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"Bully" Documentary Trailer Might Break Your Heart

"Bully" Documentary Trailer Might Break Your Heart

Inmate gets the run-down from a realist prison guard

acidSpine says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

It's hard to build a Jenga of wit and whimsy off of your original mirth, "Woody".
>> ^acidSpine:
>> ^quantumushroom:
I'd rather live in a gayborhood than in the 'hood. And I'm against kids.
>> ^acidSpine:
>> ^quantumushroom:
This is the first time a lot of these men have ever heard anything straight from a father figure.

So I assume you'd be in favour of kids having two fathers?

Ahh ha ahh ha ahhhh, did your mum come up with that joke?

That's right, It's "Woodys'" fault your jokes sound like an octogenarian on oxycontin came up with them... Wait a minute... Is that you Rush Limbaugh?

Inmate gets the run-down from a realist prison guard

quantumushroom says...

It's hard to build a Jenga of wit and whimsy off of your original mirth, "Woody".

>> ^acidSpine:

>> ^quantumushroom:
I'd rather live in a gayborhood than in the 'hood. And I'm against kids.
>> ^acidSpine:
>> ^quantumushroom:
This is the first time a lot of these men have ever heard anything straight from a father figure.

So I assume you'd be in favour of kids having two fathers?

Ahh ha ahh ha ahhhh, did your mum come up with that joke?

Inmate gets the run-down from a realist prison guard

Zero Punctuation: Super Mario 3D Land & Rayman Origins

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Dennis Kucinich v. Glenn Greenwald on Citizens United

dystopianfuturetoday says...

It is the job of the government to regulate things that are of great harm to it's citizens. I know this seems like a wet dream in present day America. But. If the government were to take this corrupting, soul-crushing influence out of our politics and bring us back to a state of 'by, of and for the people', they'd be guilty of nothing more than just doing their fucking jobs.


ahhhh... that feels better.

Pornography Myths (Femme Talk Post)

QI - How Would You Use Gummi Bears to Rob a Bank?

Don't mess with crabs!

Jesse LaGreca takes down George Will on ABC News

The Great Pumpkin Carving Contest of 2011 (Sift Talk Post)

U.S. Airman "Comes Out" (Part 2)

Ann Coulter Blames Single Mothers

bareboards2 says...

Ahhhh. Thank you. Well said.

>> ^spoco2:

That was a completely worthless clip.
What she said isn't actually that shocking, it's just the phrasing. By FAR, it has been shown that if you come from a happy home with two parents you are more likely to do well... coming from a single parent household (mum or dad) just comes with all the baggage that it entails. It's not to say that you CAN'T do a great job as a single parent, and it shouldn't be an attack on single parents as such, just the situations that lead to them BEING a single parent. Being a couple is always going to be easier when it comes to raising children. Trying to do it on your own is magnitudes of difficulty harder, and is that much more likely to result in kids with issues.
So, what Coulter says isn't 'wrong' as such, she just chooses intentionally bullshit ways of framing things to rile people up.
But none of the 'rebuttals' shown here made sense or had any worth either.
So this is a pointless clip.

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