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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh no! 200 pages of evidence against the felon is about to go public. This is the first unforeseen consequence of the ridiculous immunity ruling, Chutkan needs to see all the evidence to decide what was an official act and what wasn’t before the case moves ahead…in the public court record. This is the ultimate nightmare for him, the EVIDENCE going public before the election.
The felon’s team has no ability to object. Enjoy all the evidence going public 1 month from the election, including the evidence he is now immune from….kind of like Clinton in 16 except there is evidence here, there are crimes, and there is an actual criminal case being prosecuted, not just a paper thin accusation by political enemies.
Already at Harris ahead and getting better daily, with new groups declaring their support for law, order, and democracy and against the felon.

Now even Robinson’s office staff has resigned…not just his campaign staff that already resigned but his official Lt Governor staff. Your guy, the felon’s “best people” and personal pick. A self described racist nazi pervert…and those are the best, most pg versions of who he is.😂

The Worlds Most Powerful Tidal Turbine

newtboy says...

I’ve been sad it isn’t much farther along for decades.
As a green energy source it’s near perfection. Essentially unlimited “free” power with 100% predictability with near zero drawbacks besides transmission bottlenecks. Paired with hydro/gravity storage (use the power to pump water to a high pond then generate it back during slack tides) it’s the ultimate green power dream.
We should have these in every river mouth and every inlet affected by tides. So much wasted free energy.

BSR said:

DAMN! Why didn't I think of that!

Secret Service July 14th

newtboy says...

I’m correct.
Local police were tasked with 1) clearing and securing that building 2) searching the crowd 3) controlling the crowd and keeping them off structures 4) covering that rooftop with local police snipers 5) responding to being notified there’s a shooter on the roof.
Local police failed at every single step.
They swept the publicly accessible building EARLY THAT MORNING not near the event time, they allowed a crowd within view of the candidate but outside security, they had no one watching those elevated positions or keeping people off them, the local sniper assigned to watch that set of buildings seems to be missing or never assigned, they 100% dropped the ball when they were told a man with a gun was seen in the area acting suspicious long before he was on the roof, and again once when he was on the roof for near a full minute while the crowd pointed and screamed.

Ultimately the Secret Services responsibility, but not their failure. They followed long standing procedure to the T from every report. Still no word on whether there were fewer police than requested…or why….but non payment of dozens of past security bills, sticking it to the venues would be a likely reason if there were.

Another shocker, initial reports are correct, he is a conservative Republican gun advocate (but awful shot) lone wolf white male American. Right wing media reports claiming that he’s really a Democrat who registered Republican to vote against Trump in the primary have been proven to be outright bold faced lies. He was unpopular at his mostly liberal high school because he was a staunch often insulting conservative and did not hide it at all.

bobknight33 said:

"...Were there fewer police/security because the campaign is notorious for never paying them maybe? ??

So you just talking out of you ass again ???

And down vote? Why because the shooter missed?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The Supreme Court just ruled that Trump’s attempted legislative coup (the fake electors) was completely illegal. They ruled that state legislators don’t have the final say on elections (so can’t just send a second set of electors), courts do, and courts can strike down or overrule laws or rules legislators put in effect. This kills the “independent state legislation” theory. This decision also declared your state, N Carolina, must let the court review and approve redistributing maps (meaning Republicans can’t gerrymander there anymore and will lose more political power).
Not good for his Georgia trial where his defense was the legislature had the ultimate power to decide elections unbound by votes…now there’s no defense…again.

They also declared Alabama’s districting maps blatantly racist and illegal, and started looking At Louisiana when they ruled. Both redistricted illegally in order to minimize the power of their huge minority populations for 2020 and 2022 elections, blatantly violating voting rights laws. Now it sounds like two more democrats will be seated from new districts in Alabama and Louisiana, and more will likely win elections in 24 with the playing field slightly less prejudiced. You guys were cheating hard all over the South and still losing, the next election may be Republican’s last. Libertarianism is becoming more popular! 🤦‍♂️ 😂 thanks Trump.

D’oh! Sounds like he just admitted to making copies of classified documents/“different plans” in a recent Fox digital interview. He says “what was said was absolutely fine and very perfectly”.

Trump to be arrested

newtboy says...

You forgot the ultimate puppet master, 92 year old billionaire George Soros who, according to Maggots, is so hyper intelligent and all powerful that he personally controls everything that happens on the planet including specifically the NYDA, and screws everyone out of money for pure greed despite his having donated $32 billion to charities, he’s now worth just over $8 billion.

Can Trump get a fair chance in a court of law?
Considering the number of unqualified judges he appointed to those courts that owe him their positions and are willing to bend over backwards to protect him, no, I think the courts are heavily tipped in his favor not “fair”.

bobknight33 said:

Hard Leftest state, Leftest city, Leftest citizens.
Do you think trump has a fair chance in the court of law?

BELPHEGOR - "The Devils"

newtboy says...

The wrath of Satan has no mercy
I reveal your evil and wickedness
I make you tremble (tremble, tremble)
I am armed in fearsomeness
I represent supremacy (supremacy)
Der Teufel
Put aside your sprinkler, priest, and litanies
The procession of all evil
No retreat, clerical downfall
Rise out of sulfur, hail Satan (Satan, Satan, Satan)
Ich bin das Feuer
Ich brenne nicht
Conjuration of the devils
Desecration of the church
Conjuration of the devils
Devils wreck the holy ghost
Retaliate, I swallow light
The expulsion from thy paradise
Shattered Christ, restrained in wire
Ultimate sin, hail Satan (Satan, Satan, Satan)
Light the torch of knowledge
Conjuration of the devils
Profanation of the chapel
Conjuration of the devils
Fornication with the devils
Gepfählt durch die Zunge des Teufels
Conjuration of the devils
Laceration of the Christians
Conjuration of the devils
Satan's kingdom shall prevail
Sathanas confidimus
Sanctus inceptivus
Sathanas gloriam
Corpus meum regito

Students Call Teachers By First Name!

cloudballoon says...

Ultimately the teacher's pen it's the mightest revenge of all. Fs all around, boys & girls! Right? But wait until the parents revolt and fire you for a thankless job.

Judge Locks Up Parkland Shooter for Life, Throws Away Key

cloudballoon says...

Personally I'm for aborting it, but the Death Penalty might be what the murderer wants, then is it just publishment? That's granting the ultimate wish of the murderer. But if the majority of the victims' families, understandably, wants the closure of the death Penalty, too. Why the need to be 100% unanimous among every jury? So it's always a gray area.

But locking him up for life makes good business for the Correctional Industrial Complex though. Cheap labor! The only absolute loser is the taxpayers.

“Don’t Look Up” in Real Life

newtboy says...

19 of the 20 hottest years ever recorded have occurred in the last 21 years.
8 of the hottest 8 years ever recorded were the last 8 years.

Black is not white. Up is not down. Hot is not cold….no matter how many times you say it, Bob. Being too dumb to even understand the science or its implications have you just denying it….like if you don’t understand it must not be true. 🤦‍♂️
It is well known that the right’s MO is to just lie about what their opponent claims, then debunk their own lie, ignoring the actual claims. It’s the best you can do, and the right’s constituents are so intellectually absent, incurious, and not just willing but wanting to be spoon fed propaganda that you buy it without ever investigating a thing. I know this to be true, because everyone who actually looks at the data (and doesn’t just misrepresent it completely) comes to the same conclusion (unless they’re selling something).

2030 did not come from Greta. It came from multiple climate reports, except for those who said we had less time.
It’s a purposeful intent to mislead the public to say the reports say ultimate disaster happens in 2030, they don’t, and the right knows they don’t say that and knows that’s not what climate activists say either…it says at current rates (when the report was written) by 2030 1.5C rise would be locked in, unavoidable. CO2 can last 300-1000 years actively in the atmosphere. Stopping adding CO2 and methane when we are at the line of 1.5C rise is planning for disaster with no backup and no margin for error when the stakes are literally survival of the species and civilization. In fact, rates have increased since the data was collected, so 2030 is too late….2000 may have been too late to stop runaway climate change, but we can still minimize or slow the impacts.

1.5C is when we lose control and feedback loops (likely) take over our ability to have any control. It’s too bad so many idiots are too dumb to comprehend that yet still have the resources to effect the outcome. “Mea culpa” isn’t going to restore the planet when they finally admit the undeniable, neither is their heads on pikes nor their children being used as food, but that’s where we’re going. Too bad we aren’t there yet, it would save a hell of a lot of problems if we just eradicated the irresponsible money worshiping morons in favor of people who put a livable planet above record quarterly profits.

bobknight33 said:

Climate change denial

Why GM Says Its Ultium Batteries Will Lead To EV Dominance

spawnflagger says...

I think Tesla does some innovative stuff - like using the worlds largest metallic moulds (built by some Italian company if I recall, which make those exclusively for Tesla). But ultimately Elon is a "hype man", and most of his promises have fallen flat (check out Thunderf00t's youtube channel - he debunks many scammy startups as well as Elon's claims, using high school chemistry and physics).

I do applaud Tesla for opening additional factories in Germany and China so quickly, but exponential growth (for any EV maker) is impossible - there's simply not enough easy-to-mine lithium in the world. (Maybe Elon is planning to mine some asteroids instead of going to Mars? who knows)

The GM battery tech isn't exciting or sexy, but it is a means to building a more affordable EV. Ford is already shipping F-150 Lightning (assuming its not affected by the same contactor recall as the Mach-E). Rivian has been (slowly) shipping trucks.
Where's the CyberTruck? I bet even the electric Silverado will start shipping before the CyberTruck.

The origins of oil falsely defined in 1892

bcglorf says...

This is one of those cons that's so bad it actually helps it's own spread.

His entire premise depends on folks buying in that 'Science" was duped into a bad 'definition' for the origins of oil at some committee meeting. You have to accept that for the next 100 years, the entire scientific community was powerlessly bound by this committee decision.

The reason that's so effective is the same as the scam emails rife with typos and bad grammar. He immediately is limiting his audience after that point to folks who didn't nope out already at that point. Targeted marketing at any audience vulnerable to whatever snake oil pitch he's ultimately selling.

Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

moonsammy says...

Greed knows no specific political affiliation, nor does charitability. We should all insist on policies that do more to help those in actual need of it, and to reduce rampant profiteering at the expense of human suffering. Squeezing your captive customers just because you can is a pretty universal "dick move." Imagine if we had solid policies in place that actually encouraged giving a hand up to those who've encountered misfortune, rather than treating them as suspicious and dangerous.

I think a big part of the problem, which I was sad to see go entirely unaddressed by the show, is that owning rental properties is such an appealing option for wealthy private investors. The long-term (and generally short-term) returns on real estate in the US have been absolutely bonkers for many years, and it's a much more stable investment than the stock market can prove to be. Professionally, I've been in a position to have an understanding of the finances of many wealthy people, and damn near everyone with net worth of more than a couple million ends up having quite substantial real estate holdings.

How about we instead find a way to award stable profits to those investing in schools, or public parks, or the arts, or... I don't know, anything else which doesn't ultimately take people out of their homes?

Hindenburg Disaster - 4 Different Rare Angles // HD Coloriza

luxintenebris says... ...

Goebbels wanted to name the Hindenburg for Adolf Hitler.
Eckener, no fan of the Third Reich, named the airship for the late German president Paul von Hindenburg and refused Goebbels’ request to name it after Hitler. The Führer, never enthralled by the great airships in the first place, was ultimately glad that the zeppelin that crashed in a fireball didn’t bear his name.


Frau Eva von Zeppelin was offended by the group's name (Led Zepplin) for "dishonouring the family name". The direct descendant of Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin demanded the band to change their name. On 28th Feb, 1970, the group performed one show in Copenhagen as The Nobs but decided to retain their original name afterwards due to popular and critical opinions that favoured their original name.,band%20to%20change%20their%20name.

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

bcglorf says...

Economic disruption of the blockades was similar to the Mohawk blockade of railways about 2 years ago:

Similarly, mass lay offs and multi-billions of dollars of goods stuck sitting around waiting to get to the industries needing them.

Since at least 2012 the attempted expansion of an existing pipeline(Trans Mountain) was targeted continuously by blockades. Opposition and resulting delays leading to cost overruns so large that company ultimately halted the multi-billion dollar project.

In terms of dollars being lost, the convoy protest wasn't special. More over, the blockade of the border in Ontario that was causing the real economic damage was dismantled and removed before the 'emergency measures' were enacted. Which is to state, the emergency measures were primarily intended to clear out downtown Ottawa. In downtown Ottawa though, the damages were at minimum as localized as any of the lumber or pipeline blockades mentioned.

Prime Minister Trudeau couldn't be more unequivocal when he was expressing his support for the farmer protests in India and the Floyd protests in the US. Clip if you'd like:

The protests in India absolutely did immensely more harm to India's economy than the convoy here did in Canada. The protests in support of Floyd were again unequivocally more violent than the convoy in Canada.

There really is no basis by which to point to the convoy's actions and find them in any way unique or distinct from multiple other protests within Canada, or ones abroad that have been either given more latitude, or outright embraced and supported.

The distinction as even you can't resist going after, is that their beliefs they are protesting for are stupid and wrong, so no right to protest for them. That isn't how the right to protest within a democracy should be allowed to work.

I also have to point out the 'ethical' argument isn't as cut and dry as you want to make it out either.
-Pipelines bad so blockading is good ignores the fact the same oil gets pumped regardless, it just gets loaded into trucks that burn even more oil to haul it and have a fair greater risk of accidents and spills.
-Defending the rights and lands of Aboriginal peoples(like at Coastal Gas Link site violently attacked with millions in damages while the convoy was being vilified for 'incitement') is anything but obvious. The Wet'suwet'en hereditary leaders made claim to parts of the pipeline route and demanded it be shut down. However, the same Wet'suwet'en people's multiple elected Band Councils signed on with their wishes to proceed with the project. In fact, ALL elected representatives of ALL the Bands with land along the route had ALL signed onto the project and wanting it to proceed. It is in no way obvious that ignoring the will of those other bands to favour the conflicting claims of the hereditary leaders is clearly the most respectful of the people's wishes.

Vote While It Counts

luxintenebris jokingly says...

have an alternative theory...

you perceive to be correct w/o any challenge. or accept any challenge.

bob the bubble boy.

i get it: that's what being 'red' is. you are part of the one.

it's like your all one people, encamped under one euphonious dogma. no deviation. no discourse. becoming one body w/one mind.

ultimately: resembling a prisoner placed in solitary confinement. time is methodically rendering the one's gray matter into pudding.

no wonder why crt, statures, masks, vaccines, seeing dead people at the polls - can trip y'all out. it's like being on acid and your choice of media is playing w/ya'...

[cheech - aka bob - being soothed first w/"you know better" from chong - Fox News & ilk - then NAAAWWWGH!!! weirded out by the news that black people are making it to the voting rolls! ]

...duckery for sure.

bobknight33 said:

That's exactly why I will vote Republican. To keep Democrats from their fuckery.

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