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100 Films Where They Say The Movie Title

volumptuous says...

Yeah, I don't get it. Of course most films will say the name since that's a major point of the film itself. Like "titanic" or any of the Bond films. About as exciting as "pop songs that sing the title of the song!"

Original Clash of the Titans Trailer (1981)

Facepalm (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Ryjkyj says...

Jesus Christ, the people who make that about Obama supporters just drive me nuts. (Segues into personal anecdote)

I used to work in an office in NYC. Not being from NYC, I was SHOCKED at the amount of people I worked with, smart capable people, who thought that it was so weird that I spent my spare time reading books. I used to have conversations like this about history all the time. I used to tell them stuff they couldn't believe, things that I thought at least a few people might know, but they were never interested, and they certainly could never even care to grasp the concept of history repeating itself. Again, these were capable, hard-working people that I respected. BUT...

They were the same people who were shocked, shocked, to find out that a presidential candidate could have the middle name Hussein. The same people who told me they heard about Obama's "true Muslim beliefs". The same people who questioned Obama's birth certificate when it was still a new idea. The same people who sent me chain e-mails with pictures of the Helix nebula that said things like: "astronomers call this the 'god's eye' and it's the biggest thing we've found in space".

I always though NYC was supposed to be this educated, literate, liberal place and I heard shit there that completely blew my mind (and not in a good way). These people are everywhere, in every age and in all walks of life. Never let yourself believe that they aren't.

And for that matter, never try to explain to them that history moves on, and common anecdotes and interests like the Titanic disaster become irrelevant and inessential to newer generations. Just like the survivors of the Titanic would've been mortified that you don't know the outcome of the Battle of Chancellorsville. I'm not trying to defend them, but I've certainly heard a lot fucking worse.

legacy0100 (Member Profile)

Bill Sauder's Most Memorable Moment with Titanic Artifacts

Yogi says...

It was a pretty cool documentary and got me on a Titanic kick this week with all the stuff going around. The whole Titanic story is pretty cool I think. It made me sad though that in Belfast they're basically making the entire construction yard into a giant museum. It just seems to me we should be building more awesome stuff rather than looking back on the past so much, worry about the future, build big awesome things.

Bill Sauder's Most Memorable Moment with Titanic Artifacts

Honest Movie Trailers - "Titanic 3D"

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

Ah, shit--you mean they drown in the end?

IN 3D!!!!


I have to add...that these trailers are killing me. I'm fairly certain I've disconnected my esophagus from it's muscle connections to the interior and exterior walls of the chest cavity, as I'm in great pain due to my laughing. I'm certain that my vocal chords are also on the verge of spilling outward--inside out, as it were, and falling into my stomach where they will be digested as I writhe in pain; hopefully as I'm still watching more of these trailers at the moment of this horrendous, but part and parcel event that must be paid when it comes to true comedy--yet still as the just previous moment had occurred the climatic conclusion is yet to be finished--so as the video and sound trickle into my helpless mind the brute humiliating force of my laughing will be unattaching my retinas and blood vessels will begin to pop as I finally reach what comedians and entertainers aspire to instill in their audience the near opium maxim, that says that I may have a stroke at any second and die: the oxygen deprivation moment of laughing Zen. I love them, I love their trailers. So does my doctor and the hospital's chief surgeon.

P.S.- I just had to add something over the top... Sorry for the two upvotes if you hate my cavalcade of craziness edit .

Honest Movie Trailers - "Titanic 3D"

zombieater (Member Profile)

James Cameron Releases His First Ever Mariana Trench Footage

Payback says...

>> ^critical_d:

Odd how the scientific community seems to have more enthusiasm for exploring the oceans of Titan than our own. I read somewhere that the technological aspects of a dive like Cameron performed are as complex as a moon landing. I guess the thinking was that if something went wrong seven miles below then you are just as screwed as if you were in the Frau Mora Highlands. If the ultimate goal is to setup a colony on Mars or our own Moon, then we should practice in our own backyard first.

Not to mention his submersible has to hold back 1100 atmospheres of force, and out in orbit, the space station only has to hold in 1 atmosphere of force.

James Cameron Releases His First Ever Mariana Trench Footage

Fletch says...

>> ^surfingyt:

Perhaps some scientists feel if they can find life on another planet the final nail in religion's coffin will be hammered?>> ^critical_d:
Odd how the scientific community seems to have more enthusiasm for exploring the oceans of Titan than our own. I read somewhere that the technological aspects of a dive like Cameron performed are as complex as a moon landing. I guess the thinking was that if something went wrong seven miles below then you are just as screwed as if you were in the Frau Mora Highlands. If the ultimate goal is to setup a colony on Mars or our own Moon, then we should practice in our own backyard first.

The God of the Gaps can exist in any reality. @TheSluiceGate was right. The goalposts just get moved.

James Cameron Releases His First Ever Mariana Trench Footage

Quboid says...

This has better developed characters than Titanic or Avatar.

Avatar, the first big 3 dimensional film: the characters are one dimensional, the dialogue is one dimensional and the plot is one dimensional.

Titanic and Survivors - Genuine 1912 Footage

James Cameron (Avatar, Titanic) Goes to Bottom Of Ocean

Titanic and Survivors - Genuine 1912 Footage

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'titanic, belfast, southhampton, disaster, pathe, 1912' to 'titanic, belfast, southhampton, disaster, pathe, 1912, chopin, nocturnes' - edited by Trancecoach

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