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How it Starts

Drachen_Jager says...

They're already a step ahead.

Even though they've ALL voted by mail at some point, they now claim it's too open to fraud (never mind that most of those caught were on the Republican side). They know vote by mail will be big in the fall, so he'll use it as an excuse to claim victory anyhow and refuse to relinquish the office.

BTW, did you see the black woman who through genuine accident voted twice argued with a judge's sentence and so he doubled it?

Meanwhile, President Trump registered to vote in Florida, using Mar a Lago as his "home address" in Florida in September 2019.

Dude.... I think even @bobknight33 knows enough to realize there's an issue there.

Also, a Republican Congressman representing Kansas registered himself to a Kansas apartment he rented for a few months while claiming the benefits of being an Alaska resident and later changed his home address to a UPS store to cast a vote in a specific district for the municipal election. Want to bet whether he'll get shown leniency because he just made an "honest" mistake. (Honest here meaning, 'I agree with you politically, so won't punish you for cheating'.)

newtboy said:

I won't be a bit surprised, nor will I be surprised when the Bobites gloat about how brilliant it was of him to throw the nation and economy into turmoil so he could subvert democracy.

That's why EVERYONE needs to register to vote by mail, and cite CDC guidelines if a reason is required in your state. They have already said in person voting should be avoided whenever possible.

And don't be fooled, while Republicans are parroting the "vote by mail fraud" fraud, they're also signing up themselves in droves.

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Some was addressed.
Read the first link...
Stevens wasn't the only one.

If they claim they have them speak there to " provide a vehicle for the free exploration of ideas, even and perhaps especially where these are challenging, controversial or indeed distasteful for some individuals to contemplate." but hold the events in secret, only open to far right wingers and Nazis, that's pretty blatantly a lie. Don't you agree?

When they gave private information about the artists who outed their secret agenda to Amerika they became unambiguously guilty by their own actions, not just association....and guilt by association is still guilt. If I stand with, support, defend, and host NAMBLA, I fully expect to be lumped with them. They NEVER denounced the hate, racism, or fascism they supported, and they participated with them in attacks against those who oppose Nazis. Ergo-Nazi.

bcglorf said:


EDIT: drafted this and sent while you were writing previous reply, so maybe some of this is addressed?

Alright, I've gone one step further and read through the shutdownld50 tumblr 'evidence' seeing as they of all places probably gather the most condemning evidence they could.

The evidence amounts to putting on 1 event/exhibit that included far right folks, and included "Brett Stevens", whom I'm not familiar with but the quote from him on Breivik certainly sounds bad. In addition to putting on this exhibit, the even worse accusation is that they didn't really advertise it much publicly. Now, call me skeptical, but I have to believe that if they HAD advertised it heavily that ALSO would have compounded their guilt.

To me it still looks like guilt be association. The gallery had the audacity to host speakers that people disliked, so ergo-nazi!

Please though, if there is more or better evidence then please do let me know, or point me to what I'm missing. Is the Stevens guy so vehemently pro-nazi and and pro-violence that the association really should be enough? I'm inclined to believe no else they'd have better and more extensive quotes to use against him.

Again, I'm coming from a place of not knowing any of these people's backgrounds or history, but if we are supposed to believe them to be villians of such a high degree, I want a stronger case than those people say so and if you spent a few weeks of research on it you'd agree, trust us.

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

bcglorf says...


EDIT: drafted this and sent while you were writing previous reply, so maybe some of this is addressed?

Alright, I've gone one step further and read through the shutdownld50 tumblr 'evidence' seeing as they of all places probably gather the most condemning evidence they could.

The evidence amounts to putting on 1 event/exhibit that included far right folks, and included "Brett Stevens", whom I'm not familiar with but the quote from him on Breivik certainly sounds bad. In addition to putting on this exhibit, the even worse accusation is that they didn't really advertise it much publicly. Now, call me skeptical, but I have to believe that if they HAD advertised it heavily that ALSO would have compounded their guilt.

To me it still looks like guilt be association. The gallery had the audacity to host speakers that people disliked, so ergo-nazi!

Please though, if there is more or better evidence then please do let me know, or point me to what I'm missing. Is the Stevens guy so vehemently pro-nazi and and pro-violence that the association really should be enough? I'm inclined to believe no else they'd have better and more extensive quotes to use against him.

Again, I'm coming from a place of not knowing any of these people's backgrounds or history, but if we are supposed to believe them to be villians of such a high degree, I want a stronger case than those people say so and if you spent a few weeks of research on it you'd agree, trust us.

How It's Actually Made - Soft Drinks

Kimberly Jones Explains Why People Protest, Riot & Loot

Digitalfiend says...

I understand and support the protesting as there are clearly systemic racism issues that have long needed to be addressed. I understand the rioting - people are fed up and tired of inaction. But I can't agree with her explanation and rationalization of the looting. I highly doubt all of the looters were impoverished and just wanted to sample the luxuries that they see other more well-off people enjoying. Instead, I suspect many of them saw an opportunity in the chaos of the protests and riots to take advantage of the situation. White, black, it doesn't matter - there are always people out there that are more than willing to steal when the opportunity presents itself. It's wrong, plain and simple, and, in my opinion, trying to rationalize and forgive that type of behaviour weakens her otherwise reasonable argument.

Joe Rogan Talks Police Reform w/ Andrew Schulz

bobknight33 says...

The social contract is obey cops when asked. When this does not occur things escalate. Sadly both sides has amp up over the decades. Now both sides have lost control,respect and have distrust for each other.

Don't need to banning police dept just publicly change with both sides agreeing.

I propose, in big broad strokes.
No one goes to jail unless a serious crime murder, armed robbery or a warrant is out on you.

IF pulled over, be cool, comply, knowing nothing will result in arrest/ jail.

If you have a dime bag, kilo coke, etc, I don't care, they take it and fine you the value also. Also the right to gather you address and those with you. Then because e of your offense the PD ( where ever you live or moved to) has a 6 month right to knock and cursory search of your residence ( and those with you). Same deal they find, take anything illegal and fine of equivalent value. LB of weed, Kilo of coke I don't care. Take and fine. Guns take and if used in crime then warrant for arrest. Finding stuff allows cops to stop by again with in 6 months and now have right for thorough search. Same deal search, take and fine. If 3rd search occurs and find stuff then criminal charges filed if heavy drugs or amounts found.

With this in place no would / should put up a fight. Cops not to make arrest, populate jails or f over people with high court costs.

This should help change bad behavior, let minor crap slide, and bad dudes land in jail fair and squarely.

"can't take back no hurt"

bobknight33 says...

I'll grant you that there are racist dicks out there but not as many as fake news pushes day in day out.

How many racist murders are there per year compared to # of murders of black on black? 5000:1 maybe

I would gather a less than a 1% ratio.
Stop wasting time address the small issue and fix the big issue.

newtboy said:

I'm just gonna leave this here too....

How many racist attempted murders or armed racist attacks on tape per day do you need to be able to see there's a problem? I want a number.

Black Man Gets Pulled Over For Doing 65 in a 70

newtboy says...

There's no such thing as a casual conversation with a racist pig. Only conversation designed to catch you in what they say is some admission or claim you slurred your words so they can violate you more.
Never answer questions. None. You have no obligation to help them investigate you, and that's what questions are. You have a constitutional right to remain silent, use it.

Another good cop? As good as they get now, only blatantly racist by his actions. There's no such thing as a good cop. They're a myth.
Note after seeing this video they aren't a bit convinced there's something wrong with him giving a written warning for not speeding and before they'll even consider looking at his actions they need an official complaint with his name, address, place of work, car model and color, license, and any other identifying information attached....for ID purposes not retaliation. His entire department backs him in this harassment. I'll bet $20 if he went to the precinct to make an official complaint they'll first spend hours dismissively trying to talk him out of it before claiming they're out of forms, come back next week and try again.

A warning for 5 mph under the limit. Yeah....I'm sure he pulls over every little old white lady he sees driving and arrests them, they go 20+mph under 70. What utter bullshit.

These aren't police, not civil servants, and they aren't there to help or keep the peace, they're violent, power tripping thugs, racists, liars, and are all severely lead deficient. The last two weeks have proven it conclusively.

Perry, please make that official formal complaint, and please record that interaction in full. This was not a valid traffic stop, it was an abuse of power by a disrespectful racist asshole who wanted to harass a black man.


Mattis Denounces Trump, Cotton Calls for Deploying Troops

luxintenebris jokingly says...

ever notice how dj can't stop looking at the camera in the room? imagine if the camera person just slowly inched to his left, he'd have dimbo turned 90 degrees by the end of the softball exhibition.

who believes 'chaos' was mattis' nickname? sounds like bunker boy overheard someone answering the general's question, "how's it going?" and thought "it's chaos!" was their way of addressing jim.

'iggy' could be the staff's nickname for the president. a punk, ignoramus, and what a secret service agent says when they inadvertently see him nude. "i~g~g~y" (with a full-body shudder)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So....Trump committed voter fraud.

Moron that he is, he registered to vote in Florida in September using an out of state address (for tax evasion purposes). When that was rejected, he just changed it to a Florida address....but you have to have lived there for some time (6-12 months in almost every state) and between September and November was not 6 months, yet he voted there in November, even though he wasn't qualified to do it. Is this why he calls it fraudulent? Because the way he does it, it is?
Remember, his other gripe is people registered in multiple states who might vote more than his entire family who are registered in New York, D.C., and Florida that we know of, possibly more.

Also remember every voter fraud case found in 2018 was a Republican committing fraud, from voting for the dead, voting in multiple states, to campaigns collecting absentee ballots from the elderly and changing their votes. 100% republicans. Meanwhile Trump's multi million dollar voter fraud investigation looking for his fantasy of millions of illegal (democratic) voters found nothing....just another campaign ploy at tax payer expense like his church photo op.

Buffalo Police Push 75 Year Old To The Concrete

bobknight33 says...

See White privilege is a farce.

Obey the police. There are consequences either intentional or non intentional.

99% black on black murders. 1%cop on black murder. Address the 99% and the 1% will fade away.

Guess it better to live as a victim then actually make something of yourself.

Police Who Murder Man In Public On Camera Fired

vil says...

Somehow Stuka Fox implied "german" to me so I wanted to go on a rant about how this stuff also has religion as source because of my experience as a non-german (aka white n**r ) in different parts of germany. But I dont have time.

Basically religion (or ideology) gives you this false feeling of confidence that if you do something immoral for the religious or ideological greater good you can repent and repeat. And fear of "different" people is something that can only be overcome by social skills, education and experience which is mostly addressed above.

Why choose "Stuka Fox" if there is all that (or some :-) humanism behind that facade?

One Policy That Impacts Coronavirus Math

newtboy says...

So, did you not watch it, or are you just incapable of learning, because the answer to that question was thoroughly explained.

They should be obligated to pay sick leave so sick people don't have make the choice to go to work sick or become homeless. That costs insanely less than an epidemic does, and kills no one.

The rest of the industrialized world is capable of it, and they had near full compliance with stay at home orders. In America, not so, which is part of why we are now the epicenter of the pandemic and will remain so for the foreseeable future, and will likely have the most deaths of any nation by the disease Trump said isn't a problem worth addressing and it would just miraculously disappear by April because he's done such a good job. Instead, due to his complete lack of preparation even though he had >3 months to prepare, we are on course to have our casualty number top 1 million....all blood on Trump's hands. His administration could have acted in December and avoided any infections in America. They didn't.

Since so many of the (now gone) jobs created in the last 3 years were minimum wage jobs, how do you think people barely living paycheck to paycheck are going to put away a dime? They couldn't pay all their bills when they were being paid.

bobknight33 said:

Time off with out pay- ok.
Why should a company be obligated to pay you for sick time?
Its nice when they do.

1 of the first things you learn as an adult is to set aside 6 months pay and put $ in you 401k.

These are you fund for such times.

Joe Biden - 17 Minutes Of Joe's Melting Brain

Drachen_Jager says...

Frankly anyone who thinks Biden has more mental issues than Trump has his own problems which need to be addressed before he worries about others.

Millions of Americans are going to die now, because Trump is an egocentric idiot, and this is the best you can do?

An infant died of COVID in Chicago today.

That was Trump's doing. He almost certainly could have prevented it, but he chose not to. How many more have to die before you can admit he's a terrible leader?

By supporting Trump you bear responsibility for the deaths too. Remember that. You're killing people and if you vote Trump or encourage others to do so you'll kill more.

bobknight33 said:

Joe goes by many names:
Dirt-bag Joe,
Molester Joe,
Lying Joe,
Lost Joe,
But Joe will never be named POTUS Joe.

Woman Goes Off On Montana Cops who Walked in Her Home...

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