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A Scary Time

ChaosEngine says...

"You give the woman a victim hood mentality ."

First, sexual assault happens to both men and women.
Second, yes, because I am specifically talking about VICTIMS of sexual assault.

"What about the guy? He too carries this to his grave. He too sufferer a life of pain of a un erasable false accusation. "

Yes, a false accusation of rape is awful. I've said so multiple times now. But it's still not as bad as being raped. I don't want to break my arm, but I'll take it over being shot in the chest. See how too things can be bad, but one is worse than the other?

Plus, at least, with a false accusation of rape, there's a chance you will get your name cleared.

"The difference The man carries a tag on his back for all to see and discriminate against.
The woman carries internal pain. Which is hurt most?"

Easy. The rape victim.

"this does not give society the obligation to take her at her word just because she is a woman."

Which is exactly why I never said that. What I said is that anyone who makes a claim of sexual assault is "entitled to be taken seriously", i.e. have said claim investigated. Due process still applies.

"Even is false hoods are 1% - that is too much, if it is you. Just think today if a work colleague told your boss that you grabbed he upper spots? Not even rape. You would loose your job. Then what How do you explain this at the next job? No one would hire you , just to be on the safe side. You are black listed."

Can you please try using a spell checker? That is really hard to read. What the hell is "you grabbed he upper spots" supposed to mean?

Anyway, assuming you're talking about sexual harassment in the workplace, I would expect not to be fired until an investigation had proved I was in the wrong.

Again, false accusations are bad, and yeah, it would totally suck if it happened to you.

But it's just not that common. The numbers don't support your case at all. Rape far out numbers false accusations, and that's not even getting into other forms of sexual assault, like groping or catcalling, most of which isn't even reported.

Newsflash: most women don't WANT to be perceived as a victim of sexual assault.

"Trump has nothing to do with this."
Yeah, he does. He (and you) contributes to the culture that is more worried about a tiny percentage of false accusations than the NINETY FUCKING THOUSAND RAPES THAT OCCUR EVERY YEAR IN THE US.

bobknight33 said:


Millennials in the Workforce, A Generation of Weakness

ChaosEngine says...

Honestly, I down-voted this for the title alone. The video isn't that terrible, but it falls into this bullshit "generation" trap.

Here's some facts:
baby-boomers? not a thing
Gen x? not a thing
Millenials? also... not a thing

These are all lazy, bullshit shorthand ways of lumping massive groups of people together based on the date they were born and conveniently, the problem is almost always either:
- those lazy kids or
- old people who had it easy.
Funny how the people writing these videos/articles almost never seem to blame their own generation.

FFS, stop generalising large groups of people like this. If you do it based on race, people (rightly) call you a racist. So why is it ok to do it based on age?

Newsflash: some "millennials" are lazy/entitled/whatever. Why? Because they're PEOPLE.

I've worked with "boomers" and "gen x" people who wouldn't know a work ethic if it punched them in the face and I've worked with "millennials" who work their damn asses off, only to find out (as @MilkmanDan pointed out) that companies these days generally give zero fucks about their employees.

Trolling A Homophobic Preacher

ChaosEngine says...

That's not "my" definition. That is from Merriam-Webster. I even provided you with a link.

Newsflash: the meanings of words change.

The original meaning of "decimate" was "reduce by 10%", but these days it means "kill or destroy a large portion of".

"Marriage" used to mean "a man paying someone else to take his daughter off his hands", but these days it means a "formally recognised union of two people as partners in a personal relationship".

And "president" used to imply a degree of competence or leadership, these days it means "orange buffoon".

Also, who the fuck hates hot dogs? What the hell is wrong with you? Hating hot dogs is unamerican! Why do you hate America, Bob?

bobknight33 said:

According to your definition being against something is a phobia.

I hate hot dogs . Do I have a phobia of hot dogs or can I just not lit them?

Random homophobic nonsense

Michael Moore perfectly encapsulated why Trump won

ChaosEngine says...

I wonder if Moore would have said the same things in Germany in the 1930s.

And so it begins.... the Trump apologists are already out in force, talking about how "this was a victory for the disenfranchised" and how "no-one was listening to these people".

Of course, we weren't listening to them, those people are fucking idiots. "We want our country back" -> "I want to go back to the 50s when white men had a job for life, and those damn women, gays, coloureds weren't so uppity".

Newsflash morons, your jobs aren't coming back. They're gone, and they're not even gone to Mexico or "Jy-na", they no longer exist. Robots do them. This is a real problem, it's coming for all of us (me included) and it's not going to be solved by protectionism or tariffs or walls or whatever other nonsense Trump has dreamed up.

And then there are the people talking about a call for "unity".


You do not have "unity" with racists, bigots and misogynists. We are not going to roll back centuries of progress because some uneducated fools feel threatened.

Women's rights, minority rights, LGBTQ rights, climate change... these things are not up for discussion or compromise. They are done, settled and off the fucking table. If you have a problem with that, you're wrong.

And while I'm no fan of religion, I'm even less of a fan of the idea of discriminating against people based solely on their religion. (Religion is not an excuse either; if someone does something stupid and/or evil in the name of your religion, it doesn't get you a free pass, but that's another story).

Bottom line: this isn't some "we're all the same deep down scenario".

If this year has shown anything, it's that we need protection from idiots being allowed to vote.

Samantha Bee on Orlando - Again? Again.

Mordhaus says...

It doesn't work like that. What you end up with is something akin to Australia's gun laws, which 'technically' still allow certain people to own guns, realistically most won't or can't

Category A: Rimfire rifles (not semi-automatic), circuit loaded firearms. shotguns (not pump-action or semi-automatic), air rifles including semi automatic, and paintball gun. A "Genuine Reason" must be provided for a Category A firearm. [AKA, you have to prove you have a reason to own these weapons. Newsflash, the majority of police will automatically deny you. Oh yeah, for a PAINTBALL gun as well.]

Category B: Centrefire rifles including bolt action, pump action, circuit loaded, and lever action (not semi-automatic), muzzleloading firearms made after 1 January 1901. [Same as Cat A, must have a 'genuine reason' to own one, be registered, have a fee, ton of other limitations, so basically hard to own]

Category C: Pump-action or self-loading shotguns having a magazine capacity of 5 or fewer rounds and semi automatic rimfire rifles. [Only Primary producers, farm workers, firearm dealers, firearm safety officers, collectors and clay target shooters can own functional Category C firearms.]

Category D: Self-loading centrefire rifles, pump-action or self-loading shotguns have a magazine capacity of more than 5 rounds. [Functional Category D firearms are restricted to government agencies, occupational shooters and primary producers in some states. Collectors may own deactivated Category D firearms.]

Category H: Handguns including air pistols and deactivated handguns. [This class is available to target shooters and certain security guards whose job requires possession of a firearm. To be eligible for a Category H firearm, a target shooter must serve a probationary period of 6 months using club handguns, after which they may apply for a permit. A minimum number of matches yearly to retain each category of handgun and be a paid-up member of an approved pistol club. Target shooters are limited to handguns of .38 or 9mm calibre or less and magazines may hold a maximum of 10 rounds. Participants in certain "approved" pistol competitions may acquire handguns up to .45", currently Single Action Shooting and Metallic Silhouette. IPSC shooting is approved for 9mm/.38/.357 sig, handguns that meet the IPSC rules, larger calibres such as .45 were approved for IPSC handgun shooting contests in Australia in 2014. Barrels must be at least 100mm (3.94") long for revolvers, and 120mm (4.72") for semi-automatic pistols unless the pistols are clearly ISSF target pistols; magazines are restricted to 10 rounds.]

Category R/E: Restricted weapons, such as machine guns, rocket launchers, full automatic self loading rifles, flame-throwers, anti-tank guns, howitzers and other artillery weapons [Obviously this class is right out...]

You can own some muzzleloading weapons without restrictions, although percussion cap pistols are restricted. In addition to these minor rules, all guns must be secured in a safe or other similar location, all must be fully registered so that the government knows the location of every single weapon/owner, and you can't sell them to another person, only to a dealer or the law to be destroyed.

After a few years of de-fanging and getting the citizens used to not having weapons, the Australian government and law enforcement routinely quietly hold gun buybacks to persuade more people to give up their weapons. They also do amnesty turn ins now and then.

So, that is the AMAZING suite of laws Australia put in place to stop mass shootings. Forgive me if, when combined, those type of laws would basically neuter the 2nd amendment. We've already neutered the 1st with 'hate speech' and the ability to sue over getting your feelings hurt. The 4th has been steadily under attack, because GOOD citizens shouldn't mind if the government rummages through everything you own or do. We haven't messed with the 5th amendment too much, so we could look at that next, maybe allow torture of everyone for confessions.

I'm getting tired of listing points, so let me just say this. I am incredibly sorry that people died, they shouldn't have and it is an utter shame. However, we are already fighting on a daily basis to keep a facsimile of the rights that were fought for when we built this country. Watering them down further only helps our government tighten the bonds of enslavement upon us. I can't agree with that.

kir_mokum said:

no single regulation is going to stop the shootings but a collection of regulations/laws/policies can definitely help and the right collection of regulations/laws/policies could very well stop these shootings. doing nothing or repealing regulations/laws/policies is clearly not working and those policy makers should have been able to figure that out by the time the thought had finished running through their minds.

How do you distinguish Americans?

Chappie Full trailer

schlub says...

What do you consider to be no accent? The way you speak? Newsflash: you have an accent too - everyone does...

ChaosEngine said:

WTF is up with Hugh Jackmans weird mullet thing??
And why does the robot have a south african accent (why would a robot have ANY accent)?

Why? Because movies...

Now that's cleared up.... looking forward to this. Should be entertaining.

Making cocaine in Colombia

Trancecoach says...

Oh, I see. You think people use drugs out of a deficient cognitive ability. Wow, that's some bigoted thinking! Do you have any research to support this assumption or do you just think that people become addicts because of "low IQ" (or some other prejudiced stereotype)? By the way, NEWSFLASH: many highly intelligent (non cognitively deficient) people use drugs and, furthermore, they don't get addicted and are able to function just fine. How do you propose to "educate" them (outside of passing laws) to get them to do what you want them to do, rather than allowing them to live their lives however they see fit?

mxxcon said:

Or if people had sufficient cognitive ability to understand why it's not a good idea to consume it even if it was legal.

Remembering Some Of the Most Notorious Videosift Shills (History Talk Post)

chingalera says...

I love sheppard as well, but he wont answer my diatribes without his clouded derision because I hurt his "loyal to police" feelings. OR, he simply ignores me because he thinks I'm an angry dick and that that's the only aspect to my personality...NEWSFLASH-Everyone's an angry dick sometime Sarzy, WTF brings-out the angry dick in yourself??

TEDX Rupert Sheldrake The Science Delusion

chingalera says...

I am curious as to why this particular TEDtalk has not garnered more outraged discussion considering the recent hem-haw over a user's comments regarding the notion of mind-over-matter in issues of chronic physical or mental disease.

Newsflash: Satisfactory explanations just in, more to come with additional, epiphanous information.

One YT user today suggested the following:
"@2:51 The real reason that this was banned: the audience is laughing. And the joke is - no not on science - in this case the joke is on Daniel Dennett = one of the 'anonymous' jurors. He seems to have neither a sense of humour, nor a sportsman attitude, nor the wit to stand his ground on his own two feet."

Ann Coulter Sounds Like Moron, Tries to Save Face

chingalera says...

Newsflash: Ann Coulter has achieved maximum effectiveness through her formulaic use of distraction and disinformation, culminating in incensfotainment/disinfortainment for the so-called enlightened peepsters of planet media whore.

Question: Who fucking cares about Ann Coulter or who, what,why, where, and how Fox news belches THEIR version of bullshit? Media, is Media, is corporate fucking media,period. The only job of the mouthpiece of Babylon is to misinform, distract, and program monkeys into two or three simplistic, easily herded, robot-wage-slave designations.

Hilarious puppy reaction to a lime

chingalera says...

DUDE!? NEWSFLASH: Most mammals know what to and not to put in their mouths-It's called instinct, and it's served most of us well, including but notwithstanding those of us with bigger brains-Is fishing abuse as well? How about spaying and neutering? Is that eugenics??

(fuck, where's my fucking Ermine, i need the warmth only hide can provide..)

cluhlenbrauck said:

confirmed for animal abuse supporter.

Welcome to America (Cop vs German Tourist)

chingalera says...

Damn, somebody needs his shit pushed-up. Please officer friendly, commit a crime against a minority on patrol tomorrow on camera...You have new friends waiting to meet you!

Looks like it could be a Texas constable-We apologize, though NEWSFLASH!-An inordinate amount of douchebags join law enforcement organizations all over the world- (German cops suck donkjey-balls, too!)

We use these victim-of-child-abuse-type thugs with smaller brain-pans to keep order, y'know...

Porn Stars Look Different Before and After their Makeup Make

Sagemind says...

I don't get it.
Are we supposed to be surprised they all look different after putting on make-up? Newsflash people, this is the same for every actor out there, and oh ya, every regular, normal person on the street as well.

Make-up makes you look different - that's why girls/women wear it and that's why it's a multi-million dollar-a-year business!!

Australia's Gun Control Program

chingalera says...

Hmmm. Ok fucj it. I'll go and find a video with Aussies praising the confiscation of their property and rendering the place crime-free...ish.

This is more for the country that's headed towards a colossal fist-fuck because of politicians (criminals), pharmaceutical companies (insulated from mention by all major media and, not surprisingly, self-pimping turds without a clue like TYT, one of THE most flaccid, non-journalistic cretinfests on the web) who help to "create" mental-health problems larger than they need to be by unleashing damaged goods full of legal drugs prescribed by complicit doctors. Step in, the magic wand of unraveling and deconstruction of the U.S. Constitution by appointed and approved, so-called scholars from Harvard(oh hey, the same place not a few of the cunts who run the country hailed-from) to "provide" a solution for a problem that they created and you have the slow-motion train-wreck of the coming police state in one of the best places to be on the planet.

Everything is propaganda sparky, it's your job to wade through what you perceive to be bullshit, kinna like I'm wading thorough yours without really wanting to argue.

Brave New World. Newsflash: Eliminate gun-free zones, arm yourselves against an agenda to let mental health monstrosities roam the place un-checked on hardcore psychotropics with guns STOLEN from their fucked-up mommy, and don't ask a country who will hide their guns from a government determined to take them ALL away to accept anything less than a sane solution to what is primarily a problem created by the people with the MOST money, power, and influence.

Tell me why the pharmaceutical companies shouldn't be having their asses dragged across the coals on television for their part in mass-murder? Answer: Because they have more power and money than a gun lobby.

Again, I give fuck-all about loaded facts and figures form any side of the aisle, they mean dick because the real issue lies in governments fist-fucking their citizens. Shame on the the Brits for letting their government take their shit away and shame on the Aussies for letting the Crown fuck them as well.

charliem said:

Those figures are bogus. This video is a fucking total joke.
Ive got direct family members that have been in the police force since the early 70's....they are not shitkickers, so to speak.

Home intrustion in the period 1996 to 2006 had dropped in HALF (

In the period 1989 - 2010, gun related murders have MORE THAN HALVED.

FUCK the NRA, and FUCK this video. Nothing but propoganda.

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