fire we'd already started and built up to four alarm status. It's not reasonable to try and put the blame on the clearly belongs on our own government agencies, which have proven over and over again to be extremely shortsighted and unwilling to accept any ethical boundaries.
>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^Stormsinger:
>> ^shinyblurry:
@enoch, the origin of the animosity towards Americans has its source in a KGB program designed to exploit the deeply ingrained anti-semitism in the middle east and turn it towards the US. They sent, hired, bought off hundreds or even thousands of agents in the middle east to spread the idea around that America is a zionist regime controlled by the jews. That's why you have Arab leaders saying things like this:


Yes I believe the corporation control the media, and the elites control the corporations, but who controls the elites? When you talk about a conspiracy, I know the actual conspiracy because the bible details it all: Satan is the ruler of this world and in the last days he is going to establish a one world government, one world economy and one world religion all centered around the antichrist. The elites you're talking about are all globalists trying to establish this very thing. Today you can see bible prophecy unfolding before your very eyes. So, I don't trust the media to report the truth as such and I certainly don't rely on it as my primary source of information about what is going on in the world.
>> ^enoch:
@shinyblurry do not get caught in the trap my not rely on corporate "news" to enlighten you concerning the situation in the middle east nor the origins of the anymosity towards america.truth does not suit their purposes in controlling your opinion

Alright! Who stole shiny's meds this time?

I know how it sounds, but this information comes from the highest ranking intelligence official ever to defect to the United States.
The CIA apparently put him to good use so I think his testimony is trustworthy. You can read what he said about it here:

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

shinyblurry says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

>> ^shinyblurry:
@enoch, the origin of the animosity towards Americans has its source in a KGB program designed to exploit the deeply ingrained anti-semitism in the middle east and turn it towards the US. They sent, hired, bought off hundreds or even thousands of agents in the middle east to spread the idea around that America is a zionist regime controlled by the jews. That's why you have Arab leaders saying things like this:


Yes I believe the corporation control the media, and the elites control the corporations, but who controls the elites? When you talk about a conspiracy, I know the actual conspiracy because the bible details it all: Satan is the ruler of this world and in the last days he is going to establish a one world government, one world economy and one world religion all centered around the antichrist. The elites you're talking about are all globalists trying to establish this very thing. Today you can see bible prophecy unfolding before your very eyes. So, I don't trust the media to report the truth as such and I certainly don't rely on it as my primary source of information about what is going on in the world.
>> ^enoch:
@shinyblurry do not get caught in the trap my not rely on corporate "news" to enlighten you concerning the situation in the middle east nor the origins of the anymosity towards america.truth does not suit their purposes in controlling your opinion

Alright! Who stole shiny's meds this time?


I know how it sounds, but this information comes from the highest ranking intelligence official ever to defect to the United States.

The CIA apparently put him to good use so I think his testimony is trustworthy. You can read what he said about it here:

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

Stormsinger says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

@enoch, the origin of the animosity towards Americans has its source in a KGB program designed to exploit the deeply ingrained anti-semitism in the middle east and turn it towards the US. They sent, hired, bought off hundreds or even thousands of agents in the middle east to spread the idea around that America is a zionist regime controlled by the jews. That's why you have Arab leaders saying things like this:

Yes I believe the corporation control the media, and the elites control the corporations, but who controls the elites? When you talk about a conspiracy, I know the actual conspiracy because the bible details it all: Satan is the ruler of this world and in the last days he is going to establish a one world government, one world economy and one world religion all centered around the antichrist. The elites you're talking about are all globalists trying to establish this very thing. Today you can see bible prophecy unfolding before your very eyes. So, I don't trust the media to report the truth as such and I certainly don't rely on it as my primary source of information about what is going on in the world.

>> ^enoch:
@shinyblurry do not get caught in the trap my not rely on corporate "news" to enlighten you concerning the situation in the middle east nor the origins of the anymosity towards america.truth does not suit their purposes in controlling your opinion

Alright! Who stole shiny's meds this time?

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

shinyblurry says...

@enoch, the origin of the animosity towards Americans has its source in a KGB program designed to exploit the deeply ingrained anti-semitism in the middle east and turn it towards the US. They sent, hired, bought off hundreds or even thousands of agents in the middle east to spread the idea around that America is a zionist regime controlled by the jews. That's why you have Arab leaders saying things like this:

Yes I believe the corporation control the media, and the elites control the corporations, but who controls the elites? When you talk about a conspiracy, I know the actual conspiracy because the bible details it all: Satan is the ruler of this world and in the last days he is going to establish a one world government, one world economy and one world religion all centered around the antichrist. The elites you're talking about are all globalists trying to establish this very thing. Today you can see bible prophecy unfolding before your very eyes. So, I don't trust the media to report the truth as such and I certainly don't rely on it as my primary source of information about what is going on in the world.

>> ^enoch:

@shinyblurry do not get caught in the trap my not rely on corporate "news" to enlighten you concerning the situation in the middle east nor the origins of the anymosity towards america.truth does not suit their purposes in controlling your opinion

Things in one country that would be offensive in others? (Controversy Talk Post)

666 - Numberphile on the Mark of the Beast

shinyblurry says...

>> ^hpqp:

Poor @shinyblurry, methinks you grasp the straws too much. Ask the majority of Americans who America's N°1 enemy was during the Bush years, and you'll get "Bin Laden" or eventually "Osama Bin Laden". Hardly any (if any) would properly name him as "Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden". It's no wonder a first century writer and political activist writing against the person in power would use the name his audience knew.
I can't believe I actually had to spell that out to you (oh wait, yes, I totally can).

I would say you're the one grasping at straws here; is it that you will just believe anything anyone says that agrees with your preconceived notions about the bible? It doesn't say the number of the nickname or title of the beast, it says his name. More importantly, the number 666 will be so identified with the antichrist that you could use it interchangeably with his name and everyone would know who you were referring to. This clearly wasn't the case with Nero. Further, he didn't fulfill the prophecies which would identify him as the antichrist.

666 - Numberphile on the Mark of the Beast

shinyblurry says...

>> ^swedishfriend:

shinyblurry! So who was the riddle about? What is the name you think fits best?

It is still a mystery that has yet to be revealed. The antichrist is said to be a world leader who comes about during the end times and will seize power during an economic crisis. He is also said to negotiate a 7 year peace deal with Israel. He will consolidate his power and become the head of a one world government and economy, having authority over every nation and the ability to regulate all commerce. Midway through his rule he will declare himself to be God and cause the entire world to worship him in a one world religion. He will also have a supernatural power to back up his claims.

The major sign we are in those times is the reformation of the nation of Israel. That the Jewish people are back in their homeland after 2000 years is the definitive sign that we are in the last days. An additional sign that this is getting close is when the Jews build the third temple. Right now, they are in the preparation stage, having already built the implements for the temple and also training priests to serve there. There are many other is a good video describing some of them:

Waiting for Armageddon

Sagemind says...

"israel and palestine 7 year peace treaty is supposed to be the first act of the antichrist"
?? So this means religion believes that anyone who tries to make peace is evil?

These people need to get their priorities straight.

kir_mokum (Member Profile)

Waiting for Armageddon

shang says...

my favorite was the Left Behind series by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins... Great fucking series!

If things start happening like is in Left Behind series and some singular person gets israel and palestine to sign a peace treaty, then I will believe 100% that shit is about to hit the fan and prophecy will be fulfilled, since israel and palestine 7 year peace treaty is supposed to be the first act of the antichrist since the antichrist comes as the perfect peace and globalization politician and unites the world in peace... but that peace only supposed to last 3 and half years before christian persecution begins.

course agnostic, but one of the signs have already started since the 90's atheists openly attacking, belittling and hating christians more and more is a sign and 1948 israel becoming a nation is the first. Which is why lot believe IF things follow a path, then 1948 is what kicked things off.

But regardless it is very interesting times, if we don't kill ourselves first or rise up and slay our politicians we'll soon be in full blown persecution of a police state.

hell right now places like Sweden and Iceland enjoy way more freedoms than USA does, USA has lost it's freedom, political correctness has ruined USA

Lars Von Trier Directs Donald Duck: The Ugly Duckling

Know Your Meme: Ancient Aliens

Fletch says...

The History channel has really gotten bad. It's not just the alien and UFO stuff, but all the bible crap and "what is hell really like?" bs, and, recently, "what/where/who will the antichrist look like/appear/be?". Just down the shitter, like MTV. MTV doesn't play music, and History channel doesn't do history anymore.

Skyrim - Unarmed Badass Viking Guide

Payback says...

I've always thought this is how the Antichrist would show up, if he existed. Beating down all the pussies with his fists, and no one can stop him. No blades, no lightning bolts. Just badass viking everyone like a boss.

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