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Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious The French Way

lucky760 (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Greetings Sir, Have you recently made a change to allow siftbot to use the yt cdn for thumbnail images instead of the vs cdn? If so, you might have broken the ability to update thumbnails from the edit video screen... @eric3579 and I have both tried to upload a new custom thumbnail, but going back in to edit vid still shows the thumbnail to be from

Eric's example vid is with the thumb

Mine was which has a thumb I'm happy with, I just tried to change it to see if I could.


5 SecondFilms: West People Problems

Joe Scarborough finally gets it -- Sandy Hook brings it home

drk421 says...

So you're saying that banning all firearms in the USA will decrease the murder rate?
You'll still have a huge black market firearms (which are easy to make from tools from Harbor Freight in your Garage), see Assault Shovel:

Also 2 of the biggest homicides in the USA were done with no guns at all, see Timothy McVay and Andrew Kehoe.

I'm not a gun advocate at all, but just banning firearms won't "fix" the problem of rampage killers or lower the homicide rate.

RedSky said:

If you actually read the study, the "several other nations" are in East Europe and the Balkans.

How about just looking at the data instead of citing studies and throwing Harvard around?

Sort descending rate by country. See any countries above the US's rate you'd like to live in?

Social Experiment: Guess Who?.

Internet, you make me laugh

CaptainObvious says...

"In the year 2017, robotic technology has made tremendous developments and female androids (or "gynoids") are used as prostitutes or substitutes for wives. At the same time, the economy of the world is in decay. Business executive Sam Treadwell's (David Andrews) "Cherry 2000" android (Pamela Gidley), short circuits during sex while on the wet kitchen floor. He is told by a repairman that she's irreparable and finding another Cherry android will be difficult since she was a limited edition..."

5 more years to go.

Which Was The Ugliest 1st Lady in U.S. Presidential History (User Poll by chingalera)

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^chingalera:

>> ^xxovercastxx:
I voted for Jackson but she technically doesn't qualify since she was never First Lady.

Wha?? Rachel Jackson (Donelson) Marie to Andrew until her death..second husband-I should take her off the list cause history say she was a real looker before some hack did the portrait in the link above...

She died 3 months before he took office.

Which Was The Ugliest 1st Lady in U.S. Presidential History (User Poll by chingalera)

chingalera says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

I voted for Jackson but she technically doesn't qualify since she was never First Lady.

Wha?? Rachel Jackson (Donelson) Marie to Andrew until her death..second husband-I should take her off the list cause history say she was a real looker before some hack did the portrait in the link above...

Issykitty (Member Profile)

DNC Staffer Assists Double Voting In Support of Obama

NetRunner says...

For those who don't already know project "Veritas", it's the same fine people behind the ACORN tapes, the Shirley Sherrod tape, etc.

It's the whole Andrew Breitbart / James O'Keefe smear project.

What if the government was your worst enemy

NetRunner says...

This is a really weird juxtaposition -- Andrew Napolitano engaging in one of his usual right-wing fearmongering rants about the evils of "government", played over protesters getting the shit beaten out of them for protesting...spending cuts to government programs.

This is the kind of video blankfist would post, and then leave me a personal comment saying something about how this video demonstrates that all of my political beliefs are wrong, when all it really demonstrates is the level of cognitive dissonance inherent in the entire conservative worldview.

If you let the concept of cutting government budgets get conflated with the idea of protecting your rights as an individual, then your perceptions have become so skewed you're no longer able to make rational sense out of the world you live in.

But then, I guess modern conservatives don't really believe in individual rights anymore. Not really.

Sufjan Stevens - Jacksonville

MrFisk says...

I'm not afraid of the black man running
He's got it right he's got a better life coming
I don't care what the captain said
I fold it right at the top of my head
I lost my sight and the state packs in
I follow my heart and it leads me right to Jackson

Oh Keller oh oh oh
She gave us a medal she gave us a map
Oh Canner Row, oh oh oh
If seeing is right, then look where you're at

I'm not afraid of Nichol's Park
I ride the train and I ride it after dark
I'm not afraid to get it right
I turn around and I give it one more try
I said things that I meant to say
The bandstand chairs and the Dewey Day parade
I go out to the golden age
The spirit is right and the spirit doesn't change

Oh Keller oh oh oh
She gave us mirror she gave us a map
Oh Canner Row, oh oh oh
If seeing is right then look where you're at

Andrew Jackson, all I'm asking
Show us the wheel and give us the wine
Woohoo! Woohoo!
Raise the banner, Jackson hammer
Everyone goes to the capitol line
Woohoo! woohoo!
Colored preacher, nice to meet you!
The spirit is here and the spirit is fine!
Woohoo! Woohoo!
Education, ask the nation
You gave us our sight and the hearing is fine
Woohoo! woohoo!
Andrew Jackson all I'm asking
Give us the wheel and give us the wine

The One Food Andrew Zimmern Will Not Eat

Grimm says...

I was gonna say the same thing...i haven't watched the show in a few years but thought it was funny that of all the bizarre things I have seen him eat the one he couldn't handle was a fruit. I assumed that video was already on here but I could not find here it is.>> ^legacy0100:

His second least favorite is Durian, then perhaps stinky tofu his third lol

The One Food Andrew Zimmern Will Not Eat

The One Food Andrew Zimmern Will Not Eat

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