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Brian Regan on Letterman, Feb. 2006

Do We Really Need FCC Censorship? - Penn and Teller

Grimm says...

deedub81 wrote:

I never really thought that not being able to swear on network television and radio was a bad thing. I don't think it should be a big deal. Entertainers should be clever enough to be funny without having to curse and be lewd? Take Brian Regan, for example.
That just great for you...but the FCC doesn't need to be involved for you to decide what you will watch and listen to or not. In my opinion Brian Regen is great...but so is South Park. Saying someone has to be funny without cursing is like saying someone like Britney Spears has to perform without lip syncing. That should be the viewers call and not the FCC.

Comedian Brian Regan on Emergency Rooms & the pain scale

Do We Really Need FCC Censorship? - Penn and Teller

deedub81 says...

Stupid Liberals: Pushing for bigger government.

Stupid Conservatives: Keeping the FCC alive.

I never really thought that not being able to swear on network television and radio was a bad thing. I don't think it should be a big deal. Entertainers should be clever enough to be funny without having to curse and be lewd? Take Brian Regan, for example.

Comedian Brian Regan on Emergency Rooms & the pain scale

Backstage interview with Christopher Hitchens

Enzoblue says...

Reading up on him, he's a strong supporter of 'pure neoconservatism' a la Wolfowitz and not much a supporter of the 'Bush neo-con agenda' as you put it. The Neocons don't fully accept him as he was heavily anti-Regan and he's, of course, strongly against Bush's faith based agenda. I think this requires a lot more thought than just tossing him in with the neo-cons, but if you want to lay a simple label and walk away, it's your choice.

Brian Regan: I Walked on the Moon

Brian Regan on Doctors

Brian Regan on Letterman, Feb. 2006

Whole Raw Video of President R. Reagan Assasination Attempt

Whole Raw Video of President R. Reagan Assasination Attempt

Bill Clinton in major showdown with Fox News anchor.INTENSE!

Sammy says...

Clinton did nothing for national defence. HA, ROFL, Source please? The right will want you to believe that the "Bush doctrine" to protect America is new under Bush, but Clinton always had America's security first and took preemptive actions whenever he could (remember, he didn't have 9/11 to justify illegal action), in the interview he cites situations where this is/was true including the attempted off of Bin Ladin and creating defence against terrorism, it was the inaction of the right when they took office that allowed for 9/11 to happen. Not to mention Bush has failed to find/kill Bin Ladin even when deploying the armed forces in an illegal war and invading two countries, has lied about much worse things than fellatio including torture and inhumane treatment, pretences to invade a country and kill thousands of innocents and our soldiers, and his campaign policies. He has alienated the entire world KILLING any hegemony that Regan, Bush Sr, and Clinton established during their presidencies, created NCLB which does nothing but hurt the public education system, and has done jack shit with the economy except raise the national debt. I would go on, but anyone who doesn't get the point will never be swayed.

"Were it not for Perot, he would've lost in '92 and much of today's hells might've been avoided."
Were it not for the electoral college, a flawed election system that is based on 18th century paranoia GWB wouldn't be president and ALL of today's hell might be avoided.

He didn't just kick ass in this ambush because he's a good orator, he also spoke the truth and not some partisan bull shit that CNN and Fox always spew.

I can't wait for someone to say that he's fiscal policy only worked because he was riding Regan's econ policy...

/edit - the full transcript... I think it isn't translated perfectly, I read it via another website and they used this as a source and the english was broken at places but it's still there.

Brian Regan Stand-Up

Underground nuke explosion

sowatsurpointdude says...

i agree wit dag. if america never dropped the nukes on Japan then WWII culdve turned into even a mre deadlier war. as the president at that time sonce said,"if the war had continued casualties of soilders and civis wuld has escalated to a vwery high amount, resoluting into a peace treaty, which wuld have cuased this great nation to crumble.". i agree to, and another fact for u. the U.N at the time was called the League of Nations, and were denied to became peacekeepers. then after Hiroshima the League of Nations changed its name to the United Nations, being excepted as peacekeepers. then all statesman in the white house(who denied the League of Nations) were than kicked out from the U.S. goverment. then U.S. started to screw up. after Regan the U.S. went into turmoil and went down the drain. you c out fourfather came here becuz they were afraid of God, and saw that the church of England was wrong, and left. now when u mention God's name nobody seems to even turn around and listen. now they turn around and mug (or kill) u. to think of the time line this nation(and world)has and gone through. anyways the U.S.(to my knoledge through my contacts)was planning this ever since they had captured a German base holding V2 rockets and designes for a "Flying Saucer"(im not idding look it up)plus the best scientists in the world. which designed and produced the A-Bomb(nuke). and the nuculear population has risen from 1 to nearly 500,000 if not mre. which the U.S. has 1,200 mre than any other country. plus China has nearly 200 million soilder on stand by and 300 nukes ready to strike at any time. which 300 nukes can obliterate all lie on earth. China also suplies Korea and other countries with nukes and other suplies, which they get from Russia, which Russia acts as there ally and ours while they supply our enemies to destroy us. now doesnt that sound entriging? RUSSIA AND CHINA ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS. KOREA, VIETNAM,(MABYE FRANCE) AND THE MAJORITY OF THE EARTH IS NOT OUT FRIENDS!IRAQ AND IRAN R NOT OUR FRIENDS! ISREAL AND A FEW OTHER COUNTRIES R OUR ONLY ALLIES(so as long as we backup Isreal theyll backup us. as far as im concerned the entirety of the middle east, except isreal, are not our friends. we saved there bums and now there chanting," DEATH TO ISREAL! DEATH TO AMERICA!" i say we stop suplies and get rid of our agrement wit the middle east(exceot Isreal) and the U.N. and say," to be allys wit us, u must help us in times of perial, and support us when we r in war. not stab us behind our back!" but bush is so dumb he dont got the balls to say that. plus most nuclear material is being stored up and contaminating the water and soil, killing living organisms and causing a spreading new and old diseases. and Bush says theres "nothing to worry about". BULL! in times like these the only thing u can do jst about is get saved and believe in God and wat Christ did on the cross 2000 years ago.cuz in revelation its talks about the end times, and the "peace treaty" and "peace for 5 years then war". but ill be gone by then. anyways dag i agree wit u.(one more question dag...wheres ur other avatar??) THE END

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