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Zawash (Member Profile)

Why are there dangerous ingredients in vaccines?

Mordhaus says...

Yes, I was wondering when you would trot out Hooker's paper and the 'CDC whistleblower" bit. You see, in the lack of clear scientific fact, conspiracy theorists tend to grab whatever they can to prove that they are right. I'll dissect your attempt right now.

First, Hooker's paper was covering the data involving African-American children with supposed predilection towards autism. The sample size was small, the math was ludicrous, and he incorrectly analyzed a cohort study. Because of the NUMEROUS failures to appropriately conduct a true scientific study, his paper was retracted. So, when exposed to the light, his theory was decidedly lacking in content and was canned.

This incompetent study was the result, allegedly, of discussions between Hooker and a senior psychologist at the CDC named William Thompson. Hooker then teamed up with Andrew Wakefield to cherry pick bits to make it sound as though Thompson were confessing to some horrible crime of data manipulation to hide this “bombshell” result reported by Wakefield. Thus was born the “CDC whistleblower".

In February 2010, the General Medical Council in the U.K. recommended that Wakefield be stripped of his license to practice medicine in the U.K. because of scientific misconduct related to his infamous 1998 case series published in The Lancet, even going so far as to refer to him as irresponsible and dishonest, and in May 2010 he was. He is a now doing everything he can to prove his theories, like possibly illegal recording of conversations, so that he can regain some credibility. The guy is a hack.

Thompson has admitted to being prone to anxiety disorders, being delusional, and has shown that he is more scared of being 'the bad guy' then doing his job. His career is pretty much finished at the CDC, because he has shown that he will waffle if confronted by angry people who can't understand science. I feel sorry for him, but he has issues.

So, now we can address your link. A congressman, not a scientist, has received information from people who have been laughed out of the scientific community for multiple reasons. He sees buzzwords and decides to get ahead of the bandwagon, calling for further investigation and research. I can, of course, show you knee-jerk reactions by multiple members of congress similar to this, like Ted Cruz calling for immediate investigation into Planned Parenthood over the recent videos. You know, the ones that were chopped and spliced together to make it sound like PP was selling aborted babies? Do you see a pattern with the chop and splice for sensationalism? I hope you do.

In other words, you don't have any scientific facts. Like all anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists, you rely on a few items that seem to tie together to form a true fact, but they don't. When confronted with this, you will say that it's all big pharma and money trails, etc. Do you not see the fallacy in that logic? It's like saying that the the earth was created 9000 years ago...because RELIGION!

Btw, if you want to place your trust in politicians trying to be scientists, I leave you with this gem from former congressman Paul Broun.

"You see, there are a lot of scientific data that I've found out as a scientist that actually show that this is really a young Earth. I don't believe that the earth's but about 9,000 years old. I believe it was created in six days as we know them. That's what the Bible says."

Sniper007 said:

And you are the guy who rapes nuns on Teusdays for peanut butter jelly sandwitches. (Hint: Lies aren't don't become true just because you type them out.)

You are welcome to continue placing your faith in the FDA, CDC, and AMA to tell you the truth. Good luck with that.

You expect me to show you massive, expensive, controlled studies published exclusively by those who have a massive, vested, financial interest in supressing the very same studies. Genius. Pure genius.

These peer reviewers are regularly lying to each other, to themselves, to the publishers, and to the public to maintain funding. They have no credibility whatsoever. You are reading studies that are all fancied up to be all technical and socially acceptable and official and scientific and peer reviewed and above reproach... And they are all lies. Calculated lies to maintain the results expected by those who fund the studies.

anybody else play garys mod?

anybody else play garys mod?

The Future Of Corporate Policing (sci fi)

SFOGuy says...

William Gibson wrote about this future too...
Anyone remember his vignette on "Cops in Trouble"?
From his book, "Virtual Light"...

Nicely Dystopian...

Tom Hiddleston dances in Korea

lucky760 says...

"Thomas William "Tom" Hiddleston is an English actor. He is best known for his role as Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, appearing in Thor, The Avengers, and Thor: The Dark World."

newtboy said:

Who is this guy, and when did he steal my swagger?

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

lantern53 says...

I really don't know how racist a person can be if they admire people like Ben Carson, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Sheriff David Clarke, Allen West, Clarence Thomas, etc.

See, it's not about skin color, it's about shared values.

I criticize Obama, not because of his skin color, but because I don't share his values. Put Allen West in there, and I'll vote for him twice.

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

lantern53 says...

As long as you let what you think other people think affect you, you will not succeed.

You are so ate up with hatred you will never succeed.

You need to get off your pity train because it's going nowhere.

Maybe I've never been called a 'nigger', but when I was a child, my own grandfather said I'd never amount to a hill of beans.

There are millions of successful minority people in this country and they don't let other people's prejudices get in the way of their life.

You think you are surrounded by racism. You use that as an excuse.
Why don't you try and overcome it instead of letting it eat you out from the inside.

I grew up in a lower middle class environment, one working parent who dropped out of high school in the 9th grade. My dad taught himself everything he needed to know, became an accomplished pilot and treated the world as his stepstool. He taught us to be positive. We had no money for college so I did 3 easy years in the Army. I met a lot of black guys who had awesome attitudes and wouldn't let what someone else thought get in their way.
When I got out I went to college, a good one because they didn't want to turn down a veteran, even though my high school grades were mediocre.
I graduated and got a good job with the gov't, by the grace of God. I work with minorities. One of the smartest people we have is a girl who has a degree from William and Mary. She doesn't let her skin color hold her back.

I feel sorry for you because all you have to hold on to is this 'racism'. You let it defeat you. It is bigger than you. Until you decide otherwise.

Star Wars Teaser - David Hasselhoff Edition

makach says...

I didn't think the star wars trailer could be better nor the hasselhof song any cooler..

I was wrong! john williams move over and let the Hof take over

Never Had A Friend Like Him

ChaosEngine says...

Maybe. Been able to imitate Williams performance doesn't necessarily mean he can act (i.e. give his own reading of a new script)

spawnflagger said:

I never thought they could find someone to play Williams if they did a biopic on his life, but after seeing this I stand corrected.

Never Had A Friend Like Him

Never Had A Friend Like Him

Jamie Costa's Gandalf + Smeagol/Gollum Compilation

Monsanto man claims it's safe to drink, refuses a glass.

bcglorf says...

Or maybe to give a better and more accurate view on round-up toxicity, this summary from a scientific journal article prepared by The Department of Pathology, New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York, link to full article follows:

Results from several investigations establish that
the acute toxicity and irritation potential of Roundup
herbicide in humans is low. Specifically, results from
controlled studies with Roundup showed that skin irritation
was similar to that of a baby shampoo and
lower than that observed with a dishwashing detergent
and an all-purpose cleaner; no dermal sensitization,
photoirritation, or photosensitization reactions were
observed. Furthermore, the incidence of occupationalrelated
cases involving Roundup is low given the widespread
use of the product. Data from these cases indicated
some potential for eye and skin irritation with
the concentrated product, but exposure to dilute spray
solutions rarely resulted in any significant adverse
effect. Most importantly, no lasting dermal or ocular
effects were noted, and significant systemic effects attributable
to contact with Roundup did not occur. Studies
of Roundup ingestion showed that death and other
serious effects occurred only when large amounts were
intentionally ingested for the purpose of committing
suicide. These data confirmed that the acute oral toxicity
in humans is low and consistent with that predicted
by the results of laboratory studies in animals.

Should We Colonize Venus Instead of Mars?

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