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Dinosaur Shovels Snow

why is the media ignoring the sanders campaign?

Lawdeedaw says...

Here, let me see if you agree.

Basically, there were three camps around Ron Paul.

1st was the conservative camp. 2nd was the liberal camp. 3rd was the everyone who voted for Paul camp.

In the 1st one people hated Paul because he didn't follow their platform. He didn't want to ban abortion at the level of the federal government, he didn't want to make gay marriage illegal with a broad pen stroke and he wasn't keen on telling people they could drink but not smoke pot. He believed the states should decide.

In other words, this camp was solely based on their own selfish beliefs. Me me me, greed greed greed. Give me. Fuck the honest guy.

In the second camp people hated Paul because he didn't follow their platform. He didn't want federal government handouts, one-sized fits-all approach to education or legalization of gay marriage or abortion at the federal level. He believed states should decide.

In other words, this camp was solely based on their own selfish beliefs. Me me me, greed greed greed. Give me. Fuck the honest guy.

Then there was the 3rd camp. They valued him as a candidate, and said fuck the platform. Platform voting has been destroying our country and polarizing our nation since the beginning.

What makes me so pissed is that the first 2 camps believe they were doing the right thing. Like a rapist in India trying to make a lesbian straight...yeah, great morals there guys...these delusional whack jobs disgust me. Yeah, it is fine to vote against Ron Paul without being labeled as such, so long as you 100% believed your candidate was morally superior to Paul. And as long as that belief had nothing to do with platform...

Or am I just being a prick?

enoch said:


if you are referring to the established political class,the pundit class and those with relative power and influence i would agree with your assertions.

which is pretty much what i am talking about.

if you look how ron paul was being treated by his own party and compare that treatment to sanders by the DNC,there are some glaring similarities.

while both paul and sanders have differing politics,they did align in a few areas i.e: audit the fed,citizens united,money in politics and restructuring the military to name a few.

they both had/have immensely popular grassroots support.ron paul garnering 20 million in small donations and sanders broke that record with 30 million.

they both held large rallies with high attendance.

they both had a populist flavor that appealed to their own political base.challenging the current corrupt power structures.

and they both have/had experienced a weird media blackout,even though they were/are incredibly popular with the voters.

now we can question WHY that is,but i don't think it too much a stretch to come to the conclusion that both candidates challenged the current power structures that dictate this countries dysfunctional and corrupt political system.add to that mix a paid propaganda pundit class that never challenges the current narrative,all put on display on corporate media which is owned by what? 5-6 entities? who just happen to be the biggest lobbyists in this country?

nader experienced pretty much the exact same treatment from the DNC in regards to media exposure and it went even further in his case with him being outright denied to some debates,or made to jump through almost insurmountable dictates to even get ON the debates.

so when i assert this is a well crafted and intentional practice by the parties,i do so with precedent.

because all three,nader,paul and sanders all had/have massive public support from the voters,but not their respective parties.

so when ron paul started to become a real thorn in the RNC,who did not want him anywhere near the nomination.they changed the tactic from ignoring or downplaying pauls creating the "kook" myth.this was from his own party!!

nader received similar treatment,though in a different context.the establishment as a whole came out against him.

so what can we assume,based on previous tactics from these political parties in regards to sanders?when they can no longer ignore his popularity? his grassroots campaign donations? his rally attendances?

there will soon come a time when they can no longer ignore sanders and his grassroots success,and they will respond the exact same way they did with nader and paul.they will concoct a narrative that plays on peoples fears and biases and begin to portray sanders as an anti-capitalist "kook".that somehow him being a democratic socialist means the end of our civilization.just the word "socialist' makes many a republican wet their panties.

could i be wrong?
oh please god let me be wrong.
i happen to like much of what sanders is promoting,not everything,i have issues with some of what he proposes,but over-all i dig not only what he is saying but how he is going about conveying his message.

there is one huge problem if sanders gets the nod,and that is the support you mentioned.he has almost none in the legislature.which will make much of what he is trying to change in washington damn near impossible.

which will create it own political mess and just create fodder for the pundit class to ineffectually pontificate on,just so they can have a job.

i think it would be such a great thing for this country if sanders got the nomination,but the establishment has already made its intentions clear:they dont want sanders,they want hillary.the establishment does not play by the rules nor do they play nice.

playing by the rules and being decent is for the peasant class.

hope i am wrong.
i hope that every single point i made will never occur.
i hope that sanders gets the nod and things may change,because this country needs a fucking enema.
but my cynicism really struggles with that kind of hopeful optimism.

enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

With that in mind, remember that the Bank of England can start Overt Monetary Financing (aka print money) at the stroke of a pen and thereby allow the Department of Health to increase staff levels to whatever it takes to provide the desired quality of service. There are plenty of underutilised or even unused resources, human most of all -- meaning unemployed people.

The current situation is the result of political decisions, not an economic neccessity. No excuses. For the damage they inflict on the people and the environment, they should have to spent the next decade digging peat with a spade, 18 hours a day.

Girl Has Half Numb Face After Dental Procedure

Disturbing Muslim 'Refugee' Video of Europe

newtboy says...

Well, you could prevent MASS migration by removing the reason most are migrating. If they could be provided some stability where they live, most of them would not leave their homes. That seems to me to be the best, most reasonable, cheapest, and only feasible 'solution' to this current refugee problem....and it solves a few other important international problems as well.

I have an idea along those lines (that won't be implemented). European countries should allow any family that wants to immigrate to do so, but require that at least one 18-30 year old immediate family member (lets say 1 for every 5 immigrants) to enlist in an international military force and go 'home' to fight Daesh...if not more.
That might solve SO many issues and fears in one stroke...which is why I'm certain it won't happen.

RedSky said:

..... Again though, the main point is - you can't feasibly prevent migration or control borders without turning Europe into a police state. While I sympathize with the issues raised, as I said it's about finding the best solution of a difficult and unavoidable situation.

Right wing European politician who tell you otherwise are simply lying and misleading people into believing what they want to hear.

Five Finger Death Punch - Wrong Side Of Heaven

Making a Sling-Primitive Technology

Chairman_woo says...

I have limited experience with slinging, but IMHO it's already very much the same as just throwing a stone out of your hand in terms of aim and how it feels.

You basically just release the knot at the point of the swing where you would anyway. Feels very natural.

There's also very little gain in swinging it more than one revolution above your head, almost all the power comes from the flick at the last moment.

I found getting a good power stroke (ooh er Mrs etc.) was the harder part.

A good afternoon of farting about and you could probably kill someone fairly proficiently with one though.

Someone with a lifetime of practice would be terrifying, at least as much as a good archer I would imagine.

MilkmanDan said:

Would be interesting to hear if he thinks that using the sling could get as natural as throwing with one's own arm, given enough practice.

I'm getting visions of "Groundhog Day" in my head -- "6 months, 4-5 hours a day, and you'd be an expert."

First Bob Ross Episode (posted by his channel to YT)

HenningKO says...

Life lessons garnered:

"YOU can paint a picture."

You don't need to "go to school half your life."
You don't need to be "blessed by Michelangelo at birth."
You don't need 1500 colors. 8 will do.
"You just need a dream in your heart and some practice."

Your base needs to be firm. "If you start with a thin, loose paint, you're going to become a mud-mixer."

Large strokes live in your mind. Details live in your brush. "You just need to push them out."

Don't lose the trees for the forest. Think about the small world that lives in your painting and it will be much richer. "This is where they live [these creatures]... In these bushes"

Painting will teach you to look at Nature and see things that have been there all your life, and you've never noticed. "Look around, look at what we have. Beauty is everywhere."

"In the time you sit around worrying about it and trying to plan a painting, you could have completed a painting already. Let it happen."

"We need dark in order to show light."

More studies confirm Calcium still doesn't prevent fractures

artician says...

It could also be my monitor causing the subtleties to stand out, but If you kind of step back and look at him, he's quite yellow in some areas, quite red in others, and you can see brush strokes between some of the layers of makeup.

eric3579 said:

Not sure what that's all about But *promote and *quality the information contained within.

I Could Do That | The Art Assignment

lucky760 says...

"They're freaking amazing scribbles."

Umm... no.

Of course she chooses examples where there's more explainable depth in the artist's intention (e.g., the clocks) or where there's actual skill required (e.g., straight lines with oil paint), but what about examples of paintings made up of random smudges and brush strokes? Not only am I sure I could do something like that, but I've been loosely considering making something like that to hang up at home.

The Martian-Our Greatest Adventure with Neil deGrasse Tyson

Cute Smiling Baby Gecko

newtboy says...

You are welcome to your opinion, no matter how wrong it is. ;-)

My dogs, and almost every dog I've ever known that doesn't have medical problems causing facial deformity or paralysis, DOES smile when happy. They also wag their tails. If you can't see emotion in a dog's face, I think you need serious therapy (or a new dog). It's clearly there to see.
You picked a cat (cats, who normally don't show much facial emotion) with a facial deformity to 'prove' your point that animals don't show emotion? OK, well, then lets look at Steven Hawking (or any severe facially paralyzed stroke victim)...he never shows emotion, so that proves that people don't smile either, right? That's how I read your argument.

And again....does this... :-) ...have a smile? But it's just a drawing and has no emotion to how can it smile by your definition? It can smile because a smile is upturned mouth corners, and not necessarily an anthropomorphic display of emotion through facial muscles.
EDIT: Ascribing emotional content to a smile is how YOU INTERPRET the smile. The mouth shape IS the smile.

It may look to us like this gecko is HAPPY, but that's mostly because it's mouth is smiling. I think that's the argument you may want to be making instead of the 'animals don't smile' argument.

Harzzach said:

It may look to us like this gecko is smiling, but only because we interpret his mouth line as a smile. This animal does not show its emotions like we do. For example, dogs do not smile, when they are happy, they waggle with their tail. In fact, they do not smile at all. Grumpy cat may be in bliss, but we only see its "sad" mouth. Awww, poor cat is sad!

Therefore ... it does look very cute, but still ... this is not a smile. And it does NOT count as a smile, because this animal does not show its emotions through movement of its facial muscles

Key and Peele: Andre and Meegan's First Date

00Scud00 says...

I was having Star Trek Deep Space Nine flashbacks, she sounded like the Grand Nagus. If I were on a date with her I don't think I'd be able to resist asking her to cackle maniacally while asking someone to stroke her lobes.

The Backwards Brain Bicycle

atara says...

I think this is analogous to what happens to someone who has a stroke, and needs to learn how to walk, or talk, or ____ again. The pathway they used before to do that thing was broken, so they need to build a new pathway to relearn how to do something they used to know.

Minting a $1 million dollar gold coin

brycewi19 says...

That is quite possibly one of the stupidest projects I've ever seen undertaken.

And then to stroke their own egos after accomplishing nothing of value - astonishing.

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