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they make two nests (Mystery Talk Post)

Gillian Jacobs recounts her worst date

How Ants Take Care of Their Farms

Chicks Jump Off Cliff - Life Story - BBC

newtboy says...

That's INSANE! I can't believe any of them survive. I guess they've evolved rubber bones.
Quite a trade off for a nest free of predators.

Eagle Ain't About Havin' Drones In His Hood

Teens react to encyclopedias

ant says...


My parents bought me the cheap Funk and Wagnall(sp?) from a local Albertson store that just opened. We finally got rid of them in 2008 during the nest's remodelling. In the new nest, there were even older Worldbooks left from the previous owners. However, they were worthless according to eBay!

eric3579 said:

I spent umpteen hours thumbing through and reading World Book and Childcraft encyclopedias we had.

We had these
and these

Thanks for the sift as it brought back so many wonderful memories of my youth.

Police have no CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to protect YOU!

bobknight33 says...

Your poking the stick into the hornets nest.

Sometimes it needs poked.

lantern53 said:

yeah...none of those people had it coming...just cops randomly choosing people, mostly based on their skin color...

dude, what size blinders are you wearing?


eric3579 says...

When I was done dying my conscience regained
So I began my struggle a nothingness strained
Out a flash made of time my new form blasted out
And it startled me so and I burst out a shout
At which my legs ran frantic like birds from a nest
And I ran until drained leaving no choice but rest
So I fell asleep softly at the edge of a cave
But I should have gone in deeper but I'm not so brave
And like that I was torn out and thrown in the sky
And I said all my prayers because surely I'll die
As I crashed down and smashed into earth, into dirt
How my skin did explode leaving only my shirt
But from shirt grew a tree and then tree grew a fruit
And I became the seed and that seed was a brute
And I clawed through the ground with my roots and my leaves
And I tore up the shirt and I ate up the sleeves
And they laughed out at me and said "what is your plan?"
But their question was foreign I could not understand
When then suddenly I'm ripped up and placed into a mouth
And it swallowed me down at which time I head south
So I said
Hey ya ya
Hey ya ya
Hey ya ya
Hey hey hey

Well I woke up to see them, these two mighty steeds
With their mouths grinning wildly expressing my needs
As they stood there above me, being flanked on each side
I felt no need to fear them, no reason to hide
So I reached up to touch but they faded too soon
Yet their mouths still remained and stacked up towards the moon
How that ladder of mouth waved so soft in the night
And I looked up in awe at that beautiful sight
And I dreamt about climbing into the night sky
But I knew had I touched them they'd mouth back 'bye bye'
So I got up and walked down the path in the dark
And there deep in the distance my eye caught a spark
Of a crab twice my size with incredible strength
Oh it greeted me kindly and then we all drank
And we drooled out together right onto the ground
And the ocean grew up quickly right up all around
And the earth looked at me and said "wasn't that fun?"
And I replied "I'm sorry if I hurt anyone"
And without even thinking cast me into space
But before she did that she wiped off my own face
She said better luck next time don't worry so much
Without ears I couldn't hear I could just feel the touch
As I feel asleep softly at the edge of a cave
But I should have gone deeper but I'm not so brave
I said
Hey ya ya
Hey ya ya
Hey ya ya
Hey hey hey

Gator vs Truck

Cord Cutters Unite! (User Poll by dag)

ant says...

I am between (closer to no). Ever since I moved last year, I can't get all the local broadcast channels OTA with all types of antenna. My rural nest is blocked by trees, small mountains, giant hills, etc. Basically, it is on the wrong side to get transmitters' feeds compared to my previous nest. So, my family had to get cable.

As for online Netflix, it doesn't have everything like the new episodes, sports, etc. and I don't watch many (movie/film)s (prefer on demand payments to rent). Hulu bugs me with their repeating commercial breaks (even as Plus members!). I hate ad(vertisement)s hence why I block, skip (record!), etc. ~22 minutes out of 30 minute episodes and ~42 minutes out of an hour episodes! That's a lot. Also as a chair (no couch) potato, I watch a lot of stuff including Internet's like on VS (VS is my tube too) and am in control!

Region blockages suck, but we have Internet. There are ways around them if you know how.

Gator vs Truck

newtboy says...

Actually, I've seen and read that they protect the nest vigorously.

artician said:

Mamma croc protecting her home? They leave their eggs to fend for themselves anyway don't they? Regardless, impressive show of reptilian strength!

Is the Universe a Computer Simulation?

newtboy says...

What you still fail to grasp, although it's been repeated ad nauseam, is no one talked about an AI, it was simply in the article about genetic algorithms, which show clearly that no creator or intelligent design is required for solutions, only a working evolutionary process applied to the problem.
You're stuck on AI, which was simply one (but far from the only) place you find genetic algorithms used.
Only YOU are talking about AI, no one else. You grabbed onto it, not understanding what was being said to you, and you continue to do the same, wheather willfully or out of confusion I can't say.

Many things are intelligently designed by creators...for instance, some bird and ant nests (proving 'intelligent design' does not require what we would call 'intelligence'). The universe does not appear to be one of those things, but I grant there is about a .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance it is, not 0%, just no facts or data yet point to intelligent design in anything we've discovered about the real universe and it's laws. OK?

I might call you stupid because you can't (or willingly won't, I'm unsure) understand a simple, repeatedly repeated point, that we aren't talking about AI, we're talking about genetic algorithms. I did not call you stupid yet....but I'm tempted.
You just can't get it...come on man, get it....please....just get it.
Do you like fish sticks?

Mordhaus said:

What both of you seem completely unable to grasp is that to have the AI, you have to have a creator. Not a deity, but you have to have something create the AI. The point you are arguing is that there is no such thing as a creator because that would mean that there is 'something' intelligent that can create things.

As far as my intelligence vs yours, I never claimed to be smarter than you. But it is clear to me that both of you will utterly refuse any possibility of intelligent design simply because it goes against your convictions.

The fact is you can complain, call me stupid, refuse to accept anything that counters your opinions, or any other number of methods to make yourselves feel better. I'm personally done with both of you because it seems clear that any time someone posts a video with one of your trigger subjects, you knee-jerk into posting whatever you can to try to prove them wrong whether they are or not.

The fact remains, to even have something to do your algorithms you must have something create it. You can disseminate and try to muddle the picture, but that is the basic fact. An AI doesn't create it self from thin air, whether you want it to or not.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave

newtboy says...

Even if all you say is true, you ignore the fact that they have less than 1/2 the debt per if we taxed people enough to pay for the government we have, we would pay MORE than they do per person.
Also, if they make 3 times what average Americans do, yet are taxed at less than twice the percentage Americans are paid, they make WAY more take home pay than Americans. For that, they get a better standard of living, far better schools, free healthcare (so not 'taxed' up to $1000 a month for insurance) etc...and they have more cash to play with as well. So if they work hard and invest correctly, they can retire in 1/2 the time you could with the same nest egg, but far fewer bills to pay. It sounds like you might just be jelly.

Mordhaus said:

The tax level in Norway has fluctuated between 40 and 45% of GDP since the 1970s. The relatively high tax level is a result of the large Norwegian welfare state.

You literally dwarf the US tax rate per person, almost by double the amount.

You have a VAT tax of 25%, among the highest in the world. My equivalent is sales tax, which is 8.25% on the dollar, and it should be 2.5% lower than that, but Austin is a super-left city that taxes extra to cover all their feel good plans.

To be clear, the average Norwegian household pays roughly $70,000 per year in tax. Including the state’s oil income, government tax revenue exceeds $100,000 per household.

Discretionary spending is kept to an extreme minimum, because you don't have much left after taxes. The cost of living and recreation in Norway is through the roof compared to other countries.

Workers come to the office, punch a clock, shuffle papers, and go home. There is no cultural drive to work hard and get promoted. Norway has created a system that makes it virtually impossible to pull ahead of your peers financially. In fact, culturally, there is a thing where you are NOT supposed to do better than someone else.

What major worldwide innovations or brands do we get out of Norway? None that I can think of offhand, but here is a list of some of their more important companies

So, you get taxed a ton, cost of living is incredibly high, there is no incentive to do better than anyone else, and in return you get to have free stuff like healthcare and education. Not that it matters really, because once you get out of school you get to become a worker bee drone. Unless of course you move to another country and get to achieve something there.

So, yeah, enjoy your hive mind country. As screwed up as mine is, at least there is a chance to become something if you work hard and invest correctly.

Molten Aluminum Meets Watermelon

Pedestrian bridge is built for safety

MilkmanDan says...

I'm very late to this, but...

It is definitely Thailand. Every city is a rat's nest of electrical cables, telephone lines etc. just like that. Construction is generally pretty haphazard, and public safety is rather low on the checklist...

I've lived in Thailand for the past 8 years, and speak Thai well enough to give a translation of the beginning of the video, which is pretty funny:
Guy 1: (pointing) Scary, isn't it?
Guy 2: (camera) Jeez, what asshole set this up?

That's a pretty close translation. The guy with the camera refers to the people responsible as "heeah", which literally means "monitor lizard" but is used colloquially as a slur somewhere between "asshole" or "mother f*cker". Thai uses animal words like that as insults in several other instances also, with a softer example being "kwai" which literally means "(water) buffalo", but colloquially is like calling someone a "stubborn dumbass". Sorta like "jackass" in English, but a bit more offensive.

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