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Top 10 Reasons to be Interested in Guild Wars 2

Xaielao says...

I was hoping he would expand on #2, skills for folks. He had the basics right. Your first five skills are based on your weapon (or weapons) of choice with duel wielders getting their first 2 skills based on their primary weapon and last 3 weapon skills based on their secondary. Thieves get their 5th based on the combination of their weapons.

You might say that this limits class variety, even if there are a heck of a lot of weapon options in the game. *Deep Breath*.. Axe, Dagger, Mace, Pistol, Scepter, Sword, Focus, Shield, Torch, Warhorn, Greatsword, Hammer, Longbow, Rifle, Showbow, Staff.

However this is not the end of your weapon customization because you also have perks that you can use to alter your weapon skills. So a Warrior who uses sword/shield will have the same 5 weapon skills but do to individual choices in how they customize them those skills might do very different things. The last 5 skills is based on both class and race and there will be plenty to choose from. The first is a heal (every class has one), the next three are class/race based skills that are not directly damage oriented but are cc or buffing (thus why there is no trinity in this one) and the last is a long cooldown alpha attack based on your class and race of choice. Combined with as I said, there being a lot of them to choose from and that you can alter them (and the 5 weapon based skills) with further customization as you advance through the game, this is going to make absolutely sure that when you meet another player of your class it isn't all but guaranteed that they have the exact same setup as you do.

Also there are other things that are going to make GW2 stand out that weren't in this list. A personalized storyline based on choices you make at character creation (see the choices we know about here: As you play your story you'll make decisions that change the world around you in your 'hub' area (IE the changes affect your own storyline areas, not the major game world simply because some of those choices can mean the end of major characters in the game or the destruction of a village and you cant have people do that individually without having to reset those changes.

Last... no quests! Your personal story will be fairly similar to quests but much more story oriented. But the vast majority of the gameplay is quest free!

Derren Brown: Miracles For Sale

rottenseed says...

This was great. I'm on part 3 right now. It amazes me how difficult it was to get into the churches. It also surprises me the advice they got from the guy from the Trinity group in Texas.

kasinator (Member Profile)

Evolution is not...

Sketch says...

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus."

-Thomas Jefferson, letter to Francis Adrian Van der Kemp, 30 July, 1816

Personally, I'm fed up with having the same f'ing argument with creationists over and over again, blowing their pathetic arguments out of the water, and having them still desperately scramble to make any and every lame excuse as to why they shouldn't stop believing in their fairy tales. F@#k creationists. I'm done trying to have reasonable conversations with the unreasonable.

calvados (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Oh, don't kill it! Yours has its own charm. The visuals that have nothing to do with dogs or fish are actually quite lovely.

In reply to this comment by calvados:
I'd forgotten about the whole fishin' trip thing. Yes, your video is FAR better. Mine actually detracts from the song.

Let's let yours run on. I'm tempted to kill mine, actually, but the votes that would perish that way mean less renown for TCJ on Videosift. I wonder if I can fool Siftbot into thinking mine's a dupe of yours? Then the votes would be transferred over.

We sure do!

In reply to this comment by bareboards2:
I didn't notice yours when I posted! Or if I did, I already forgot.... brain like swiss cheese lately.

Those were weird visuals on your posting. Started out great, but the timing was odd, wasn't it? Too quick on the fades. And what do fish have to do with anything?

I do love this song. I know EXACTLY where I was when I first heard the first notes of the Trinity Session CD. I was cleaved in two. Rooted. I think I stopped breathing. I know I stopped moving. It still gets to me.

We have good taste!

In reply to this comment by calvados:
Oh they'll both make it. But yes, I was reminded of TCJ thanks to you posting "Mining for Gold", which is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.

I like it so much that I posted it awhile ago, actually. It should appear in your related videos. But I'm not fussed about it and yours is getting lots of views these days, which is all to the good, since the world needs more people who know the Cowboy Junkies. Your video for that song is superior to mine, too.

In reply to this comment by bareboards2:
So if your Blue Moon gets published and my Mining for Gold doesn't....

It'll be proof of no justice in the world.

Or proof of my taste in music is lacking.... I didn't sift this because I liked their original better. (You did find this after watching Mining for Gold, right? If not... then ignore this comment.)

calvados (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I didn't notice yours when I posted! Or if I did, I already forgot.... brain like swiss cheese lately.

Those were weird visuals on your posting. Started out great, but the timing was odd, wasn't it? Too quick on the fades. And what do fish have to do with anything?

I do love this song. I know EXACTLY where I was when I first heard the first notes of the Trinity Session CD. I was cleaved in two. Rooted. I think I stopped breathing. I know I stopped moving. It still gets to me.

We have good taste!

In reply to this comment by calvados:
Oh they'll both make it. But yes, I was reminded of TCJ thanks to you posting "Mining for Gold", which is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.

I like it so much that I posted it awhile ago, actually. It should appear in your related videos. But I'm not fussed about it and yours is getting lots of views these days, which is all to the good, since the world needs more people who know the Cowboy Junkies. Your video for that song is superior to mine, too.

In reply to this comment by bareboards2:
So if your Blue Moon gets published and my Mining for Gold doesn't....

It'll be proof of no justice in the world.

Or proof of my taste in music is lacking.... I didn't sift this because I liked their original better. (You did find this after watching Mining for Gold, right? If not... then ignore this comment.)

9 Reasons Why Youre a Christian

shinyblurry says...

>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^shinyblurry:
How is it that atheists seem to believe they can just go around and treat someone like garbage and talk down to them like children because they think they're right about something..why is this socially acceptable?

How is it that when I have conversations with Christians on youtube or any other open forum, once they find out I'm not religious, they talk down to me and tell me I'm going to "burn/rot in hell"? Call me a "sinner"? A "blasphemer"? They hope I "get cancer and die"? How is this socially acceptable?
I also have another question for you. How exactly did God "show himself" to you? You never really explained that one.

Christians are commanded to love thy neighbor as thyself. We are told the measure we use to judge will be measured back to us. When we observe that a law is being broken, we are justified in pointing this out to our brother, to correct the error of his way, in hopes he will turn from his sin. Now when you preach the gospel, you have to be aware that you will be judged by unbelievers by the same standards that you are proclaiming as truth, and hypocripsy will only denigrate Christs reputation. As a Christian, I admit that I am not perfect, which isn't really that difficult considering some of the more interesting choices I've made in life. Yet, if I strive to follow the standard set for me, which is perfection, my words will be justified and I will be an effective witness. This is the meaning of the measure we use being measured back to us.

So someone following Christs word should never tell you that you're going to burn and rot. That is utterly despicable. If you preach the gospel you are called to treat it with respect and care, because it is the Word of God. If you follow the word it comes naturally. No one who is following Christ in reality would say that to you. Christ promises that He is there to serve as our advocate before the Father, and obtaining forgiveness for our many sins through faith in Him.

Well, the way I knew it was God was..when I was a child God was with me. I just didn't notice it. The way that I was learning, seeing, experiencing..God was always there with me. He was an integral part of who I was, a secret friend who shared in my joys and sorrows. Later on in life I started to lose this connection. Life started to lose its electricity, it's spark, because our relationship was not as it should be. This is because I had begun to sin. I started shoplifting when I was 7 or 8 years old and I didn't stop for a long time. Now this may be looked upon as harmless in some way..I didn't ever really steal more than candy bars. But the law is the law. God was still there with me, supporting me, but because I was sinning it caused spiritual seperation from God.

This happened for a long time, gradually, until it was like living life alone. I had always been a loner..just akward socially, but this was different. The light went out of my life. There was no flow, at all. It had all stopped. I was only dimly aware of this transition at the time. It took me many years to piece together what happened. I had no idea God really existed. I was vaguely aware that He did; ie I was afraid of Him, but I also prayed a couple times and He answered my prayers. Then one day, suddenly, He showed me He was there. He showed me how His presence, His essence underlay all things. He showed me how He was working in reality. This isn't to say I comprehended it. It's just that I know what it feels like to be around Him a little bit and see what He does.

Note at this time I was not a Christian, I did not become a Christian until later on. He had showed me the nature of the Holy Trinity before I knew much about it, so it fit with what I already knew about God. The words of the bible spoke to what I knew about God, about His unconditional love for all of His children. So yeah, that's how I got to know God. It probably sounds strange but you know what they say. The Lord works in mysterious ways. I'm proof of that much.

Trinity Is Still My Name (1971) - Full Movie

radx says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^radx:
>> ^BoneRemake:
dead senior

Works just fine for me. notdead
Is it just the embed or is the video itself not working for you?

Must of been impatient nature I guess. I tried it four times and it did not load, while others had.

Well, it doesn't come up in Google's own search results anymore, the only way to access it appears to be through its docID. Might actually be quite dead, as you said.

Luckily, someone uploaded it to YT as well, so I'm going to replace this one with a YT-playlist, then add this old one as a backup.

Trinity Is Still My Name (1971) - Full Movie

Trinity Is Still My Name (1971) - Full Movie

Brilliant Tissues scene from 3rd Rock From the Sun

Payback says...

>> ^WKB:
>> ^Xax:
Ah, Trinity is his younger years.

Hah! I feel the same way whenever I see John Lithgow in anything other than Dexter any more. So funny how a happy go lucky actor can be turned into an evil psychopath in one season of a show.

Actually, he's no noob to the dark side. Dr. Emilio Lizardo/Lord John Whorfin in Buckaroo Banzai, Earl Blake in Richochet. He was especially chilling in Raising Cain, and who can forget Shrek's Lord Farquaad?

Brilliant Tissues scene from 3rd Rock From the Sun

WKB says...

>> ^Xax:

Ah, Trinity is his younger years.

Hah! I feel the same way whenever I see John Lithgow in anything other than Dexter any more. So funny how a happy go lucky actor can be turned into an evil psychopath in one season of a show.

Brilliant Tissues scene from 3rd Rock From the Sun

Brilliant Tissues scene from 3rd Rock From the Sun

Brilliant Tissues scene from 3rd Rock From the Sun

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