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Video World - The Death of a Video Store

poolcleaner says...

Sigh. We had two really awesome video rental places nearby that survived until around 2008. They always had all the good indie and classic films from decades ago, but at some point in the 2000s people just stopped returning the rarer vids. I remember calling every video rental store in the area looking for Kids and Gummo and being pissed off because people who rented those movies usually just kept them and never came back.

I stopped going after the locals spots started offering to sell you a rental if it wasn't a new release or if it was a VHS (even if it was not released on DVD yet!). Not that I didn't like new releases, but sometimes you just want to watch something like Commando but you don't want to add it to your collection because maybe you'll watch it once every ten years or so. Then you go to the store and there's no Commando available because someone snatched it up. That ruined the concept of video rental for me. I would just end up ranting with the clerk for like an hour about good movies and rental blues, then head home empty handed.

Now I have Netflix -- but it doesn't even have a comment section any more. Oh well, IMDB boards ftw.

John Oliver - President-Elect Trump

This Is A Weapon Of War

FREE VPN (never be geo blocked again) (Internet Talk Post)

SDGundamX says...

So, is this being detected by Netflix? Because the VPN service I've been using is getting geoblocked lately and I'm looking for a replacement...

The Perfectionist Trap

JustSaying says...

Yeah, that's not me. I'm happy being mediocre or less as long as I can afford slacking off on my couch, watching Netflix and masturbate.
Ambition is for those who can't find satisfaction in just being themselves.

Phreezdryd (Member Profile)

Luke Cage - Main Trailer - Only on Netflix September 30

Legion Official Trailer #1

South Park: We've been there

kingmob says...

South Park started when I was in college and I am amazed it stay edgy and fresh.

If you have the Netflix.
6 Days to how they pieces together the messy brilliance that is south park...
I advise watching it and the watching the episode they made immediately after.

Jim Jefferies on the Secret to Happiness

The making of sex dolls

RFlagg says...

Then there's Cover Doll a digital magazine... and their The Doll Forum... seems there's a much bigger industry here than one would think... then again, given how many dolls looked to be in the process of manufacturing, and the high price of such dolls, must mean the market is far bigger than most of us would think. .. Also I think Lars and the Real Girl was a bit better than Her... I also seem to recall there was (may still be) a documentary on Netflix over the whole thing...

The Little Prince

kingmob says...

I saw the live action one sometime back ...Gene Wilder played the Fox.

I read the book but never got it.
Perhaps I should give the book a try again.

I am glad Netflix decided to run it.

Come Visit Australia

Mordhaus says...

Sadly this seems very plausible after the series I just watched on Netflix , Border Security, Australia's First Line. If people think we treat incoming people rough, they should watch that show. Almost every episode they show some poor sad sack that committed a crime or something 20+ years ago that just wants to come and visit. Most of the time the response is gtfo and don't come back for 3 years, except for one guy who did 12 years in prison for drug trafficking. He just happened to be Sugar Shane Mosley's trainer, so they were like "We should by all rights deny his visa, but we have to weigh the benefit to Australia's citizens that might have bought tickets to the fight....yep, let him in." Or they have a sniffer scanner that picks up what seems to be infinitesimal amounts of any sort of drug residue, which means you get body searched and they go through every thing you have with a fine toothed comb.

I turned to my wife and said, "We are never going to Australia." She asked why and I told her that every bit of the US cash anyone comes into contact with is inundated with multiple types of drug residues. We would probably show up and get cavity searched for 14 different types of drugs. Anyway, after watching the show, I felt it was clear that the government of Australia is very comfortable with the "Come here, spend shitloads of money, and then gtfo because we don't want you here" attitude.

Calvin & Hobbes - Art before Commerce

CrushBug says...

"Dear Mr. Watterson" is still on Netflix in Canada.

kingmob said:

Calvin and Hobbes was the first thing my kid read on their own and got sucked into. There is a great odumentary on watterson that used to be on the netflix.

Calvin & Hobbes - Art before Commerce

kingmob says...

Calvin and Hobbes was the first thing my kid read on their own and got sucked into. There is a great odumentary on watterson that used to be on the netflix.

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