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JesseoftheNorth (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

Here's what I've added to Netflix...

101 Reykjavik
The Story of the Weeping Camel
The Day After Trinity
Encounters at the End of the World
Cranes Are Flying

I was going to do War and Peace but I don't think I have the eight hours to spare.

Thanks again.

Jimmy Carr + Atheism = Win

Bidouleroux says...


First, "bigotry" doesn't take two "g". Maybe you should spend more time with a dictionary than a Bible.

As for your purported claims of Jesus' divinity as found in the site you linked, well, assuming he really did want to make it known that he was divine wouldn't you think there would be more than NINE verses in the whole Bible about that? And three of the quotes aren't from the apostles, which writings amount to hearsay in the best case anyway (the rest of the New Testament in mostly shit, especially anything written by Paul, but it still doesn't show how Jesus is somehow divine). Plus, there is a section on the page that says in bold "Jesus is worshipped - Jesus said to worship God only, yet He receives worship." That kind of shows that Jesus wasn't a deity, at least in the sense that he was simply as much divine as everyone else on earth.

Plus, the only direct assertion is in John 10:30 "I and the Father are one." But this is quoted out of context, where Jesus says something about sheep being given to him by his father and thus he and his father being of one purpose in leading these sheep (that includes you, Jesus_Freak). In John 17:10 : "Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one." Looks like pantheism to me or some shit. (yes this is from a Muslim book, but hosted on the University of Buffalo site, thus very respectful blah blah blah and the page in question has no Islamic doctrine in it) Read that for many quotes that demonstrate how the first Christians, as shown in the texts of the New Testament themselves, thought about the unity of Jesus and God. The first recorded use of the word "trinity" in christian texts is in 170 A.D. and the doctrine of trinity only adopted in 325 A.D. So the divinity of Jesus is indeed a later purely theological development.

Jimmy Carr + Atheism = Win

Bidouleroux says...

>> ^Jesus_Freak:
Anyone who was raised Catholic and can't answer "what was so special about Jesus" either wasn't listening or was horribly underserved in the teaching department.
What I did find refreshing from this clip (compared to the buh-zillion other atheism clips on the sift) was his willingness to live and let live in terms of other people's beliefs with minimal judgmentalism. I find "evangelical atheists" to be a bit ironic.

You find "evangelical atheist" ironic only because you are too much of an idiot to understand what evangelical really means. It means "to bring good news", hence the "Good News" ("gospel" in anglo-saxon, from "goodspell" NOT "godspell") of the coming of Jesus. Thus an "evangelical atheist" is the bringer of the good news of atheism. Pretty straightforward, eh?

What's really ironic, on the other hand, is exactly the content of the joke about the specialness of Jesus. We are all sons of God, says Jesus himself, yet the church would like us to believe Jesus was somehow special. Yes, Jesus says he is the the son of God but he also says we all are sons of God. Why is he special then? The answer: he's not and he never claimed to be. Only people who never really read (understood) the Bible, but only had it read (interpreted) to them instead can say that Jesus was special. Yes, that means the Trinity is bust and the reformists are "right" but all these theological debates are moot when you realize Jesus considered himself a simple, very much human, messenger and nothing more (much like the Mohammad of Islam). And of course, that we put so much energy on explaining fairy tales seems really ludicrous and somewhat sad when you realize there is no such thing as God.

Lego Matrix Trinity Help!

Lego Matrix Trinity Help!

Lego Matrix Trinity Help!

Lendl (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

cybrbeast (Member Profile)

Mars, the Bringer of War

Preacher calls Mohamed a Pedophile, Gets Punched by Muslim

bsargent says...

OK, I don't want to get involved in a religious debate, but I have to make a comment.

First of all, this "street corner preacher" needs to learn that while we Christians must be on the offensive (as opposed to being on the defensive) in order to convince non-believers of the truth, me must do so without being offensive. Jesus did not appeal to His followers by offending them; the only ones he deliberately offended were the so-called religious leaders of the day, such as the pharisees. Christ did not call us to get into a debate with believers of other religions, but to feed his sheep.

It is really too bad the young lady reacted so violently. Muslims claim their religion is one of peace and yet there are so many examples to indicate the opposite is true. I know, there are also examples of Christians acting violently (the crusades, witch hunts, the Spanish inquisition, abortion clinic bombings, etc), so don't think I am stating, "we are better than them" or anything like that. My point is simply this: if you claim to be a peaceful person serving a peaceful religion, prove it by your actions.

Lastly, a word on the young lady's questions and the preacher's inappropriate and incorrect answers. Yes, she was ignorant of Christianity, and perhaps even her own religion, but that is why she was asking the questions. Unfortunately, she was asking the intellectual questions that we as human beings cannot answer. God is not so small that we can put Him in a box and explain Him. There is no adequate definition of the Holy Trinity that any man can give. Perhaps Adam understood it, as he likely had full use of his brain before he sinned, but we as sinners can never hope to fully understand God. Nor can we hope to understand the concept of Jesus being God, coming to earth, living and dying as a man, and then ascending to heaven to be with God. Contrary to the young lady's statement, Jesus did not become God, he has always been God (John 1:1) So how can Jesus be God when he was a man, and vice versa. No man can say, at least not with an intellectual "win the debate" kind of answer. That is why Christianity is a religion of faith, faith that the Bible is true and that Christ is The Truth. More than that, however, Christianity is about having a relationship with God, living in God and having God living in us. Unfortunately there are too many believers that have not yet learned this, such as this street-corner preacher and his cohorts. In fact, I am only beginning to grasp it myself as I daily grow closer to God.

In Christ...

So why's everyone down on the Matrix trilogy? (Scifi Talk Post)

videosiftbannedme says...

This has already been said before but part of what made The Matrix so good was that it took place almost entirely within "our" world. We only saw snippets of what the real world was like, outside of the Matrix. Reloaded tried to incorporate more of the real world while balancing out scenes within the Matrix, but by Revolutions, it almost entirely took place in the real world. Add to that the heavy philosophical allegories, the fact that it took Trinity a full 10 minutes to die after being impaled on 35 pieces of rebar, and any other number of problems that plagued the last 2 movies.

I still think the way that Reloaded should have happened was Neo somehow "reboots" (Reloads) the Matrix causing everyone to wake up for a moment inside the real world. Then, after they fall back into the Matrix, they begin to talk with one another about the "dream" everyone had, with Neo acting as a Messiah-like figurehead. Revolutions would have shown the world-wide fight within the Matrix against the agents/Matrix/whatever, with humanity eventually winning and waking up for good. This sillyness of computer programs, Trainmen in the Limbo world and iterations of Neo splitting off and re-absorbing back into the system was just that....silly.

'Matrix: Reloaded' Freeway Chase

Helicopter crashes from ground resonance

blackout says...

As a [working] helicopter CFI-I I'm gonna say this is Dynamic Rollover. If you watch you can see it looks like she is landing on a raised platform (i.e. a cart). You can see it looks like the front porition of the left skid falls off the cart (you can see it fall, and she just sits there, as the collective is full down and lift is not greater than weight at that point) with a twisting motion. She then decides to try to lift back up and reposition.
It looks [to me] as if during the twisting motion, she gets the left skid stuck on something and now has the holy trinity of Dynamic Rollover (Pivot point, rolling moment, lift grater than weight).
The rate of roll is also consistent with Dynamic Rollover. If it was ground resonance, getting the air craft back into the air is the corrective action and the problem should have been solved, but she tried to lift up, and the helicopter rolled, pointing me to think it's dynamic rollover.
Also of note is the lack of vibration in the main rotor, and main rotor mast. Which should be seen in a ground resonance situation. (i.e. here and here).

Islam Will Destroy Christianity / The Planet

HadouKen24 says...

How interesting. This video estimates the number of Muslims in America to be 9,000,000, but every other reliable source I've found (Pew research, the American Religious Identification Survey by Trinity College, etc.) estimates the number to be much less than half of that.

In fact, there seem to be less estimated Muslims in the US than Jews. And Wiccans, Druids, etc., seem to outclass Muslims in pure numbers.

In the US, at least. I can't speak for European countries.

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