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SlipperyPete (Member Profile)

kymbos says...

Thanks SlipperyPete,

I am a fan of hiphop, especially older stuff (Pete Rock & CL Smooth, PE, early Nas, Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul - especially 'trying people' that I can't find a video of anywhere). Would love an invite, thanks.

In reply to this comment by SlipperyPete:
Didn't realize you were into hiphop - I've got a group playlist you're welcome to contribute to. Just let me know if you want an invite.
Check it out here:

In reply to this comment by kymbos:
Welcome - I look forward to your hiphop sifts!

Eminem's "Without me" in Klingon (SuvwI'pu' qan tu'lu'be' )

oxdottir says...

I can't believe I am doing this. Here are the lyrics:

tlhIngan Hol yIghoj DabommeH!

nom maja'chuqchu'meH tlhIngan Hol jay'!
nom maja'chuqchu'meH tlhIngan Hol jay'!

QI'lopDaq, qaq wornagh!
toQDujDaq, not maSagh!
QI'lopDaq, QI'lopDaq,
QI'lopDaq, QI'lopDaq,
QI'lopDaq, QI'lopDaq,
QI'lopDaq, ...

tlhIngan SuvwI' qan jIHbe', 'ach SuvDI' vay' ghIH
vaj bom vIchennISmoH jIH 'e' vIHarbejtaH.
maja'chuqchu'meH tlhIngan Hol wIlo'taH!
taH pagh taHbe' neH jatlhtaH
'a DaH maSuvmeH malop net Sov
'ej Daq wISovbe', chaq not maQaplaH...?
bIlujlaHbe'chugh, vaj bIQaplaHbe'!
'a maQapmeH matay'nIS nuja'taH be'.
wIDabe'lu'ba'; DIDataHbe'chugh maSuv.
jagh DISuvDI' cha baH je net Sov.
tlhIngan SuvwI' quv maHbej
'a mapuvlaHbe', reH maSuvtaH
'ej nIteb Suvbe' be' nuja' be' le'.
nuja' be' le'be': veQ ja' be' le'.
yIn nI'qu' ghajbe'bej HoDma' lI'be',
tlhIngan SuvwI'pu' qan tu'lu'be'mo'.
SuvwI'pu', Hoch tlhInganpu',
peqImqu', verenganpu', DaH mabomchu'!
peDoy'Qo', QongtaHbogh SuvwI' vItoy'Qo'.
bom mu' vIqaw vIneHbej: taHjaj wo'!

DaH maSuv, chaq tugh maHegh,
'a batlh maHeghmeH
jagh DISuvchu'taH 'ej yo' qIjDaq
tlhIngan SuvwI'pu' qan tu'lu'be'

tlhIngan SuvwI' qan jIHbe'bej.
maquvnIS, maSuvnIS, 'ej DaH maSuvqa'bej
peqImtaH: Do'Ha' jaghla' wuv ngeHbej,
qa'vamDaq qama HoH neHchugh tlhIngan, nura': baH!
parmaqqaywI', parmaqqay qaywI''e' SenwI' rIlwI' je
pe'vIl mu'qaDmey bach gheb rIlwI'
muSeyqu'moH rIlwI' SuSDeq.
'ej DarSeqDaj DaSamnIS ra' tlhIngan Hubbeq
Suvrup pu' beqma': tlhIngan Hubbeq SuvwI'!
'a DaH So'wI' chu'be'chu'mo' taHqeq So'be' So'wI'.
'a Do'Ha'! (melody)
SSS! Dap bom mu' vIqaw vIneHqu'bogh vIqelbe'law'taH vIja'lu'pu'.
DaH malop maH neHbej qeylIS.
'a wa'leS chaq maHegh, 'ej DaH malop 'e' DIS.
nuHbey DISay'moH, 'ej leSpoH neH wIpoQ.
reH SeymoH QeH. tera'ngan DItaymoH.
QamchoH, majeghbe'bej.
maSuv'eghbe'chugh Hem tlhIngan Segh DevwI'.
tugh maHeghbej, 'a Dabej DawI'.
Dubej - Dabej - 'Iv bej DevwI'?


'a DaH Qu' DataghDI' 'aqtu' mellota' je chaH tIqawchu'taH!
'Iw HIq bIr 'Iq neHbe' Hur'Iq.
nuja': tujnIS 'Iw HIq!
latlh HIvje'Daq 'Iw HIq bIr yIqang jay'.
'ej pIpyuS pach DaSop DaneHchugh
vaj pIpyuS puS DaghornIS 'e' DaSovnIS.
'a maSopnIS, malopmeH raHta' wISop neH.
Qopba'taH qagh, 'a reH nIv qaghna' yIntaHchugh.
qompoghna' yIjab!
ghIlab ghew tISuqQo'. belmoH ro'qegh'Iwchab
ghIlab ghewmey wIbuSQo'.
wa' Dol nIvDaq malopDI' maH maQapba'.
naDev QI'lopDaq maloptaHvIS reH machuS.
tlhInganpu' chuS law' Hoch chuS puS.
Su'lop luSopchugh not lubuS
QI'lop wIlopchugh reH machuS
tlhIngan quv DatIchqu' DaneHchugh vaj Seng yIghuH,
'ej bommeH 'ej lopmeH bogh tlhInganpu'.
tu'HomI'raHna' vIlIng:
voDleH neH neH neH neH'a' parbIng?
Dap bom yIbom be'Hom!
Dap bom mu' vIqaw vIneHqu'bogh vIbom
'ej bom mu' vIbomtaHbogh DaH bolIjbe':
tlhIngan SuvwI'pu' qan tu'lu'be'!


youdiejoe (Member Profile)

UPDATED! EURO S⇧FTUP 2009 now with confirmed location! (British Talk Post)

maatc says...

Ok folks, here is a suggestion for a venue:

CANTALOUPE off Old Street in the East End.

It has a nice loungey area that looks perfect to hang out in for a chat and some drinks/food.
Their bar menu sounds delicious and food starts at 3 pounds, with burgers around 6 pounds.
They also have a good range of beers, including the Czech Budvar.
My London local friend also tells me there are a few cool bars around the area in case we want to switch location later on.

Here is how to get there from Harry Palmers Lodge

What do you all think? Choices are plenty of course, but since no one came forward with another suggestion this sounds to me like a good spot.

We should decide by the weekend so I can reserve a cosy corner for 8 people or so. (5 confirmed at the moment)

The joys of online Scrabble (Blog Entry by Doc_M)

Doc_M says...

The difference between ISC and other online scrabbles such as facebook seems to be the honor codes involved. It's in my experience that people on ISC who "sign" what could be called it's "honor code" don't cheat... or if they do, they suck at it. Someone who cheats regularly is gonna look like a master up in the 1000 rating area. I'm not that high, so anyone who cheats against me and against most people must really suck at it. You'd be surprised how many people take their [even virtual] signature on an honor agreement seriously. To cheat it is to admit that you really suck... that and in this case, there is no reward for winning. No fame, no nothing. I chose ISC because it was the first I found, and in hind sight, after two years... it was the right choice. I've been suspicious about some people, but then, with the words I use now and again, I might be suspicious of me. Yesterday I used "kex," "stodge," "Qi," "pe," and "lex" without cheating and since I generally am not that good, I give people the benefit of the doubt... and anyway, the computer you may be playing against will give you new words you never would have learned... see kex.

In response to Farhad:
Don't be too quick to judge what is an f-ed up word that must have come from a world list or world builder. I know a ton of words now that I don't even know the meaning to because of this game... I did look up many of them, but wouldn't be caught dead using them in a conversation... if dead men could talk that is.

Grand corps malade (Big sick body) - Saint Denis

Eklek says...

J’voudrais faire un slam pour une grande dame que j’connais depuis tout petit
J’voudrais faire un slam pour celle qui voit ma vieille canne du lundi au samedi
J’voudrais faire un slam pour une vieille femme dans laquelle j’ai grandi
J’voudrais faire un slam pour cette banlieue nord de Paname qu’on appelle Saint-Denis
Prends la ligne D du RER et erre dans les rues sévères d’une ville pleine de caractère
Prends la ligne 13 du métro et va bouffer au McDo ou dans les bistrots d’une ville pleine de bonnes gos et de gros clandos
Si t’aimes voyager, prends le tramway et va au marché. En une heure, tu traverseras Alger et Tanger.
Tu verras des Yougos et des Roms, et puis j’t’emmènerais à Lisbonne
Et à 2 pas de New-Deli et de Karashi (t’as vu j’ai révisé ma géographie), j’t’emmènerai bouffer du Mafé à Bamako et à Yamoussoukro
Et si tu préfères, on ira juste derrière manger une crêpe là où ça sent Quimper et où ça a un petit air de Finistère
Et puis en repassant par Tizi-Ouzou, on finira aux Antilles, là où il y a des grosses re-noi qui font « Pchit, toi aussi kaou ka fé la ma fille ! »
Au marché de Saint-Denis, faut que tu sois sique-phy. Si t’aimes pas être bousculé tu devras rester zen
Mais sûr que tu prendras des accents plein les tympans et des odeurs plein le zen
Après le marché on ira ché-mar rue de la République, le sanctuaire des magasins pas chers
La rue préférée des petites rebeus bien sapées aux petits talons et aux cheveux blonds peroxydés
Devant les magasins de zouk, je t’apprendrai la danse. Si on va à la Poste j’t’enseignerai la patience…
La rue de la République mène à la Basilique où sont enterré tous les rois de France, tu dois le savoir ! Après Géographie, petite leçon d’histoire
Derrière ce bâtiment monumental, j’t’emmène au bout de la ruelle, dans un petit lieu plus convivial, bienvenu au Café Culturel
On y va pour discuter, pour boire, ou jouer aux dames. Certains vendredi soir, y’a même des soirées Slam
Si tu veux bouffer pour 3 fois rien, j’connais bien tous les petits coins un peu poisseux
On y retrouvera tous les vauriens, toute la jet-set des aristocrasseux
Le soir, y’a pas grand chose à faire, y’a pas grand chose d’ouvert
A part le cinéma du Stade, où les mecs viennent en bande : bienvenue à Caillera-Land
Ceux qui sont là rêvent de dire un jour « je pèse ! » et connaissent mieux Kool Shen sous le nom de Bruno Lopez
C’est pas une ville toute rose mais c’est une ville vivante. Il s’passe toujours quelqu’chose, pour moi elle est kiffante
J’connais bien ses rouages, j’connais bien ses virages, y’a tout le temps du passage, y’a plein d’enfants pas sages, j’veux écrire une belle page, ville aux cent mille visages, St-Denis-centre mon village
J’ai 93200 raisons de te faire connaître cette agglomération. Et t’as autant de façons de découvrir toutes ses attractions.
A cette putain de cité j’suis plus qu’attaché, même si j’ai envie de mettre des taquets aux arracheurs de portables de la Place du Caquet
St-Denis ville sans égal, St-Denis ma capitale, St-Denis ville peu banale.. où à Carrefour tu peux même acheter de la choucroute Hallal !
Ici on est fier d’être dyonisiens, j’espère que j’t’ai convaincu. Et si tu m’traites de parisien, j’t’enfonce ma béquille dans l’…
J’voudrais faire un slam pour une grande dame que j’connais depuis tout petit
J’voudrais faire un slam pour celle qui voit ma vieille canne du lundi au samedi
J’voudrais faire un slam pour une vieille femme dans laquelle j’ai grandi
J’voudrais faire un slam pour cette banlieue nord de Paname qu’on appelle Saint-Denis.

Child Abuse Problem Is Getting Caught?

deedub81 says...

3 miles from home? 10 and 12? Hmm. It depends on the kids.

I used to walk home from school 2.5 miles through San Jose, CA, a city with a population of one million.

Does that make my mother an abusive parent?
Map of Route.

The difference, I'm sure, is that I knew the way, these two girls probably had no clue how to get home. Does that make it endangerment? A lapse of better judgement? Probably, but I don't think she should be prosecuted and have her daughters taken away. That's not going to solve anything.

Ronaldinho's ingenious free kick

Public Enemy vs Benny Benassi - Bring The Noise Remix

budzos says...

SOOOOO much better than the official PE + Anthrax version that came out in the late nineties. I hated that version. This is not great but it's so much better than that version.

The end of human kind (Wtf Talk Post)

Minor correction requested in VS "points" system information (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

Lemme fix that for you...

Hi. One of my comments got to 15 votes and I got this email:

Thank you, Retroboy, for responding to our internet advertisement that allows you to add at least one full inch to your pe

SORRY sorry! Wrong email. Damn cut and paste buffer!


Congratulations! Your comment has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

Now when I clicked the link to see what comment it was, I got a little cute blue-edged rectangle next to the "upvote" button on the comment in question. When I moused over it, it told me the following.
star point awarded for member applause

So I looked at my profile, and here are the salient bits.
Username: Retroboy
Number of virtual date requests submitted: 103
Number of virtual date requests accepted: 2
Number of virtual date requests refused: 101
Number of requests from recipients to ignore user: 84
Number of requests from recipients to ban user: 46
Number of user requests forwarded to police: 31
Most commonly used word found in received replies: 'weirdo'
Most commo

SORRY, wrong cut and paste again. Frig!

Here. I'll just tell you that I have more upvoted comments than star points.

So I just wanted to point out that a minor correction to Sift's labels might be in order.

...and that I apparently suck at cutting and pasting.

There is a typo in the hover text for applauded comments. Should say "power" not "star".

From Jihad to Rehab : Art Therapy in Treating Terrorism

Farhad2000 says...

I watched coverage of this on Al Jazeera English, but I found an equivalent video which covers the same center and program.

I don't really know how to react to this step by Saudi Arabia, but it really seems like another form of their policy to sedate and control the populace and most important of all make it clear to the outside world that it is countering fundamentalist terrorism. The Al Jazeera report went indepth on the counter-terrorist component of Saudi Arabia.

But this program is almost like a halfway house for curing terrorism by making these individuals submit utterly to the state, which provide finical help, jobs and apartment space. Everything is suddenly forgiven, one of them actually claimed that he was a victim of the suicide bomb that he himself detonated, that he did know that was going to happen, that he thought he would die fighting the enemies of Islam. That's just inexcusable, they didn't know? What did they expect? They would go to Iraq and pelt the Americans with rocks?

I can just imagine the disgust people in the west would feel seeing former terrorists playing PES 2008 on PS2, enjoying fine dining, drawing pictures and living in absolutely immaculate conditions. The defense is that these people were wholly ignorant before. But I simply cannot agree to that.

I really don't know what to think.

Fuck You, Female Coworker!

Fuck You, Female Coworker!

Hanns says...

>> ^rychan:
Downvoted for the abuse of statistics, etc, as Krupo and MaxWilder already pointed out. If you pay a woman less for the same performance at the same job with the same experience, then yes, that's asinine.
But just because women on a national scale are paid less than men doesn't men there's any discrimination. It means they choose to work part time and put families first, choose to avoid high paying high-tech fields, choose to avoid working on oil rigs, etc...

I really wish a course in statistics were required at the highschool level. Given the amount of random statistics thrown at us each day, I think highschools could afford to teach something that will actually be useful in everyday life (unlike, for example, PE, which was a complete waste of time... at least for me).

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

Wow, you and I were 3.5 miles apart:,+CA+NTC+San+Diego+The+old+Radioman+%22A%22+School+%4032.734566,-117.219373&daddr=5998+Alcala+Park,+San

I used to walk everywhere just about, because being the military you are very poor, so you either take the bus or hoof it everywhere. I remember walking to Ocean Beach a lot, though I was a big fan of Mission Beach.

Did you ever go to a place in Mission Beach called "Blacks"? I know that's a random question. [EDIT] Apparently I couldn't a href that link or else it wouldn't work.

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