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Peeping Tom (Mike Patton w/ Norah Jones) - Sucker

my15minutes (Member Profile)

therealblankman (Member Profile)

notarobot says...

Thanks for the welcome! The sift has become part of my regular net browsing. I 've found myself learning about random science-stuff or the election politics I love it!

I found a few French animations that I posted before leaving home for a road trip. One of them made it through ( ) and 2 didn't. I sent what I thought was the best of those two to Begger's Corner:
Feel free to take a look. I'll probably try to re-queue the other one later sometime.

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
Absolutely, as do a lot of us! Don't get discouraged, it's just a dupe-happens all the time. People put different tags on their videos, and it sometimes makes it impossible to find a dupe before it gets queued. I've had videos with 40 or 50 votes discarded, which really sux. I recognized yours right away as it's getting quite a bit of traffic.

Welcome to the site, and let me know when you make your next post!

In reply to this comment by notarobot:
Okay. I didn't notice the difference in terms there. Thanks for clarifying. I see so many great videos on here, I just like to give something back.

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
If you're looking at the time-stamp, notice yours was "posted" to the queue (as of this writing) 19 hours ago, while FedQuip's was "published" to the front page 15 hours ago- his was posted to the queue a full 37 hours ago, 18 hours ahead of yours. You're mixing up posted vs published times. Sorry, it's a great post, but yours is the dupe!

In reply to this comment by notarobot:
Hey Blankman,
My sift, which you flagged as a dupe, was posted before the other one, so technically the other posting would be a dupe of mine.

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
Dupe. *discard...

Amazing Short - Robots Communicate With Sounds, Sad Ending

"Clic Clak" - Robots speak in percussion - French percussion

John McCain Mashup

my15minutes says...

fuck. i really, really miss pre-2000 McCain.
the one who did bits on Conan. the one whose balls Carrell was busting, on that bus.
whose hand i shook, that year, at a rally here in Rochester.

i remember the first time i heard this tune, too. the trailer, for Fantastic 4, which didn't include much of the lyrics. but i dug the percussion.
found a copy of the tune, dug it more. found a copy of the video, and thought, "well, hey now! not exactly shy about it, are they?"

McCain's either going to see the error of his recent ways, or be a footnote in a future edition of Profiles In Courage. regardless, i have the greatest respect for what he had accomplished already, and endured, before having his Straight Talk Express derailed, by the 2000 Rove/Tompkins pushpoll.

Oceania - Bjork

MINK says...

Shlomo!!!!! Shllooooooooooo MOOOOOO!

Interesting fact, the beatboxer who did the percussion sounds is officially the worlds most listened to beatboxer, because of the olympics opening ceremony.

But nobody knows his name! well, now you do.
i am going to sift him up now.

Oceania - Bjork

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Olympic, theme, music, oh, that, quirky, Bjork, shlomo' to 'Olympic, theme, music, oh, that, quirky, Bjork, shlomo, beatbox, vocal percussion' - edited by MINK

The Bead Game by Ishu Patel (1977)

Pete Huttlinger plays Stevie Wonder's "Superstition"

choggie says...

Has that style he developed with hodge-podge technique, formal training, and a wonderfully quirky random picking....great composition with a great tune-silvercord, you just never camped long enough in the woodshed-The guitar is a percussion instrument as well as a stringed one, love to see cats that can keep a frikkin' beat!

Darwin Abroad--Man Knocks Self the F*** Out

ReverendTed says...

I, too, am surprised and disappointed that there is no slow-motion replay.

And just now, I imagined a few rapid-fire cuts of the critical half-second and my mind extrapolated it into a 3 minute percussion break.


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'classic, vintage, analog, digital, percussion, synth, beats' to 'classic, vintage, analog, digital, percussion, synth, beats, drum machine' - edited by pho3n1x

Fred Astaire's Best Dances With Props

Fred Astaire's Best Dances With Props

Dissociative Fugue

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