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Grammar Nazis - Downfall Subtitles

MINK says...

>> ^maatc:
Imagine watching something like, lets say the "Path of the righteous man" scene from Pulp Fiction over and over and over again with "funny" subtitles in another language when you understand the original... It`s just not possible to see the humor anymore after a while.

Yeah but imagine being MINK and watching Hitler shouting "LITERALLY RETARDED".

maatc (Member Profile)

dag says...

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In reply to this comment by maatc:
>> ^dag:
I'm generally sick of these. But this was is damn funny and clever.

It´s even worse when you understand the original next to the subtitles.

Imagine watching something like, lets say the "Path of the righteous man" scene from Pulp Fiction over and over and over again with "funny" subtitles in another language when you understand the original... It`s just not possible to see the humor anymore after a while.

Grammar Nazis - Downfall Subtitles

maatc says...

>> ^dag:
I'm generally sick of these. But this was is damn funny and clever.

It´s even worse when you understand the original next to the subtitles.

Imagine watching something like, lets say the "Path of the righteous man" scene from Pulp Fiction over and over and over again with "funny" subtitles in another language when you understand the original... It`s just not possible to see the humor anymore after a while.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Dignant_Pink says...

1. my music tastes vary widely. ipod contents include death metal, reggae, swing, ska, punk, pop, hardcore rap, funk, and christian. enjoy it.

2. i've had strong feelings for a lot of girls, but it's hard for me to say i love anyone. last time i said that, something bad happened.

3. my dog shares a death-day with heath ledger.

4. i have a few shows that i watch religiously, 24 and LOST spring to mind.

5. i'm friends with my own mother on facebook. is that weird?

6. I got accepted to two different colleges by the grace of God, and i have no idea which one i want to go to.

7. I'm more religious than i let on. i go to church every sunday.

8. i have done e-brake turns in my car, and it's sooo much fun.

9. Ricky Jay is my idol.

10. I think everyone should know at least one card trick.

11. I have a twin brother, and we're really close. we do almost everything together.

12. I'm not a vegetarian, nor could i ever be. but somehow, every time i've ever made a vegetarian joke, there's been one in the room.

13. i have a lot of good friends, but i feel like i don't have any "best" friends.

14. btw, my friends are as varied as my music.

15. I'll try anything once, whether it be food or activity.

16. i plan on becoming an english teacher, so i'm a grammar nazi. i will correct your grammar, all the time.

17. Top 5 movies: Snatch, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Fight Club, Sin City.

18. i consider myself lucky, compared to others. my house is a nice size, my parents are still together, i have my own computer and tv, and a ps2 and xbox, not to mention a ton of books, movies, and misc. games.

19. I love ska. I’m kind of in a ska band, but we need to practice soon. We haven’t practiced since November.

20. I’m friendly and nice and not ugly at least. But for god’s sake, I can’t hold onto a girlfriend to save my life. Idk what it is.

21. Sometimes I feel like the only reason I’m here is to help other people. So that’s what I say. “I’m here to help.”

22. If I find a song I like, I will generally play it until I’m sick of it. This happens a lot.

23. I broke my hand in 4th grade after getting hit by a car. Worst pain I’ve ever felt.

24. I have the strangest friends. I will openly admit to hating one of my friend’s guts. With a straight face. He’s probably my best friend.

25. i once shot a man, just to watch him die.

26. One of the above statements is a lie.

40 Inspirational Film Speeches in 2 Minutes

Pulp Fiction - Restaurant Scene

Pulp Fiction - Restaurant Scene

What Does Marsellus Wallace Look Like... In Text

The Statler Brothers - Flowers on the Wall

I know you all hate it, but... (Sift Talk Post)

Full Metal Jacket in Motion Graphics - AMC bumper

Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead - Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction - Butch Rescues Marsellus

Jewish Surf Rock - Hava Nagila / Miserlou

poolcleaner says...

Ok, so here's the funny thing - about 8 years ago, I was in a college film class analyzing Tarantino's Pulp Fiction. It was any interesting class: we'd watch a section of the movie, then pause to discuss the scene/dialogue; and, after Miserlou plays, this guy (whom we all learned to dislike) chimes in that it's Jewish novelty music. Our instructor, as well as a number of students rebut that it's a Dick Dale surf song. The guy adamantly holds to his original statement, and we're all annoyed.

I guess he was right all along.

Billy Preston - Nothing from Nothing

videosiftbannedme says...

I'm surprised the Afro hasn't made a come back. I for one, would like to see it again. Just another form of self-expression. (On that note, I wonder if it would have made a comeback if they hadn't messed up the wigs in Pulp Fiction and Sam Jackson had actually worn it...)

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