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Can the world's whitest paint save Earth?

spawnflagger says...

maybe they could paint a giant tarp that floats in the ocean (on top of giant floating garbage piles)

newtboy said:

Good for slightly cooling heat islands (cities) a tiny bit, but unless they require it on every house, building, parking lot, road, anything else dark…it won’t do much even locally. The thought that they could paint 1% of the planet is absolutely insanity. Have they even been to earth? It’s huge, and mostly unpaintable. (and I have serious doubts about that number since way more than 1% of the earth WAS covered with white ice that’s now dark ocean or exposed permafrost, and that has to be replaced before we are back to the earth’s normal reflective value, they’re talking about making it more reflective than it was naturally to reduce average temperatures…good luck).

They seem to completely ignore that it’s only that reflective when brand new, are we going to pressure wash 1% of the earth twice a week to keep it reflecting? I think not, so within two weeks, it won’t be any better than 80% regular paint. What a waste of time and energy.

I’m sure there are excellent applications for such a reflective paint, combating climate change is absolutely not one. Wishful thinking at best.

The Day Liberty Died

newtboy says...

Can be misleading, or can be apt. In this case, this is just one of many times Israel intentionally attacked Americans, so it's not misleading.
Also, there was only one combatant here. *facepalm

This is about how someone we call allies have acted undeniably criminally by committing multiple war crimes against us that we conspired to hide for decades, not how we treated actively aggressive enemies that attacked us and our allies first. Also, we're talking about crimes delineated in the 1949 revision and ratification of the Geneva Convention, so WW2 isn't covered. Duh.

Facts, like multiple undeniable war crimes against America, crimes that directly led to American murders, you mean?
If I find you on my street and cover you with a tarp before I beat you to death to footloose at 120 db so you can't protest, "I thought it was a known terrorist....i didn't see or hear anything to indicate it wasn't besides my friends who told me it wasn't." isn't going to work as an excuse. That's basically what we have here.

Your"illustration" is not a bit on topic, and seems like floundering excuses for the indefensible war crimes of Israel.

bcglorf said:

And then we can largely agree. Can we agree even further though that listing only one combatants crimes can become misleading?

America dropped nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians.

Prior to that they fire bombed virtually every other Japanese city, killing 100 thousand in Tokyo alone.

The fighting on the ground on the islands reads like one long list of horrific war crimes against dehumanized Japanese victims again and again...

I know the illustration shouldn't be necessary, but presenting a single sided selection of choice facts can be extremely misleading, and the video here, like many on Israel today, does exactly the same thing.

Rapid Bridge Replacement

jmd says...

Those signs are the result of a different crew and I'm sure they only wait till after it is done building to do the final measurments, and then they need to submit paper work to get the sign requested and made which could take a while.

I would be interested in knowing what the hell they were doing on the second weekend. They did an awful lot of passes and tarping, and you can also see what looks like dirt, but in the end the cement bridge is still whats exposed.

wtfcaniuse said:

All that work and they didn't change the clearance sign.

Tour of the Moon in 4K

Screaming Marmot

StukaFox says...

I hate fucking Marmots -- they eat battery cables and brake lines (yes, really). They're a plague up at Mt. Rainer if you park your car overnight. You'll see cars covered with blue tarps held down by rocks in the parking lots of the park: those are hikers trying to keep the fuckers from eating anything rubber on the car.

Daily Show - A "How To" on ridding a city of homelessness

Payback says...

I think you're being a bit hyperbolic here.

...I'm sure the building would have a tarp or plastic sheet on top.

SquidCap said:

You just call it Preemptive strike or Operation Storm something and label homelessness as terrorism threat. Allthou, once Halliburon gets their hands on that, the homes will costs a million each, do not have roof and construction lasts ten years.

DIY lights from 2-liter soda bottles with NO electricity

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

Porksandwich says...

Night photo of scene, Yellow Tarp is covering Trayvon's body.

Daytime photo of scene:

So, not hedges blocking view on sides, but fences and building facades. Small trees to some degree blocking view. Generally and unlit walkway/footpath/alley overall.

As for definition of Alley: An alley or alleyway is a narrow lane found in urban areas, often for pedestrians only, which usually runs between or behind buildings

So I guess you can argue how narrow it has to be to be "narrow" and how "urban" this area is. The buildings aren't sky scrapers, but they rival the height of some of the buildings in the wiki pictures.

I'll take a few extra cookies for doing the looking up you could have done.

Darkhand said:

You vs Myself and Wikipedia ( )clearly have different definitions of what an "Alley" is. If you need help understanding look at the photos!

You're making it sound to be a dark nightmarish where terrible things await when in reality it is a gated community!

Also Please note I'm not trying to be a dick, but as this story gets older people keep adding hyperbole and it really needs to be dialed back.

Here's some images of this place.

Sorry no cookie for you!

Bill Nye Sets CNN Straight on Climate Change

skinnydaddy1 says...

>> ^kevingrr:

People really seem to have a lot of problems with science not being certain, but usually they are responding like this:
Scientist: All the available data and evidence shows us with 98 percent certainty that 'it' works like this.
Journalist: So you could be wrong? You are not certain? It is just your opinion then.
This is when the scientist should slap the journalist in the face with a printout of all the evidence he had to compile and process.
Edit: If the printouts are too heavy to be lifted by hand I support dropping them from a crane on said journalist.

It would be much quicker just to run them over with the crane. Then you could neatly stack the papers on top of the journalist. Of course put a plastic tarp over flat journalist. Don't want to ruin the papers.

Man Calls JPMorgan Chase CEO A Crook To His Face

Yogi says...

>> ^kevingrr:

I'm sorry my fellow sifters advocate "offing" these guys. These guys work seven days a week and they work to make a profit - just like every other business.
J.P. Morgan Chase was the go to entity to take over Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual when they failed. Why? Chase was strong enough to bear the burden.
Regarding TARP money Chase never wanted it or needed it. Link
The Dodd Frank and Consumer Protection act is a poorly written gargantuan hydra of a bill. I know this because the small community bankers I know are saying they are not going to be able to stay afloat.
My companies president - someone who I know for a fact has voted as a democrat for over 40 years - told me yesterday he will vote against Obama in the upcoming election. Why? We work in real estate and the paperwork needed to finance a project has multiplied - and with it the number of lawyers and legal hours required - that is if we can get something financed period. Good for lawyers - bad for anyone who might want to work building a new shopping center(architects, tradesmen, engineers, etc) or working there in the future.
Make the rules simple, make them fair, and enforce them effectively.

Oh Yay! Another lying apologist Fuckhead.

Man Calls JPMorgan Chase CEO A Crook To His Face

kevingrr says...


I'm sorry my fellow sifters advocate "offing" these guys. These guys work seven days a week and they work to make a profit - just like every other business.

J.P. Morgan Chase was the go to entity to take over Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual when they failed. Why? Chase was strong enough to bear the burden.

Regarding TARP money Chase never wanted it or needed it. Link

The Dodd Frank and Consumer Protection act is a poorly written gargantuan hydra of a bill. I know this because the small community bankers I know are saying they are not going to be able to stay afloat.

My companies president - someone who I know for a fact has voted as a democrat for over 40 years - told me yesterday he will vote against Obama in the upcoming election. Why? We work in real estate and the paperwork needed to finance a project has multiplied - and with it the number of lawyers and legal hours required - that is if we can get something financed period. Good for lawyers - bad for anyone who might want to work building a new shopping center(architects, tradesmen, engineers, etc) or working there in the future.

Make the rules simple, make them fair, and enforce them effectively.

Charlize Theron's Sex Tape

Turkish Soccer Fans Response To Ban On Use Of Flares

messenger says...

Not a long-time football fan, but I can answer some questions.

Yes, at least in Turkey, football fans occasionally use banners on this scale, sometimes for political/environmental causes, and sometimes just giant flags. The rest of your questions I can't comment on.>> ^poolcleaner:

Is there significance to that tarp and the holes cut into it? I understand flares were banned and I know what that meme is, but is there more information to help non-sports fans understand? Is there a history of Turkish trolling at soccer matches? Did they cover themselves to obscure those that fired flares? Do soccer fans typically cover stands with tarps?

Turkish Soccer Fans Response To Ban On Use Of Flares

poolcleaner says...

Is there significance to that tarp and the holes cut into it? I understand flares were banned and I know what that meme is, but is there more information to help non-sports fans understand? Is there a history of Turkish trolling at soccer matches? Did they cover themselves to obscure those that fired flares? Do soccer fans typically cover stands with tarps?

Mercedes Creates An "Invisible" Car

jmd says...

bmacs, I am sure the farther away from the target, the less likely you notice the aspect change. That said, Benze did like, the LEAST AMOUNT of work they possibly could on this.

#1 The LED screen is pretty low resolution, there are tighter nit LED screens out there. IMO they should have hooked up with one of the many R&D departments out there and used a cloth/paper flexable LED tarp.

#2 They only did one side, why not the other? Heck, have a third one for the top screen, it wouldn't be under the car but instead on the pumper to sample the ambient lighted area around it and create a floor pattern to use. The up/down shot would require a bit more work but would be even more impressive.

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