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Democrat Voter Fraud (again)

KnivesOut says...

Democrats urge Justice Department to probe alleged GOP voter fraud

This is voter fraud that actually happened, not the random imaginings of Jame's O'Keefe. I guess this is part of the new Republican play-book:

1. Accuse Democrats of committing voter fraud (doesn't matter that they don't.)
2. Commit voter fraud.

I think we should all be impressed that these idiots are mentally capable of having a 2 part plan. That's 1 more part than Mitt Romney's 1 part plan.

Donald Trump's "Major Announcement"

The Real Romney. CBS This Morning

Simply The Best Dog Costume of All Time!

TDS: Not Optimal-Gate

VoodooV says...

yeah, with NonOptimalGate, you have one inartful phrase cherry picked out of an interview where he articulates just how pissed he is about the situation and how he's resolved to bring those responsible to justice. He voiced his anger in the interview, and he voiced his anger in the debates, and it should be obvious that he's probably voiced his anger in other venues

with BindersFullOfWomenGate, you have another inartful phrase, also cherry-picked, but there is no supporting evidence that Mitt actually does give a damn about the equality of women in the workplace. The only reason the issue was even brought up is the apparent resistance from the right to acknowledge that women deserve equal pay and proper health care. The rest of the world wonders why this is an even an issue. The reasonable people of the world thought we resolved the issue of equality for women a long time ago.

Romney: I Wanted To Help Detroit Avoid Going Under

God throws Romney from the Skies-Florida Blimp Ad crash

quantumushroom says...

This is only "good" progress for a 2nd-world nation. Obama can't run on his record.

The American people (those who vote anyway) aren't buying that this is the best that can be done.

President Mitt will succeed or fail based on how closely he adheres to conservative fiscal principles.

As for govt. spending, don't worry, it's always increasing.

>> ^bareboards2:

And progress has been made. Thanks for reminding us all of just how smart and aware President Obama is.
If Obama loses, all I can hope for is that Moderate Mitt shows up. Because if we get Tea Party Brown Noser Mitt, we are headed for an economic disaster. Mitt is fond of saying we are currently headed in the direction of Greece. If we go all Tea Party, we will head in the direction of Spain.
Moderate economic action based on economic facts is what will save us.
Take a moment to read about economic research. An excerpt:
The U.S. economy finally seems to be recovering in earnest, with housing on the rebound and job creation outpacing growth in the working-age population. But the news is good, not great — it will still take years to restore full employment — and it has been a very long time coming. Why has the slump been so protracted?
The answer — backed by overwhelming evidence — is that this is what normally happens after a severe financial crisis. But Mitt Romney’s economic team rejects that evidence. And this denialism bodes ill for policy if Mr. Romney wins next month.

>> ^quantumushroom:
Back in February 2009, President Obama told Today Show host Matt Lauer that he’d be a one-term president if he didn’t fix the economy in three years.
“I will be held accountable,” Obama said. “I’ve got four years and … A year from now, I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress, but there’s still going to be some pain out there … If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

God throws Romney from the Skies-Florida Blimp Ad crash

bareboards2 says...

And progress has been made. Thanks for reminding us all of just how smart and aware President Obama is.

If Obama loses, all I can hope for is that Moderate Mitt shows up. Because if we get Tea Party Brown Noser Mitt, we are headed for an economic disaster. Mitt is fond of saying we are currently headed in the direction of Greece. If we go all Tea Party, we will head in the direction of Spain.

Moderate economic action based on economic facts is what will save us.

Take a moment to read about economic research. An excerpt:

The U.S. economy finally seems to be recovering in earnest, with housing on the rebound and job creation outpacing growth in the working-age population. But the news is good, not great — it will still take years to restore full employment — and it has been a very long time coming. Why has the slump been so protracted?

The answer — backed by overwhelming evidence — is that this is what normally happens after a severe financial crisis. But Mitt Romney’s economic team rejects that evidence. And this denialism bodes ill for policy if Mr. Romney wins next month.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Back in February 2009, President Obama told Today Show host Matt Lauer that he’d be a one-term president if he didn’t fix the economy in three years.
“I will be held accountable,” Obama said. “I’ve got four years and … A year from now, I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress, but there’s still going to be some pain out there … If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

President Obama: We Have Fewer Horses and Bayonets

Romney: I Wanted To Help Detroit Avoid Going Under

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^volumptuous:

He actually does own American. Don't you remember that his wife owns "a couple of Cadillacs"?

>> ^EvilDeathBee:
"I like American cars!" Yeah right. I doubt he owns a single american car, and why would he? I certainly wouldn't

Ooooh yeah. Must be an image thing, kinda like saying you're a Christian so you have a remote chance to be nominated. No one that rich would willingly pass up German precision hardware for American crap boxes

Romney: I Wanted To Help Detroit Avoid Going Under

President Obama: We Have Fewer Horses and Bayonets

Never Before Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

volumptuous says...

Hey @shinyblurry. What I can tell is your church failed to teach you how to ignore the supernatural brainwashing bullshit that all religions teach you, and how to steer clear of the completely fabricated nonsense that will doom you to a life of believing in hocus-pocus that divides all people, has started endless conflicts and murdered millions of people all for absolutely fuckall.

Reality 1:1

And the real world said to him "Truly, turly, I say to you, to run as fast as you can from anyone who believes in Jesus, because those people are completely fucked up and are going to destroy everything and turn people into total assholes"

To understand reality, you may have to sit in a quiet room and think to yourself "hey self! What's up with believing in something that has zero proof of ever being true even in the slightest? Like, are you that fucking numb?"

>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^Fletch:
Hey, it's the Minecraft trailer music!
I want to say this is no more wacky than any other religions, but my frame of reference is as a confirmed Lutheran , so it does seem a lot wackier. God needs a secret handshake and password so he knows you're cool... that's just comedy gold. I want to start seeing "Hey Mitt! What's the secret handshake?" signs at rallies.

My last day ever in a church was the day I was confirmed. My mom made me a deal that if I completed the classes and shit I could decide on my own whether to go back. I didn't believe in magic then, and I don't believe in it now. Did it for mom.

Hey @Fletch, thank you for sharing this. What I can tell you is that your church failed to teach you the most important thing, which is how to have a personal relationship with God. Rituals and classes don't make you a Christian. To be a Christian you have to be born again;
John 3:3
Jesus answered him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God."
This is a supernatural rebirth, a complete recreation making you into a new man. It isn't something you learn about, it is something the Holy Spirit works within you when you truly accept Jesus into your heart. A man or a church can't do this for you; that's why confirmation, and other such rituals, are completely meaningless and ultimately a stumbling block to anyone who doesn't know Christ. This is why you left the Lutheran church in the first place, because following their precepts didn't bring you to know God personally. You said it yourself; you don't believe in magic. That says it all. This is the tragedy of many who grow up in Christian homes, who turn their back on what they presume is a dead faith, because they were never taught how to have a experiential relationship with a living God.
To know God is to Him personally. You could pray: "Jesus, if you're everything the bible says you are, I will follow you". If you can't go that far, simply ask if what I've said is true. God will show you, if you sincerely want to know. You managed to pass through the Christian religion missing the entire point of why it even exists. That is, to have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe, and the lover of your soul. God bless.

Romnesia -- let's get this word into the political lexicon

shinyblurry says...


@shinyblurry "I think he is polarizing because he actively works to divide people across political, economic and racial lines." Citation needed.

Here is Obama demagoging the wealthy in a speech he made in Kansas in late 2011:

"The free market has never been a license to take whatever you can from whomever you can,” and “Their philosophy is simple. We are better off when everybody is left to fend for themselves and play by their own rules"

Here is Obama saying republicans don't care about their neighbors or communities:

Here is Joe Biden telling people that Mitt Romney was going to put them back in chains:

Don't you think the Republicans would do exactly the same thing in the same situation? Three branches of government, voted into control of all three branches... Jeopardy theme song... Seriously?

I have no doubt that the republicans would do the same thing. It isn't a question of what the republicans would do though, it is a question of the personal integrity of President Obama. It was President Obama who made it a major theme of his campaign that he wouldn't act unilaterally, but rather he would reach across the aisle and heal the bitter partisan divide in Washington. You seem to think it's okay that President Obama got elected under false pretenses, by misleading the American people about the type of president he would be. Because you hate the republicans, you don't seem to mind that he broke that promise; apparently in your eyes it is justified. Perhaps you view it as a necessary evil, something a candidate has to say to get elected. But this goes back to your original commentary, that it's amusing to you that someone would call President Obama on his promises. I think a man should live up this word; perhaps you feel differently.

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