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Quentin Tarantino on The Moral Choices in Pulp Fiction

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Pulp Fiction Remix!

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Wow. Facial Mo-Cap like you've never seen before

Wow. Facial Mo-Cap like you've never seen before

My Review of Inglourious Basterds (Military Talk Post)

dag says...

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I also enjoyed this movie a lot. I think it's up there with Pulp Fiction. Was totally not what I expected- actually thought I would not love it- as I'm not a huge fan of his recent grindhouse stuff.

Im sure Inglourious Basterds will receive rave reviews but... (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

kymbos says...

So more character development would have been achieved by more scalping? I don't think so. Tarantino's approach of cutting between major characters to tell the story is one he used to great effect in Pulp Fiction, but this time with fewer characters. Their stories intersect and build to the finale. And I believe the thread tying it all together was killing Nazis - specifically Hitler.

Unfortunately, I don't see how your arguments support your final assessment of the film being pretentious, and I tend to agree with Sarzy about trite criticisms and default positions with regard to Tarantino. I really think he is the most ambitious and creative director of the modern era, and I'm so glad to see he hasn't disappeared completely up his own arse.

Having read your take before going to see it last night, I expected hardly any violence and action. I was instead surprised by how much graphic violence and murder there was. I can't guess as to how many deaths would have satisfied you.

Im sure Inglourious Basterds will receive rave reviews but... (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

kymbos says...

Yeah, sorry JiggaJonson - I haven't enjoyed a Tarantino film as much as this since Pulp Fiction. Your major criticism appears to be that there wasn't enough killing in it, which doesn't even warrant a response. "Oh, and they talked all the time! I hate movies that require my conscious thought!" You'd prefer mindless killing, no subplots and constant attention to Brad Pitt? Not the film, nor the director, for you.

I found the plot riveting, fast enough to keep me interested but leisurely enough to explore the characters in some depth. The Jew Hunter's dialogue and performance was simply inspired!

After the disappointment of Death Proof, this is a very welcome return for Tarantino - all plaudits are deserved.

Im sure Inglourious Basterds will receive rave reviews but... (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

Sarzy says...

I think if people are coming out of this movie disappointed (which I'm sure they are), the problem is more with the way that Tarantino has been talking about it and the marketing than with the movie itself. Tarantino has spent years talking Inglourious Basterds up as his "guys on a mission" movie -- and it isn't. At all. The stuff with Brad Pitt and the Basterds doesn't amount to much more than a subplot, and what is there doesn't really resemble stuff like the Dirty Dozen that supposedly inspired QT. And of course the ads have been making it out to be an action movie starring Brad Pitt. Which it isn't.

But once you get past what it isn't, and realize what it is, I think it's actually a really good movie. Certainly leaps and bounds above the mediocre Death Proof, and more in line with his quality stuff like Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. I thought the opening scene with the Jew Hunter and the dairy farmer was pretty much riveting, and right up there with the best of Tarantino. Once you realize that most of the suspense is going to come from the nuances of the many conversations, and not from overt action, the movie is actually pretty darn good. Or so I thought, at least.

Also, the whole last sequence in the theatre was pretty much awesome.

Quentin Tarantino's Top 20 Favorite Movies Since 1993

dannym3141 says...

>> ^griefer_queafer:
For a fellow with such a legendary palette for films, I don't think there is ONE movie on this list that passes as 'art.' And one might say that he is not naming the top 20 art film of the last 15 years or whatever. Fine. But he sure talks about these crapsters like they are works of art.
Whatevs. Jackie Brown is still an amazing movie.

I gotta say that tarentino for me burnt out in what, 1998? Starting with kill bill, he's released the most awful garbage. For someone whose first few films blew me away so much and was so ubiquitous during my childhood, i cannot believe the garbage this man is currently spewing forth in the form of films. And i loved all the standard ones - pulp fiction, reservoir dogs, jackie brown, etc.

A lot of people say "His films are tribute to <these> kinds of films! You just don't get it!" -- To that i say, well fair enough, but i've seen a few of those types of films and i enjoyed watching them. I didn't enjoy watching this film. If it's a tribute to a style of film it still has to be a good film.

There's a lot of fan boys for tarentino and m night shiteamalan. You can't just make an utter shit movie and say "it's a tribute to shit movies" ala "The Happening", you have to make it a good movie. Otherwise you could say every shit movie ever made is a tribute to shit movies.

And it's a crime to criticise these movies now. Criticise kill bill, the happening, those 2 grindhouse shitpiles, or inglorious basterds and you get laughed at: "LOL YOU DON'T GET IT LOL IT'S INTENTIONALLY SHIT"

Oh right, that makes it good then yeah!? I mean seriously, write me a list of all the movies that are unintentionally shit so that i can criticise them without embarassing myself, and leave all the intentionally shit movies alone or more likely laud them.

Why Radio & Music Industry Sucks Nowadays

enoch says...

dick dale?
everyone knows dick dale!
if you ever saw the movie "pulp fiction"..
you have heard dick dale.
what a great short vid,
i could not agree more..
i cant stand the vanilla,cookie-cutter sameness of most of commercial music.
i stopped paying attention to that fluff in the early 90's,
and being such an avid music fan,finding new and interesting music was more of a co-operative search.
people would share what they found,and those people would pass it on.
with the internet,that form of discovery is that much easier.
i have found more fantastic music on the internet than any corporate outlet could ever supply.
sift members have introduced me to some fantastic music.
i really dont know whats going to happen to corporate music,
and i dont much care.
music is an experience to be shared,
and there is so much great music to be found.
the best way is to share with each other.
let the media conglomerates choke on their own greed.
they can keep brittany spears.
im not interested.

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