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Ron Paul - Predictions in Due Time (Original)

Ron Paul - Predictions in Due Time (Original)

artician says...

There is a large piece of my soul that's missing, and a chunk of my heart that will never heal, because as much as I disagreed with more than half of Ron Paul's domestic positions, I cannot help but hurt and regret the future we will never see because of his loss of political support and failure to win the presidency.

Mommy, Where Does Our Food Come From?

artician says...

Amazing. That was so artful and poignant. The last two shots were just... fuck humans. Haha.

EDIT: Just watched the full film. It's very reminiscent of the "Quatsi" films. After some digging, it turns out Ron Fricke (the creator of Samsara) was the original cinematographer for those as well.
I really love films like this, and this is probably one of the best yet. Amazing look at at human existence.

How to get fired from Fox News in under 5 minutes

ChaosEngine says...

What if Rupert Murdoch sanctioned this?

Actually, fuck that. Here's a better question: what if Ron Paul actually was a credible alternative, instead of a racist, homophobic old whack job who doesn't accept evolution, climate change or a womans right to choose?

How to get fired from Fox News in under 5 minutes

Kofi says...

What if Ron Paul defunded all social welfare programs and cause thousands upon thousands of people to die from preventable diseases in his own country all in the name of liberty?

Wait, that'd only make him WORSE than every other president before him.

How to get fired from Fox News in under 5 minutes

Yogi says...

What in the Fuck is this a Ron Paul ad? Ron Paul is a nutcase, who will give more power to corporations who fuck us in the ass daily. Just because he's out of the mainstream of Politics today, doesn't mean he's a better choice.

The Republicans are basically an official arm of the rich, they cease to be an actual political party. Democrats are now what used to be called Republicans. We need to change our system, electing Ron Paul won't do that.

How to get fired from Fox News in under 5 minutes

Happy Birthday Harry Potter

Jon Stewart's 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians!

RFlagg says...

My love affair with Libertarianism was crushed by reality. I was a big Libertarian, pushing for Ron Paul up until the actual election of 2008 (I pushed Paul through the primaries). Then the company I worked for at the time sent a memo saying that if Obama won, and put his tax plans in place, they would have to fire over 300 people. Then before Obama even was in office, the company fired 350+ people, and sent a memo to the rest of us that there would be no raises (nobody at that company but the executives have had raises since) as the company couldn't afford it, and claimed that the cost of living went down anyhow. The owner then went out and purchased a private jet and another mansion in a gated community where he already had the second largest mansion in it. I called BS on that, as did a few others. I then started looking at the rich and corporations as a whole and started doing some real studies, not just Libertarian propaganda, and realized that they wouldn't operate on the rational interests of society, but would gladly screw over anyone just to advance their own short term self interests. That owner who fired over 1000 people and kept everyone else under his employ at the same pay rates over 5 years wasn't an aberration, he was the norm, a very high percentage norm. Libertarians are under a delusion that corporations and the rich will act in the rational interests of society, but they could care less about anyone but themselves, and that isn't misusing the phrase "could care less" because less than 2-3% of them care about what would be best for society as a whole, and sure I'm pulling that figure out of my ass, but I'm sure I'm being generous with that guess).

It became clear that without minimum wages, companies like McDonalds and Walmart would gladly pay their workers $1 or $2 an hour. The Libertarian response that people just wouldn't work there then, is BS, because nobody really wants to work at those places for minimum like they do now. The workers would be stuck, just like they were in the days prior to labor unions and minimum wage laws. The 40 hour work week that we have the unions to thank for, would be gone, as companies paid less, people would be forced to work more, and with the Libertarian ideal of removing overtime laws and other pay laws, people would end up working 80 to 100 hour work weeks just to make what used to be minimum. I'm sure we would see child labor return too, as families would have no choice but to put their kids to work to help make ends meet.

It became clear that without government in the way they would gladly pollute and destroy the environment if it means better short term profits and if they don't have to worry about paying clean up costs later, and in a Libertrian world, they won't have to pay for the clean up costs later as nobody would force them to.

I still believe in individual freedom. I believe drug laws are an impairment to individual freedom, the right to do with your body as you will. I don't believe that a company has unlimited freedom, corporations are not people my friend. I believe in the social contract, that we have an obligation to help lift people up, and the only way to do that is via a government that is designed to help those that need it, and that taxes must be collected to achieve that. I believe that if we teach people that greed is bad, to work in the rational interests of all, then we could eventually get rid of government, but it is needed for now to overcome those that would abuse the people. Bring government back to the people and away from the corporations and rich.

ant (Member Profile)

Seattle Public Executive Ron Sims on Obama Race Address

Moviebob reviews Pacific Rim

budzos says...

.. it felt like watching a live-action cartoon in the very best way. Ron Perlman's character design and the loving shots of his shoes are straight out of a Madhouse anime (Animatrix, REDLINE).

I might potentially go back to see this one a second time. I hope it has a surge at the box-office..

Asiana Flight 214 Pilot's Names Released FAIL

Glenn Greenwald - Why do they hate us?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Great post - good discussion.

Maybe they also hate us for our hypocrisy. Supporting autocratic leaders like Saddam and Mubarak with money and weapons - while spouting the virtues of democracy. That certainly bugs the shit out of me.

George Washington, Woodrow Wilson and Ron Paul would like to see the US disentagle from foreign entanglements - close bases, pull back troops, stop military support.

At first, I say Yes! Then I think about it ... Nature abhors a vacuum. In a unipolar world, what happens when the pole removes itself from the game?

The Wrong Way to Consume Alcohol - Parks and Recreation

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