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Funniest TDS Interview Ever! (Tracy Morgan and Jon Stewart)

Patrick Stewart is afraid of playing his videogames

Shatner asks John Edward ...

Shatner asks John Edward ...

Chewbacca receives MTV Lifetime Achievement Award

Will Shatner on not being invited to George Takei's wedding

millionaire says...

Shatner is lying here, Takei did invite Shatner, he told that story on the Howard Stern Show. I believe this piece of video is from Shatners website, the woman interviewing Shatner is his own daughter.

Rush Limbaugh - Healthcare Is A Luxury

Rush Limbaugh - Healthcare Is A Luxury

Nithern says...

Someone put a red shirt on Rush, and beam him down to earth already!!!!

Health care coverage is neither a right nor a privilage. Its a needed concept that superceeds the right and the privilaged. I dare ANYONE, that is for the conservative philosophy, to go ten years, WITHOUT health care coverage of any kind (including disability, medicade, and Vet Benefits). Not a single one of them will take up the bet. That should tell you something very quickly on the concept of health care. No one, who is sane, would volunteerily give up health care coverage.

I agree that Mr. Shatner is not given enough time with this video to conclude his arguement and point on the subject. Mr. Rush, is in the business of being entertaining for an audience that largely ignores science, education, and financial wisdom. It should not come as a surprise to anyone, that a subject like health care(which incorporates science, education, and financial issues), should be something America should be concern with. Well, if the 43% OF us citizens, had the level of health care coverage Mr. Limbaugh has, we wouldn't need to address this issue.

Rush Limbaugh - Healthcare Is A Luxury

HollywoodBob says...

^Rush was appearing on Shatner's show "Raw Nerve".

It is just so delicious to hear right wing blow hards talk about how they want the best for the country. Yet to me, nearly every single tenet of the conservative philosophy is counter to creating a nation where everyone gets the best opportunity to live a fulfilling life.

Steven Seagal Fights (Real) Crime

choggie says...

This is NOT the way to bow out of action and head into self-parody successfully....will some one PLEASE tell SS to take himself as serious as his *cough fans....he needs to enroll in the Bill Shatner Institute.

Why Star Trek: Enterprise failed (Blog Entry by jwray)

longde says...

I completely disagree with that list. Here's mine:

1. Voyager
2. DS9
3. TNG
4. TOS
5. TOS cartoon
6. Priceline Commercial with Shatner
7. Enterprise

Voyager was rad. Janeway was rad. 7of9 as a character did improve vastly after her introduction. (Blog Entry by lucky760)

William Shatner Reads Levi Johnston's Tweets

William Shatner Reads Levi Johnston's Tweets

William Shatner Reads Levi Johnston's Tweets

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'william shatner, levi johnston, tweets, dramatic, recital' to 'william shatner, levi johnston, tweets, dramatic, recital, conan' - edited by rasch187

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