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How an Ibex scratches its butt

Huge cyst coaxed from a brain

oohlalasassoon says...

>> ^KnivesOut:

It seems like you'd be able to feel all that liquid sloshing around in your head.
Awesome convo though, I'll be back with powerpoints to promote this asap.

Ugh, I forgot about that. You do feel it, at least I did for a couple weeks after my surgery. Depending on whether I was sitting up or lying down on my side or whatever, I could feel (and hear, because it's happening near enough to the inner ear I suppose ) the fluid sort of moving from one place to the other, even in my neck area because the spinal fluid is all part of the same volume. Luckily the worst of it went away pretty quickly, presumably because the dent in the brain rebounded and built up pressure in the system again.

The EIA channel should be... (User Poll by xxovercastxx)

choggie says...

The channels CAN use tweaking constantly xxovercast-I have imagined another iteration of the site as well. Redefining/refining, all part of the art of those who manage the channels or leave them to evolve...Perhaps a way for users wanting to breathe more life into already established channels and their vids assignments would be to make the channels now mismanaged or abandoned altogether, tweakable by all users with a view to giving the channels here and to come, more vibrancy and character....after all, that's what they all started out as...passion-the passion of the creator, and the energy given to it as the site has evolved.

Some of the folks who have created channels and have disappeared???...Their channels stay as a tribute to their memories...Like fucking tombstones in some forgotten civil war graveyard near a strip center, we have to suffer them and tread lightly-After all...."Theys' dead motherfuckers sleeping underneath us all."

A conversation with Jonathan Ive (Apple's Design Maven)

westy says...

"I remember the first time I sore an apple product because I realized IM ABOUT TO BE RIPPED OFF "

apple keyboards are cold to the touch and uncomfortable to use . the default mouse is frustrating im afrade 4 buttons are better than 1 (harder to learn but faster once mastered). I ohnistly don't think you can produce stuff faster on an apple pc than you can on a custom pc , also the custom pc will afford the user far more comfort and hardware speed for a far cheaper price.

the majority of the time apple design is like what dyson hovers have become its design for design sake all part of there marketing kind of like how many clothing brands operate. granted every now and then they do come up with valid and usfull design that benefits usability and function but then they try to transfer that to other products or aspects of the company it simply dose not apply to.

But most of all I Hate the anal superior attitude that the company enjoys to perpetuate and many of its users seem to enjoy. I don't mind it if a user is enjoying a good product and merly stating the facts for example I pods , imac laptops , can be very good devices for specific types of user but its when people blindly follow the entire company and all of its products. its like console fan boys or people that blindly follow AMD over lintel.

apple often end up making what I would consider to be fundamental product flaws in the pursuit of visual design. As i said the 1 button mouse is just plain stupid , the shiny back on ipods that gets scratched up, the lack of screen protectoin on ipods forcing users to put them in a case if they want the screen to remain visable , the ipod nano easy breakable scree, The lack of connectivity on the laptops. having the pc in the same unit as the screen forces the user to replace both costly devices when one brakes or malfunctions.

I do wish whoever that more companies used brushed aluminium to encase gadgets if apple are good at anything its sturdy laptop cases.

Samoa Tsunami - Jesus Rebuke The Waves

honkeytonk73 says...

From your response you didn't comprehend any of what I wrote. I propose an exercise in logical deduction.

He who thinks he hears voices in his head is schizophrenic and institutionalized.
He who thinks he hears the voice of god/jesus, is considered blessed.

Life is all a matter of perception. Oftentimes the very same event perceived by multiple individuals is entirely different. What is considered mundane to the logic minded, may seem magical to the easily impressed. This is even more profound in ages past when even less was understood about nature.

While a flashlight today is considered commonplace. 300 years ago you would have been accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake for possessing gifts from demons. Alchemy (chemistry) was considered evil magic. Individuals died for practicing it. Modern technology was born from Alchemical research. The technology you now hold so dear and sits in your hands as you read this. Contradicting the church with scientific truth was life threatening. Galileo suffered imprisonment as a result. Even greater numbers died for standing up for their contradictory 'beliefs'.

Many of the truths you even accept now for fact, were once 'heretical' by the very people who first wrote the Bible you hold so dear. Yet have been 'selectively' forgotten due to incontrovertible proof proving their 'bible imbued truths' as being completely false and were based purely on superstitious suppositions rooted in fantasy.

Here is where the logical fallacy lies: By accepting the Bible as the truth, yet only accepting PARTS of said work as truth, and the rest as metaphor and/or ignorable is simply hypocritical. It must be accepted as a whole, or rejected as a whole if your 'faith' in it being the '100%' word of God is required. Partial acceptance is simply a partial commitment and is not complete faith. Total faith in the 'word of God' as written in the Bible means accepting all the hypocrisies, accepting the vengeful/horrific god of the old testament, and believing that killing one's children for not listening to you, and slaughtering non-believers simply because they are non-believers is acceptable.

I ask not this question of you, but you should ask this question of yourself. Do you accept, and fully understand all parts of the bible fully as 100% infallible truth, and can honestly tell yourself that you will follow all teachings, even the ones warranting the stoning of children and non-believers as complete truth as spoken from the 'mouth' (if he has a mouth) of god. Is a talking snake the pure 100% truth. Is the speaking burning bush 100% truth? Did the flood of Noah actually occur absent of any physical evidence (where would all the water 'drain' to anyway may I ask?).

The question isn't mine to answer. The question is for you to answer for yourself.. to either believe 100% in the bible, or live life in a state of partial belief. Partial belief has been tantamount to heretical belief in the eyes of the church for thousands of years (save for more recent, somewhat saner, times).

Ukrainian kid plays Tchaikovsky on an Accordion... amazing

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'talented kid, tchaikovsky, accordion, all parts, incredible, balloons' to 'talented kid, tchaikovsky, accordion, all parts, incredible, balloons, russia, russian' - edited by kronosposeidon

kymbos (Member Profile)

arvana (Member Profile)

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

Derren Brown uses Mind Tricks to Pick Up Women

blankfist (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

Ok i'm having problems

That's the order of the videos. I made a playlist, embedded the link from that playlist, and i ended up with something that didn't link together

So i'm not exactly sure on how to do that. Could you help afterall please? I'd like some of the ones i've seen that just play them concurrently without you having to do anything

The VS link in case you need it is

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
I'm not sure if there's a hard and fast rule, but typically if they're YouTube videos, you could make a playlist of all four and embed them as a playlist video which would play all four. If you don't have a YT account, let me know and I'll do it for you and send you the embed page.

Sometimes I have embedded the first part and added the other vids to the comments section, which I don't think you can do because you're not a star. Other times I have posted all parts separately, but typically you don't get the votes needed, because people get funny about that. I'd got with the playlist if you can.


In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
blank can i ask you a question please?

I'm looking to post a series of videos (4 of them). What's the normal thing to do for those? Post the first one and link the rest in the comment? Post all 4? Embed a few?

I'd like to know before i spam the videos and need to take them down again

Edit: It's like a documentary type thing. 4 videos.

dannym3141 (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

With this community, everyone calls everything a violation of the rules. But, to be honest, there was a discussion on here that wouldn't be too hard to find where it was said that creating your own playlists of other people's videos is fine and not a selflink.

If you need help, just send me the links and I'll put them in a playlist for you on my YT account.

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:

And i won't be breaking any rules by making my own playlist and then posting that playlist? No self linkage etc.?

And if i need a hand doing that you're in my crosshairs, so i hope you haven't written checks that you can't cash

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
I'm not sure if there's a hard and fast rule, but typically if they're YouTube videos, you could make a playlist of all four and embed them as a playlist video which would play all four. If you don't have a YT account, let me know and I'll do it for you and send you the embed page.

Sometimes I have embedded the first part and added the other vids to the comments section, which I don't think you can do because you're not a star. Other times I have posted all parts separately, but typically you don't get the votes needed, because people get funny about that. I'd got with the playlist if you can.


In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
blank can i ask you a question please?

I'm looking to post a series of videos (4 of them). What's the normal thing to do for those? Post the first one and link the rest in the comment? Post all 4? Embed a few?

I'd like to know before i spam the videos and need to take them down again

Edit: It's like a documentary type thing. 4 videos.

blankfist (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...


And i won't be breaking any rules by making my own playlist and then posting that playlist? No self linkage etc.?

And if i need a hand doing that you're in my crosshairs, so i hope you haven't written checks that you can't cash

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
I'm not sure if there's a hard and fast rule, but typically if they're YouTube videos, you could make a playlist of all four and embed them as a playlist video which would play all four. If you don't have a YT account, let me know and I'll do it for you and send you the embed page.

Sometimes I have embedded the first part and added the other vids to the comments section, which I don't think you can do because you're not a star. Other times I have posted all parts separately, but typically you don't get the votes needed, because people get funny about that. I'd got with the playlist if you can.


In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
blank can i ask you a question please?

I'm looking to post a series of videos (4 of them). What's the normal thing to do for those? Post the first one and link the rest in the comment? Post all 4? Embed a few?

I'd like to know before i spam the videos and need to take them down again

Edit: It's like a documentary type thing. 4 videos.

dannym3141 (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

I'm not sure if there's a hard and fast rule, but typically if they're YouTube videos, you could make a playlist of all four and embed them as a playlist video which would play all four. If you don't have a YT account, let me know and I'll do it for you and send you the embed page.

Sometimes I have embedded the first part and added the other vids to the comments section, which I don't think you can do because you're not a star. Other times I have posted all parts separately, but typically you don't get the votes needed, because people get funny about that. I'd got with the playlist if you can.


In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
blank can i ask you a question please?

I'm looking to post a series of videos (4 of them). What's the normal thing to do for those? Post the first one and link the rest in the comment? Post all 4? Embed a few?

I'd like to know before i spam the videos and need to take them down again

Edit: It's like a documentary type thing. 4 videos.

Half-Life 2 with real guns.

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