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The Rise Of Skywalker

Payback says...

More likely...

Episode 1-6 was the rise, fall, and ultimate redemption of Anakin Skywalker.
Episodes 7-9 are the redemption of Ben Solo (his rise and fall seen through flashbacks).

Remember, Star Wars works best when people ask WWANRGLD?

(What would a not rich George Lucas do?)

ChaosEngine said:

I think it’s more likely that “Skywalker” will become a title for a new type of force user.


Drachen_Jager says...

Fuck Vantablack.

Asshole Anish Kapoor bought it so he could keep it to himself and not allow any other artist to use it.

That's like the ultimate dick move. Make a ton of money off your questionable art and instead of paying it forward, you take products off the market for your exclusive use so no other up and coming artists can use it as a medium.

Kid hides from police in Bend

BSR says...

Seems they stuck it to themselves.


A viral video making the rounds Monday shows a boy going to extremes to avoid detection by Bend Police.

The video, captured by a home security system, shows a boy running near the driveway of a single-family home on a south Bend cul-de-sac before climbing inside one of the home’s garbage cans and closing the lid. Seconds later, a Bend officer walks by and asks several nearby girls if they saw a boy run by. They say no.

Thirty minutes later, the boy exits the garbage can and runs off, seemingly consequence-free.

But according to Bend Police spokesperson Lt. Juli McConkey, that boy and three others were ultimately contacted at their homes and cited with second-­degree theft for allegedly stealing Pokemon cards from Walmart.

On July 5, Walmart loss prevention staff called the Bend Police Department to report several boys had stolen Pokemon cards from the store in south Bend. The store turned over security footage and still images of the boys that a Bend school resource officer used to identify them.

The boys, between the ages of 13 and 15, were not contacted until Sunday, when Walmart personnel called Bend Police to report the same boys were back in the store and had stolen more Pokemon cards.

Police arrived, but the boys were by then hiding somewhere in the store and playing the card game, McConkey said.

They eventually came out and were spotted by officers. The boys ran, spilling into the surrounding neighborhoods, which is when the home security camera captured one of the boys evading capture.

On Monday, the video had been viewed more than 1 million times.

The Bulletin does not typically identify juvenile criminal suspects or defendants.

— The Bulletin

Payback said:

Props to the little girls for not ratting him out.

Stick it to the Man!

6 HOURS Waiting To See This Historic Steam Train

Chinese magician performs world’s best magic trick

lucky760 says...

And how did the rectangles just appear on the table across from him?

And the card get cut into a sliver by being passed over by the tape?

I'd have thunk it some of that mystical ultimate black material like Shin Lim uses, but you can see the felt surface of the table.

Student Accepted to Every Ivy League School, Rejects them

viewer_999 says...

"...May have saved his parents up to $200k..."

Growl. Why his parents? None of my friends' parents paid their way. What of scholarships? I was paid to go to school, as my scholarships surpassed tuition by 100%. Yes, tuition was much lower than the crooks are charging today (ultimately trickling down to teacher salaries), but it should all scale (or one should hope). This kid should get even more offers than I did, since he's got incredible test scores, and he is likely eligible for minority scholarships, racist by nature as they are.

He did the right thing, though, for sure. I got accepted to ivy league for grad as well but went state. Ivy league promised "7 years of 7 days a week" and needing to teach to cover my expenses. Screw that. State paid me $15k/year to go. Furthermore, once your foot is in the career door, no boss worth working for gives a damn about your degree.

Vox: The Green New Deal, explained

bobknight33 says...

A fools paradise, The ultimate "boy that cried wolf" BS.

This has been going on since the 70's Teh sky is falling.

Now last 30 years kids have been told this farce and like kid do they believe all this BS. Some become senators / politicians and continue to cry wolf.

in another 50 years from now all will be fine, just like it is now.


Game of Thrones Season 8 Pitch Meeting

Digitalfiend says...

This video really does sum up my feelings about Season 8.

I was mostly okay with the first half of Season 8 and could even give the writers a pass for only spending one episode on the battle of Winterfell and the Night King's destruction but...everything after that? Complete shit. I mean, Rhaegal getting shot not once, but twice, by scorpions from the "hidden" Iron Fleet, from what looked like a million miles away, was utter nonsense and only done for shock value. Unlike when the Night King killed Viserion, which was actually moving, Rhaegal's death was pointless and made no sense. For one, how could Dany not see all those ships from up there? Furthermore, it'd be ridiculously hard to hit a fly target, twice in a row, from that distance. Ugh.

The biggest misstep in my opinion was turning Dany into a villain. Her character was one of the more interesting of the series as she went from being a naïve slave, to a fighter, a mother, and ultimately became a champion of the people. She was a strong female character with mostly good, if somewhat flawed, intentions. While her drive to claim the Iron Throne and unite Westeros could be seen as warmongering, she certainly didn't deserve to be portrayed as a mad tyrant. That just seemed forced.

Then we have: Bran the Broken and Jon's banishment to the Night's Watch. What the hell? Everything in the finale seemed so forced and discarded a lot character development established in previous seasons. The last two episodes of season 8 were just really disappointing.

David Attenborough on how to save the planet

cosmovitelli says...

Yes agreed, extreme poverty is equally damaging when combined with industry, but bear in mind its been the giant corporations dropping poison on poor villages not the villagers themselves.. and the basic rules for much of the world are decided ultimately by US senators who are for sale to business for embarassingly low cost.

vil said:

Dont blame "capitalism", blame humans, civilisation. Some countries, communities, families are able to create institutions and rules that span generations and centuries without destroying their livelihoods. Call it capitalism if you must, but the only way for humans to survive it is if they are allowed to make meaningful decisions and shoulder the responsibility for those decisions.

I lived in a "communist" country and I can inform you that shit was removed from rivers, sulfur from power station smoke and lead from car exhaust gasses only after it reverted to a form of constitutional democratic individualistic "capitalism".

All it takes is some basic rules about shit and rivers and a will either free, or imposed by institutions, to abide.

Some big rich countries have good rules and institutions, some dont. Most poor countries dont and that is a real problem. If you cant afford to put shit anywhere else it has to go in the river.

The Best Of CPAC 2019

The Best Of CPAC 2019

bobknight33 says...

Those voted for Trump were the enlighten ones, stopping a crooked woman from gaining ultimate power.

Mystic95Z said:

I'm thinking that anyone duped into voting for Trump the con man would be the "Low IQ" voter and sadly the USA is full of them.

Curious Kangaroo Charges Paraglider

BSR says...

In more ways than I can list here.

Always look on the bright side of life. No matter fucking what.

Thank you. It means a lot to me.


My idea of putting him behind bars is not to punish him. He ultimately will punish himself. He's already doing it but doesn't realize it. He will have to live in the house he built for himself. Putting him behind bars merely keeps the danger from the innocent.

Payback said:

Something to give us all hope.

Hail Satan?-Trailer

newtboy says...

I believe in English speaking North America, "widely understood" and "correctly understood" are often divergent.
I believe what is widely understood to be Christianity and the actual definition don't resemble each other, so other religions (new or old) have no obligation to be better.
I believe what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I believe that nothing shown denies the possibility that they actually believe in the biblical "Satan" or another deity so named, just because the public actions are political in nature doesn't deny the possibility of honest belief and the nature of any worship is 100% open to interpretation, so your entire premise is based on assumptions and an unwillingness to apply the same standards across the board, exactly what they're fighting against.

For these reasons, I find your questions moot.....

.....but yes, those are the "widely understood" connotations of the words, just not necessarily the ultimate denotations.
That...or Vicki Vallencourt....Vicki Vallencourt is the devil.

bcglorf said:

Let me try stepping back to basics then. In English speaking North America, Do you believe the two statements are true?
1. The title/deity "Satan" is widely understood to refer to the Abrahamic Satan.
2. "Satanism" is widely understood to refer to the worship of that same Abrahamic Satan.

English vs. German vs. Swiss German (Zurich and Valais)

Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

bcglorf says...

I kind of swing the other way on this. We live in a cruel, violent, unjust world. Talking about that is not automatically an endorsement of it. Making jokes about it is part of talking about it and an important coping mechanism. Yes, talking and joking about it CAN be done in a way that encourages it, but it's NOT automatic.

As per your Toy Story examples, the ultimate take away for the young audience exposed to it is that the violence/torture was a clear cut bad thing. When someone in your office pulls a prank on someone and the other party responds by jokingly threatening to kill them for it they aren't normalizing murder. Nobody comes away from that interaction with the idea that murder is somehow more acceptable or less bad.

We need to relax a little bit about looking for micro-aggressions and 'bad' culture in every little thing that people say or joke about,

JiggaJonson said:


As someone who watches a LOT of kid's movies with my daughter, I notice an alarming regularity of torture in children's media.

You like Pixar movies, right? Pick a Pixar film, ALL of them have a torture scene. It's bizarre.

It's late, so I'll be succinct about these, but let's define torture as follows:
Torture - noun - the act of deliberately inflicting severe physical or psychological suffering on someone by another as a punishment or in order to fulfill some desire of the torturer or force some action from the victim


This is a short list I can think of off the top of my head

Toy Story
Sid tortures Woody "Where are your rebel friends NOW?" as he burns his forehead

Toy Story 2
Stinky Pete tortures Woody "You can go to Japan together or in pieces. Now GET IN THE BOX!"

Toy Story 3
Buzz gets put in the "time-out chair" with a burlap bag put over his head and is forced to turn on his friends

Monster's Inc.
Mike is put in the "scream extractor" and is interrogated "Where's the kid?" as the extractor inches towards his face.

Wreck it Ralph
Ralph asks "What's going on in this candy coated Heart of Darkness?" Sour Bill tries to run away but Ralph picks him up and threatens to lick him. "I'll take it to my grave" "Fair enough" and Ralph pops Sour Bill in his mouth "Had enough?" "OKAY OKAY I'LL TALK!"

Cars 2
The green-gasoline in his tank, the spy car is put in front of the radiation shooting camera and is interrogated about who the other spy is and who has the information about the green gas he recovered that could unravel their plan to get revenge for being discriminated against for being "lemons." His engine explodes (he's killed?) in spite of giving up the information.

The Incredibles
Mr. Incredible is restrained via some black goop and asked about his family's whereabouts on the island.

Finding Nemo
Near the end of the film when Dory finds Nemo but Marlin has wandered off thinking Nemo was dead, they need to know which way Marlin went and come across the little crabs sitting on the pipe "heyyyyyyyyheyyyyyyyyyyheyyyyyyyy" "Yeah I saw where he went, but I'm not telling you, and there's no way you're gonna make me." Dory lifts him up and threatens to feed him to the seagulls sitting on a small rock until he starts screaming "OKAY ILL TALK ILL TALK HE WENT TO THE FISHING GROUNDS!!!"

I could go on, but I hope to make this simple point:
These films do NOT have to include a torture scene. It's simply odd to me that it appears so often, instilling the idea early on that torture works for getting information or cooperation out of people.

Finally, I point to one of many pieces of research on the matter

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