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Raigen (Member Profile)

Krupo says...

Ah, cool cool - I think I've seen the giant sign from off the 401 for that one too if it's the same one I'm thinking of.

In reply to this comment by Raigen:
No, sir, I work at the Schneiders facility in Kitchener.

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
Dude, I was planning on writing on ode to the bacon factory next to the 400. Is that where you work?

In reply to this comment by Raigen:
I think someone is both retarded and not trained properly. I also work in a distrubtion warehouse for Maple Leaf Foods. There's sprinkler lines, ammonia pipes, incoming and outgoing waterlines, you name it. The first thing I was shown when I got my Narrow Aisle Stacker license was the emergency sprinkler shut off valves. In case you break one, you run to this room by the take-off belts and shut off three valves which will stop the water from doing, well, what we all just saw.

Krupo (Member Profile)

Raigen says...

No, sir, I work at the Schneiders facility in Kitchener.

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
Dude, I was planning on writing on ode to the bacon factory next to the 400. Is that where you work?

In reply to this comment by Raigen:
I think someone is both retarded and not trained properly. I also work in a distrubtion warehouse for Maple Leaf Foods. There's sprinkler lines, ammonia pipes, incoming and outgoing waterlines, you name it. The first thing I was shown when I got my Narrow Aisle Stacker license was the emergency sprinkler shut off valves. In case you break one, you run to this room by the take-off belts and shut off three valves which will stop the water from doing, well, what we all just saw.

Raigen (Member Profile)

Krupo says...

Dude, I was planning on writing on ode to the bacon factory next to the 400. Is that where you work?

In reply to this comment by Raigen:
I think someone is both retarded and not trained properly. I also work in a distrubtion warehouse for Maple Leaf Foods. There's sprinkler lines, ammonia pipes, incoming and outgoing waterlines, you name it. The first thing I was shown when I got my Narrow Aisle Stacker license was the emergency sprinkler shut off valves. In case you break one, you run to this room by the take-off belts and shut off three valves which will stop the water from doing, well, what we all just saw.

Ultimate Warehouse Failure

Raigen says...

I think someone is both retarded and not trained properly. I also work in a distrubtion warehouse for Maple Leaf Foods. There's sprinkler lines, ammonia pipes, incoming and outgoing waterlines, you name it. The first thing I was shown when I got my Narrow Aisle Stacker license was the emergency sprinkler shut off valves. In case you break one, you run to this room by the take-off belts and shut off three valves which will stop the water from doing, well, what we all just saw.

Learn The New Slang For Drugs Kids Are Using In Canada PSA

10874 says...

Where the HELL do you derive juicy from mixing coke and weed?!!! That makes no sense whatsoever.

They forgot about bam and pow... and the dreaded maple syrup.


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'maplestate maple state highvoltage high voltage SeriousFeather Serious' to 'Banned, redacted' - edited by arsenault185

Maple Story Troubleshooting: Any Tips? (Videogames Talk Post)

HaricotVert says...

My suggestion: Do not play Maple Story.

Just don't. It's not worth it. I look back on the hours I spent playing the game and wish I had done something far more constructive (like be on VideoSift, lol). I played it way back in beta and again at full release... and uninstalled within weeks both times. Please, spare yourself the tedium and torment and read a book instead.


The Faces - Ooh La La

Canada Vignette - The Maple Leaf

We hereby claim this website in the name of Canada

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^therealblankman:
The Maple Syrup gap will not be a problem once we've annexed Maine and the rest of the New England states- they've never really been a part of the USA anyhow. I mean come on... New ENGLAND!??? They'll collectively become our newest Territory.

Like hell Maine will be.Sorry, but I like my meaningless dollar too much. Besides, most of northern Maine is already Canadianified. Hell, all of it is, really. It's the only state that displays both miles and kilometers on highway signs.

Damn. But you're not getting my lobster!

We hereby claim this website in the name of Canada

kronosposeidon says...

I'm glad this was posted, so that the whole world may see Canadian imperialist jingoism with their own eyes. Rule Cadannia, eh? Well let me be the first to tell you that your universal health care stops promptly and with extreme prejudice at the 49th parallel. Keep your Marxist maple leaf to yourselves.

Where's quantumushroom when I need him?

We hereby claim this website in the name of Canada

therealblankman says...

The Maple Syrup gap will not be a problem once we've annexed Maine and the rest of the New England states- they've never really been a part of the USA anyhow. I mean come on... New ENGLAND!??? They'll collectively become our newest Territory.

We hereby claim this website in the name of Canada

fissionchips says...

I'm with you therealblankman, but I'm not sure if there's enough maple syrup to provide liquidity for the world's monetary system. In your scenario we might be forced to move to the inferior golden syrup standard.

How It's Made - Maple Syrup

How It's Made - Maple Syrup

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